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Understanding Management Quiz no 1

Submitted to: Dr Saiqa Saddiqa Qureshi

Submitted by: Hina Iqbal
Registration no: 2020-B.BHS-020

Q. What are Fayol's 14 principles of Management . Explain any 5 in detail.

Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of management are as follow:
1. Division of work
2. Authority
3. Unity of command
4. Discipline
5. Unity of direction
6. Subordination of individual interest
7. Remuneration
8. Centralization
9. Scalar chain
10. Order
11. Equity
12. Stability of tenure of personnel
13. Initiative
14. Esprit de Corps

 Division of work
Division of work is dividing each work into different parts among the labors
so the task will be according to their ability. Each worker should be doing a
specific work so they can become a professional or expert in that particular
work. In this way, the quality and the productivity of the work can be
increased and the speed of the workers will also be increased as doing a
specific task everyday will make their speed fast.
For example: In a restaurant, the work is always divided among employees.
Some are given the task of frying patties, some are responsible for fries
making, some for wrapping and some for handling it to the customers.
 Unity of command
In this point, Fayol explained that there should only be one manager whose
commands employee should obey. More than one manager will create a mess
or conflict and can create a confusion. Every manager would want himself or
his order to be superior and would want the employee to complete it and in
this way he will be confused which order to obey. Having only a single
manager will make easy for the employees to report to the only one. If
employees receive commands from only one manager, it will be effective and
without any confusion but receiving commands from more than one manger
may create confusion.
For example: If one manager order the employee to do the specific task and
other restrict them from that task. Eventually it will become a matter of
conflict and will effect the organization.
 Scalar chain
Scalar chain means organizational hierarchy. According to fayol, it is very
important for people working in an organization to know superior and
subordination relationships in an organization. Everyone in an organization
should know who to report and where to go to in case of emergencies. This
goes from bottom managers who inform the middle managers and then they
inform the top managers. This hierarchy varies from top managers levels to
the bottom and there should be a fine line between top to bottom line
managers. In this way the command will move from top to the bottom and the
reports of the organization will move from bottom to the top which is proved
very effective in the working of an organization.
For example: If there is problem within an organization, the employees will
inform the bottom manager who is working closely with the employees. If he
is unable to solve the problem he will inform the middle manager and if they
are not able to solve the problem then it will move to the top level managers.
Usually many small troubles get solved when it reaches to bottom or middle
level managers.
 Order
According to fayol, everything in an organization must be in order for the
effective working of organization. The order of things, people and material
must be placed in right order within an organization. Right person should be
placed in the right position, materials should be placed in right place. In this
way everyone in an organization will know his work place and he will know
from where he can get the material in order to proceed his workings.
For example: In a factory, if the material such as tools are not placed in the
right position, every time when any worker need the tools will have to look for
it in order to use it which will waste a massive time and reduce the
productivity and effectiveness of the organization.
 Equity
Equity means treating all equally without any discrimination. According to
Fayol, it should be a core value of the organization that no employee should
face discrimination even if some employees are working good and others are
not as good as theirs. Treating every worker equally without any
discrimination will make the workers feel attached with their work and
organization. Managers should treat every person in an organization kindly so
they can feel dedication towards their work and organization.
For example: if managers treat everyone equally everyone will feel dedicated
and work effectively but if there is a discrimination workers ability and
effectiveness will be reduced.

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