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The risk of obesity, heart disease, and other illnesses are all associated with modern


Lifestyle is usually considered as the attributes of the people living in a specific region or a place. It

involves the actions and operations adopted by people in their daily lives while performing any job,

duty, entertainment, or any other activity [ CITATION Far15 \l 1033 ] . To achieve a good healthy lifestyle it

is necessary to adopt only positive choices. Some negative choices such as lack of physical activity,

following an unhealthy diet, lack of sleep, smoking, use of alcohol or drugs, self-abuse, and neglecting

initial symptoms of illness cause serious issues to the mental and physical health of the people. These

issues caused due to negative life choices can affect a person for short time as well as a long time. In

some cases, the effect can be that much severe that it can be transferred to the offspring [ CITATION

BBC21 \l 1033 ].

Obesity causes a severe impact on the mental health of people who are going through it takes a lot of

stress due to that issue. Obesity can be measured through Body Mass Index (BMI), to check whether

your height and weight are equally proportioned for your healthy lifestyle or not. The reason behind the

occurrence of obesity is to ingurgitate an increased number of calories, due to excessive use of fats and

sugars. The severe issues that result in due to obesity are diabetes, serious heart issues, cancers, stroke,

breathing problems, unusual sweating, tiredness, facing difficulty performing any physical activity,

feeling restless, and pain in joints. Obesity is not an issue that has no solution it can be overcome if

treated properly, a person can overcome it by eating a balanced calory diet, increasing physical

activities, trying to avoid eating much, and taking a proper nap[ CITATION NHS19 \l 1033 ].

WHO (World Health Organization) states that about 60% of health factors are linked with the lifestyle

they have adopted. Human health impacted 70% through healthy diet and 30% through physical activity.
The physical and mental health of the people is greatly affected by the newly emerging technologies, the

internet, and the networks for virtual communication. For a healthy lifestyle, people need to connect

more with nature, eat natural and avoid junk and synthetic food, avoid processed meat and food, drink

plenty of water, avoid products containing caffeine, take sunbath, walk daily, and increase physical

activity for achieving a healthy lifestyle[ CITATION Qur18 \l 1033 ].

In the hustle and bustle of today's life, people give less attention to their physical health, and when it is

not diagnosed at the time it will cause severe problems like chronological issues, diabetes, stress,

depression, anxiety, and serious mental problem. The issues can be sort out if proper care and attention

are given through improvement in the daily lifestyle. The lifestyle here plays an important role in

avoiding any physical or mental health problem as the habits that we follow in our daily routine affects a

lot in our well being. A good healthy lifestyle can be achieved if an individual gives more attention to

bringing a natural diet and healthy activities into his life.


BBC, 2021. Negative lifestyle choices – the implications. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 09 December 2021].
Farhud, D. D., 2015. Impact of Lifestyle on Health. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 44(11), p. 1442–1444.
NHS, 2019. Obesity. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 09 December 2021].
Qureshi, A., 2018. Impact of Unhealthy lifestyle on Human Health. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 09 December 2021].

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