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Big Data & Hadoop Certification Training

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Course Outline
Understanding Big Data Kafka Monitoring &
Stream Processing
and Hadoop

Hadoop Architecture Integration of Kafka

Kafka Producer Advance
with Hive&and
Hadoop HBase
and HDFS

Hadoop MapReduce Integration of Kafka

Kafka Consumer Advance
Framework with Spark &HBase

Kafka Operation and Processing Distributed Data

Advance MapReduce
Performance Tuning with Apache Spark

Kafka Cluster Architectures Apache Oozie and Hadoop

Pig Kafka Project
& Administering Kafka Project

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Module 2: Hadoop Architecture and HDFS

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Following are the topics covered in this module:
▪ Hadoop 2.x cluster architecture
▪ Hadoop 2.x – High Availability
▪ Hadoop 2.x – Resource Management
▪ Hadoop Cluster Modes
▪ Hadoop Terminal Commands
▪ Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files
▪ Hadoop Daemons
▪ Hadoop Web UI Parts
▪ Data Loading Techniques

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At the end of this module, you will be able to:

▪ Analyse Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture – Federation

▪ Analyse Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture – High Availability

▪ Run Hadoop in Different Cluster Modes

▪ Run Basic Hadoop Commands on Terminal

▪ Prepare Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files and Analyze the Parameters in it

▪ Analyze Dump of a MapReduce Program

▪ Implement Different Data Loading Techniques

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Let’s Revise
▪ Hadoop Core Components

▪ HDFS Architecture

▪ What is HDFS?

▪ Hadoop Vs. Traditional Systems

Resource Node Node Node Node
▪ NameNode and Secondary YARN Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

HDFS DataNode DataNode DataNode DataNode

Cluster NameNode

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Pre-Class Questions

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Annie’s Question
The default replication factor is:
a. 2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 3

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Annie’s Answer
Ans. Option d.
It means if you move a file to HDFS then by default 3 copies of the file
will be stored on different DataNodes.

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Annie’s Question
Every Slave node has two daemons running on them that is
DataNode and NodeManager in a MultiNode Cluster.

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Annie’s Answer
DataNode service for HDFS and NodeManager for processing.

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Annie’s Question
A block is replicated in 4 nodes K,L,M, and N. If M, K and N fails. But, a
client can still read the data.

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Annie’s Answer
Ans. TRUE.
As the remaining node ‘L’ will contain the block in question.

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Typical Hadoop Cluster Configuration
Secondary NameNode Active NameNode StandBy NameNode
RAM: 64 GB, RAM: 32 GB, RAM: 128 GB,
Hard disk: 1 TB Hard disk: 1 TB Hard disk: 1 TB
Processor: Xenon with 4 Cores Processor: Xenon with 8 Cores Processor: Xenon with 8 Cores
Ethernet: 3 x 10 GB/s Ethernet: 3 x 10 GB/s Ethernet: 3 x 10 GB/s
OS: 64-bit CentOS OS: 64-bit CentOS OS: 64-bit CentOS
Power: Redundant Power Supply Power: Redundant Power Supply Power: Redundant Power Supply

DataNode DataNode DataNode

DataNode DataNode DataNode


Hard disk: 6 x 2TB Hard disk: 6 x 2TB Hard disk: 6 x 2TB
Processor: Xenon with 2 cores. Processor: Xenon with 2 cores Processor: Xenon with 2 cores
Ethernet: 3 x 10 GB/s Ethernet: 3 x 10 GB/s Ethernet: 3 x 10 GB/s
OS: 64-bit CentOS OS: 64-bit CentOS OS: 64-bit CentOS

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Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture

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Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture

NameNode Slave02
http://master:50070/ NodeManager
http://master:8088 NodeManager


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Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture (Contd.)


NameNode ResourceManager

DataNode DataNode NodeManager NodeManager

NodeManager NodeManager DataNode DataNode

DataNode DataNode NodeManager NodeManager

NodeManager NodeManager DataNode DataNode

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Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture - Federation
Hadoop 1.0 Hadoop 2.0

ViewFS Map

Namenode NS /Financial => NN1

/HR => NN2
/Health Care => NN3
Block Management

NameNode NameNode NameNode

Block Storage

Datanode … Datanode

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Annie’s Question
How does HDFS Federation help HDFS Scale horizontally?
a. Reduces the load on any single NameNode by using the multiple, independent
NameNode to manage individual parts of the file system namespace.
b. Provides cross-data centre (non-local) support for HDFS, allowing a cluster
administrator to split the Block Storage outside the local cluster.

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Annie’s Answer
Ans. Option (a)
In order to scale the name service horizontally, HDFS federation uses
multiple independent NameNode. The NameNode are federated, that
is, the NameNode are independent and don’t require coordination
with each other.

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Annie’s Question
You have configured two name nodes to manage /marketing and
/finance respectively. What will happen if you try to put a file in
/accounting directory?

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Annie’s Answer

Ans. Put will fail. None of the namespace will manage the file and you
will get an IOException with a No such file or directory error.

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Hadoop 2.x – High Availability

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Hadoop 2.x – High Availability

All name space edits
logged to shared NFS Read edit logs
storage; single writer Shared Edit Logs and applies to its
(fencing) own namespace
Secondary Active Standby
High Name Node NameNode NameNode

DataNode DataNode Data Node

*Not necessary to
NameNode Node Manager Node Manager
App App
Container Master Container Master

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Hadoop 2.x – Resource Management
All name space edits Client
logged to shared NFS Read edit logs
storage; single writer Shared Edit Logs and applies to its
(fencing) own namespace
Secondary Active Standby Resource Next Generation
High NameNode NameNode NameNode Manager MapReduce

DataNode DataNode Data Node Node Manager Node Manager

*Not necessary to
configure App
Secondary Container Master Container Master
NameNode Node Manager Node Manager
DataNode DataNode
App App
Container Master Container Master

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Hadoop 2.x – Resource Management (Contd.)

Resource Manager
Manager (AsM)

Node Manager Node Manager

App App
Container Master Container Master
DataNode DataNode

YARN – Yet Another Resource Negotiator

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Annie’s Question
HDFS HA was developed to overcome the following disadvantage in
Hadoop 1.0?
a. Single Point of Failure of NameNode
b. Only one version can be run in classic MapReduce
c. Too much burden on Job Tracker

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Annie’s Answer

Ans. Single Point of Failure of NameNode

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Hadoop Cluster: Facebook

▪ We use Hadoop to store copies of internal log and dimension data sources and use
it as a source for reporting/analytics and machine learning.

▪ Currently we have 2 major clusters:

❑ A 1100-machine cluster with 8800 cores and about 12 PB raw storage.
❑ A 300-machine cluster with 2400 cores and about 3 PB raw storage.
❑ Each (commodity) node has 8 cores and 12 TB of storage.
❑ We are heavy users of both streaming as well as the Java APIs. We have built a
higher level data warehousing framework using these features called Hive(see the We have also developed a FUSE implementation
over HDFS.

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Hadoop Cluster Modes

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Hadoop Cluster Modes
Standalone (or Local) Mode

• No daemons, everything runs in a single JVM.

• Suitable for running MapReduce programs during development.

• Has no DFS.

Hadoop can run in any of the three

Pseudo-Distributed Mode modes

• Hadoop daemons run on the local machine.

Fully-Distributed Mode

• Hadoop daemons run on a cluster of machines.

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Terminal Commands

command: hdfs <args>

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Terminal Commands

command: hadoop <args>

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Hadoop FS Shell Commands

▪ HDFS organizes data in files and directories

▪ Hadoop provides a command line interface called FS

shell using which a user can interact with directly with
the HDFS

▪ The syntax of the Hadoop commands is similar to bash

▪ Command: hdfs dfs <args>

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Terminal Commands
Listing of files present on HDFS

Listing of files present in Hadoop Directory

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Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files

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Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files

Description of Log Files
Filenames Environment Variables that are used in the scripts to run Hadoop.

core-site.xml Configuration settings for Hadoop Core such as I/O settings that are common to HDFS and MapReduce.

hdfs-site.xml Configuration settings for HDFS daemons, the namenode, the Secondary NameNode and the DataNodes.

mapred-site.xml Configuration settings for MapReduce Applications.

yarn-site.xml Configuration settings for ResourceManager and NodeManager.

masters A list of machines (one per line) that each run a Secondary NameNode.

slaves A list of machines (one per line) that each run a Datanode and a NodeManager.

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Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files

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Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files
Core core-site.xml

HDFS hdfs-site.xml

YARN yarn-site.xml

MapReduce mapred-site.xml

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!-- core-site.xml -->
The name of the default file
<configuration> system. The url's authority is
<property> used to determine the host,
<name>fs.defaultFS</name> port, etc. for a filesystem.


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> Determines the number of
<!-- hdfs-site.xml --> replication of blocks allowed in the
<configuration> HDFS(here the specified value is 3).
<name>dfs.replication</name> Determines the size of data blocks
<value>3</value> in the HDFS(here, the specified
</property> value is in bytes – 128 MB).

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> The runtime framework
<!-- mapred-site.xml --> for executing MapReduce
jobs. Can be set to local,
classic or yarn.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!-- yarn-site.xml --> HA feature enabled
<configuration> in YARN

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All Properties




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Slaves and Masters
Two files are used by the startup and shutdown commands:


▪ Contains a list of hosts, one per line, that are to host DataNode
and NodeManager services.


▪ Contains a list of hosts, one per line, that are to host Secondary
NameNode servers.

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Per-Process Run Time Environment
Set parameter JAVA_HOME JVM

▪ This file also offers a way to provide custom parameters for each of the servers.
▪ is sourced by all of the Hadoop Core scripts provided inside hadoop directory:
▪ Examples of environment variables that you can specify:
▪ export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE=“512“

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Hadoop Daemons

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Hadoop Daemons - Status

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Hadoop Daemons

▪ Runs on master node of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

▪ Directs Data Nodes to perform their low-level I/O tasks


▪ Runs on each slave machine in the HDFS

▪ Does the low-level I/O work


▪ Runs on master node of the Data processing System(MapReduce)

▪ Global resource Scheduler

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Hadoop Daemons

▪ Runs on each slave node of Data processing System

▪ Platform for the Data processing tasks


▪ Runs on each slave node of Data processing System

▪ Platform for the Data processing tasks

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Hadoop Web UI Parts
Default Used
Service Servers Protocol Description

Master Nodes
Web UI to look at current status of HDFS, explore
NameNode Web UI (NameNode and any back-up 50070 http
file system

DataNode All Slave Nodes 50075 http Data Node Web UI to access the status, logs etc.

ResourceManager Cluster Level resource Web UI for Resource-Manager and for

8088 http
Web UI manager application submissions

Monitors resources on Data Node information, List of Applications

NodeManager 8042 TCP
Node and List of containers

MapReduce Get status on finished Providing logs of important events in MapReduce

19888 TCP
JobHistory Server applications. job execution and associated profiling metrics

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▪ NameNode Status:

▪ ResourceManager Status:

▪ MapReduce JobHistoryServer Status:

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Annie’s Question
Which of the following file is used to specify the NameNode's heap
a. bashrc
d. core-site.xml

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Annie’s Answer
This file specifies environment variables that affect the JDK
used by Hadoop Daemon (bin/Hadoop)

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Annie’s Question
It is necessary to define all the properties in core-site.xml,
hdfs-site.xml,yarn-site.xml & mapred-site.xml.

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Annie’s Answer

Ans. False.
Detailed answer will be given after the next question.

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Annie’s Question
Standalone Mode uses default configuration?

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Annie’s Answer
Ans. True.
In Stand alone mode Hadoop runs with default configuration
(Empty configuration files i.e. no configuration settings in core-
site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml and yarn-site.xml). If
properties are not defined in the configuration files, Hadoop runs
with default values for the corresponding properties.

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Sample Example List

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Running the WordCount Example

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Checking the Output

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Annie’s Question

The output of a MR job will be stored on HDFS:


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Annie’s Answer

Ans. True
It is stored in different part files for eg – part-m-00000, part-m-00001
and so on.

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Annie’s Question
To run MR job, the data should be present on HDFS:

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Annie’s Answer
Ans. True
In order to process data in parallel, it is necessary that it is present
on HDFS so that MR can work on chunks of data in parallel.

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Data Loading Techniques

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Data Loading Techniques and Data Analysis
Data Analysis

Using Pig Using HIVE


Using Flume Using Sqoop Using Hadoop Copy Commands

Data Loading

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Hadoop Copy Commands
put: Copy file(s) from local file system to destination file system. It can also read from “stdin” and writes to destination
file system.

hadoop dfs –put weather.txt hdfs://<target Namenode>

copyFromLocal: Similar to “put” command, except that the source is restricted to a local file reference.

hadoop dfs –copyFromLocal weather.txt hdfs://<target Namenode>

distcp: Distributed Copy to move data between clusters, used for backup and recovery

hadoop distcp hdfs://<source NN> hdfs://<target NN>

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Demo on Copy Commands

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Data Loading Using Flume
Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting,
aggregating, and moving large amounts of streaming event data.
Demo will be covered in
Module 10

Streaming HDFS


Twitter Source Memory Channel HDFS Sink

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Data Loading Using Sqoop
Apache Sqoop (TM) is a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data
between Apache Hadoop and structured data stores such as relational
databases. Demo will be covered in
Module 10

▪ Imports individual tables or entire databases to HDFS.

▪ Generates Java classes to allow you to interact with your imported data.
▪ Provides the ability to import from SQL databases straight into your Hive data

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Annie’s Question
Your website is hosting a group of more than 300 sub-websites. You want to
have an analytics on the shopping patterns of different visitors? What is the
best way to collect those information from the weblogs?

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Annie’s Answer


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Annie’s Question
You want to join data collected from two sources. One source of data
collected from a big database of call records is already available in HDFS.
The another source of data is available in a database table. The best way to
move that data in HDFS is:
a. SQOOP import
b. PIG script
c. Hive Query

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Annie’s Answer

Ans. SQOOP import.

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# Go through Edureka Cloud Lab and explore it

# Check working condition of Hadoop Eco-system in Edureka’s Cloud Lab

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Further Reading
▪ Hadoop Cluster Setup

▪ Hadoop on Amazon AWS ec2

▪ Hadoop Hardware Selection

▪ Hadoop Cluster Configuration

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Further Reading
▪ MapReduce Job execution

▪ Add/Remove Nodes in a Cluster

▪ Secondary Namenode

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Pre-work for next class
Refresh your Java Skills using Java Essential for Hadoop Tutorial

Review the Interview Questions for setting up hadoop cluster.

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Agenda for Next Class
▪ Use Cases of MapReduce
▪ Traditional vs MapReduce Way
▪ Hadoop 2.x MapReduce Components and Architecture
▪ YARN Execution Flow
▪ MapReduce Concepts

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