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UDC 629.5.01:629.


Predrag ČUDINA
Design Procedure and
Mathematical Models
in the Concept Design of
Tankers and Bulk Carriers
Original scientific paper
Paper presents design procedures and mathematical models applicable in initial design of
merchant ships with high block coefficient. Special attention has been paid to two dominant
ship`s groups: tankers and bulk carriers. Presented design procedure is common for both groups
and it can be applied using various application techniques: from the simplest handy methods to
the most sophisticated optimization methods and techniques. Presented mathematical model
includes optimization of main ship characteristics as well as optimization of commertial effects
of newbuildings. Mathematical models are based on designer´s long-time work experience. Large
number of data has been derived from more than 150 executed designs and more than 40 ships
built in Shipyard Brodosplit. Recommendations for execution of design are shown in number of
pictures and diagrams. Presented design procedure and mathematical models have been applied
in the multiattribute decision support optimization programme developed in Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb.
Keywords: bulk-carrier, full hull forms, mathematical modelling, multiattribute approach, ship
design, tanker

Projektne procedure i matematički modeli u projektiranju brodova za

tekuće i rasute terete
Izvorni znanstveni rad
U radu su razvijene projektne procedure i matematički modeli za osnivanje trgovačkih brodova
pune forme. Posebna je pozornost posvećena dvjema dominantnim skupinama ovakvih brodova:
brodovima za prijevoz rasutih tereta i brodovima za prijevoz tekućih tereta (tankerima). Izložena
projektna procedura je zajednička za obje skupine i može se primijeniti u postupku osnivanja
broda različitim metodama: od najjednostavnijih metoda priručnim alatima do suvremenih složenih
optimizacijskih metoda i postupaka. Prezentirani matematički model osnivanja broda se zasniva na
Author’s address: dugogodišnjem projektantovom iskustvu. Iz više od 150 izvedenih projekata i više od 40 izgrađenih
Domovinskog rata 30, 21210 Solin novogradnji u Brodogradilištu Brodosplit je selektiran veliki broj podataka o brodovima. Zasnovano
na tim podacima su dane preporuke i za projektiranje koje su prikazane slikama i dijagramima.
Received (Primljeno): 2008-02-19 Izložena projektna procedura i matemački modeli su primijenjeni u višeatributnom programu za
Accepted (Prihvaćeno): 2008-06-03 sintezu projekta razvijenom na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje u Zagrebu.
Open for discussion (Otvoreno za Ključne riječi: brodovi za prijevoz tekućih tereta, brodovi za prijevoz rasutih tereta, modeliranje,
raspravu): 2009-12-31 projektiranje broda, pune forme, višeatributni pristup

1 Introduction designer has at his disposal only two possibilities: to reduce the
ship’s light weight or to choose the full hull form with a high
Over years, the development of merchant ships has been block coefficient.
directed to obtaining increasingly higher deadweights without This trend in the development of full hull form merchant
increasing main dimensions of the ship or decreasing the ship ships, of bulk carriers and tankers in the first place, started in
speed. This trend, very often contradicting the designer’s beliefs, Japanese shipyards some thirty years ago. A few years later,
is caused by commercial effects of the ship operation. To put it Korean shipyards joined the Japanese ones, and then all other
in simple words, full hull form of merchant ships with bigger shipyards, which had been trying to be competitive in building
deadweight brings higher profit to the shipping company. In these ships, joined them. The magnitude and power of the Far
view of that, there is a real competition going on in the design East shipyards have caused the development of own projects.
and building of ships with deadweights quite unimaginable until While shipyards are building “mass-produced” newbuildings
very recently. In order to achieve the targeted deadweight, the with minimal modification possibilities during the building proc-

59(2008)4, 323-339 323


ess, a new generation of a “standard” design is being developed of vessels belonging to these two groups, based upon published
simultaneously. When completely developed, it will replace the papers [14, 25, 26].
one of the previous generation. These designs have reached the Bulk carriers are divided into two major groups: ore carri-
very frontiers of current technical knowledge; therefore they are ers and ships for the transport of light bulk cargo. Their typical
made very difficult to compete with. cross-sections are given in the relevant figures and their main
The ship design development in less powerful shipyards, particulars are described. A short description of transported car-
including Croatian ones, is completely different from the Far goes and the related problems is also given, together with basic
East model. In order to accommodate the design to specific factors determining the design of these ship types.
requirements of potential customers, it is defined on the level of Tankers are divided into vessels for carriage of special liquid
conceptual and partially preliminary design before the shipbuild- cargoes, vessels for carriage of liquid cargoes that need to be
ing contract is signed. The completion and detailed development cooled down or heated to high temperatures, chemical carriers,
of the design is postponed for the post-contract phase, so that they crude oil carriers and oil product carriers. A short description of
overlap with preparatory activities for the shipbuilding process, all groups is given. The figures represent typical cross-sections
and very often with the building process itself. of dominant groups: crude oil tankers and product tankers for
In such a situation, designers have a very short time at their carriage of petroleum products and less hazardous chemical
disposal. Basic design assumptions cannot be confirmed in the substances. A description of basic characteristics affecting the
pre-contract phase; therefore, designers are forced to take some design of these vessels is given at the end of the section.
risk while developing their design. In order to minimize the risk, The fifth section deals with international legislation and re-
it is of vital importance to base the design in its conceptual and quirements of classification societies, which refer to the relevant
preliminary phases on quality design procedures and adequate ship types [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. The SOLAS rules defining require-
mathematical models. ments regarding bulkheads and stability are given in a short
Therefore, the development of design methods and the ap- overview, as well as the basic MARPOL rules referring to the
plication of modern optimization techniques in all phases of ship tanker cargo space configuration and stability requirements, the
design have a major importance. Without a continuous develop- ICLL rules used for the calculation of the minimum freeboard and
ment it is not possible to retain the position of one of leading
the basic classification society requirements affecting the basic
countries in the modern ship design development, which is an
ship structure. In addition, rules and constraints of the three most
indispensable precondition of further strengthening the position
important canals, i.e. the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal and the
of Croatian shipyards at the world shipbuilding market growing
St. Lawrence Canal, are briefly outlined.
ever so more competitive.
The next section represents in detail the mathematical models
This goal can be achieved only by a continuous development
for the design of full hull form merchant ships. Basic input data
and by sharing experience and ideas between all shipbuilding
and their classification are defined. In addition, criteria which
centres: shipyards, scientific and shipbuilding institutions. The
can greatly affect the choice of optimum design are listed and
purpose of this work is to give a modest contribution to the im-
explained. The author represents his subjective designer’s sug-
provement of basic design and to the application of optimization
procedures in the design of full hull form ships. gestions and constraints through graphical representations. He
The basic aim of this paper is to give a systematic and com- also represents his data bases for particular ship types and sizes,
prehensive overview of the conceptual design of ships which gathered from his own experience, to be used as an auxiliary
dominate the world shipping fleet. The paper represents the design means in the calculation of particular groups significantly affect-
procedure of ships with a high block coefficient, primarily of ing the total weight of the ship.
modern bulk carriers and tankers. The presented design model The final section gives conclusive considerations of this
can be applied to a wide variety of design tasks and with different work. The applied procedure is commented on and compared
working techniques. with traditional design methods. Possible advantages of the ap-
The design procedure and mathematical models used for the plied procedure in daily shipbuilding practice are described and,
design of full hull form merchant ships presented in this paper are finally, suggestions for further development and improvement of
based on a number of successful designs and nebuildings of the the presented methodology are given.
Brodosplit shipyard in the past fifteen years. The applied design
procedure is built on and extends the so-far publicized design 2 Main Characteristics of Full Hull Form
models [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Merchant Ships
In this paper at first are shortly described common basic
features of full hull form merchant ships, i.e. of basic elements Main characteristics of full hull form merchant ships feature
which have a dominant influence on the design procedure. It also the following: a high block coefficient (CB), generally ranging
gives a summary of reasons for choosing full hull form ships, from more than 0.80 to the highest value of 0.89; moderate speeds
of interrelations and cause-effect relations between particular characterized by the Froude numbers from 0.15 to 0.20; heavy
influential factors and ship elements, as well as of solutions to wake fields in the plane of propeller operation; a higher degree
basic problems. of risk due to flow separation around the propeller; a high ratio
The next section gives a classification of merchant ships with of cargo holds volume to the total volume of the ship; moderate
a high block coefficient, a list of particulars for two dominant power of main engines; short engine rooms with adverse effects
groups of vessels, i.e. of bulk carriers and tankers. on the design of propulsion system; and finally, high efficiency
The fourth section gives a detailed description and a more in service. The latter of the listed characteristics is a dominant
precise definition of specific problems encountered in the design feature which is the cause of continuous efforts focused on im-

324 59(2008)4, 323-339


proving and perfecting technical solutions of all other features - accommodation and engine room positioned aft,
and related problems. - minimum/reduced freeboard,
Full hull forms are characterized by a heavy wake field in - vertically corrugated transverse bulkheads (only in rare cases
the plane of propeller operation, i.e. a high wake. This problem double-plated bulkheads),
is being alleviated by the development of new generations of - large hatches (the width of hatches is equal to or greater than
hull forms which are intended to improve the wake field and to the half beam),
maintain the value of the full hull form block coefficient at the - specific cross-section with double-bottom, bilge and wing
same time [9, 10, 11, 12]. tanks (requirements for double side are expected to be regu-
The present hull forms have a pronounced aft bulb, i.e. U- lated).
shaped stern lines (gondola). This bulb form results in a slight The main characteristics of tankers are as follows:
deceleration of the mean wake, resulting in a more uniform - high block coefficient,
wakefield, and, consequently, easier and more efficient perform- - slightly higher speed,
ance of the ship’s propeller. Naturally, there are some undesired - one (main) deck,
side effects, such as the lack of space in the engine room, poor - high cubic capacity of cargo tanks,
seakeeping in following waves, and more complex hull structures - short engine rooms and peaks,
for the stern. - accommodation and engine room positioned aft,
At present, full hull form merchant ships are predominantly - freeboard exceeding minimum requirements,
bulk carriers and liquid cargo carriers (tankers). Both ship types - plane or corrugated bulkheads in cargo holds (depending on
have similar hull forms, but tankers, as freighters of a higher the ship size and the “quality” of the cargo),
quality (more expensive) cargo, can reach a bit higher speeds, - deck structures below or above the deck (depending on the
i.e. higher Froud numbers. Although these two ship types are ship size and the “quality” of the cargo),
completely different with respect to the type of the cargo, general - cross-section with double bottom and double sides.
ship configuration and relevant regulations, they do have some
common characteristics [14, 25, 26]. 4 Specific Design Characteristics of
Both ship types need cargo holds/tanks with high cubic
capacity. Also, in most cases, the main dimensions of the ship
Particular Ship Types
are limited by their particular route, e.g. the St Lawrence Sea- The presented classification of bulk carriers and tankers and
way, the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal or some ports. Despite specific design characteristics of these ship types are based on the
distinct differences in their structure, the longitudinal strength author’s design experience and relevant literature [14,25,26].
and the structure of both ship types depend on the same loading
conditions. 4.1 Design of bulk carriers
The characteristics and design problems related to the full
hull form ships discussed above are just a consequence of their Modern bulk carriers can be generally divided into two main
high commercial value in service. A comparison of previous groups:
generations of standard size ships with the present projects shows - ore carriers for the transport of ore and other heavy dry bulk
clearly a trend towards the development of increasingly fuller cargo;
hull forms. A question remains where the ultimate limits are and - ships for the transport of light bulk cargo (grains, light
how they can be reached. ores).
The former group of ships is characterized by high density
3 Classification of Full Hull Form Merchant of the intended cargo, hence by a narrow specialization. The
Ships required cargo holds capacity is relatively small in relation to
the cargo mass. Therefore, satisfying the requirement of the
There are two major groups among full hull form merchant minimum volume of buoyancy entails ballast tanks of a large
ships: bulk carriers and tankers. volume. Generally, it is sufficient to satisfy the requirement of
High block coefficient ship forms are applied to some specific reduced minimum freeboard. High specific cargo mass is the
designs of merchant ships intended for other purposes (in cases cause of a low centre of gravity in loaded condition, i.e. “over
when main dimensions are strictly limited, and the speed require- stable” ship with a stiff ship behaviour on waves. Accelerations
ment is not of major importance) and to specialized vessels (e.g. occurring in such conditions are inadequate for a long-term qual-
draggers). As these ships have a small share in the world fleet, ity accommodation of the ship’s crew and for neat operation and
and have very few common characteristics, only two prevailing good maintenance of particular ship’s equipment. This problem
groups will be considered: is dealt with by lifting the cargo position.
- bulk carriers, and Considering the problems stated above, there are two possible
- tankers. solutions: increasing the height of double bottom above the re-
Bulk carriers have the following main characteristics: quired minimum (either by regulations of classification societies,
- high block coefficient, by conditions for the ballast tanks minimum volume or by results
- moderate speed, of ship structure optimization) and/or adaptation of the cargo
- one (main) deck, holds geometry with sloped longitudinal bulkheads. Since these
- high cubic capacity of cargo holds (with the exception of ore vessels have a very narrow specialization, there are not many of
carriers), them and they usually have high deadweight (capsize). A typical
- short engine rooms and peaks, cross-section of an ore carrier is given in Figure 1. Considering

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the problems stated above, there are two possible solutions: in- affect the later phase of ship steel structure dimensioning (inner
creasing the height of double bottom above the required minimum bottom plating) and loading condition calculation (packed cargo
(either by regulations of classification societies, by conditions for with a great number of possible position variations).
the ballast tanks minimum volume or by results of ship structure Bulk carriers are characterized by minimum capacity of bal-
optimization) and/or adaptation of the cargo holds geometry, i.e. last tanks. While sailing in a light ballast condition, it is important
by sloping longitudinal bulkheads. Since these vessels are highly to achieve the aft draught which enables minimum immersion of
specialized, they represent a smaller number of bulk carriers and the ship propeller and its cavitation-free operation, and the fore
are of large sizes (Capsize ore carriers). A typical cross-section draught to avoid slamming in most cases. Safe sailing on heavy
of an ore carrier is given in Figure 1. seas and the minimum draught for passing through the Panama
Canal are obtained by ballasting one or more cargo holds. To en-
able that, it is necessary to design and construct a cargo hold and
a hatch cover for that particular loading condition, and to equip
it with devices for the ballast loading/unloading.
The design of bulk carriers is commonly characterized by
the following:
a) standard size:
- lake freighters or lakers –ships that can sail the Great
- Handy and Handymax vessels of 35,000-40,000 dwt or over
50,000 dwt, respectively, with a limited beam to be able to
pass through the Panama Canal, and, with the maximum
draught of up to 40 feet (12.2 m);
- Panamax vessels that can pass through the Panama Canal,
and, in most cases, with the length over all limited to only
Figure 1 Typical cross-section of an ore carrier
Slika 1 Tipični poprečni presjek broda za prijevoz rudače
225 m;
- Capesize vessels – the biggest vessels for carriage of bulk
The ships usually called “bulkers” or bulk carriers belong to cargo, deadweight of approximately 170,000 dwt;
b) large volume of cargo holds;
the latter group in the previously represented classification. They
c) general configuration with 5 to 9 cargo holds (depending on
are greater in number than ore carriers, more universal and their
the size of the vessel);
exploitation for the transportation of various bulk cargoes, or
d) reduced freeboard (B-60);
even general cargo, is economically feasible.
e) moderate speed (generally 14.5 to 15 knots in the trial sailing
Although the large capacity of their cargo holds enables
conditions and at the design draught);
them to transport relatively light cargoes at the scantling draught
f) the use of high tensile steel;
(cargo density of approximately 0.8 kg/m3), modern “bulkers”
g) typical cross-section represented in the following figure.
can also transport very heavy cargoes. In such cases, the ship
is alternatively loaded into particular, specially strengthened
holds. Alternative loading is carried out into odd holds, i.e. holds
number 1, 3 and 5 for “handy” size, 1, 3, 5 and 7 for “laker” and
“panamax” size, and 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 for “cape” size.
When loading very light cargos, especially timber, the cargo
holds capacity is not sufficient for loading the ship up to its
maximum draught. In that case, the cargo is also loaded onto
the open deck. The cargo on the deck is secured by special deck
equipment. This loading condition is specially considered in the
calculation of minimum freeboard.
These ships can also transport packed cargo. Until recently,
the most common requirement was the transport of containers
on the open deck or in cargo holds. In those cases, ships were
additionally equipped by fixed and portable equipment for cargo Figure 2 Typical cross-section of a bulk carrier
fastening. This loading condition does not greatly affect the ship Slika 2 Tipični poprečni presjek broda za prijevoz rasutih
design as it represents only a possibility of carriage of an addi- tereta
tional cargo type. The only thing to be dealt with is to adapt the
geometry of cargo hatches to the standard container dimensions, The cross-section is characterized by a low double bottom
and possibly to maximize the number of containers by adapting – of the minimum height required by regulations of classification
the beam and depth of the ship, as well as by the general arrange- societies or slightly higher (in case it is required by technological
ment of the main deck. causes or as a consequence of optimization of the double bottom
Recently, there have been requirements for the transport of structure). The inclination of bilge tanks is usually set at an angle
semi finished steel products (steel coils, mostly). Such cargos of 40o, which enables efficient cargo unloading, as well as the
do not greatly affect the ship design in the initial phase, but they structural design of aft cargo hold end (stern frames in this area

326 59(2008)4, 323-339


of the ship are rather “sloped”). In some designs, the inclination cargo tanks (the density of the cargo at the maximum draught
is at smaller angles, which makes the design of the stern structure is about 0.9 t/m3). Product tankers are designed to have larger
easier, but increases the frame span. relative volume of cargo tanks (the usual density of the cargo at
The geometry of topside tanks is determined by the deck hatch the maximum draught is approximately 0.8 t/m3).
width and the angle of rise of the tank bottom. This angle is set at Crude oil tankers are vessels of larger sizes (from the „pan-
approximately 30o, which satisfies the condition of normal loading amax“ size upwards), usually with three cargo segregations and
of most cargoes (angle of repose of bulk cargoes). cargo pumps driven by steam turbines. Cargo tank bulkheads are
In the design of modern “bulkers”, the requirement for a great usually of plane type.
width of cargo hatches is very important, in the first place because Product tankers are vessels of smaller dimensions (usually
of easier cargo manipulation and handling. Hatch widths range up to the panamax or postpanamax dimensions), with a larger
from the values slightly lower than the half beam of the ship number of segregations and the cargo piping system with pumps
with side rolling hatch covers to 55-60% of the ship beam with driven by steam turbines or with deep-well pumps (driven by
end folding hatch covers. This situation entails a more complex either hydraulic or electric motors). Corrugated bulkheads are
solution of the deck framing. often used in cargo tanks, and in some cases the deck framing is
constructed above the deck. Thus, extreme cleanliness of cargo
4.2 Design of Tankers tanks is obtained, but also the right solution for the ship structure
Tankers may be generally divided into the following is made more difficult to find.
groups: The usual configuration of tankers comprises a double bottom,
- ships for carriage of special liquid cargoes (water carriers, double skin and a centreline longitudinal bulkhead. The largest
tankers for carriage of natural juices and oils, ships for car- tankers, i.e. VLCCs, have two centreline longitudinal bulkheads.
riage of urea, etc.); The minimum double bottom height and the double skin thickness
- ships for carriage of liquid cargoes that need to be cooled are determined by international regulations. By satisfying these
down or heated to high temperatures; regulations, sufficient capacity of ballast tanks is obtained and thus
- chemical carriers; the MARPOL requirement of minimum draught is met in almost all
- crude oil carriers and oil product carriers. cases. Only the largest tankers of suezmax and VLCC sizes have
The first group comprises highly specialized ships with their double bottoms and double skins with dimensions exceeding the
basic particulars and designs are strictly determined by the proper- required minimum. Typical cross-sections of an oil tanker and an
ties of the cargo they carry. In the total number of tankers in the oil product tanker are given in the following figures.
world fleet, they represent only a very small group. Due to their
special features, they can be considered as special purpose ships;
therefore this group will not be dealt with in this paper.
Tankers for carriage of liquid cargoes that need to be cooled
down or heated to high temperatures have a common property
that their tanks are subjected to high thermal delatations due to
a big difference in the temperature of the cargo and of the envi-
ronment. This group incorporates liquefied natural gas vessels
(LNG tankers), liquefied petroleum gas vessels (LPG tankers)
and vessels for carriage of liquid cargoes heated to very high
temperatures (e.g. asphalt carriers).
Cargo tanks can be structural and non-structural. In the case
of structural cargo tanks, the ship structure is separated by multi-
layer insulation from the cargo. In the other case, non-structural
cargo tanks are connected with the ship structure by special Figure 3 Typical cross-section of a crude oil tanker
foundations which allow thermal dilatations of cargo tanks and Slika 3 Tipični poprečni presjek tankera za prijevoz sirove
insulate the ship structure from the tanks. This group is a very
important group of tankers which require special design. As they Figure 4 Typical cross-section of a product tanker
are not characterized by high block coefficients and moderate Slika 4 Tipični poprečni presjek tankera za prijevoz naftnih
speeds, they will not to be considered in this paper. derivata
Chemical tankers are characterized by a large number of cargo
holds and cargo segregations, high double bottoms and wider
double sides, and in some cases, by the use of stainless steel
for the construction of cargo tanks. As these tankers pose great
danger to the environment due to the nature of their cargo, there
are numerous rules and regulations pertaining to their design and
building. They have some common characteristics with oil prod-
uct carriers, so design models of such tankers can be applied to
chemical tankers, provided some necessary changes are made.
The fourth and dominant group are crude oil tankers and oil
product tankers having the common feature of high capacity cargo
tanks. Crude oil tankers have slightly smaller capacity of their

59(2008)4, 323-339 327


Basic conditions influencing the design process of tankers in various conditions of flooding. The effect of each condition of
are as follows: flooding on the overall quality of the damaged ship stability is
a) standard size with dominant groups: weighted by the degree of probability that such damage should
- Handy size group – tankers of 45,000 – 50,000 dwt, gener- occur. The basic requirements and definitions are presented in
ally with the Loa of up to 600 ft (182.88 m), the beam limited Appendix A1.
by the ability to pass through the Panama Canal and the The MARPOL Convention [2] comprises a set of rules which
maximum draught of up to 40 ft (12.2 m); deal with the prevention of operational pollution. Requirements
- Panamax size group – tankers with the ability to pass and rules dealing with the parameters to be taken into considera-
through the Panama Canal, and in most cases with the Loa tion in the design of a tanker are grouped in two chapters dealing
limited to 750 ft (228.6 m); with the tanker geometry and stability: Chapter II - Requirements
- Aframax size group - tankers of approximately 110,000 dwt for control of operational pollution and Chapter III - Require-
at the maximum draught, and with the design draught, in ments for minimizing oil pollution from oil tankers due to side
most cases, of 40 ft (12.2 m); and bottom damages. Because of the fact that rules are written
- Suezmax size group – tankers of 150,000 – 170,000 dwt, and set in order by their time of adoptance, their usage during
(named after the Suez Canal limitations which were in force the design procedure can be uncomfortable. That is the reason to
by mid-2001); expound the most important rules in the Appendix A2 in order of
- VLCC size group – very large crude oil tankers (of ap- their appeareance in the design procedure.
proximately 300,000 dwt); The ICLL Convention (1966) with its amendments [3] gives a
b) high capacity of cargo tanks; definition of the minimum freeboard calculation for all ship types
c) general configuration with a double bottom, one or two lon- except for warships, yachts, ships of the length less than 24 m,
gitudinal bulkheads, five or more pairs of cargo tanks, a pair existing ships of less than 150 GT and fishing vessels.
of slop tanks and a pump room (for the cargo and ballast, or As the effect of all influential factors (block coefficient,
only for ballast); depth, freeboard and trunk deck, camber, sheer, dimensions of
d) the speed in most cases from 15.5 to16 knots in the trial sail- forecastle and poop, etc.) are considered in the calculation, it is
ing conditions and at the design draught; not possible to describe the calculation in detail here. Attention
e) the use of high tensile steel. will be focused only on the definition of ship types with respect
to their assigned freeboard (Chapter III, Regulation 27). Ships
5 International Regulations and are generally divided into two ship types:
Requirements of Classification Societies - type “A” – ships designed to carry only liquid cargoes in bulk
(tankers), having cargo tanks with only small access openings
A great number of regulations cover the area of ship design, closed by watertight gasketed covers;
construction and exploitation. This section will deal with the most - type “B” – all other ships.
important rules and regulations which affect the design of tankers Due to their design characteristics, the survival of tankers after
and bulk carriers to a great degree. These rules and regulations flooding is of better quality than it is the case with other vessels.
may be classified as follows: This is the reason why the minimum required freeboard is lower
- rules and regulations imposed by the International Maritime in type “A” vessels than that in type “B”. Type “B” vessels can
Organization (IMO): the International Convention for the be assigned a lower freeboard than the calculated one – the type
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the International Convention “B” reduced freeboard (usually, there is a difference of up to
for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and 60% between type “B” and type “A” freeboards if all conditions
the International Convention on Load Lines (ICLL); of the ship survival in the conditions of flooding defined in the
- rules of classification societies for the building of ships (the convention are met).
new harmonized IACS Common Structural Rules for tankers
and bulk carriers); 5.2 Rules of Classification Societies for Ship
- rules for sailing through canals. Construction

5.1 Rules and Regulations Formulated by the A large number of classification societies are authorized to
International Maritime Organization work in maritime countries with a tradition in shipbuilding all over
the world. Their primary functions are to lay down requirements
The SOLAS Convention [1] specifies minimum standards for the ship construction, survey of ships during the processes of
for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compat- building and exploitation, as well as to improve the level of ship
ible with their safety. The part of the Convention dealing with quality and safety by developing the engineering, technological
rules for subdivision and stability is the most interesting part for and scientific knowledge which can be applied to shipbuilding
the initial design phase (Chapter II-1 Construction - Structure, and shipping industry.
subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations). The most prominent classification societies are members of
It refers, in the first place, to the probabilistic calculation of the the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).
ship stability in damaged condition (Part B-1 - Subdivision and The purpose of such an association is to share experience and
damage stability of cargo ships). data, to develop better rules for ship construction and to adjust
As the probabilistic calculation is very complex, it will not and unify rules of all the members. IACS developed new, uniform
be dealt with in detail in this paper. Basically, it sets a great rules for the construction of particular ship types, e.g. uniform
number of calculations related to the damage stability of the ship rules for the construction of bulk carriers.

328 59(2008)4, 323-339


For the same purpose, the biggest classification societies in the ously stated MARPOL requirement, thus making it a major
world (Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, American Bureau of Shipping parameter in determining the minimum capacity of water ballast
and Det Norske Veritas) have coordinated their joint efforts in tanks. In the case of bulk carriers, the problem is solved by loading
issuing new, common rules for the construction of tankers, and the ballast into a cargo tank intended for that purpose.
Bureau Veritas and some other classification societies have done
the same for the construction of bulk carriers (Croatian Register 5.3.3 Suez Canal
of Shipping developed new set of rules and programme CREST).
New rules came into force in mid-2006. Rules for sailing through the Suez Canal are published in [6].
In the ship design phase, the choice of a classification society Vessels with the breadth of up to 49.98 m (164 ft) may sail through
is not of vital importance for the design model. Experience can the canal at the draught of up to 18.89 m (62 ft). Vessels with the
lead to a conclusion on the influence of a classification society on breadth exceeding 49.98 m have the maximum draught defined in
the own mass of a particular ship type and size, but this influence the table where the ratios between the ship’s breadth and draught
can almost be neglected. Rules of classification societies have are given. The following table is taken from the rules.
a more considerable influence on the ship design through their
requirements regarding the general configuration of the ship. Table 2 Ship dimensions for passing through the Suez Canal
Special attention should be paid to the requirements presented Tablica 2 Ograničenja izmjera broda za prolaz Sueskim kanalom
in Appendix A3. (izvaci)

5.3 Regulations for Sailing Through Canals Breadth Draught Breadth Draught Breadth Draught
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
There are a great number of canals and sea and river pas- 49.98 18.89 56.33 16.76 64.46 14.65
sageways where only vessels of limited dimensions can sail. 50.80 18.59 57.37 16.46 65.83 14.32
Only three most important canals and their restrictions regarding 51.66 18.28 58.47 16.15 67.38 14.02
sailing will be briefly dealt with here: St. Lawrence Seaway, the 52.52 17.98 59.58 15.85 68.88 13.72
Panama Canal and the Suez Canal. 53.44 17.68 60.75 15.54 70.43 13.41
54.38 17.37 61.97 15.24 75.59 12.50
5.3.1 St. Lawrence Seaway 54.34 17.07 63.24 14.93 77.49 12.19
Rules for sailing are published in [4]. In ship design, the follow-
The product of breadths given in the table above and the ap-
ing rules and restrictions have to be taken into consideration:
propriate draughts gives a constant value of approximately 944.5
- maximum length overall - 222.5 m;
m2, which shows that the limiting value for the passing through
- extreme breadth - 23.8 m;
the canal is the area of the cross-section of the ship.
- maximum draught - 7.92 m; One can conclude from Table 2 that all ships of all sizes,
- maximum air draught - 35.5 m. except VLCCs, can freely pass through the Suez Canal. Modern
VLCC tankers usually have the deadweight of 300,000 tons, the
5.3.2 Panama Canal breadth of approximately 60 metres, and the maximum draught
Rules for sailing are defined in [5]. Restrictions and require- is in the range of 20-22 metres. Their permissible draught for
ment to be met by tankers and bulk carriers are as follows: passing through the canal is approximately 15.7-15.8 metres,
- maximum length overall - 289.6 m; which means that they can pass through the canal with slightly
- extreme breadth - 32.31 m; more than 200,000 dwt.
- maximum draught - 12.04 m, provided that the minimum
bilge radius is 1.79 m (in tropical fresh water with a density 6 Mathematical Models of Full Hull Form of
of 0.9954 kg/m3); Merchant Ship Design
- maximum air draught - 57.91 m;
Mathematical definition of the previously described design
- minimum draughts in sea water are defined as follows:
procedure is dealt with in [7, 8, 13, 15]. The mathematical model
follows the steps of the procedure and, in the course of the process,
Table 1 Panama Canal minimum draughts requirements defines the values required for obtaining final results.
Tablica 1 Ograničenja izmjera broda za prolaz Panamskim kana-
lom Following the logic of the general design procedure, the
mathematical model can be presented in the following way:
for the ship’s length draught forward draught aft
exceeding (m) (m) (m) 6.1 Definition of the Design Task
129.54 2.44 4.30
6.1.1 Design Variables and Parameters
144.80 5.50 6.10
160.02 6.10 6.71 Design variables and parameters are as follows:
176.80 6.71 7.32 a) Main dimensions:
190.50 7.32 7.93 - length between perpendiculars Lpp (m),
- breadth B (m),
The minimum draught requirement for passing through the - scantling draught ds (m),
Panama Canal is important because it is stricter than the previ- - block coefficient CB (-);

59(2008)4, 323-339 329


b) Main engine identifier IME, able design solution cannot be expected, and it has no major
c) Design tasks to be fulfilled within defined margins are: importance in defining design constraints. The main problem is
- deadweight DW (t), to determine the maximum value of block coefficient at a level
- capacity of cargo holds (tanks) Vcar (m3), which will not deteriorate the quality of optimum design solution,
- required trial speed vtr (kn) (in most cases, defined for the and which will enable a quality design of hull form.
trial sailing conditions at the design draught). Defining maximum values of block coefficient is a complex
d) Specific voluminosity of the ship κ = Vcar / (Lpp B D) - depends task which depends on several parameters: length/breadth ratio,
primarily on the ship type and size. It provides the ratio of breadth/draught ratio, fore body shape and fore bulb size, bilge
the “net used ship’s volume”, i.e. of the cargo space volume radius, aft body shape, etc. All these ratios cannot be considered
and the “maximum volume” determined by the product of at the initial design stage, and only two dominant ratios, i.e. Lpp/B
three main dimensions. Ships with smaller engine rooms, and B/ds, are in the focus of the designer’s attention.
ballast tanks and other under deck spaces have a higher The length/breadth ratio affects the maximum value of block
specific voluminosity (that is why bulk carriers usually have coefficient in the way that higher values of this ratio enable higher
higher voluminosity than tankers). The size of the ship also values of block coefficient. This can be easily explained by the
affects the value of this parameter (as a rule, a larger vessel example of increase in the length of parallel middle body on the
has higher specific voluminosity). In addition, the value of existing hull form: both Lpp/B and CB increase.
this parameter is affected by the value of block coefficient. The breadth/scantling draught ratio affects the block coef-
e) The factor defining the influence of the high tensile steel ficient in the opposite way, i.e. the higher B/ds, the lower is the
use on the reduction of the steel structure mass is given as achievable value of block coefficient. It can also be easily ex-
a percentage of the estimated reduction with respect to the plained by the fact that CB increases with deeper immersion of
ship structure completely built of mild steel. The maximum the ship (due to an increase in the waterplane coefficient); due
value of mass savings (when high strength steel is used to a to an increase in draught, the B/ds ratio decreases.
high degree) is up to 15%. Recommended maximum values of block coefficient pre-
f) Maximum power of particular main engines MCRi that can be sented in Figure 5 are based on the author’s experience and
selected as the main engine. While selecting the main engine, on the latest generation of hull forms developed in Brodosplit
special attention must be paid not only to maximum power [9,10,11,12]. It is also important to note that design solutions at
which can be obtained, but also to the associated nominal the very maximum value of block coefficient should be avoided
revolutions and to the general configuration of the engine. unless it is an imperative.
g) Data required for the calculation of costs of material com-
- costs of feasible main engines CMEi,
- average unit costs of steel cst,
- other costs, comprising costs of other materials and equip-
ment, Coc.
h) Data required for the calculation of costs of labour:
- shipyard productivity PcGT,
- unit hourly wage VL,
- other costs Coc.

6.1.2 Design constraints

Design constraints may be defined by minimum and maxi-
mum values of basic design variables or by maximum values of
ratios between basic design variables.
a) Min-max values of basic design variables (main dimensions
of the ship) are as follows: Figure 5 Recommended maximum values of block coefficient
- min-max length between perpendiculars: Lpp min, Lpp max; Slika 5 Preporučene maksimalne vrijednosti koeficijenta
- min-max breadth: Bmin, Bmax; punoće
- min-max scantling draught: ds min, ds max;
- min-max block coefficient: CB min, CB max. b) Extreme values of ratios between basic design variables
Maximum values of main dimensions are most often limited incorporate the following empirical or design constraints:
by constraints of shipyard technological capabilities of building - min-max length/breadth ratios: (Lpp/B)min, (Lpp/B)max;
a ship, by rules and regulations of international legislation or by - min-max length/scantling draught ratios: (Lpp/ds)min, (Lpp/
shipowner’s requirements. ds)max;
Minimum values of main dimensions are generally given - min-max breadth/scantling draught ratios: (B/ds)min, (B/
empirically as the area bounds below which an acceptable design ds)max;
solution cannot be expected. - min-max length/depth ratios: (Lpp/D)min, (Lpp/D)max.
Minimum and maximum values of block coefficient are Design constraints are based on the design experience. Rec-
also, in most cases, empirical data. The minimum value of block ommended values of constraints vary depending on the ship size
coefficient is given as an empirical data below which an accept- and type. They should usually be in the following ranges:

330 59(2008)4, 323-339


5.0 ≤ (Lpp/B) ≤ 8.0 (6.1)

14.0 ≤ (Lpp/ds) ≤ 18.0
2.2 ≤ (B/ds) ≤ 3.3
9.5 ≤ (Lpp/D) ≤ 13.0

Recommendations for defining design constraints are given

in Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9. These recommendations are based on
some sixty designs made in the several past years in Brodosplit
and should be used only as guidelines.

Figure 6 Recommended constraints on the Lpp/B ratio

Slika 6 Preporučena ograničenja odnosa Lpp/B

Figure 9 Recommended constraints on the Lpp/D ratio

Slika 9 Preporučena ograničenja odnosa Lpp/D

6.1.3 Dependent design properties (attributes)

Dependent design properties (attributes) described in the fol-
lowing sections are the properties whose values depend on input
values (design variables and parameters).
a) Weight of the steel structure Wst (t) depends on the main di-
mensions, type and size of the ship. The steel structure weight
is also affected by specific features of a particular design (size
of the superstructure, ice class, forecastle, poop, etc.).
b) Cost of material (US $) depend on the total costs of steel,
Figure 7 Recommended constraints on the Lpp/ds ratio costs of the selected main engine, and on other costs related
Slika 7 Preporučena ograničenja odnosa Lpp/ds to materials.
c) Cost of labour (process) (US $) is calculated from the total
volume of the ship, complexity of the ship, unit hourly wage
Figure 8 Recommended constraints on the B/ds ratio
Slika 8 Preporučena ograničenja odnosa B/ds
and the shipyard productivity.
d) Cost of a ship (US $) is a sum of costs of material, costs of
labour and other costs.
e) Obtained deadweight DW (t) depends on the ship’s main
dimensions and its light weight.
f) Obtained cargo space volume Vcar (m3) depends on main
dimensions and a given “specific voluminosity” of the ship.
g) Obtained trial speed vtr (kn) depends on the ship’s main di-
mensions and propeller revolutions.

6.1.4 Design objectives

In the design of tankers and bulk carriers, possible design
objectives can be defined:
a) Minimizing the weight of steel structure
The design objective of minimum weight of steel structure
is particularly interesting in the light of a tendency to minimize
the weight of the steel used (the criterion of minimum weight of

59(2008)4, 323-339 331


light ship is very similar to that since the weight of steel structure - step of length between perpendiculars Lpp step,
in the total weight of the ship is a dominant element). Depending - step of breadth Bstep,
on the type and size of the ship, the share of steel may reach up - step of scantling draught ds step,
to 30% of the total costs. - step of block coefficient CB step.
In determining the values of respective steps, due attention
b) Minimizing the main engine power should be paid to the fact that their values can be technologically
The main engine is the most expensive item in the ship’s feasible in the shipyard, or on the other hand, that they are not
equipment and its share in the total costs of a ship can be up too small.
to 15%. Hence, minimizing the main engine power is of great
importance. Also, attention should be paid to the fact that the 6.3 Calculation of Depth and Minimum Freeboard
maximal power (and costs) of potential main engines rises steeply
with each increase in the number of cylinders; the same applies Calculation of the ship’s depth for every combination of
to the type of the selected main engine. Therefore, this design design variables, i.e. Lpp, B and Vcar, and a given κ parameter is
objective is of major importance, and the targeted main engine performed as follows:
should be used to its maximal power.
D = Vcar / (Lpp B κ) (m) (6.2)
c) Minimizing the cost of material built into a ship
When minimal costs of material required to build a ship are Calculation of minimum freeboard is performed by a simplified
concerned, there are two dominant values – costs of main engine calculation of minimum freeboard based on the actual combination
and costs of steel. The costs of other material and ship’s equipment of design variables (Lpp, B, ds, CB) and on predetermined values of
embody a large number of small items which cannot be correlated other influential factors (forecastle, camber, sheer, etc.).
with the basic characteristics of the ship at this design stage; there- In this phase it is not possible to make an absolutely accurate
fore, the amount of these costs can be considered as a constant. calculation, but it is not necessary. During the phases of design
development, it is always possible to correct the calculation to
d) Minimizing the cost of labour (process) a certain degree.
In some cases it is of importance to minimize the costs of After having checked the ship’s depth in relation to the
labour (process). This refers primarily to the situations when minimum required freeboard, the calculation with the actual
there is a shortage of skilled workforce at the market so that a combination of design variables is either continued or the com-
possibility of optimizing the design towards this design objective bination is discarded.
has to be considered.
e) Minimizing the cost of newbuilding 6.4 Calculation of the Main Engine Minimum Power
For the shipyard, this is a dominant design objective. Although A precise method for the approximation of continuous service
it is very important to meet all design requirements, minimizing rating (CSR) is used in [7, 8, 13, 15]. It will be briefly described
the costs of newbuilding is of major importance for the ship- in the following sections of the paper.
builder. This results in the most favourable commercial effects Approximation of power by the function of a given shape
for the contracted design and the total costs of a ship. [16] is carried out on the basis of data for the main engine brake
power and the ship’s speed within the range of design constraints
f) Minimizing the own mass of the ship of main dimensions (length between perpendiculars Lpp, breadth
The design objective of minimum own mass of the ship is B, scantling draught ds and block coefficient CB). Data base may
particularly interesting in the situation when the main dimen- contain results of serial model testing, results of a large number
sions of the ship are strongly limited. In these cases is possible of trial sailings or results of available programs for the calculation
to reach requested deadweight only in the way of minimizing the of the form drag and the speed of ship.
own mass of the ship. The SEAKING program based on the ITTC recommen-
g) Maximizing the stability dations and the SSPA correction factors has been used in
[7,8,13,15]. The required power of main engine is calculated
This objective is very important when ship is carrying sig- for a selected area of basic design variables, Lpp, B, ds, CB, and
nificant amount of deck cargo. for the speed area around the required speed as well as for the
h) Maximizing the speed predicted propeller revolutions. By regression analysis [16],
independent parameters in the approximation function (a1 – an)
In some cases maximazing the ship’s speed can be of the great
are determined and the mean deviation from the data base re-
interest for Shipyard and/or Shipowner. Maximazing the speed
sults is minimized. Different general forms of approximation
can also appear in the form of minimazing the ship’s resistance
function are possible.
(when the main engine is hardly reaching needed power).
The form used in [7, 8, 13, 15] will be used in this paper. Thus,
the CSR is defined by the following approximation:
6.2 Varying the Design Variables and Checking the
Design Constraints
CSR = a1 Lppa2 Ba3 dsa4 CBa5 vtra6 (1 + a7 Lpp/ds) (kW) (6.3)
Main dimensions (length between perpendiculars Lpp, breadth
B, scantling draught ds, and block coefficient CB) are varied between In the case when there is only one choice of the main engine
their minimum and maximum values in appropriate steps: type, the calculated power in relation to the maximum continuous

332 59(2008)4, 323-339


service rating that a selected main engine can deliver is verified,

and the design solution is either accepted as satisfactory, or is
If there is a choice between two or more main engines, the
correction of the calculated power for predicted revolutions of
every particular alternative main engine has to be carried out.

6.5 Calculation of the Ship’s Displacement, Light

Ship and Deadweight
Displacement ∆ is defined as:

∆ = Lpp B ds γtot (t) (6.4)

Figure 11 Factor f2 (tankers)
Slika 11 Faktor f2 (tankeri)
where γtot is defined as sea water density including the influence
of ship’s outside plating and appendages (t/m3)
Deadweight is defined as a difference between displacement b) Weight of machinery
and light ship:
Wm = SMCR (f4 - 0.0034 SMCR) / 7350 (t) (6.8)
DW = ∆ − LS (t) (6.5) where:
SMCR = CSR / f5 - maximum selected power of main engine (kW)
The light ship LS is defined as a sum of the steel structure CSR - continuous service rating (kW)
weight Wst, the weight of machinery Wm and the weight of other f4 – empirical factor presented in Figures 12 and 13
equipment Wo, that is: f5 – CSR/ SMCR ratio, ranging from 0.85 to 0.9, depending
on the optimization point of main engine
LS = Wst + Wm + Wo (t) (6.6)
Figure 12 Factor f4 (bulk carriers)
For the calculation of particular weights, there is a wide Slika 12 Faktor f4 (brodovi za prijevoz rasutih tereta)
range of empirical data and formulae available in literature, e.g.
[7,8,13,14,15]. Here, the following general forms of empirical
formulae will be given:
a) Steel structure weight

Wst = (1 - f1/100) (f2 [Lpp (B + 0.85 D + 0.15 ds)] 1.36

{1 + 0.5 [(CB - 0.7) +
+ (1 - CB) (0.8 D - ds) / 3 ds]} + f3) (t) (6.7)
f1 – factor of influence of high tensile steel on the reduction of
steel structure weight
f2 – empirical factor presented in Figures 10 and 11
f3 – addition of the accomodation steel structure mass and specific
features of a particular design (forecastle, ice class, etc.) (t)
Figure 13 Factor f4 (tankers)
Figure 10 Factor f2 (bulk carriers) Slika 13 Faktor f4 (tankeri)
Slika 10 Faktor f2 (brodovi za prijevoz rasutih tereta)

59(2008)4, 323-339 333


c) Weight of equipment Wgst – gross weight of steel (required quantity of steel increased
by 10-15% in relation to the weight of steel structure Wst
We = (f6 - Lpp / 1620) Lpp B + f7 (t) (6.9) because of scraps produced in material processing) (t)
cst – average unit price of steel (US $/t)
where: Cfix – costs of other material and equipment (US $)
f6 – empirical factor presented in Figures 14 and 15
6.6.2 Costs of labour (process)
f7 – addition of the weight of ship equipment which is specific
for a particular design (deck cranes, helicopter platform, etc.) Costs of labour CL can be calculated as follows:
CL = cGT PcGT VL (US $) (6.13)
Figure 14 Factor f6 (bulk carriers)
Slika 14 Faktor f6 (brodovi za prijevoz rasutih tereta)
PcGT – productivity (working hours/cGT)
VL – unit hourly wage (US $/working hour)
cGT – compensated gross tonnage, according to the OECD and
defined as:

cGT = A * GTB (6.14)

GT – gross tonnage, defined as [17]:

GT = K1 V (6.15)

K1 = 0.2 + 0.02 logV (6.16)

Figure 15 Factor f6 (tankers) V – total ship volume (m3)
Slika 15 Faktor f6 (tankeri)
Factors A’ and B’ are defined by the following table 3.

Table 3 Factors A’ and B’ (excerpt)

Tablica 3 Faktori A’ i B’ (izvaci)

Ship type A’ B’
Oil tankers (double hull) 48 0.57
Chemical tankers 84 0.55
Bulk carriers 29 0.61
Combined carriers 33 0.62

6.6.3 Other costs

These costs (costs of financing, docking, hiring tugs, model
testing, external services, etc.) can be considered as fixed at this
6.6 Calculation of costs of newbuilding design stage and are given as a design parameter.
Costs of newbuilding CNB comprise the costs of material CM,
costs of labour (process) CL and other costs Coc, i.e.: 7 Conclusions
Design procedure and mathematical models published in this
CNB = CM + CL + Coc (US $) (6.10) paper are basis for development of modern design tools based on
multiattribute optimisation methods. Standard design procedure
6.6.1 Calculation of costs of material traditionally represented with so called “design spiral” is replaced
Costs of material CM can be defined in the following way: with presented design procedure which enables application of
modern optimisation methods and algorithms.
CM = CME + Cst + Cfix (US $) (6.11) The published procedure can be universally applied to the
where design of bulk carriers, tankers and other ship types with similar
basic characteristics. The advantage of the presented procedure
CME – costs of main engine (US $) over standard procedures (e.g. design using a design spiral) is
that it can be applied and adaped to different methods used for
Cst = Wgst cst (US $) (6.12) carrying out the design procedure.

334 59(2008)4, 323-339


A further development of the design procedure can take place [18] ŽANIĆ, V., GRUBIŠIĆ, I., TRINCAS, G.: Multiattribute
in two parallel directions: extending data bases of mathematical Decision Making System Based on Random Generation of
models for the design of particular ship types and sizes and ex- Nondominated Solutions: an Application to Fishing Vessel
tending data bases to include the exploitation life of a ship. The Design, Proceedings of PRADS 92.
former direction leads to the preparation of Croatian shipyards [19] TRINCAS, G., ŽANIĆ, V., GRUBIŠIĆ, I.: Comprehensive
to move on to building more complex ships. The latter direction Concept of Fast Ro-Ro Ships by Multiattribute Decision-
leads to the research of the field which has not been adequately Making, Proceedings of 5th International Marine Design
researched in the world shipbuilding and marine practice, i.e. to Conference, IMDC’94, Delft, 1994.
the design optimization not only from the point of view of the [20] GRUBIŠIĆ, I., ŽANIĆ, V., TRINCAS, G.: Sensitivity of
shipyard and the prospective customer, but also to the design Multiattribute Design to Economy Enviroment: Shortsea
optimization with respect to the ship’s life – from contracting and Ro-Ro Vessels, Proceedings of VI International Marine
building, to exploitation and final sale or laying up. Design Conference, Vol 1, Newcastle, 1997, 201-216, Vol 3,
Discussions and Replies, 89, 92 (1997), Penshaw Press.
References [21] ŽANIĆ, V.: Decision Support Techniques in Structural
and General Ship Design, Proceedings of the International
[1] International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Congress of Marine Research and Transportation - ICMRT
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Con- 2005 / Cassella, Pasquale; Cioffi Pasquale (ur.), Naples,
solidated Edition, London 2004. Italy, 2005, 1-14.
[2] International Maritime Organization (IMO), International [22] ŽANIĆ, V., ŽIHA, K.: Sensitivity to Correlation in Multi-
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships variate Models, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engi-
(MARPOL) 73/78, Consolidated Edition, London 2002. neering Sciences 5(1998), 75-84, Polska Akademia Nauk,
[3] International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Warsaw.
Convention on Load Lines (ICLL), 1966, as amended. [23] ŽANIĆ, V., ANDRIĆ, J., FRANK, D.: Structural Optimisa-
[4] Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, De- tion Method for the Concept Design of Ship Structures //
partment of Transportation: Seaway regulations and rules, Proceedings of the 8th International Marine Design Confer-
Edition 2004. ence / Papanikoalu, A.D. (ur.), Athens: National Technical
[5] Autoridad del Canal de Panama, MR Notice to Shipping University of Athens, 2003, 205-217.
No. N-1-2003, Vessel Requirements, 2003. [24] ŽANIĆ, V., ANDRIĆ J., PREBEG P.: Superstructure Deck
[6] Suez Canal Authority, Rules of Navigation, Circular No Effectiveness of the Generic Ship Types - A Concept Design
2/2001, 2001. Methodology // Proceedings of the 11th International Con-
[7] ČUDINA, P.: Application of Multicriterial Optimisation gress of International Maritime Association of the Mediter-
in the Initial Design in Shipyard Split, Proceedings of the ranean (IMAM 2005), Lisbon, 2005, 579-588.
XI Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding in [25] WATSON, D.G.M.: Practical Ship Design, Elsevier Science
Memoriam of Prof. Leopold Sorta, Dubrovnik 1994. Ltd, Oxford 1998.
[8] ČUDINA, P.: Initial Design of the New Generation Suezmax [26] BOSNIĆ, A.: Basic Ship Design, Sveučilišna naklada Liber,
Tanker, Proceedings of the XII Symposium on Theory and Zagreb 1981. (in Croatian)
Practice of Shipbuilding in Memoriam of Prof. Leopold [27] NOVAK, V.: Fuzzy Sets and their Applications, Adam
Sorta , Zagreb 1996. Hilger, Bristol 1989.
[9] ČUDINA, P.: Research & Development Supercargo Project [28] ČUDINA, P.: Design Procedure and Mathematical Models
(I), Brodogradnja 48(2000)4, 338-342. in the Basic Design of Tankers and Bulk Carriers, Brodog-
[10] ČUDINA, P.: Research & Development Supercargo Project radnja (2008). (in print)
(II), Brodogradnja 49(2001)1, 55-60.
[11] ČUDINA, P.: Research & Development Supercargo Project
(III), Brodogradnja 49(2001)3, 300-306. Appendices
[12] ČUDINA, P.: Research & Development Supercargo Project
(IV), Brodogradnja 49(2001)4, 409-413. Appendix A1: Basic elements of damage stability
[13] BELAMARIĆ, I., ČUDINA, P., ŽIHA, K.: Design Analysis probabilistic calculation (e.g.
of a New Generation of Suezmax Tankers, Journal of Ship environmental pollution problems)
Production 15(1999), 53-64.
[14] WATSON, D.G.M., GILFILLAN, A.W.: Some Ship Design Required subdivision index (for ships longer than 80 m)
Methods, The Naval Architect 4(1977)6, 279-324.
[15] BELAMARIĆ, I., ŽIHA, K., ČUDINA, P.: Multicriterial Op- R = (0.002 + 0.0009 Ls)1/3 (A1.1)
timisation of the Suezmax tanker 150,000 dwt, Proceedings
of the X Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding where Ls (subdivision length of the ship) is defined as the greatest
in Memoriam of Prof. Leopold Sorta, Rijeka 1992. projected moulded length of that part of a ship at or below deck,
[16] MAGAZINOVIĆ, G.: Powers Regression Analysis, Ver. or as decks limiting the vertical extent of flooding with the ship
1.0, User’s Guide, CADEA, Split 1997. (in Croatian) at the deepest subdivision load line.
[17] International Maritime Organization (IMO), International The attained subdivision index is
Convention on the Tonnage Measurement of Ships, London
1969. A = Σ pi s i (A1.2)

59(2008)4, 323-339 335


where (2) if bi / B is less than one fifth:

- with no centreline bulkhead:
i – represents each compartment or group of compartments under
(0.5 bi / B + 0.1) L (A2.7)
- with a centreline bulkhead:
pi – accounts for the probability that only the compartment or a
(0.25 bi / B + 0.15) L (A2.8)
group of compartments under consideration may be flooded,
disregarding any horizontal subdivision, where bi is the minimum distance from the ship’s side to the outer
si = C [0.5 (GZmax) (range of stability)]½ - accounts for the prob- longitudinal bulkhead of the tank in question measured inboard
ability of survival probability after flooding the compartment at right angles to the centreline at the level corresponding to the
or a group of compartments under consideration, including assigned summer freeboard.
the effects of any horizontal subdivision. The length of a ship L (m) is defined as 96% of the total length
C=1 if θe ≤ 25o on the waterline at 85% of the moulded depth, or as a distance
C=0 if θe > 30o from the stem to the axis of rudder stock on that waterline,
C= [(30 - θe) / 5] otherwise
whichever value is greater.
GZmax – maximum positive righting lever (m) within the stability Maximum cargo tank capacity is defined in the way that a
range, but not greater than 0.1 m hypothetical oil outflow in the case of side damage of the ship Oc
θe – final equilibrium angle of heel (o) or the bottom damage of the ship Os should not exceed 30,000
The stability range is taken maximally up to the angle of m3 or 400 (DW)1/3, whichever value is greater, but subject to a
heel of 20o. maximum of 40,000 m3.
The attained subdivision index must be higher that the re- Basic calculations of a hypothetical cargo discharge in the
quired one. If that is not the case, some interventions have to be case of ship damage are as follows:
made in the design, either by additional subdivisions, increased
(a) for side damages
freeboard, rearrangement or heightening of hatch coamings or
by using some other means. Oc = Σ Wi + Σ Ki Ci (A2.9)
(b) for bottom damages
Appendix A2: MARPOL rules of major importance in
Os = 1/3 (Σ Zi Wi + Σ Zi Ci) (A2.10)
the design procedure
Minimum dimensions for the double side and double bottom where
are established in Chapter II, Regulation 13F. The minimum width Wi (m3) = volume of a wing tank assumed to be breached by
(w) of the double side is defined in the following way: the damage
Ci (m3) = volume of a centre tank assumed to be breached
w = 0.5 + DW / 20000 (m), or (A2.1) by the damage
Ki = 1 - bi / tc when bi is equal to or greater than tc, Ki shall be
w = 2.0 (m) , whichever is the lesser. The minimum value is taken as 0
1.0 m Zi = 1 - hi / vs when hi is equal to or greater than vs, Zi shall be
where DW (t) is deadweight. taken as 0
Minimum height (h) of the double bottom is determined in bi (m) = width of wing tank under consideration measured
the following way: inboard from the ship’s side at right angles to the
centreline at the level corresponding to the as-
h = B / 15 (m), or (A2.2) signed summer freeboard
hi (m) = minimum depth of the double bottom under con-
h = 2.0 (m), whichever is the lesser. The minimum value is 1.0 m sideration
where B (m) is the moulded breadth of the ship. tc, vs are assumed damages defined in folowing text.
Maximum dimensions of cargo tanks are defined in Chapter For the purpose of calculating hypothetical oil outflow fol-
III. It will be briefly presented with in the following text. lowing extent of damages are assumed:
Maximum length of a cargo tank is 10 m or any of the fol- (a) Side damage
lowing values, whichever value is greater: 1
(i) Longitudinal extent (lc): /3 L2/3 or 14.5 m,
a) for tankers with no longitudinal bulkhead inside the cargo whichever is less (A2.11)
tanks (ii) Transverse extent (tc): B/5 ili 11.5 m,
(0.5 bi / B + 0.1) L but not to exceed 0.2 L (A2.3) whichever is less (A2.12)
b) for tankers with a centreline longitudinal bulkhead inside the (iii) Vertical extent (vc): from the baseline
cargo tanks upwards without limit
(0.25 bi / B + 0.15) L (A2.4) (b) Bottom damage From 0.3 L from Any other part of
c) for tankers with two or more longitudinal bulkheads inside the forward the ship
the cargo tanks perpendicular
(i) for wing cargo tanks: 0.2 L (A2.5) (i) Longitudinal
(ii) for centre cargo tanks: extent (ls): L/10 L/10 or 5 m,
(1) if bi / B is equal to or whichever
greater than one fifth: 0.2 L (A2.6) is less (A2.13)

336 59(2008)4, 323-339


(ii) Transverse B/6 or 10 m, 5m (A2.14) Damage stability criteria are as follows:

extent (ts): whichever (a) The final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and
is less, but not trim, shall be below the lower edge of any opening through
less than 5 m which progressive flooding may take place.
(iii) Vertical B/15 or 6 m, (A2.15) (b) In the final stage of flooding, the angle of heel due to unsymme-
extent from whichever is less trical flooding shall not exceed 25o, provided that this angle may
the baseline be increased up to 30o if no deck edge immersion occurs.
(vs): (c) The stability in the final stage of flooding shall be investigated
Damage assumptions and stability criteria are established and may be regarded as sufficient if the righting lever curve
in Chapter III and Chapter II, Regulation 13F. It will be briefly has at least a range of 20o beyond the position of equilibrium
presented with in the following text. in association with a maximum residual righting lever of at
Damage stability criteria shall aply to: least 0.1 m within the 20o range; the area within this range
- tankers of more than 225 m in length, anywhere in the ship’s shall not be less 0.0175 metre radian.
length The requirement for minimum volume of ballast tanks is
- tankers of more than 150 m, but not exceeding 225 m in given in Chapter II, Regulation 13 by a definition of minimum
length, anywhere in the ship’s length, except involving either ballast draughts. The minimum moulded amidships draught dm
after or forward bulkhead bounding the machinery space is given as:
located aft. The machinery space shall be treated as a single
floodable compartment dm = 2.0 + 0.02 L (m) (A2.25)
- tankers not exceeding 150 m in length, anywhere in the
ship’s length between adjacent transverse bulkheads with the in association with the maximum aft trim of 0.015 L and enabling
exception of the machinery space. full immersion of the propeller(s).
Damage cases:
(a) Side damage Appendix A3: Classification societies’ rules having a
(i) Longitudinal extent 1/3 L2/3 or 14.5 m, influence on the general configuration
whichever is less; (A2.16) of the ship
(ii) Transverse extent: B/5 or 11.5 m, Further are presented DNV’s requirements, other classifica-
(inboard from the whichever is less; (A2.17) tion societies have similar requirements.
ship’s side at right
angles to the centreline 1) Minimum number of watertight transverse bulkheads
at the level of the For ships without a longitudinal bulkhead and with the en-
summer load line) gine room located at the stern, the minimum number of bulkheads
(iii) Vertical extent: from the moulded is defined by the following table A3.1.
line of the bottom
shell plating at centreline, Table A3.1 Minimum number of transverse bulkheads
upwards without limit Tablica A3.1 Minimalni broj poprečnih pregrada
(b) Bottom damage For 0.3 L from the Any other part Length of a ship (m) Number of bulkheads
forward perpendicular of the ship 85 < L ≤ 105 4
(i) Longitudinal 105 < L ≤ 125 5
extent: /3 L2/3 or 14.5 m, 1
/3 L2/3 or 5 m,
125 < L ≤ 145 6
whichever is less whichever is less
145 < L ≤ 165 7
(ii) Transverse B/6 or 10 m, B/6 ili 5 m, 165 < L ≤ 190 8
extent: whichever is less whichever is less 190 < L ≤ 225 9
(A2.19) L > 225 considered individually
(iii) Vertical extent B/15 or 6 m, whichever is less,
measured from the moulded line of the bottom L (m) – length between perpendiculars (it should not be less than
shell plating at centreline (A2.20) 96% or greater than 97% of the water line length at maximum
(c) Bottom raking damage (for oil tankers of 20,000 dwt and The number of watertight transverse bulkheads may be lesser
above) than the minimum number required. If that is case, the ship must
(1) longitudinal extent satisfy the conditions of damage stability, and the problem of
(i) for ships of 75,000 dwt and above: general configuration and strength of the ship should be given
0.6 L measured from the forward due attention.
perpendicular (A2.21)
(ii) for ships of less than 75,000 dwt: 2) Position of collision bulkhead
0.4 L measured from the forward The position of collision bulkhead defines the length of the
perpendicular (A2.22) fore peak and the cargo space. It is defined as follows:
(2) transverse extent: B/3 anywhere in the bottom (A2.23) The distance from the forward perpendicular (xc) must be
(3) vertical extent: breach of the outer hull. (A2.24) within the values stated below:

59(2008)4, 323-339 337


xc (minimum) = 0.05 L - xr (m) for L < 200 m (A3.1) ds scantling draught, m

xc (minimum) = 10 - xr (m) for L ≥ 200 m dm minimum ballast draught amidships, m
xc (maximum) = 0.08 L - xr (m) D moulded depth of the, m
DW deadweight, t
where f1 factor of influence of high tensile steel on the reduc-
L – is the length of a ship defined according to ICLL, i.e. 96% tion of steel structure weight (%)
of the length overall at 85% of the moulded depth of the ship, or f2 empirical factor presented in Figures 10 and 11
the distance between the stem and the centre of the rudder shaft f3 addition of the accommodation steel structure mass
at the same waterline, whichever length is greater. and specific features of a particular design, t
xr – reduction due to bulbous bow, defined as f4 empirical factor presented in Figures 12 and 13
xr = 0 for a bow without bulb f5 CSR/SMCR ratio
or, as the least value of the following values for a bulbous bow: f6 empirical factor presented in Figures 14 and 15
xr = 0.5 xb (m) f7 addition of the weight of ship equipment which is
xr = 0.015 L (m) specific for a particular design, t
xr = 3.0 (m) FA minimum freeboard for ships type A, mm
FB-60 reduced minimum (B-60) freeboard, mm
where FtA tabular freeboard for ships type A, mm
xb – is the length of the bulbous bow. FtB tabular freeboard for ships type B, mm
FtB-60 reduced minimum (B-60) tabular freeboard, mm
3) Minimum height of double bottom GT gross tonnage
The minimum height of double bottom is defined by the GZmax maximum positive righting lever, m
requirement for the height of the double bottom centre girder h height of double bottom, m
and brackets at the centreline of the ship. The minimum height I unit matrix
is defined in the following way: IME identificator of the main engine
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
hmin = 250 + 20 B + 50 ds (mm), minimum 650 mm (A3.2) ICLL International Convention on Load Lines
IMO International Maritime Organization
ITTC International Towing Tank Convention
where lc longitudinal extent in the case of side damage, m
B – breadth of the ship (m) ls longitudinal extent in the case of bottom damage, m
ds – scantling draught (m). L length of the ship, m
LF length of the ship for the purpose of minimum free-
Nomenclature board calculation, m
Lpp length between perpendiculars, m
A attained subdivision index LNG liquefied natural gas
bi minimum distance from the ship’s side to the outer LPG liquefied petroleum gas
longitudinal bulkhead of the tank in question meas- LS lightweight of the ship, t
ured inboard at right angles to the centreline at the MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pol-
level corresponding to the assigned summer free- lution from Ships
board, m MCR maximum continuous rating, kW
B maximum breadth of the ship, m NA number of attributes
cst average unit price of steel, US $/t Oc hypothetical cargo discharge in the case of side ship
cGT compensated gross tonnage damage, m3
C consistency level Os hypothetical cargo discharge in the case of bottom
CB block coefficient ship damage, m3
CBD block coefficient at the moulded depth OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Devel-
CB 0.85D block coefficient at 85% of the moulded depth opment
CCB freeboard correction for the block coefficient p importance vector
CD freeboard correction for the moulded depth, mm pi importance of attribute i
Ci volume of a centre tank assumed to be breached by pi probability that only the compartment or a group of
the damage, m3 compartments under consideration may be flooded
Cfix costs of other material and equipment, US $ P preference matrix
Cfc freeboard correction for forecastle, mm PcGT productivity, working hour/fcGT
CL cost of labour, US $ Pij ratio of importance of attributes i and j
CM cost of material, US $ Poc other costs, US $
CME cost of main engine, US $ R required subdivision index
CNB cost of newbuilding, US $ si probability of survival probability after flooding
Csh freeboard correction for sheer, mm the compartment or a group of compartments under
Cst cost of steel, US $ consideration
CSR continuous service rating, kW SMCR selected maximum continuous rating, kW

338 59(2008)4, 323-339


SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at VLCC very large crude oil carrier
Sea w minimum double side width, m
SSPA Swedish hydrodynamics institute Wgst gross weight of steel, t
tc transversal extent in the case of side damage, m Wi volume of a wing tank assumed to be breached by the
ts transversal extent in the case of bottom damage, m damage, m3
U(y(x)) fuzzy function of attribute y Wm weight of machinery, t
vc vertical extent in the case of side damage, m We weight of equipment, t
vs vertical extent in the case of bottom damage, m Wst weight of steel structure, t
vtr trial speed, kn xb length of the bulbous bow, m
V total ship volume, m3 xc distance from the forward perpendicular, m
Vcar capacity of cargo holds (tanks), m3 xr reduction due to bulbous bow, m
Vfc volume of the forecastle, m3 γtot sea water density including the influence of ship plat-
Vsup volume of the accommodation, hatch coamings and ing and appendages, t/m3
hatch covers, m3 ∆ displacement, t
Vcam volume of the camber, m3 θe final equilibrium angle of heel, o
VD ship´s volume up to moulded depth, m3 κ specific voluminosity of the ship
VL unit hourly wage, US $/working hour λi eigenvalues of the problem

59(2008)4, 323-339 339

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