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Verse 1. Presenting the socio-economic premise for the birth of scientific

In the 1940s, the industrial revolution flourished to create a great
industrial. The great mechanical industry makes the capitalist mode of production
a great development. The development of the great industrialism and the birth of
two basic, opposite class of interests, but dependent on each other: the bourge
into the bourge into the working class.
- The struggles of the working class against the oppressive dominance of
the bourge into the bourgeial class, the social manifestation of the increasingly
fierce conflict between the social productive forces and the production
relationship based on the capitalist private ownership of the means of production,
The Charter Movement of Workers in England lasted more than 10 years
The textile workers' movement in The City of Chile, Germany, took place in
In particular, the movement of textile workers in Li-on, France, which took
place in 1831 and 1834 was politically distinct.
The rapidly overt political development of the workers' movement
demonstrated that, for the first time, the working class has emerged as an
independent political force with its own economic and political claims and has
begun to direct the spearhead of the struggle to its main enemy, the bourgeue.
The rise of the working-class struggle requires a system of enlightened reasoning
and a political platform as a guide to action.
=> These socio-economic conditions not only place demands on the
thinkers of the working class but also the real land for the birth of a new,
progressive - scientific socialism.
Verse 3. Presenting the objective conditions that govern the historical mission of
the working class?
First, due to the economic status of the working class.
The working class is the offspring, the product of the great industry in the
capitalist mode of production, the subject of the modern material production
process. Thus, the working class represents advanced modes of production and
modern productive forces.
Second, due to the socio-political status of the working class.
As the offspring of industrial production, the working class acquired the
qualities of an advanced class, the revolutionary class: organization and discipline,
self-discipline and solidarity in the struggle for self-liberation and social liberation.
=> These qualities of the working class are formed from the very objective
conditions, conditioned by its economic and socio-political status in modern
production and in modern society that the bourge into bourgemaker and
capitalism have objectively created, Beyond his will.
Question 4: Presenting the concept of democracy from the point of view of
Marxism - Leninism?
- Firstly, in terms of power, democracy is the power that belongs to the
people, the people are the owners of the country. Democracy is the right of the
people- democratic rights are understood in a broad sense. The most basic
interest of the people is that the state power is owned by the people, of society,
the state apparatus must be for the people, for society to serve. And therefore,
only when all state power belongs to the people can then ensure that the people
are entitled to mastery as a right.
Second, in terms of social and political regimes, democracy is a form or
form of state, a democratic state or a democracy.
Third, in terms of social organization and management, democracy is a
democratic principle. This principle combines with the principle of concentration
to form the principle of democratic centrality in social organization and
=> Marxism-Leninism emphasizes that democracy in these ways must be
considered as the goal, the premise and also the aspect for achieving freedom,
emancipation of people, class emancipation and social liberation. As long as
human beings and society exist, as long as human civilization is destroyed,
democracy will exist as a common human value.
Verse 6. Presenting the basic characteristics of the socialist rule of law of
- Firstly, to build a state owned by the working people, that is, the State of
the people, by the people, for the people.
Secondly, the State is organized and operated on the basis of the
Constitution and law. In all social activities, the law is placed in the ultimate
position to regulate social relations.
- Thirdly, state power is unified, clearly assigned, has a mechanism of
coordination and control between the legislative, executive and judicial bodies.
- Fourthly, the socialist rule of law in Vietnam must be led by the
Communist Party of Vietnam, in accordance with Article 4 of the 2013
Constitution. The State's activities are supervised by the people with the motto:
"People know, people talk, people do, people check" through organizations and
individuals authorized by the people.
Fifth, the socialist rule of law in Vietnam respects human rights and
considers people to be the central subject of development. The people's
democratic rights are widely practiced, "the people have the right to elect and
dismiss undecilated delegates", while strengthening the strict implementation of
the law.
Sixth, the organization and operation of the state apparatus according to
the principle of democratic centrality, there is division, decentralization,
coordination and control of each other, but ensuring that power is unified and the
unified direction of the Central Committee.
=> Thus, the characteristics of the socialist rule of law state that Vietnam is
building have demonstrated the basic spirit of a rule of law state in general.
Besides, it also shows the difference from other rule of law states. The socialist
rule of law in Vietnam is of a working-class nature, serving the interests of the
people, and the state is the main tool for the Communist Party of Vietnam to
guide the socialist direction.
Verse 7. Presenting our Party's basic views on the national issue?
- The issue of nationality and national unity is a fundamental and long-term
strategic issue, and also an urgent issue of the Vietnamese revolution.
- The peoples of the Vietnamese extended family are equal, united,
supportive, helping each other to develop together, together striving to realize
the common cause of the country.
- Comprehensive development of politics, economy, culture, society and
security and defense in ethnic and mountainous areas; linking economic growth
with solving social problems and well implementing ethnic policies; preserving
and promoting the values and traditional cultural identities of peoples.
- Priority is given to investment in socio-economic development in ethnic
and mountainous areas in a sustainable way. Promote the spirit of self-reliance
and self-reliance of ethnic peoples, strengthen the support of the central
government and the help of localities. Ethnic work and the implementation of
ethnic policies are the tasks of the whole Party, the whole people, the whole
army, of all levels, sectors and the entire political system.

Question 8: Analyzing the subjective conditions for the working class to carry
out its historical mission?
The development of the working class itself in both quantity and quality.
+ The development of quantity must be associated with the development
of the quality of the modern working class, ensuring that the working class fulfills
its historical mission. The quality of the working class must be demonstrated at
the level of maturity of the political consciousness of a revolutionary class, self-
aware of the role and responsibility of its class for history, so that the working
class must be enlightened to the scientific and revolutionary reasoning of
+ The development of quality must be manifested in the capacity and level
of mastery of modern science and technology, especially in the current
The Communist Party is the most important key factor for the working class
to successfully carry out its historic mission.
The Communist Party , the vanguard of the working class that was born and
assumed the leading role of the revolution, is a sign of the remarkable maturity of
the working class as the revolutionary class.
+ The working class is the social basis and the most important source of the
Party's forces, making the Party of a working-class nature a pioneering team of
the fighting staff of the class.
- The class alliance between the working class and the peasant class and
other working classes led by the working class through its vanguard, the
Communist Party. This is an indispensable condition for the realization of the
historical mission of the working class.
Verse 9. Analyzing the key characteristics of the Vietnamese working class?
- The Vietnamese working class was born before the bourge into the
bourge0th century, which was the class that directly opposed French colonialism
and their henchmen. The Vietnamese working class grew slowly because it was
born and raised in a colonial, semi-feudal country, under french colonial rule.
- Although the number of Vietnamese working class at birth was very small,
growing in an agricultural society that still carries many remnants of the small-
serfly mentality, but the Vietnamese working class was soon trained in the
revolutionary struggle against imperialism so quickly matured in the political
consciousness of the class, Early enlightenment of ideals, revolutionary goals.
- The Vietnamese working class is closely associated with the people in
society. The vast majority of the Vietnamese working class come from farmers
and other working classes, share common interests, common aspirations and
aspirations to fight for independence and freedom, to liberate the nation and
develop the Vietnamese nation, towards socialism so that the Vietnamese
working class has a natural connection, Closely with the peasant class and the
working classes in society.
Verse 10. Presenting the concept of social structure and social structure - class?
Social structures are human communities of all social relationships created
by each other.
- Social structure has many types such as: socio-residential structure, social-
professional structure. Socio-class structure, social-ethnic structure, social-
religious structure, etc. From a socio-political perspective, scientific socialism
focuses on studying the socio-class structure because it is one of the basis for
studying the issue of class-class alliances in a given social regime.
- Social-class structure is a system of classes and social classes that exist
objectively in a given social regime, through relationships on the possession of
production materials, on the organization of management of the production
process, of socio-political status... Between those classes and classes.
- Social structure - transition class includes: farmers, workers, intellectuals,
entrepreneurs, minor owners ... Despite having different positions and roles,
under the leadership of the Communist Party they have joined forces, created
synergies to realize the objectives, contents and tasks of the transition period,
towards the successful construction of a new society – a civilized communist
Question 12: Analyzing the nature of religion?
Religion is a historical social phenomenon, that is, it has the formation,
existence and development and the ability to transform in certain periods of
history to adapt to many socio-political regimes. As socio-economic and historical
conditions change, religion changes as well.
- The popularity of religion: Religion is a common social phenomenon in all
ethnicities, countries and continents. The popularity of religion is not only
manifested in a large number of believers but also in that religions are places of
cultural and spiritual activities of a part of the people. On the other hand, many
religions are humane, humane and good-looking, so are believed by many people
from different walks of life, especially the working masses.
The political nature of religion only occurs when society has divided class.
Religion reflects the interests and aspirations of different classes in class struggle
and national struggle. The majority of believers come to religion to satisfy their
spiritual needs; However, in fact, religion has been exploited by socio-political
forces for purposes other than their religion.
Question 14: Analysis of the function of the reproduction of the person of the
This is a family function that no community can replace. This function
comes both from the need for biological nature, and from social needs, rather the
socialized natural needs. This function includes the basic contents: reproduction,
maintenance of race, nurturing physical enhancement, intellectual capacity to
ensure the reproduction of labor resources and labor power for society.
The function of human reproduction takes place in each family, but not
only the family's business but the social issue. Because, performing this function
determines the population density and labor resources of a country and
internationally, a constituent element of social existence. The performance of this
function is closely related to the development of all aspects of social life.
Therefore, depending on the place, depending on the needs of society, this
function is performed according to the trend of limitations or incentives. The level
of economic, cultural and social development affects the quality of labor provided
by the family.
Verse 16. Analyzing the historical mission of the working class in today's world?
What about the working class in Vietnam today?
- About socio-economic content
+ In the production development of capitalism with the direct participation
of the working class and the highly qualified labor and service forces is the socio-
economic factor that promotes the ripening of the premises of socialism in the
heart of capitalism.
Fundamental conflicts of interest between the working class and the
bourge into the bourge into the bourgerate are also deepening in each country
and on a global scale. Globalization is still capitalist with injustices and social
inequalities, and the struggle against the regime of exploiting surplus value on the
world limits, striving for the establishment of a new social order of justice and
equality, It is step by step carrying out the historical mission of the working class
in the socio-economic sector.
- About socio-political content
+ The long-term goal is to take power into the hands of the working class
and the working people, as clearly stated in the Political Platform of the
Communist Parties in capitalist countries.
+ For socialist countries, where the Communist Party has become the ruling
Party, the socio-political content of the historical mission of the working class is to
successfully lead the cause of innovation, successfully solve tasks during the
transition to socialism, especially building a strong clean ruling Party, successfully
implementing the cause of industrialization, modernization, bringing the country
to develop quickly and sustainably.
- About cultural content, thought
+ Carrying out the historical mission of the working class in today's world
conditions in the field of culture and thought is first and foremost an ideological
struggle. It is the struggle between socialism and capitalism.
+ Fighting to protect the ideological foundation of the Communist Party,
educate awareness and strengthen scientific belief in the ideals and objectives of
socialism for the working class and working people, educate and implement the
true internationalism of the curved class on the basis of promoting patriotism and
nationalism This is the historical mission of the working class today in terms of
ideological culture.
What about the working class in Vietnam today?
On the economy:
+ The Vietnamese working class with a large number of workers with
diverse industry structures, operating in the field of production and industrial
services in all economic sectors will be the main human resources involved in the
development of the modern market economy, Socialist orientation.
+ The working class promotes the role and responsibility of the leading
force in the cause of promoting the industrialization and modernization of the
country. This is the most prominent issue for the implementation of the historical
mission of the Vietnamese working class today.
+ Carrying out the historical mission of the working class in the economic
field associated with promoting the role of the working class, implementing the
public-agricultural-intellectual alliance to create the driving force for agricultural-
rural and farmer development in our country towards sustainable development,
modernize and actively integrate internationally, especially international
economic integration, protect natural resources and ecological environment.
On social politics:
+ Upholding the working class nature of the Party, pioneering and
exemplary role of Party cadres
+ strengthening the party's construction and correction, preventing and
reversing the deterioration of political thought, ethics, lifestyle, self-evolution,
internal self-transformation are the main contents, highlighting, expressing the
historical mission of the working class in terms of socio-political.
On the culture of thought:
+ Building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich in national
identity with the core content of building new socialist people, educating
revolutionary ethics, training lifestyle, industrial style, civilization, modernity,
building the cultural and human values of Vietnam, Perfect the personality. This
is a direct content about the culture of thought that expresses the historical
mission of the working class.
+ The working class engaged in the struggle in the field of rational thought
to protect the clarity of Marxism- Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, against wrong
views, distortions of hostile forces, steadfast ideals, objectives and paths to
national independence and socialism revolution.
Question 17, Analyzing the conditions for the birth of the socialist-economic
form of communism in capitalist countries with medium levels of development
and those that have not yet passed capitalism? Contact with Vietnamese
First, due to the aggressive policy of capitalism towards colonial countries,
there have been contradictions in the world (1) Contradictions between the
bourge into the working class; (2) Conflicts between invading imperialism and
invaded nation states; (3) Conflicts between imperial capitalist countries; (4)
Conflicts between landowners and farmers, bourgemakers and farmers in colonial
countries... The invaded countries emerged in the main conflict between
imperialism, feudal henchmen, reactionary bourgeers on the one hand: workers,
peasants, intellectuals and other patriotic forces.
Secondly, Having the global impact of the international communist and
workers' movement, the ideology of Marxism-Leninism is widely spread,
awakening the patriotism of the working people in dependent countries and
colonial countries. The working class in these countries enlightened the
revolution, built the revolutionary party, stood up to rally the people to regain
their independence and freedom, establish the state of the working class and
working people, and then go up to socialism.
Contact with Vietnamese practice
The State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was born under the conditions and
circumstances of being a semi-feudal colony, under the yoke of French colonial
rule. Vietnamese society is still an agricultural society with many remnants of the
sub-agricultural mentality. The main contradiction that exists in Vietnamese
society at the moment is: the conflict between the Vietnamese people and the
French colonialists and their henchmen, the conflict between the bourgeial class
and the Vietnamese working class, landlords with Vietnamese farmers ...
Having the global impact of the communist movement and international workers,
of the Marxist-Leninist working class ideology under the leadership of the
Communist Party of Vietnam and President HO CHI MINH CITY has awakened the
patriotism of the Vietnamese people to stand up to fight for the independence
and freedom of the nation, establish the state of the GCCN, the working people
and then go up to the socialists.
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Socialist State of
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has achieved great achievements in the fields of
social and cultural life... Take Vietnam from a backward, underdeveloped
agricultural country into a developing country that can match the five-continent
Question 19: Analysis of the content of the equal rights of peoples from the
point of view of Marxism - Leninism. What is the practical relationship with
ethnic issues in our country today?
This is the sacred right of peoples, regardless of whether it is large or small,
at a high or low level of development. All peoples have equal obligations and
rights in all areas of social living, and no nation may retain economic, political and
cultural privileges and privileges.
No nation has the right to oppress or exploit another. In a country with
many peoples, the right to national equality must be institutionalized by law,
overcoming the disparity in all aspects left by history. In order to exercise the
right to national equality, class oppression must first be eliminated, on the basis
of eliminating national oppression; Must hide against racism, extreme
- Equal rights between peoples are the basis for the realization of national
right to self-determination and to build friendly and cooperative relations
between peoples.
What is the practical relationship with ethnic issues in our country today?
In order to make good on the national issue in our country, it is necessary
- One is: In politics: To implement equality, solidarity, respect, help each
other develop together between peoples towards the common goal of national
independence and socialism, rich people, strong country, democracy, justice,
- Secondly: In terms of economy: policies and policies for socio-economic
development in mountainous areas and ethnic minority areas aiming to promote
development potential, gradually overcome the gap between regions and
between peoples.
- Thirdly: About culture: building an advanced Vietnamese culture rich in
national identity. Preserving and promoting the traditional cultural values of
ethnic groups. To build a cultural environment and institution in accordance with
the conditions of ethnic groups in multi-ethnic countries. At the same time,
expand cultural exchanges with countries, regions and the world.
- Fourth: About society: step by step implement social equality, justice
through the implementation of socio-economic development policies, poverty
reduction, population, health, education ... on the basis of attention to the
specificity of each region, each people.
- Fifth: On national security and defense: strengthening the strength of
national defense on the basis of ensuring political stability, good implementation
of political security and social order and safety. Strengthening militia relations,
creating an all-people national defense posture in ethnic minority areas.
=> Thus, the national policy of our Party and State is comprehensive,
integrated, covering all areas of life, related to each people and relations between
peoples in the community in the national community.
Question 20: Analyzing the Marxist-Leninist view of the origin of religion?
Related to the views of our Party and State on the issue of religion and
evangelism in our country today?
- Natural, socio-economic origins
+ When the productive force has not yet developed, before the majestic
nature acts and dominates to make people feel weak and helpless, incompetent,
so man has assigned nature mystical powers and powers.
+ When society is out of antagonistic classes, there is unjust oppression, by
inability to explain the origins of class division and oppression of unjust
exploitation, crime, etc., plus fear of the dominance of social forces, people rely
on the liberation of an earthly supernatural force.
- Origin of consciousness
At a certain stage of history, people's perceptions of nature, society and
themselves are limited. Even the problems that have been scientifically proven,
but due to the low level of the people, not fully aware, this is still a condition, a
land for religion to be born, exist and develop. In fact, the origin of religion's
perception is the absoluteization, the subject-sided exaggeration of human
perception, turning the objective content into the supernatural, the divine.
- Psychological origins
Fear of natural, social phenomena, or in times of illness or illness; Even the
sewing; Or the psychology of wanting to be at peace when doing a big thing
people are also easy to find to religion. Even positive feelings such as love,
gratitude, respect for those who have merit to the country, with the people are
easy to lead people to religion.
Related to the views of our Party and State on the issue of religion and evangelism
in our country today?
Religious belief is a human right:
Everyone has the right to freedom of belief, religion, or not to a single
- Each person has the right to express beliefs and religions: to perform
religious belief rituals; participating in the festival; study and practice religious
doctrines and canon law.
- Everyone has the right to practice at religious establishments, study at
religious training establishments, training classes of religious organizations.
- Dignitaries, officials and monks have the right to perform religious
ceremonies, preach or preach at religious establishments or other lawful places.
Question 21: Analysis of the nurturing function of the family. Vietnam family
- The family nurtures and teaches children to become useful people for the
family, community and society. This function expresses the sacred feelings, the
responsibility of parents to their children, and the responsibility of the family to
society. Performing this function, the family is very important for the formation of
personality, ethics, lifestyle of each person. The first insights that the family brings
often leave a deep and lasting mark in each person's life. Therefore, the family is a
cultural and educational environment, in this environment, each member is the
creative subject of cultural values, the subject of education is also the beneficiary
of cultural values, and is subject to the education of other family members.
- The function of nurturing and educating has a long-term and
comprehensive impact on the life of each member. This is a very important
function, although, in society there are many other communities (schools, unions,
authorities ...) that also perform this function, but cannot replace the educational
function of the family. With this function, the family contributes greatly to the
training of the young generation, the future generation of society, providing and
improving the quality of labor resources to maintain the permanence of society,
at the same time each individual is gradually socialized. Performing well the
function of nurturing and educating, requiring each father and mother to set an
example in behavior, at the same time must have basic and relatively
comprehensive knowledge in all aspects, culture, education, especially
educational methods.
Vietnam family contact:
In order to educate the family in the current conditions to overcome
obstacles and challenges, achieve greater efficiency, it is necessary to implement
a synchronous system of solutions both cognitively, economically, culturally and
socially, it is necessary to:
Vietnam Family Contact: In order to educate the family in the current
conditions to overcome obstacles and challenges, achieve greater efficiency, it is
necessary to implement a synchronous system of solutions both cognitively,
economically, culturally and socially, it is necessary to:

- It is necessary to disseminate propaganda so that the whole political

system, unions, organizations and all citizens, all family members instill the
strategy of family building and development, the Law on Family Marriage,
children's rights and gender equality.

- Having policies to support and facilitate the development of the

household economy, create jobs, increase incomes, especially create jobs on the
spot, in order to gradually improve the material and spiritual life of the family,
especially rural families.

- Building a healthy socio-cultural environment, resolutely fighting against

manifestations of degeneration, moral metamorphosis, social evils, corruption,
waste and pragmatic lifestyle, worshipping money.

- Build a close relationship between the family - the school and social
organizations to have unity and consensus in the implementation of the goal of
educating children.

- Society needs to support parents so that they have new methods,

measures and educational content in line with the change of new values of the
family in the context of globalization and international integration today.

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