Lumanlan, Efigenio - Law 203 - 2B - Midterms

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Efigenio A. Lumanlan Nov. 2, 2020

Law203—2B Prof. Carlo Enrico C. Tinio, S.T.B., M.A.Pa.M., M.A.L.

“Midterm Reflection Paper”

Maximum Evolution

I do believe that to bring social transformation, conversion is necessary, in this paper I want
to talk about the conversion that the Philippines needs to have the dream of achieving the social
justice that all the Filipinos wants to receive from the government and also to our very own Filipinos.
In my meeting with myself or reflection regarding this question that what is conversion or
where it should start. It comes to me that the manner of conversion may occur from both sides
meaning to say, it can appear from the bottom which is the individual in the Philippines or the
Filipinos or conversion may occur from the top which I can consider is our leader from the
government. However, looking in the perspective of a Filipino, it can never happen from the top
because of the injustices that are happening from our country. Therefore I will say that conversion
should begin to the individual of our country who are the Filipino people who manage to be the
victims of the injustices of our leaders.
Let us begin to the question of what is conversion, for me conversion is the act of
transforming from one identity to another. It is hard to explain but can be imagined by our mind. It
may be the metamorphosis of some of the insects or the changes in the body of every human being.
But the conversion that I want to say is the internal conversion. Filipino should have a conversion
which will change their perspective in life that the country of the Philippines can surpass all problems
if all the Filipinos will act as one to change the manner on how the leaders that some voted in their
position will be ousted from their place if they will be proven to do an act of corruption of budget
that the Filipino should receive.
One conversion that Filipino people should change is the act of selling their votes for some
value of money in exchange of their social justice for 6 years because they voted a person who is not
suited for a specific public work. Filipino people will cry to them and asking for help but the leaders
can’t help because they are incompetent in their work. They can’t perform well because of lack of
the experience or the lack of knowledge from that specific hard work. This is the reason why political
dynasty in some specific places in the Philippines exhaust all their wealth just to attain a specific

position because of the power it entails to them. This kind of mentality from the Filipino should be
changed through the hopeful coming of their conversion of knowing that the right to vote should
not be sold to other. I can described that the act of selling the vote is situating the whole country
into danger or into a calamity which will divest the lives of the poor people.
Going back to the topic that conversion should start from the individual which in my case
from the mindset of every Filipino people because they will be the key factor so that the Philippines
will be able to grow and outrun the country who bully the Philippines.
Another act of conversion which can be the starting point is the act of being educated. I do
believe that not all things will be understood inside the classroom because it entails a first-hand
experience, but education is another thing. Education is power, it will be the most powerful weapon
to change our country and attain the social justice that we hope for. Our national hero Jose Rizal
fought the Spaniards not by means of high power machine guns, or using bombs which will destroy
all the Spaniards by killing them in one blow. However, Dr. Jose Rizal used his educational degree to
write books which can be understood during their time by every Filipino. He used his knowledge as
his advantage or as his most powerful weapon to stop the colonizing action of the Spaniards by
telling stories to the Filipinos. He opened the eyes of our kababayan during that time so that they can
foresee the true events and the reality that almost all experience during that time.
What I want to say that education will be the key factor for the Filipino people to be united as
one. The knowledge of selling vote will be easily understood if people in our country especially the
poor will have a decent basic knowledge to understand some principle in life. Education will be the
answer so that Filipino people will not be easily persuade by the sweet words by the politician. I
know that the words of the politicians have a sweet power which persuade our Filipino people to
vote for them, however, in reality the sweet words are only the outer layer because going deeper
that sweetness is only visible as the outer layer, in the inside their words are empty and does not
have power. I want to reiterate the Filipino quote of “Maraming pangako pero palaging napapako.”
This phrase means a lot because almost all the politicians promises actions which will never happen
because they have done such promise not to be perform it but just only to persuade their voters to
choose them in election.
This will be destroyed if poor people in the Philippines will be educated like how the rich
person is being educated. I want to live in a country wherein all person can understand that an action
entail a powerful word which can be decipher that it is false or a fallacy. This is the conversion which
should start from the very beginning so that Filipino people will be able to achieve the social

transformation that we want to achieve in the future. All the heroes sacrifices their lives not just to
be wasted because of these leaders who have no palabra de honor.
The sacrifices of our national hero will never be a waste because we the youth will be the
new generation who shall uplift the poor Filipino people to change and convert them to be an
educated citizen of our country.
This is very essential to social transformation because this will be some of the answer in
order for our country the Philippines will be able to stand on our own. Filipino people should be
educated and be able to understand the true reality because this will be the reason why the heroes
of our country sacrifices their live.
The Roman Catholic Church has a big role in this kind of conversion. The homilies of our priest
will be the key factor for the poor people to be able to understand the true event in our country.
Priests are not just priests, they are also teacher not just an ordinary teacher, they are holy teacher
with the blessing of the almighty to change the heart of all the non-believer to believe in the passion
and love of God.
To sum up all, conversion may start from the government or from the induvial who are the
Filipino people. But in the case of the Philippines, it shall start in the induvial because the leaders are
already corrupted by greed and lust for money not all but some. The key factor for conversion is
education through the healthy understanding who shall be voted. The right to vote is a privilege
intitled by the constitution to every Filipino which meaning to say should not be wasted by selling it
to those candidates because the money they are giving to the people are the same money which
should be devoted to the improvement of our country. Education is the key factor for the
understanding of our event, this may also be done through the help of our own The Roman Catholic
Church, through their teaching, poor people will be able to easily understood the actions of the
Therefore, Conversion is the act or the process of an internal process which can be done
through some manner which is done in some specific action in life such as education. Conversion may
start from the top which is the government or from the bottom the Filipino people. Social
transformation is necessary so that our country will be uplifted as someone who can stand and will
not be easily bullied by big country.

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