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Agronomy mcqs pdf

1 .The book "Agriculture Years" is published by;- a) Arthur Young b) Van Helmont c) Jethro Tull d) Blackman 2 .In India, the first separate department of agriculture was established in;- a) 1881 b) 1900 c) 1801 d) 1985 3. The yellow revolution is associated with;- a) Production of pulses b) Production of milk c) Production of fruit d)
Production of oilseeds 4. The secondary consequences of the increase in elevation, both agronomicly and economically significant are ___________ a) Reduced temperature b) Reduced rainfall c) Reduced wind speed d) Increased soil fertility 5. The net assimilation rate is expressed in terms of ;- a) g cm-2 day-1 (b) g-1ha-1 c) g 1 day-1
d) g cm-2 ha-1 6. Which of the following crop geometries ensures the uniform availability of solar radiation to crops? a) Rectangular b) Random c) Square d) None of these 7. north of the equator, surface winds are known as
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conservation of the steel industry tends
to encourage __________. an upper microbial population b Lower number of soil worms and reduced soil fauna 9
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A soil absorbs about
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________a 5 Percentage b 10
Percentage c 15 Percentage d 20 Percentage 12 Levels of nitrate in drinking water above _____ mg per liter are considered as a danger to human health. a 5 b 10 c 15 d 20 13 cycles of biogeochemical nutrients have led to recognize that ____ is very important. a balanced fertilization b Beyond fertilization c Under fertilization of None of
these 14 Longer wavelengths of ___________ m/μ is not visible to the eye, and are called infrared. 450 b 550 c 650 d 750 15 The spray drift of 2.4 D (external form) can cause considerable damage in _________ . a Maize b Rice c Sorghum d Cotton 1.a 9.a 10.b 3.d 11.b 4.a 12.b 5.a 13.a 6.c 14.d 7.a 15.d 8.a The branch of Science that
treats the cultivation of the earth is called______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. Geology B. Agriculture C. Orticulture D. Petrologia Botanical name of American cotton
Is_______________________________? A. G. hirsutum B. G. arborium C. G. barb denso D. Not of these arbors of Gassypium
E'____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. Tetraploid B. Diploid C. Triploid D. Haploid Gassypium herbaceum
was originating in In______________________? G_ba__en._ A. Pakistan B. America C. Australia D. India On the basis of a cultivated area of cotton that occupies the first position of the following countries? A. Pakistan B. India C. America D. China List of 220 + multiple choice questions and answers on Agriculture! This will help you to
learn about the most frequent objective questions about agriculture specially compiled for ICAR (JRF/SRF), ARS, IARI Ph.D and other competitive exams. Content:MCQs on AgronomyMCQs on HorticultureMCQs on GeneticsMCQs on MCQ soil science on EntomologyMCQs on MCQ plant pathology on MCQ plant physiology on MCQs
agricultural economy on MCQs agrarie extensions on agrarieMCQs statistics on MCQs forests on MCQs agricultural microbiology on MCQs on agricultural machines on MCQs on MCQs MCQs on Agronomy:1. Agriculture (A) Greek word (B) Latin word (C) Spanish wordAns. B. The term agronomy derives from
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D 3. Primary resources for
agriculture (A) Earth, air and water(B)Fertilizer and pesticide(C) Seeds, air and water(D) Earth, fertilizer and waterAns. Four. Rice cultivation begins in ___________ (A) 2200 BC(B) 5700 BC(C) 7700 BC(D) 8700 BCAns. The book ‘Horse Hoeing Mariti’ was published by _(A) Van Helmont(B) Gregor Johann Mendel(C) Jethro tull(D)
NoneAns. C 6. The “Agriculture Years” were published by _(A) Jethro Tull(B) Aurther Young(C) Van Helmont(D) NoneAns. B 7. The book 'Element of Agricultural Chemistry' was published by _(A) Justus Von Liebig(B) Sir Humphry Davy(C) Van Helmont(D) J.B LawesAns. B 8. The experiments on the effect of letames on the crop were
initiated by _(A) Sir John Bannet Lawes(B) G. J. Mendel(C) Van Helmont(D) Justus Von LiebigAns. A 9. _________ (1674-1741 AD) have conducted several experiments on plant nutrients and published a book, "Horse Hoeing Husbandry" (A) Sir HumphistoB Kharif, The word Rabi and Zaid belong to _(A) Urdu(B) French(C) Persian(D)
ArabicAns. D11. The climate refers to a _(A) Long term (B) Short duration (C) Average duration (D) NoneAns. At 12. Principles of mercury barometers was discovered by _(A) Torricelli(B) Aristotle(C) Pliny(D) GalileoAns. 13. The instrument used for measuring wind speed is known as _(A) Hydrometer(B) Pyranometer(C) Altimeter(D)
AnemometerAns. D 14. The term PET has been coined by _(A) Sarkar and Biswas(B) Haigreaves(C) Thornthwaite(D)C 15. A rainy day called when rainfall received in 24 hours (A) >2.5 mm(B) >3.0 mm(C) >5.0 mm(D) >1.0 mmAns. A 2. MCQs on horticulture:16. Directorate of Research onion and garlic (DOGR) is located in
__________________________________(A) Shimla (B) New Delhisik (C) The Central Institute of Arida Zone Research (CAZRI) is located in ____________________(A) Jodhpur (B) Nagpur (B) Nagpur (C) Bikaner (C) The National Research Centre for Litchi (NRCL) is located in __________________(A) Pune (B) Muzaffarpur (C)
Lucknow (D Kol)kata Ans. B 20. Central Drug Research Institute is located in _______________(A) Lucknow (B) Mumbai (C) New Delhi (D) Hyderabad Ans. A 21. National Biodiversity The Authority is located in ___________(A) Chennai (B) New Delhi (C) Nagpur (D) Gurgaon Ans. A 22. The Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering
and Technology (CIPHET) is located in _________________________________________(A) Haryana (B) Pune (C) Ludhiana (D) Gurgaon Ans. C 23. International Centre for Patate Research at ______________(A) Shimla (B) Peru (C) Rome (D) USA Ans. Word “Orticulture” comes from
________________________________________________(A) Latin (B) English (C) Greek (D) Ans Italico. A26. The whole project for the improvement of coordinated vegetables in India (AICVIP) was started in ________________(A) 1991-92 (B) 1981-82 (C) 1970-71 (D) 1960-61 Ans. C 27. First commercial vegetablesThe production
unit in India was founded in 1942 at _______(A) Quetta (B) Kullu (C) Nilgiri (D) Pusa Ans. As part of the India Coordinated Ortages Improvement Project (AICVIP), India is divided into agro-climatic zones (A) 8 (B) 12 (C) 18 (D) 24 Ans. The new semi-police was launched in
____________________________________________________________________________________________________(A) 1982 (B) 1992 (C) 1988 (D) 1986 Ans. C 30. Pomology comes from _________(A) Latin (B) French (C) English (D) Greek Ans. D 3. MCQs on Genetics:31. Who coined the genetic term? (A) Hugo de vries (B)
W.L. Johannsen (C) T.H. Morgan (D) W. Bateson Ans. D 32. The germplasma theory was proposed by ________(A) Weisman (B) Mendel (C) Darwin (D) Hugo de vries Ans. A 33. The alternative forms of a gene are known as _________(A) Transgene (B) Pseudogene (C) Gene mixed (D) Alleles Ans. D 34. Which of the following is the
control center of a cell (A) Chloroplast (B) Nucleolus (C) Mitochondria Ans. B 35. Which of the following produces pseudo-domination (A) Inversion (B) Delection (C) Duplication (D) Transfer Ans. B36. Which of the following bases is not present in DNA (A) Adenina (B) Thymine (C) Uracil (D) Cytosine Ans. C 37. Balbian rings are found in
which of the following (A) Lampbrush chromosomes (B) sex chromosomes (C) Polytene chromosomes (D) B chromosomes Ans. C 38. In which of the following sub phases of the meiosis-I, the exchange of chromatin between non-sister chromoatids is completed (A) Pachytene (B) Diplotene (C) Zygotene (D) Diakinesis Ans. A 39. The
theory of originthrough natural selection was proposed by ________(A) Darwin (B) Lamarck (C) Mendel (D) Vilmorin Ans. In 1909 the multiple factor hypothesis was given by _________(A) Levene (B) Brown (C) Nilson Ehle (D) Waldeyer Ans. C41. Mendel's laws were rediscovered in which the following years (A) 1890 (B) 1905 (C) 1900
(D) 1898 Ans. C 42. The term 'genotype' and 'fenotype' were introduced by __________(A) W.L. Johannsen (B) W.Bateson (C) G.J. Mendel (D) R.C. Punnet Ans. A 43. Gene that affects the expression of more than one character are known as which of the following (A) multiple gene (B) pleiotropic gene (C) hepistatic gene (D) an
apostatic gene Ans. B 44. The effect of a gene on the phenotypic expression of other non-allic genes is defined as that of the following (A) Dominance (B) Pleiotropy (C) Epistatics (D) Overdominancy Ans. C 45. In case of additional gene action, the F2 generation shows which of the following phenotypic ratio (A) 9:3:4 (B) 9:7 (C) 12:3:1
(D) 9:6:1 Ans. 4. MCQs on Soil Science:46. In 5 horizon master that horizon is called horizon elluvial/washout (A) A (B) B (C) E (D) All over Ans. C 47. Active soil formation factor (A) Climate (B) Relief (C) Act (D) Both A and C Ans. D 48. The main material transported by gravity is called ___________(A) Lacustrine (B) Colluvium (C)
Alluvium (D) None of the above Ans. B 49. The transformation of raw organic matter into humus is called _______________(A) Humification (B) Brounification (C) Rubrification (D) All of the50. The removal of silica from the ground and the accumulation of sesquioxide is known as ___________(A) Podzolization (B) Laterization (C)
Gleization (D) Both A and B Ans. B 51. The soil mixing process is called __________(A) Pedoturbation (B) Podzolization (C) Laterization (D) None of the above Ans. 52. What element did you find higher in the earth's crust? (A) Oxygen (B) Silicon (C) Aluminium (D) Iron Ans. A 53.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The rocks formed by
alteration of heat and pressure are called ___________(A) Sedimental Rock (B) Metamorphic Rock (C) Igneous Rock (D) None of the above Ans. B 55. Slate is metamorphosis from which rock (A) Shale (B) Sandstone (C) Granite (D) Dolomite Ans. A56. CO2 concentration in soil air (A) 0.25% (B) 0.025% (C) 0.0025% (D) 2.5% Ans. The
soil shows plasticity (A) > 15% clay (B) < 15% clay (C) 10% lemons (D) 5 -10% clay Ans. At 58. The attraction between two dissimilar molecules is called __________(A) Attraction (B) Coesion (C) Aderence (D) Ans Flocculation. C 59. (A) A1 > Ca and H > Mg > Na(B) A1 > Na and H > Mg > Ca (C) Al > Ca and K > Mg > Mg > H > Na(D)
Na > Ca and H > Mg > K > Al Ans. A 60. CCE maximum found in _______ The Homopterans filter chamber helps to quickly remove water (B) salts (C) of the external material (D) of nitrogen Ans. B 62. Systole refers to ______ (A) Relaxation(b) contraction phase (c) contraction phase (d) none of these ans. c 63. hemoglobin as blood
pigment is found in _(a) chironomids (b) cochroaches (c) calliphora (d) calliphora ans. 64. number of segments in the constipation abdomen is ______(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 08 (d) 06 ans. d 65. anamorphosis is the phenomenon found in _(a) collembola (b) diplura (c) protura (d) thysanura ans. c 66. the piping of the miscarriage are absent in
__________________________________________________________________ (a) protura (b) thysanoptera (c) collembola (d) isoptera ans. the base of the compound eye is strengthened by _______ (a) ocelli (b) ocular suture circus (c) ommatidia ans. c 68. bhc was first synthesized by _________ (a) Faraday (b) finkenbrink (c)
zeidler (d) glover ans. the type of eyes found in larvae is _______ (a) ocelli (b) coat of arms (c) composite eyes (d) ommatidia ans. b 70. the compound responsible for bioluminescence in insects is _________ (a) chitin (b) xanthophylls (c) lucifcrin (d) keratin ans. c 71. the entomological society of india began in _(a) 1934 (b) 1938 (c) 1936
(d) 1940 ans. b 72. the international code of the zoological nomenclature consists of 57 articles (b) 77 articles (c) 67 articles (d) 87 articles ans. d 73. which of these is not the head sclerite: (a) gena (b) epimeron (c) fans (d) vertex ans. b 74. which of the following is associated with the articulation of wings: (a) trochanter (b) phragmata (c)
tegula (d) scutum ans. C 75. white muscardin disease is caused byMetarrhizium anisoplae (B) Nosema sp. (C) Bassean Beauveria (D) Granulosis virus Ans. C6. MCQ on plant pathology:76. Those who recommended copper sulphate for the treatment of wheat seeds against the bunt and demonstrated its first-time fungi-toxic value (A)
Mason (B) Benedict Prevost (C) Singh (D) P.M.A. Millardet Ans. B 77. Among all Aflatoxins, Aflatoxin Bi is the most toxic. Aspergillus species produces/s Aflatoxin B1 and B2 (A) Aspergillus niger (B) Aspergillus flavus (C) Aspergillus parasiticus (D) Both B and C Ans. D 78. What species of Aspergillus produces Aflatoxin G1 and G2 (A)
Aspergillus niger (B) Aspergillus flavus (C) Aspergillus parasiticus (D) Both B and C Ans. C 79. Who introduced the burgundy mixture using sodium carbonate instead of lime? (A) Mason (B) Narsimhan (C) Singh (D) P.M A. Millardet Ans. 80. Who discovered “Bordeaux blend” to control the skinny screw using copper sulphate (bluestone)
and moisturized lime? (A) Mason (B) Narsimhan (C) Singh (D) P.M A. Millardet Ans. D 81. In 1942, that of the Indian scientist developed the "costa di Chaubatia" in the district of Almora (UP) as a wound dressing fungicidal for this he used copper carbonate, lead oxide and flax oil (A) Mason (B) Narsimhan (C) Singh (D) P.M A. Millardet
Ans. C 82. What is the actual ratio of copper carbonate, lead oxide and flax oil in “Chaubatia Paste?” (A) 1:1.25 (B) 1:1:1.5 (C) 2:1:2 (D) 1:2:2 Ans. A 83. Who discovered the first wide-spectrum antibiotic Streptomycin in(A) Weindling (B) Von Schmeling and Marshal Kulka (C) S.A. Waksman and A. Schatz (D) S.M. Idris Ans. C 84. Who
discovered the first systemic fungicide “Oxathin” (A) Weindling (B) Von Schmeling and Marshal Kulka (C) S A. Waksman and A. Schatz (D) S.M. Indris Ans. B 85. Who developed the concept of living toxins and elaborated the mechanism of cotton wilting due to the production of fusaric acid of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasonfectum (A)
J.F. Dastur (B) K.R. Kirtikar (C) T.S. Sadasivan (D) S.N. Dasgusta Ans. C 86. That developed solar thermal treatment for the dissolved grain smut caused by Ustilogo segetum var. tritici (A) J.C. Luthra and A. Sattar(B) Ramanujan and Co-workers (C) K.C. Mehta (D) G. Rangaswamy Ans. 87. Who developed “seed plot technique” for seed
production without potato virus in the indo-Gangetic plains? (A) J.C. Luthra and A. Sattar(B) S.N. Dasgupta (C) Ramanujan and Co-workers(D) S. Nagarjan and H. SinghAns. C 88. Who formulated “Indian rust rows” for Puccinia graminis var. tritici (A) J.C. Luthra and A. (B) K.C. Mehta Sattar (C) T.S. Ramakrishan (D) S. Nagarjan and H.
Singh Ans. D 89. The first system of prediction of the disease in the plant pathology was developed for the mite flooded vine (Gythmicpara Grape) in the year ______________(A) 1913 (B) 1914 (C) 1915 (D) 1916 Ans. 90. The first report on the use of solar energy for soil disease control was published by _________(A) J.C. Luthra and A.
Sattar (B) Katan and Co-workers (C) M.J. Thirumalachar (D) C.D. MayeB 7. MCQs on plant physiology:91. The smallest animal egg is _________(A) Ostrich (B) human female (C) Duck (D) Hen Ans. B 92. The largest animal cell is __________(A) Ostrich (B) Horse (C) Monkey (D) Duck. A 93. The largest plant cells are __________(A)
Xylem jar cell (B) Parenchyma cells (C) Sieve tube cells (D) Sclerenchyma Fibres Ans. D 94. The smallest component of the cell is _______(A) Microfilament (B) Ribosome (C) Plastid (D) Phagosome Ans. 95. The smallest cell is metabolically ______(A) Less active (B) With smaller nucleus (C) With larger core (D) An more active. D 96.
Metabolically active cells have ___________(A) Lower nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio (B) Upper nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio (C) Upper surface: Volume ratio (D) Both B and C Ans. D 97. Cellular theory exception is ________(A) Protistans (B) Algae (C) Virus (D) Mycoplasma Ans. C 98. The property of the cell in which a cell can form many
phenotypes is __________(A) Totipotency (B) Parasexual (C) Pleuriopotency (D) Parthenogenesis Ans. C 99. The food vacuole in the cell is made by __________(A) Phagosome + Lysosome(B) Phagosome + Feeding channels (C) Vehicles of a gas vacuole (D) None of the above Ans. At 100. Nucleus granules are _______(A)
Ribosome Precursors (B) RNA Precursors (C) Chromosome Precursors (D) None of the Ans above. 101. The core organization region (NOR) is located in the region of -_____________________________________________(A) Secondary constriction (B) Primary constriction (C) Telomere (D) Centromere Ans. To 102. Chromosis
presentEukaryotic cells are composed of _____________(A) RNA + DNA (B) DNA + Protein (C) Only RNA (D) Only DNA Ans. B 103. Balbian rings are called _________(A) Chromoonemata coilling(B) Uncoilling chromoonemata (C) Both A and B (D) Ampliazioni del centromere Ans. B 104. In the case of vegetable chromosomes which
type of banding techniques used? (A) C and N (B) C and G (C) G and R (D) Q and G Ans. 105. The average lamella contains ____________(A) Cellulosa (B) Lignin (C) Pectate (D) Cutin Ans. C8. MCQ on the agricultural economy:106. The best use of limited resources is studied according to the law of ______________(A) Substitution
(B) Cost of Opportunity (C) Diminishing returns (D) All An above. A 107. The combination of crop production and milk production activities is an example of __________________(A) Complementary (B) Complementary (C) Supplement (D) None of the above An. B 108. When TPP is the maximum, MPP will be _________(A) Maximum (B)
Zero (C) Minimum (D) None of the previous Ans. B 109. Agricultural finance mainly concerns ________________________________(A) Use of funds (C) Use and acquisition of funds both (D) None. The product is maximum for a farm when output is at a level in which _________(A) MC = AC (B) MR=AR (C) MR = AC (D) MC = MR Ans.
D 111. Co-operatives for tribes are called __________________________________________________________________________________________________(A) Multi-functional (B) Ans. D 112. A farmer can increase his agricultural income from _______(A)production (B) Reduction of production costs (C) Both A and B (D) None of
the above Ans. D 113. The regulated market was established by ______________(A) Central Government (B) District Municipal Corporation (C) State Government (D) Panchayats Ans. C 114. The maximum profit is obtained at the point, where ____________(A) MP = AP (B) MP < AP (C) MP > AP (D) None of the above. Ans. D 115.
What is the most important source of funding for farmers in rural areas (A) Rural banks (B) Local loans (C) Cooperative agencies Ans. B 116. Utility of the last unit is called ___________(A) Initial utility (B) Initial utility (C) marginal utility (D) zero Ans. C 117. Diversified agriculture is _________(A) Type of agriculture (B) Agricultural system
(C) Both A and B (D) None of the above An. 118. National income indicates __________(A) Government revenue in one year (B) Total earnings of all factors in the country (C) Nationalized business revenue (D) Government budget surplus banks Ans. B 119. Which of the following is the management decision (A) Level of resource use (B)
Selection of minimum costs (C) Enterprise mix (D) All the above-mentioned Ans. C 120. Short-term loan granted mainly for the purchase of ________________________________(A) Seed (C) Heavy Machinery (D) Bullock Ans. B9. MCQ on the agricultural extension 121. The Latin roots for the word 'Incompatible' (A) Ex and voltage (B)
Ex and tense (C) Ex and mourning (D) Ex and thermo Ans. B 122. The "Farmers first" model was presented___________(A) Robert Chamber (B) A. Readdy (C) Knapp (D) D. Berlo Ans. 123. The main way of extension in the 'farmers first' model is _________(A) Farmer to farmer (B) Agent to farmer (C) Research to agent (D) Farmer to
science Ans. At 124. ‘Andragogy’ is for __________(A) Children (B) Adults (C) Both A and B (D) None of the above An. B 125. The term ‘Pedagogy’ literally means ________(A) Learning Children (B) Adult learning (C) Both A and B (D) None of the above An. 126. The concept of extension education process was given by _________(A)
Paul Leagans (B) Van Den Ban (C) Wilson and Gallup (D) Alexander Ans. At 127. James Stuart associated with ________(A) Extension of education (B) Extension of the University (C) Both A and B (D) None of the above Ans. B 128. The learning curve is the teaching follows a ________(A) S-shape (B) U-shape (C) V-shape (D) L-shape
Ans. At 129. The ‘Experience Account’ was developed by __________(A) Berlo (B) Lewin (C) Van Den Ban (D) Edgar Dale Ans. D 130. Who is the father of the extension in India? (A) Robert Chamber (B) A. Reddy (C) C.K.N. Singh (D) D. Berlo Ans. C 131. The reading paper is what level of communication (A) Inter staff (B) Intra staff (C)
Dyadic (D) Intra organization Ans. B 132. Who is the father of extension education? (A) Robert Chamber (B) J.P. Leagans (C) K.N. Singh (D) James Stuart Ans. B 133. The teaching process was given by _________(A) Wilson and Gallup (B) J.P. Leagans (C) K.N. Singh (D) James Stuart Ans. A 134. Important learning element_(A)
Instructor (B) Situation (C) Teacher (D) Ans Study Materials. A 135. Important communication function (A) Information (B) Integrative influence (C) Ans persuasive. B10. MCQs on agricultural statistics:136. Who is the father of statistics? (A) R. A. Fisher (B) F. Galton (C) C. R. Rao (D) Karl Pearson Ans. 137. What do you mean by degrees
of freedom? (A) Number of independent observations (B) Number of independent contrasts (C) Number of observations in design (D) Number of Ans contrasts. 138. The shape and size of the experimental plot and the block will be determined by _(A) Fairfield Smith Index (B) Yate’s Index (C) Yate’s Algorithm (D) None of these Ans. What
are the fundamental principles of experiment design? (A) Randomization (B) Local control (C) Replication (D) All previous Ans. C 140. What will be the degrees of error of freedom in a Latin square design with the number of ‘v’ treatments? (A) v2 – 3v + 2 (B) (v – 1) (v – 3) (C) v (v – 1) (D) None of these Ans. 141. In a Strip plot design,
which is the type of contrast given more importance? (A) Main vertical effects (B) Horizontal main effects (C) Interaction effects (D) None of these C 142. In a plot design Split, which is the type of contrast given more importance? (A) Main treatments (B) Sub-plot treatments (C) Sub-Trama treatments (D) All contrasts are equally important
Ans. C 143. In the analysis of the covariance, what is the name of the additional variable? (A)variable (b) random variable (c) analysis variation (d) secondary variation ans. to 144. which of the following design does not follow local control? (a) bib design (b) completely randomized design (c) random block design (d) none of the above-
mentioned ans. b 145. the cause of experimental error is _(a) variation in treatment (b) effects of unknown factors (c) error of the experiment (d) none of these ans. b 146. errors in a statistical model are always taken to be independent _(a) distributed as N(0, σ2) (c) both to and b (d) none of the above. c 147. What is the role of a process
of uniformity? (a) to estimate the fertility status of the field (b) to estimate the error of the experiment (c) to identify the boundaries of the field (d) to conduct the experiment smoothly ans. to 148. to discover the cd values of a design, what test is used? (a) f- test (b) t – test (c) z – test (d) chi- square test ans. b 149. if the event or the
occurrence of any event does not affect the event or the non-occurrence of any other event, the events are _(a) equally probable(B) independent (c) mutually exclusive (d) none of the above-mentioned ans. b 150. in the set theory, a demd (b dem c) = (a wrinkle b) habit (at gauze c) is due to the property of _b(a) commutativity mcq on
forest 151. in india house garden practiced mainly (a) south (b) west (c) east (d) north ans. to 152. leukena leucocephala fixex nitrogen in the range(A) 100-200 (B) 100-300 (C) 100-400 (D) 100-500 Ans. D 153. In which part of India the first Taungya plantation began (A) North Bengal (B) South Bengal (C) Eastern Bengal (D) All these An.
A 154. What direction does the intercropping of the hedge row rise? (A) South-East (B) North-West (C) East-West (D) West-East Ans. C 155. Freshly cut wood contains
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ans. D 156. There is a Taungya
system in the area with rainfall ___________(A) 1200-1500 mm (B) 1500-2000 mm (C) 2000-2500 mm (D) 2500-3000 mm Ans. At 157. In India, the average size of the domestic garden is ______________(A) 1-2 ha (B) 2-3 ha (C) 2-4 ha (D) 2-5 ha Ans. D 158. The root of trees contains (%) the total living biomass is ___________(A) 10-
15 (B) 15-20 (C) 20-25 (D) 20-30 Ans. C 159. Van-Mahotasav was started in the year (A) 1947 (B) 1950 (C) 1955 (D) 1960 Ans. B 160. In India, plantation silviculture was started in ____________________(A) 1840 (B) 1842 (C) 1848 (D) 184 Ans. B 161. The fastening capacity of the azotobactor (C) Frankia (D) All these Ans. C 162.
Social forestry was recommended for the first time by ______________(A) National Agriculture Commission (B) Food and Agricultural Organization (C) India Govt. (D) United Nation Ans. 163. “Tree means water, water is bread and bread is life” was first quoted by __________(A) Westoby (B) Stenley (C) William (D) Shelford Ans. 164.
The world agroforestation centre is located in _________________(A) Jhansi (B) Nairobi (C) Dehradun (D)ans. b 165. the procedure d & s applied in the village is known as: (a) meso level (b) macro level (c) micro level (d) all these ans. a12. mcqs on biotechnology:166. pomato is somatic (a) poppy and potato (b) poppy and tamarind (c)
poppy and tomato ans (d) poppy and tomato ans. c 167. Keep the germplasm in frozen state is (_a) cryopreservation (b) storage in situ (c) cold storage (d) vernalization ans. to 168. “The roots fur” in vitro from the infection of agrobacterium rhizogens, are characterized by (_a) high degree of lateral branching (b) genetic instability of culture
(c) presence of geotropism (d) production of poor biomass ans. to 169. in callo culture, the roots can be induced by the supply of (_a) auxin and no cytokinin (b) high auxin and low cytokinin (c) high and low citokinin (d) auxin and citokinin equal proportion ans. 170 b. transgenic microorganisms have been used to improve or benefit from
all, but than the following (_a) crop reduction (c) pest reduction (d) bioremediation ans. to 171. vegetable medium widely oated in preparation of cultural medium is obtained from (_a) cycas revolute (b) cocos nucifera (c) pirns roxburghii (d) borassus flabellifera ans. b 172. flavr savr variety of tomato remains fresh for a long time because it
(_a) has little polygalacturonase (b) polygalacturonase abundant (c) has the gene for antibiotic resistance (d) lacks amylase ans. at 173. an important oo of embryo culture is inChlonal Propagation (B) Overcoming the Hybridation Reef (C) Alkaloids Production (D) Introduction of Somaclonal Variation Ans. B 174. The small fat bubbles
used to provide genes are __________________(A) Electropores (B) Colesteroli (C) Phospholipids (D) Liposomes Ans. D 175. A real transgenic organism must bring the transgene to _______________________(A) Each cell (B) Only somatic cells (C) only the gametes (D) The cell that originally gets it. The transgenic arms involves the
use of __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 177. Plants producing
toxin Bt are resistant to ________________(A) Brown plant plot (B) Round worm (C) Midge Gall (D) Rose bubble worms Ans. D 178. Which of the following is not a cloning vector (A) Helicase (B) SV40 (C) PBR322 (D) Genomic alcohol The phenomenon of reversion of mature cells to the meristhematic state that leads to the formation of
the callo is known as __________(A) Redifferentiation (B) Either A or B (C) Dedifferentiation (D) None of the above Ans. C 180. The first field tests were conducted with which the following genetically altered organism (A) Bt Corn (B) Flavr savr tomato (C) vaccine virus containing a gene of anger virus (D) Strawberry plants sprinkled with
gelated Ans bacteria. D13. MCQs on agricultural microbiology:181. Father of Microbiology (A) A.V. Leeuwenhoek (B) Robert Hooke (C) Robert Koch (D) Ivanovsky Ans. At 182. Father(A) A.V. Leewenhoek (B) Robert Hooke (C) Robert Koch (D) Ivanovsky Ans. C 183. The natural resistance in the plant attributed by __________(A)
Polyphenols (B) cell wall thickness (C) Good nutrition (D) high protein content Ans. B 184. Unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms with rays like filaments (A) Bacteria (B) Fungi (C) Actinomycetes (D) All the Ans above. C 185. The cell wall of positive gram bacteria consists of __________(A) Amino Acid (B) Lipide (C) Pepditogycan (D)
Protein Ans. C 186. The nitrification process is discovered by _______(A) Schloesing and Muntz (1877)(B) Ruinen and Hiltner (C) Winogradsky and Beijernick(D) Beijernickia and WinogradskyAns. A187. Nirification bacteria are isolated from ______________(A) Winogradsky (B) Beijernickia (C) Ruinen(D) Hiltner Ans. 188. The first
member of the genus Azotobacter is discovered by ________ (A) M.W. Beijerinck (B) Winogradsky (C) Ruinen (D) Hiltner Ans. 189. The word Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere is respectively given by ________________(A) Hiltner and Ruinen (B) Ruincn and Hiltner (C) Winogradsky and Beijernickia (D) None of the above Ans. B 190. What
is below is not in the cell prokaryotic (A) Ribosomes (B) cell wall (C) photosyntetic membrane (D) Nucleus Ans. D 191. Flagellar arrangement when it was clustered of polar flagella (A) Monotric (B) Lophotrichous (C) Peritrichous (D) Ans ans. B 192. Robert Koch worked on ________(A) Diabete (B) Cholera (C) Malaria (D)
TuberculosisAns. D 193. Cold loving microbe is known asMesophile(B) Psychrophile (C) Thermophile (D) Hyperthermophile Ans. B 194. The prokaryotic microorganism includes (_A) Fungi (B) Actinomycetes (C) Bacteria (D) Virus Ans. C 195. The first electronic microscope was made by ____________ (A) Knoll and Ruska (B) Ernest
Abbe (C) Robert Koch (D) Antonie Van LeeuwenhoekAns. A14. MCQs on Farm Machinery:196. The maximum power developed by an average man is about (A) 1 hp (B) 0.1 hp (C) 0.2 hp (D) 0.5 hp Ans. B 197. The thermal efficiency of the gasoline engine varies from (A) 32 to 38% (B) 25 to 32% (C) 50 to 60% (D) None of these Ans. B
198. The drought animal can exercise an average force approximately (A) 1/10 of their body weight (B) 1/5 of their body weight (C) 1/15 of their body weight (D) 1/7 of their Ans body weight. The biogas methane percentage varies from 5 to 10% (B) from 10 to 25% (C) from 30 to 40% (D) from 45 to 70%. The relationship between cow and
water for the manufacture of slurry to feed the biogas plant is (_A) 1:2 (B) 4:5 (C) 3:2 (D) 1:5 Ans. B 201. In the biogas plant the temperature is maintained for the production of biogas (A) 20°C (B) 35°C (C) 15°C (D) 10°C. B 202. The number of commercial diesel fuel tanks varies from (_A) 30 to 40 (B) from 20 to 30 (C) from 30 to 60 (D)
from 60 to 90 Ans. C 203. Fuel volatility is measured by (_A) Blotting paper test (B) Bhors experiment (C) Distillation test (D) Both A and B Ans. C 204. The relationship between change of length and original length is called (_A) longitudinal stress (B)Stain (C) Cutting stress (D) Both A and B Ans. B 205. The maximum stress up to which a
body exhibits the elasticity property is the (A) Breaking point (B) Working limit (C) Yield point (D) Elastic limit Ans. D 206. Hooke law states that ______________(A) Performance point di 1/elastic limit (B) Stress di 1/Strain The relationship between normal stress and mass module is known as ______________(A) Modulus of elasticity (C)
Modulus of Bulk (D) Modulus of Ans stiffness. C 208. White in the colour of white iron costs is due to
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The recoupling process takes place
in white cast iron to convert into malleable cast iron at temperature (A) 1000°F (B) 1500°F (C) 1600°F (D) 500°F Ans. C 210. Brass is the alloy of _______(A) Cu 60-70%, Zn 30- 0%(B) Cu 50-60%, Zn 40-50% (C) Cu 80-90%, Zn 10-20% (D) All An above, A15. MCQs on soil and water engineering:211. Water savings at sound
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The overlay of the sprinklers
increases with _______ in the wind speed (A) Decreases (B) Increases (C) Lowering (D) None of the above-mentioned Ans. C 213. Irrigation for irrigation can be used for almost all crops except (A) Cotton, Sorghum (B) Rice, Jute (C) Chilli, Tomato (D) Sugar, Beat Ans. B 214. Spray irrigation method is not suitable forwith infiltration rate
below (A) 4 mm/h (B) 2 cm/h (C) 4 cm/h (D) 3 mm/h Ans. A 215. The irrigation efficiency of the sprinklers depends on the application of water (A) Grade of uniformity (B) Quality (C) Size (D) Quantity Ans. 216. In ____________ irrigation system water is diffused in the air and it is allowed to fall on the ground a little similar to rain (A) Drop
(B) Subsurface Drop (C) Sprinkler (D) Pulse Ans. C 217. In the case of
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C 218. The IW/CPE
approach is preferred primarily for irrigation _________________________________ (A) Surface (B) Drop (C) Sprinkler (D) Bubbler Ans. 219. Rock filling dams are economical for belly control, when the depth of the belly is up to ___________(A) 1.2 m (B) 2.0 m (C) 5.0 m (D) 10.0 m Ans. 220. The most advanced and efficient practice of
fertilization is ______________(A) Drop Fertilizer Fertilizer (B) Line Application (C) Coated Fertilizer Use (D) Injector Ans Use. A 221. The plantation of high water consumption trees for the withdrawal of groundwater is defined as ______________________________________________________________________________(A) of cows
drains (B) of interception (C) C 222. The optimal pH range for most plants is between (A) 4.0 and 8.0 (B) 7.0 and 9.0 (C) 5.5 and 7.0 (D) 2.3 and 9.3 Ans. C 223. The most suitable pH range for fruit plants (A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 4 Ans. At 224. Surgery irrigation is technically a advance on (A) Border irrigation (B)Watering (C) Hole irrigation
(D) Drop irrigation Ans. C 225. The most suitable soil for crop production is ___________________(A) Black soil (B) Laterite and lateritic (C) Flood (D) All the above. C agronomy mcqs pdf download. agronomy mcqs test. fundamentals of agronomy mcqs. gre agronomy mcqs. basic agronomy mcqs. geek agronomy mcqs. agronomy mcqs

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