English Speech WPS Office

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How to Adjust Our Study Habits While During the Coronavirus.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The honorably Mr. and Mrs. Teacher,

As well as what I am proud of, my friends

We thank God for the presence of Allah SWT because we are still given the opportunity to gather in this
field in good health without any shortcomings. Today I want to tell you about How to Adjust Our Study
Habits During the Coronavirus.

The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide, affecting almost all countries and
territorie. Lockdown and social distancing measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to closures
of schools, training institutes and higher education facilities in most countries. The online learning,
distance and continuing education became a challenge to both educators and the learners. Transitioning
from traditional face-to-face learning to online learning can be an entirely different experience for the
learners and the educators, which they must adapt to with little or no other alternatives available. The
education system and the educators have adopted “Education in Emergency” through various online
platforms and are compelled to adopt a system that they are not prepared for.

Within a short span of the COVID-19 pandemic Several schools have discontinued face-to-face teachings.
Things may feel out-of-control right now. We may be facing a lot of unknowns and disruptions. Our
study habits may need to change. While more of our class have to be online and remote, here are some
strategies to keep in mind:

1. Create a study schedule

Set a time to log into our online classes each day. Use an alarm, a reminder, whatever works for you.
Proper time management is essential.

2. Take advantage of productivity apps

We live in the digital age. Whatever you need to do, there’s probably an app that can either do it for you
or make it a lot easier.

3. Avoid distractions

Avoiding social media so you won’t be tempted to scroll through your feed on Facebook or Instagram.

4. Create a dedicated study space

Create a place that you only associate with studying, it will help you get into a productive state easier.

5. Stay connected to other people

Even if we limit how much face-to-face time we spend with others on school, connecting with family and
friends might be more important than ever. And staying in touch with teachers, classmates, and group
mates is still important for continued classwork.

This is the end of my speech today. I hope we can take a good lesson from what I deliver today. Try to be
patient with ourself, our classmates, and our teachers during this time. Take care of our wellbeing first.
Making a plan and adjusting our studying may help us feel even a little sense of control. I ask
forgiveness for any words and behave which are not supposed to be. Thank you for your kind attention

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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