2021 Global Marketing Trends - Part

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©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus

2021 – Global
Find Your Focus

©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus


Find your Focus

2 Built to Flourish
3 Changing the Playbook


Know Thyself The promises we keep – or don’t

6 A Two-way Street
7 The New Ecosystem

Marketing Disrupted

©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus

A Two-way Street
©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus
Participation The Older the individual, the
A Two-Way Street
Bigger the role passion
Marketers can benefit by plays in participation
crafting an engagement People are most motivated to
strategy that leans into participate to help others,
customer participation as its recognized for expertise, or wanting
deepest levels to share something exciting

Key Opinion Consumers are

mostly those regular people
As people engage in deeper
who have garnered a following
activities, they also participate
because of their knowledge
in them more frequently
and/or expertise in brand’s
products or services

Customer engagement is Customer participation represents

quickly becoming a two-way both the passive (low effort
Top Five industries that witness
street where customers activities like writing reviews) and
the most engagement are:
participate as brand active ways (cocreation and
Electronics, beauty and
ambassadors, influencers, developing content) ways in which
personal care, health and
collaborators, and innovators people interact to influence brands.
wellness, apparel and footwear,
and grocery and beverage.
©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus
A Two-Way Street

Who’s participating: With Age comes passion

Participation frequency: The few but mighty

©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus

A Two-Way Street

Making participation part of your strategy

Build a holistic participation plan

It’s important to pinpoint where participations can be

integrated into your engagement strategy.

Create a deeper customer relationships

Participation is unique in its ability to interactively foster

and nurture brand loyalty and customer advocacy.

It’s more than just a B2C strategy

B2B companies can kindle participation in a similar manner

as their B2C peers (esp. in innovation and cocreate new
products and services).

Engagement is a two-way street and marketers

have more opportunities than ever to invite their
customer to participate in – and bring life to –
their strategy, products, and services
©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus
The New Ecosystem
©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus
The Worldwide
triggered by
the COVID-19

Fusion People don’t need

they need to
be well.

Fusing cross-industry
partnerships in
a post pandemic

The New Ecosystem

COVID-19 crisis has created a crucible of

experimentation and innovation to piece
together new ways to meet these unmet
human needs.

Organizations have an opportunity to

completely reimagine partnership strategies
for the people they serve.

For brands, it can mean thinking beyond their

own products and services and seeking out
partnerships that empower them to better
serve their stakeholders.

OpenTable entered new partnerships with a

variety of supermarket chains to turn a visit to
grocery into a reservable event.
The New Ecosystem

Integrate Customer Insights across Industry Lines

To gain a more complete picture of behavior and underlying

needs, brands can seek partnerships that provide
complementary views of the people they are serving

Listening to evolving needs through social

Social can provide a direct line of sight into
what people need now.
Investing to evolving needs through social
Inviting people to directly participate in the
knowledge-sharing process affords brands a unique
opportunity to learn what people really need to
drive innovation efforts.

©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus

The New Ecosystem

First time digital experience customers - Survey

While the role and importance of digital have been exploding for many years now, the pandemic was a turning point that drove many organizations to
not only accelerate their move to digital platforms, but also to find new ways and new partnerships to address customer needs through digital. To
understand these dynamics, we surveyed 2,447 global consumers to understand their first-time trial of digital experiences and their satisfaction with
those experiences.

55% 53% 60%

Found their new digital experiences
an adequate substitution

56% 53% 33%

Said that digital native methods were superior
alternative to their in-person experiences

Source: Deloitte Global Marketing Trends Consumer Pulse Survey ©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus
The New Ecosystem

Accelerating your Fusion Journey

As CMO is the C-suite executive often closest

to the customer, is uniquely equipped to lead
the change of this innovation. Here are two
recommended actions marketers can take to
drive the innovation agenda for their

©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus

“ Fusion is reimaging
the Art of The Possible “

©Deloitte Insights – 2021 Global Marketing Trends, Find Your Focus



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