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Running head: Management and Leadership skills

The Tenet of Conscious Leadership, the Importance of Self-Assessment, And Reflection.

Vikram Panchal

Grand Canyon University

June 13, 2018

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The characteristics of conscious leadership as defined by Mackey and Sisodia

Although majority of the leaders usually spend much of their time as leaders below the

line, leaders improve their capacities to accurately identify themselves at any given time. being

conscious and above the line requires the leader to exhibit a higher level of self-awareness, be

curious, open and devoted to learning new concepts (Ferrari & Sternberg, 1998). ability of the

leader to identify himself at any given time and being able to determine whether he/ she is above

the self-awareness line constitutes the key building block of any conscious leader. Consequently,

characteristics of conscious leadership include:

i. Introspective and self-awareness: Conscious leaders usually have deeper intelligence

wisdom and have knowledge of whom they ar.

ii. Excise authentic power and humility: the power of conscious leaders is from within but

nit based their prestige and titles.

iii. Lead their lives in environments of wholeness and integrity

iv. Conscious leaders have self-confidence, are courageous, compassionate and make firms

decisions in which they are fully responsible.

v. Conscious leaders establish cultures and contexts that allow others to develop and


vi. Demonstrate higher curiosity to understand their colleagues and followers

Importance of self-awareness, self-concept, and emotional intelligence and the role they

play in enabling effective conscious leadership.

Also called introspection or self-knowledge, self-awareness involves identifying and

understanding one’s own desires, needs, failures, desires and habits in order to adapt to different

lifestyles that meet and satisfy their needs. Self-awareness is the foundation of an individual’s
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quantified self-movement that allows individuals to use the data they collect about themselves to

improve on their various areas of weaknesses. Through self-awareness, people are able to

understand to learn and understand why they do the things that they routinely do. Besides self-

awareness enables people to identify and improve on their habits (Goleman, 2009).

Closely linked to self-esteem and self-worth, an individual’s self-concept relates to how

he/ she views and evaluates him/ herself. Self-concept therefore allows individuals perceive

themselves from different perspectives either positive or negative. Studies indicate that

individuals who see themselves in healthy and positive perspectives usually experience positive,

happy and healthy lives. The key to a good self-concept involves knowledge of one’s self, loving

one’s self and being true to one’s self. Thus, self-concept, which closely relates to self-esteem

allows an individual to avid depending on external sources of validation, and the negative

opinions from other people (Natson, 2000).

It is essential for individuals especially leaders to develop and demonstrate emotional

intelligence in their daily endeavors. Emotional intelligence enables individuals to identity and

understand their emotions and possible reactions to the emotions, manage and adapt to their

emotions and establish relationships with others by discerning their feelings. Moreover, through

emotional intelligence, individuals and leaders develop their mental well-being, establish good

relationships, resolve conflicts and succeed in most of their endeavors.

Summary of the results of the self-assessment tests

Form the self-assessment test, I had a score of 71 in the emotional intelligence score. This

implied that I am competent and skilled with the ability to recognize, perceive and express my

emotions both to myself as well as to others, albeit, I still have to do more to boost my emotional

intelligence score. From the score, it is apparent that I can be a good leader as I have the ability
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to read and understand how others feel, identify my own emotions and relate the emotions of

others to my own emotions and feelings. On the other hand, the results indicated that that I had a

personality trait score of 63. The score classified me in the mildness category, which involves

smoothness, resignation and harmony. In this case I am able to comply with the existing rules set

by the authorities and am able to negotiate and agree with most of the conditions that are very

demanding. My scores for learning style assessments were 4, 3, 4, and 5 for visual, aural, read/

write and kinesthetic respectively, which implies that my preference for learning is multimodal

learning. From the values profile values test, my dominant values are traditional values and

social values, whereas my influencing values constitutes of realistic, aesthetic, political and

theoretical values (Natson, 2000).

Insights that I gained after taking the assessments and the influence of the knowledge to my

values and attitudes

Undertaking of the assessments tests has allowed me to have a better understanding of

my personality, traits and values. The test will allow me struggle to improve on my emotions and

feelings towards other because I learned that I still have to learn more in order to attain higher

scores. Additionally, the test was eye-opening as I learned that I am a mild person and can be

used as a leader to enhance harmony and coexistence in society. Additionally, from the results, I

was able to understand that I am a multimodal learner who can learn new concepts from different

sources and environments. The assessment results will allow me to improve on the way I relate

and socialize with others at the workplace by purposing to improve on the emotional intelligence

scores. The results for my personality traits indicated that I belonged to the mildness category. I

seek to maintain the category by avoiding to enter the roughness class in order to improve my

humble existence (Goleman, 2009).

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Significance of the self-assessment results in relation to your individual behavior, your

behavior within groups, and within organizations

The assessment results from the tests conform to my individual behavior especially

within groups and at the workplace. Most of my colleagues perceive me as a humble and

arbitrator. I usually negotiate, inquire and seek help from colleagues before making any critical

decision and I therefore believe that the results of the assessments are valid. In addition I am

eager to learn new concepts at the workplace through various modes including observation,

reading and listening, which are all reflected in the assessment results as a multimodal learner

(Robbins, 2009).
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Ferrari, M. D., & Sternberg, R. J. (1998). Self-awareness: Its nature and development. New

York, NY [u.a.: Guilford Press.

Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.

Goleman, D. (2009). Working with emotional intelligence.

Natson, C. R. (2000). Tutor evaluation by self-assessment for Chabot College Tutorial

Instructional Program.

Robbins, S. P. (2009). Self-assessment library 3.4: Insights into your skills, interests and

abilities. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Academy of General Dentistry. (1984). Self-assessment: Academy of General Dentistry self-

assessment quizzes, January 1980 through April 1998. Chicago, IL: The Academy.

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