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. In 16th century Europe, the Amish were persecuted for their beliefs. They were
allowed neither church nor formally-trained ministers, and could have no vocation other than
farming. They sought refuge in America, where they prospered , maintaining a rural society within a
society despite outside pressures.

A self-reliant people, the Old Order Amish are the American past. They grow their own food and
make their own clothes . Believers in a literal interpretation of the Bible, the Amish are against
anything worldly . Their stern clothing style avoids ornaments and encourages humility . They
stead-fastly refuse all the conveniences brought by modern technology. They forbid the use of
electricity, telephones, automobiles, tractors or even ‘boughten’ toys for their children.
Transportation is via horse and buggy, and farm work is done by hand . Most Amish cultivate their
fields with horse-drawn machinery. Homes are heated by wood -or coal- burning heaters and
lighting is by kerosene lamps and gas lanterns. Technology is considered to be a temptation
that could cause vanity, create inequality or lead the members away from their close-knit
community. Yet, today, It is one of the areas that divides most the different Amish communities.
The Ordnung or rules that dictate every aspect of their life, varies from community to community,
which explains why you will see some Amish riding cars while others don’t even accept the use of
battery-powered lights! .
It is not thrift that prompts the Amish to live as they do, although they are firm practitioners of
‘waste not, want not’. It is a fundamental belief that God meant people to work with the land and to
return to it as much as they take from it. So there are no luxuries in the Amish world, but neither is
there the complexity, confusion and haste of the modern one. It is a life of strict discipline, pre-
ordained roles for men and women , and complete security at all levels.

Although the Amish look like they stepped out the rural 19th century, in fact they do change; they
choose to examine change carefully before they accept it. If the new idea does not keep their lives
simple and their families together , they probably will reject it. Ironically, it is in America, the epitome
of technology, that these people have not only survived but developed and prospered

I-Give a title to this passage…………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 marks


VOCABULARY only ONE correct choice is possible
1- stern : A- simple B-elaborated C- strict D-personalised
2-worldly : A-imported B-sophisticated C-foreign D-reputed
3 –temptation: A-attraction B-evil C-restriction D-innovation
4-prompts: A- discourages B-encourages C-obliges D-defines
5- haste : A- pollution B- waste C- speed D-disturbance
Your answers will be evaluated based on the information from the text and accuracy of
grammar, spelling and punctuation

III- TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS justify your answer in your own words

1- Once in America , Amish were rejected by Americans because of their weird lifestyle


2-Inspite of outside pressures, the Amish are present in all fields in American society T F


IV -OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS Answer the questions according to the text and in your own
1-Why are the Amish considered to be the” American past”?





2-What is meant by ‘waste not, want not’ in the Amish culture?






3-What is the Amish attitude to change?






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