امتحان الشهر الثاني

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Principles of Petroleum Processes Engineering Second EXAM .

The College of Petroleum Processes Engineering

Time: 1.5 hr 2020 – 2021 Petroleum and Gas Refining Engineering Department

Q1: In a process for the manufacture of Cl2 by direct oxidation of HCl

with air

4HCl + O2 2Cl2 + 2H2O

The exit product stream is composed of HCl (5%), Cl2 (18.8%), H2O
(18.8%), O2 (5.0%) and N2 (52.4%). What was:
a) The limiting reactant?
b) The % excess reactant?
c) The degree of completion of the reaction?
d) The yield of Cl2?
e) The % conversion of O 2?

Q2: Ethylene oxide (C2H4O) is formed by the partial oxidation of ethylene

(C2H4) in a gas phase reaction over a silver catalyst according to the

2C2H4 + O2 → 2C2H4O

In this process 1000 mol/h of pure ethylene (C2H4) is fed to a reactor along
with an air stream (21 mol% O2, 79 mol% N2). The effluent stream
contains 300 mol/hr of ethylene oxide (C2H4O). The ethylene oxide (C2H4O)
is also 16.7 mol% of the effluent stream. Determine the full composition of
the effluent stream?

Feed Effluent
Q3: To save energy, stack gas from a furnace is used to dry rice at a feed
rate of 1000 kg/hr. The flow sheet and known data are shown below.
Determine all unknown rates and composition of streams.

Asst. Lect. Jasim Ibrahim Humadi Asst Prof. Dr. Muyaed Abed Shihab

Lecturer Head of Department

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