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Molson Coors Global Business Services Romania

ACT ADITIONAL din 22-Dec-20 ADDENDUM dated 22-Dec-20

la contractul individual de munca to the individual empoyment agreement
942 / 23-Sep-20 942 / 23-Sep-20

Angajatorul - persoana juridica Molson Coors Employer – legal entity Molson Coors Global
Global Business Services S.R.L. cu sediul Business Services S.R.L. with registered office
central in Bucuresti, Sg. Constantin Ghercu 1A, in Bucuresti, Sg. Constantin Ghercu 1ª Street,
The Bridge, Faza II/Cladirea B, etaj -2, 3-5, Sector The Bridge, Phase II/Building B, floor -2, 3-5,
6, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului cu nr Sector 6, Trade Registry no.
J40/6822/23.05.2019, cod unic de inregistrare J40/6822/23.05.2019, Sole Registration Code
36228213, reprezentata de catre Ioana Crisan, in RO36228213, represented by Ioana Crisan, HR
calitate de Director Resurse Umane, Director,
Si And

In temeiul Art. 17(5) coroborat cu Art. 41 (1) din Based on Art. 17(5) and Art. 41 (1) in Law no.
Legea nr. 53/2003 si al Legii nr 81/2018, 53/2003 and on Law no. 81/2018,

Si avand in vedere: And considering:

 Obligatia legala a Angajatorului de a  The legal obligation of the Employer to

aplica masuri suplimentare de protectie si apply additional measures of protection
preventie in contextul situației and prevention in the context of the
epidemiologice determinate de epidemiological situation triggered by the
răspândirea coronavirusului SARS-CoV- spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus,
2, inclusiv obligatia de a implementa cu including the obligation to implement with
prioritate, acolo unde tipul activitatii priority, where the type of activity carried
salariatului o permite, masura telemuncii out by the employee allows it, the
ca si masura preventiva in contextual measure of remote work as a preventive
sanitar actual, in conformitate cu Art 10 al measure in the present sanitary context,
Hotărârii de Guvern nr. 935/2020; as per Art. 10 in Government Decision no.
 Obligatia pe care Angajatorul o are de a  The obligation of the Employer to
implementa regulile grupului Molson implement Molson Coors group business
Coors in materie de continuitate a continuity rules, considering to role of the
afacerii, avand in vedere in special rolul Employer as global service provider of the
Angajatorului de furnizor global de servicii group;
al grupului;
 Informarile interne pe care Angajatorul le-  The internal information the Employer
a organizat cu privire la conditiile in care gave to its employees with respect to
Angajatorul va organiza munca in regim remote work conditions that the Employer
de telemunca in cadrul societatii Molson shall apply within Molson Coors Global
Coors Global Business Services SRL, Business Services SRL, to the employees
pentru salariatii sai care pot desfasura that may perform work using information
munca folosind tehnologia informatiei si technology and communications;
 Informarea salariatilor mentionata mai sus  The above-mentioned information of
a privit in mod specific continutul politicii employees concerned specifically the
de telemunca (parte a regulamentului content of the remote work policy (part of
intern al Angajatorului), politica de care the internal regulations of the Employer),
Salariatul a luat la cunostinta, semnand in policy which was acknowledged in written

Molson Coors Global Business Services Romania

acest sens; by the Employee;

Partile hotarasc modificarea contractului individual The parties agree on the amendment of the
de munca 942 / 23-Sep-20, dupa cum urmeaza: individual employment agreement 942 / 23-Sep-
20, as follows:

Articolul 1. Article 1.

Articolul D.1 din cadrul Articolului D “Locul de Article D.1 within Article D “Place of work” is
munca” se modifica si va avea urmatorul continut: amended and it shall have the following content:

“D. Locul de munca “D. Place of work

1. Activitatea se desfasoara atat in cadrul 1. Employee’s activity is performed both at

birourilor Angajatorului de la sediul aflat in Str. Sg. Employer’s offices located at the registered offices
Constantin Ghercu 1A, The Bridge, Faza at Sg. Constantin Ghercu 1A Street, The Bridge,
II/Cladirea B, etajele -2, 3, 4, si 5, Sector 6, Phase II/Building B, floor -2, 3-5, Sector 6,
Bucuresti cat si in afara acestora, conform Bucharest, and outside such offices, as per the
acordului Salariatului cu managerul sau direct, Employee’s agreement with his direct manager,
acord consemnat in Cererea de Telemunca a agreement contained by the Remote Work
Salariatului / Remote Work Employee Request, Employee Request (“the Request”), which is part
(“Cererea”), care face parte integranta din of the present individual employment agreement.”
prezentul contract individual de munca.”

Articolul 2. Article 2.

Articolul D “Locul de munca” se modifica, prin Article D “Place of work” is amended, by insertion
inserarea noului Articol D.1¹., care va avea of new Article D.1¹., which shall have the following
urmatorul continut: content:

D.1¹. Salariatul opteaza pentru desfasurarea D.1¹. Employee choses performance of work
muncii sale in regim de telemunca, dupa cum under the rules of remote work, as follows:
a) Salariatul lucreaza in regim de telemunca, in a) Employee works remotely, with the observance
conditiile stabilite de prezentul contract individual of all relevant rules, as set out under the present
de munca, lege si regulamentul intern al individual employment agreement, the law and
Angajatorului (inclusiv politica de telemunca a Employer’s internal regulations (including
Angajatorului); Employer’s remote work policy);

b) perioada si/sau zilele in care activitatea se b) the period and / or days in which the activity is
desfasoara la un loc de munca organizat de carried out at the workplace organized by the
Angajator – partile agreeaza de comun acord Employer – the parties agree on the exact period
perioada si/sau zilele exacte, in cadrul Cererii si le and / or days as per the Request and document
documenteaza in sistemul de pontaj electronic, them in the time and attendance tool, such
aceste documente facand parte integranta din documents being integral part of the present
prezentul contract individual de munca. Continutul individual employment agreement. The content
si procedura de semnare a Cererii de catre and the signing process of the Request are set
Salariat sunt stabilite de politica de telemunca a out under the Employer’s remote work policy;
c) locul/locurile desfasurarii activitatii de c) the place(s) from which remote work is carried
telemunca, convenite de parti – teritoriul out, as agreed by parties – Romanian territory, at

Molson Coors Global Business Services Romania

Romaniei, la locatia indicata in Cerere, care este the location indicated under the Request, which is
parte integranta din prezentul contract individual integral part of the present individual employment
de munca; agreement;

d) programul in cadrul caruia Angajatorul este in d) the schedule under which the Employer has the
drept sa verifice activitatea Salariatului si right to check the Employee’s activity and the
modalitatea concreta de realizare a controlului - exact means of such check – as per the internal
conform regulamentului intern (inclusiv politica de regulations (including Employer’s remote work
telemunca a Angajatorului); policy);

e) modalitatea de evidentiere a orelor de munca e) the means of recording the working hours
prestate de Salariat - conform regulamentului performed by the Employee – as per the internal
intern (inclusiv politica de telemunca a regulations (including Employer’s remote work
Angajatorului) si sistemului electronic de pontaj policy) and the time and attendance tool used by
utilizat de Angajator pentru toti salariatii sai; Employer in relation to all its employees;

f) responsabilitatile partilor convenite in functie de f) the agreed parties’ responsibilities depending

locul/locurile desfasurarii activitatii de telemunca, on the place(s) of remote work, including the
inclusiv responsabilitatile din domeniul securitatii responsibilities in the field of employee health and
si sanatatii in munca - conform regulamentului safety – as per the internal regulations (including
intern (inclusiv politica de telemunca a Employer’s remote work policy);

g) obligatia Angajatorului de a asigura transportul g) Employer’s obligation to ensure transport to

la si de la locul desfasurarii activitatii de and from the place of remote work of the
telemunca al materialelor pe care Salariatul le equipment the Employee uses in his/her activity -
utilizeaza in activitatea sa, dupa caz - conform as per the internal regulations (including
regulamentului intern (inclusiv politica de Employer’s remote work policy);
telemunca a Angajatorului);

h) obligatia Angajatorului de a informa Salariatul h) Employer’s obligation to inform Employee with

cu privire la dispozitiile din reglementarile legale, respect to the provisions under the law, the
din contractul colectiv de munca aplicabil si/sau collective bargaining agreement and / or the
regulamentul intern, in materia protectiei datelor internal regulations, in the field of personal data
cu caracter personal, precum si obligatia protection, as well as the Employee’s obligation to
Salariatului de a respecta aceste prevederi - observe such provisions – as per the internal
conform regulamentului intern (inclusiv politica de regulations (including Employer’s remote work
telemunca a Angajatorului); policy);

i) masurile pe care le ia Angajatorul pentru ca i) measures taken by Employer so that the

Salariatul care lucreaza in regim de telemunca sa Employee working remotely is not isolated from
nu fie izolat de restul angajatilor si care asigura the rest of the employees and has the possibility
acestuia posibilitatea de a se intalni cu colegii in to meet regularly with his/her co-workers – as per
mod regulat - conform regulamentului intern the internal regulations (including Employer’s
(inclusiv politica de telemunca a Angajatorului); remote work policy);

j) conditiile in care Angajatorul suporta cheltuielile j) the conditions under which the Employer
aferente activitatii in regim de telemunca - supports the expenses related to remote work –
conform regulamentului intern (inclusiv politica de as per the internal regulations (including
telemunca a Agajatorului). Employer’s remote work policy).

Molson Coors Global Business Services Romania

Molson Coors Global Business Services Romania

Articolul 3. Article 3.

Articolul K (Drepturi si obligatii ale partilor privind Article K (Rights and obligations of the parties
securitatea si sanatatea in munca) lit e) se concerning employee health and safety) letter e)
modifica si va avea urmatorul continut: is amended and it shall have the following
“ e) alte drepturi si obligatii privind sanatatea si “e) other rights and obligations concerning
securitatea in munca - conform normelor legale employee health and safety – as per the general
generale de protectie a muncii, masurilor dispuse legal provisions in the field of employee health
de Angajator si regulamentului intern al and safety, the measures taken by the Employer
Angajatorului (inclusiv politica de telemunca a and the internal regulations of the Employer
Angajatorului).” (including Employer’s remote work policy).”

Articolul 4. Article 4.

Toate celelalte prevederi ale contractului All other provisions of the individual employment
individual de munca raman neschimbate. agreement remain unchanged.

Prezentul act aditional a fost incheiat in 2 The present Addendum was concluded in 2
exemplare, cate un exemplar pentru fiecare parte, original copies, one for each party, entering into
urmand sa isi produca efectele incepand cu 01- force starting 01-Feb-21.

Angajator / Employer, Molson Coors Global Business Services S.R.L.

Ioana Crisan Director Resurse Umane / HR Director


Salariat / Employee,



Am primit o copie in original / I acknowledge having received one copy,


Data / Date: _08/01/2020______

Semnatura / Signature

Constantin Raluca


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