7A L25 Phiếu BT

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CLASS: 7A DATE: _________ YOUR NAME: ________________________________________



Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).

1. You hear a flight attendant talking about taking long flights. What is he doing?
A. warning against certain passenger behaviour
B. explaining why passengers should do certain things
C. complaining about a certain kind of passenger
2. You hear a patient talking to a diet expert about taking vitamins.
The expert thinks that the patient should
A. approach a doctor for further advice.
B. focus his efforts on cooking healthy food.
C. be aware of the expense of taking vitamins.
3. Your hear two friends talking about a yoga class they have attended.
What do they agree about?
A. how unfamiliar the exercises were
B. how tiring the exercises were to do
C. how likely they are to practise the exercises
4. You hear a university student leaving a message for a department secretary.
What is the purpose of the student's call?
A. to apologise for missing a class
B. to request feedback on her presentation
C. to arrange a meeting with her tutor
5. You hear a woman talking to her colleague about leaving her job. How does the woman feel?
A. proud of what her colleagues have achieved
B. satisfied she has made a success of her role
C. pleased she has made some good friends
6. You hear a student talking about his idea for a project with his tutor.
The tutor is concerned that the student.
A. will need to widen his topic area.
B. has forgotten about part of the process.
C. hasn't done enough background reading.
7. You hear a man telling a friend about his work. What does he say about it?
A. It is often misunderstood.
B. It isn't as creative as he'd like.
C. He'd prefer to do something else.
8. You hear part of a radio talk about training horses. The woman is of the opinion that
A. horse-training is better left to experts.
B. training a horse isn't as hard as it seems.
C. horses can react well to training.
Part 2: You will hear a woman called Mandy Butler talking about the production of candles. For
questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

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Candle making

Mandy was surprised to learn that (9) ________________________ , nuts and olive oil were first
used to make wax.
Mandy tried to reproduce a time-keeping stick that burned a different (10)
________________________ every 60 minutes.
Mandy was unaware that a weight such as a (11) ________________________ could be used in
candles as a timing device.
Mandy discovered that in the 13th century, candle making was banned because of its (12)
Mandy thinks the best improvement to candles was limiting the (13) ________________________
they produced.
Mandy has seen a (14) ________________________ at a museum, which demonstrated candle
Mandy wrote an article on how wax was produced from (15) ________________________ in the
mid 19th century.
Because of how it burned, Mandy explains that (16) ________________________ was used for the
central 'wick' in a candle.
Mandy now enjoys using candles for (17) ________________________ purposes at home.
Today's workshop will focus on experiments with mixtures of (18) ________________________

Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about travelling abroad for work.
For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker thinks is most helpful
when travelling frequently. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you
do not need to use.
A. Use a car hire company with a good reputation.
B. Take a copy of important documents with you. Speaker 1 H 19
C. Pack your bag as lightly as possible. Speaker 2 E 20
D. Always fly with the same airline. Speaker 3 D 21
E. Read up on local business customs. Speaker 4 F 22
F. Learn some useful phrases. Speaker 5 C 23
G. Order your foreign currency in advance.
H. Have a bag ready-prepared with essentials.

Part 4: You will hear a psychologist called Sheena Smith talking about studying human behaviour.
For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24. What does Sheena like about studying behaviour now?

A. noting the differences between people
B. getting to understand herself more
C. learning about human emotion
25. When Sheena talks about her father's 'telephone voice', she remembers
A. the excitement she felt about a discovery.
B. the pride she felt in the way her father spoke.
C. the amusement she felt at her mother's reaction.

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26. During her time at university, Sheena wrote about how we
A. aren't as intelligent as we like to think.
B. don’t like to question our cultural habits.
C. are unable to change the way we behave.
27. When Sheena took part in an experiment in a lift she felt
A. surprised by people's lack of interest in conversation.
B. disappointed by how awkwardly others behaved.
C. concerned about doing the wrong thing.
28. What does Sheena think about the work she is currently doing?
A. It isn't as interesting as her previous projects.
B. It isn't as useful as she thought it might be.
C. It isn't as easy to do as she had assumed.
29. The project Sheena has most enjoyed working on
A. had an unexpected outcome.
B. helped her to progress in her career.
C. changed her opinion about the value of research.
30. Sheena says that what she'd like to study in the future will be
A. unlike anything she's tried before.
B. rewarding for the participants.
C. difficult to achieve.


You are going to read a magazine article about theme parks in Britain. For questions 16-30, choose
from the theme parks (A-E). The theme parks may be chosen more than once.
Of which theme parks are the following stated?

We had no previous experience of places like this. 16 B

Some of the children showed they were frightened on a certain ride. 17 C
The children were all young enough to enjoy it. 18
It was good that you could find somewhere to rest. 19 B
It was more enjoyable than we had expected. 20 A
The children disagreed about what was the most frightening ride. 21 F
The surroundings are not particularly attractive. 22 A
We didn’t mind having to wait to go on the rides. 23 C
The children wanted to stay longer than we did. 24 A
One of the rides seemed to finish very quickly. 25 D
We were glad that the children couldn’t go on a certain ride. 26 C
One of the children had a better time than we had expected. 27 B
It makes a claim which is accurate. 28 E
None of the rides would frighten young children very much. 29 D
The manner of some employees seemed rather unfriendly. 30 E

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Variations on a Theme
If you're thinking of taking children to a theme park, there are dozens to choose from in Britain. We
asked five families to test the best.

A. Fun Island - The Burns family

Last year we went to a huge theme park in the US and we thought that Fun Island might seem dull
by comparison. In fact, we were impressed. The park tries hard to cater for younger children, so our
three-year-old didn’t feel left out. The kids all loved the Crocodile Ride and the Giant Wheel. There's
a special dodgems ride for the very young kids, which was a great success. For older children, there
are scarier rides, such as Splash Out, where you end up jumping in a pool! After five hours, Steve
and I were ready to call it a day, but the children objected because they were having such fun. Our
only criticism would be that the park is slightly lacking in atmosphere, and the scenery leaves
something to be desired. But the staff are extremely helpful and we felt it was clean, well organised
and very security-conscious.
B. Wonderland - The McMillan family

None of us had been to a theme park before, so we didn’t know what to expect. We thought Oscar
might be too young, but he adored it. He was in heaven on the Mountain Train, and particularly liked
Little Land, with its small replicas of famous buildings that were at his level! The older children
enjoyed the ferris wheel, and loved driving the toy cars on a proper road layout. We spent six hours
there and were glad that there were places where you could put your feet up. The landscaping is
perfect and the staff very helpful and friendly. And there’s something for everyone, adults included.
C. Adventure World — The Jeffree family

After seven hours we felt there was still a lot to see. The children loved the Big Top Circus, which
had a fantastic trapeze act and kept us on the edge of our seats. We went on the Terror Line and,
although the girls were rather scared and kept their eyes shut most of the time, they said they’d
enjoyed it. Their favourite ride was Running River, where you think you’re going to get soaked, but
you don’t. For younger children, Toy Land is great fun. The children had a look at the new ride. Fear
Factor, but we breathed a sigh of relief when they found that they were too small to go on it! The
park is so well designed that even queuing for rides isn’t too boring. It’s spotlessly clean, and the
staff are great. On one ride I couldn’t sit with both girls, so a member of staff offered to go with one
of them.
D. The Great Park - The Langridge family

We arrived at one o’clock and were disappointed that the park was only open until 5 p.m. This is a
super theme park for younger children because the rides aren’t too terrifying. I’m a real coward but
even I enjoyed myself. We all adored Exotic Travels, a boat ride which starts off quite tamely and
then becomes terrific fun. We queued for half an hour for Lightning River, and then it was over before
we knew it! I wouldn’t go on the Big Leap, but if you have the nerve, it looked great. If the children
had been a little older, they might have found it a bit tame, but they were all in the right age group
and they loved it.
E. Fantasy World - The Breakall family

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According to the park’s advertising there is 'No Limit to the Fun', and we certainly felt that was true.
Europe’s tallest roller-coaster, the Rocket, dominates the skyline, and Ben thought it was the most
terrifying of the rides, although Jennie said the Hanger, where you hang upside-down 30 metres
above the ground, was even worse! There are a dozen or so main rides, which the older children
went on several times. Sarah was too small for a couple of them, but enjoyed the Long Slide. We
found the staff attitudes were mixed. Some of them were great with the younger children, but the
welcome wasn’t always as warm. You need a full day to enjoy Fantasy World. We wouldn’t have
dared tell the kids we were going home early.
A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.
1. My doctor said I have to stay in bed and gave me a __________________ for
some medicine. prescription
2. You must give me the __________________ for that wonderful chocolate recipe
cake you made!
3. Many rock stars seem to end up in drug __________________. remedy
4. Do you think a __________________ for cancer will ever be found? cure
5. My grandma uses an old-fashioned __________________ for her arthritis. therapy
6. I lifted my shirt so the doctor could __________________ my chest. examine
7. Police have begun to __________________ the break-in at the hospital. investigate
8. My mum's thinking of having an __________________ to have her nose
surgery surgery
9. Dr Key told the old man that he needed __________________ on his leg.
10. My arm is really __________________ and I can't move It. pain
11. Mind you don't __________________ yourself! Oh, too late. Sorry. sore
12. I had a really bad _______________ in my foot so I decided to see a doctor. hurt

B. Circle the correct word.

1. Tim looks really pale and thin / slim. I'm worried he might be ill.
2. It's important to eat a fit / healthy diet with lots of vegetables.
3. After picking the flowers, I noticed I had a fever / rash all over my hands.
4. When I broke a rib, I had to wear a bandage / plaster around my chest.
5. Make sure you wash your cut properly so that you don't get a/an infection / pollution.
6. Half an hour after taking the pill, I began to feel the results / effects.
7. The doctor walked along the ward / clinic, chatting to all the patients she passed.
8. Two people have been slightly injured / damaged in an accident on the M1.
9. It's good for children to get minor diseases / illnesses, such as colds.
10. The medicine bottle said the recommended dose / fix was two teaspoons twice a day.

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C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. Dan couldn't work because he caught the flu. (down)
could came down with the flu
Dan _____________________________________________ , which meant he couldn't work.
2. If you smoke, then stopping can really improve your health. (up)
give up smoking
If you ______________________________________ , you'll really improve your health.
3. We asked the vet to kill the dog to stop her suffering any longer. (put)
to put down the dog
We asked the vet ____________________________________ to stop her suffering any longer.
4. I don't really have enough energy to play tennis. (up)
feel up to playing
I don't really _____________________________________________ tennis.
5. Is it true that getting wet can cause a cold? (on)
bring on
Is it true that getting wet can _______________________________________ a cold?
6. The flu epidemic started suddenly in June and lots of people got ill. (out)
broke out
Lots of people got ill when the flu epidemic ___________________________________ in June.

D. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in bold.
came round
1. Gill slowly _______________________________ after the operation. (became conscious)
cut down
2. My dad is trying to _______________________________ on smoking. (do less)
wear off
3. I think the medicine is beginning to ____________________________ . (stop being effective)
putting on
4. Bill decided that he needed to go on a diet after ____________________________ weight.
possed out
5. It was so hot in the stadium that a number of people ____________________________ .
(became unconscious)
got over
6. I finally _______________________________ the cold that I had had all week. (recover from)
7. We thought we were going to lose our horse when he got ill, but he managed to
pull through
_______________________________ . (survive)
look after
8. My dentist told me to _______________________________ my teeth. (take care of)

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. Let me _______ you a nice warm bath and you'll feel a lot better.
A. make B. run C. get D. build
2 When the snake bit Mike in the forest, he knew he was _______ serious danger.
A. to B. with C. on D. in
3. Being _______ an injection wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be.
A. given B. done C. made D. taken
4. Hello? Yes, I'd like to. _______ an appointment for tomorrow with Dr Fletcher, please,
A. form B. do C. break D. make
5. My grandfather's over 95 and is _______ pretty poor health these days.
A. on B. to C. with D. in
6. I was told to _______ the medicine three times a day, before meals.
A. take B. eat C. get D. do
7. I like to _______ fit by going to the gym at least twice a week.
A. continue B. make C. keep D. set
8. Eat your vegetables. They'll _______ you good.
A. make B. get C. have D. do
9. The key to losing weight is to _______ more exercise.
A. get B. make C. go D. create

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10. You should try to _______ an alternative to all those sugary snacks you eat.
A. make B. find C. take D. do
11 I'm going to make a real effort to get _______ shape for the summer.
A. on B. to C. in D. from
12. Try spreading something low fat _______ your bread instead of butter.
A. In B. through C. around D. on

F. Match to make sentences.

1. It is said that people who eat poorly are E
_______ A. on with lasers these days?
likely B. going to the gym more often?
2. Did you know that you can have your eyes A
_______ C. losing a bit of weight.
operated D. telling my dad to give up smoking.
3. I'm getting really tired of D
_______ E. to have health problems later in
4. Why don't you try B
_______ life.
5. It really is worth C

G. Some words from this text about the drug problem are missing. Read it and decide
what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.

The Drug Problem

Many people today are worried (1) _____________________ drugs. It seems that more and more
people are becoming addicted (2) _____________________to substances, such as heroine and
cocaine, that damage their health. But what leads (3) _____________________ people becoming
addicts? What makes someone inject a drug (4) _____________________ their veins? Is it because
of their inability to cope (5) _____________________ problems in their everyday lives? One thing
is for sure. When we complain (6) _____________________ the problems caused by hard drugs,
we need (7) _____________________ from
remember that people suffer (8) _____________________
all kinds of health problems caused by legal drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco. We would all
benefit (9) _____________________ more education and the government should attempt (10)
_____________________to make sure we all know the risks involved.
H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in CAPITALS when this is
1. Most people seem to be _____________________ of the harmful effects of their diet. (AWARE)
2. I'm _____________________ to peanuts so I have to be very careful what I eat. (ALLERGY)
3. Jade's _____________________ turned out to be much more serious than anyone imagined.
4. Did you know Australia has the highest number of _____________________ species of snake?
5. After a couple of weeks, the plaster cast on my leg became really _____________________
and I couldn't wait to take it off. (COMFORT)
6. I was really impressed by the _____________________ levels of all the athletes. (FIT)
7. Luckily, Ted's _____________________ weren't serious. (INJURE)
8. Working out can really _____________________ your muscles. (STRONG)
I. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap
in the same line.

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The No-surgery Solution!
These days, it seems there's an (1) _____________________ for everything. 1. OPERATE
Whether you want something made smaller or you want to (2) 2. EMPHASIS
_____________________ your best features, you can bet that plastic (3) 3. SURGERY
_____________________ claim to have the solution. We at BodySculpt know, 4. COMFORT
though, that you don't want the (4) _____________________ associated with 5. BENEFIT
surgery. But you can't enjoy the (5) _____________________ effects without 6. SURGERY
going under the knife, can you? Yes! No need for (6) _____________________ 7. RECOVER
procedures with a long (7) _____________________ period! Our unique 8. INJECT
service consists of a series of (8) _____________________ that will give you 9. OPERATE
the results you've always wanted! Call now and speak to one of our (9)


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