BSB705 ASG1C Oct21 Group

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BSB705 Oct 2021 -Mar 2022

Strategic and Risk Management Prof. Md Najib Ibrahim


External and Internal Assessment

1. David, Fred R, David, Forest R & David, Meredith E (2020). Strategic
Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases
(Subscription), 17th Edition Pearson, Singapore
2. International Facility Management Association (2009). Strategic Facility
Planning: A White Paper on Strategic Facility Planning
3. websites


1. This is a group project. Student will be grouped into 4 teams as follows:

Team Team Leader

A Asmarina Binti Amran
B Wan Siti Zubaidah Yahya
C Md Hairul Haron
D Asnul Hisyam

2. Each team should choose Facilities Management unit/department of an

organization/company as case study

PART A (SWOT brainstorming)

3. The teams are required to conduct a brainstorming session for its Facilities
Management unit/department on current issues including:
a. The issues compiled by ISS known as ‘Nine forces that will shape the
next normal’
b. Other issues, for example Reparability. France is expected to become the
first country to adopt a Reparability Rating Label next January. This may
lead to retrofitting with more reparability equipment/appliances

4. The teams are required to outline a strategic facility plan so that the
organization/company remain competitive.

Prof Md Najib
PART B (report/presentation/poster)
Section 1 (presentation)

5. Each team should prepare powerpoint presentation:

a. The powerpoint should be saved in Microsoft PowerPoint and pdf file as

<leadername> <1C.1-presentation>e.g. Hidayah-1C.1-presentation
b. The file should be emailed to not later than Nov
6, 2021

Section 2 (written report)

6. Each team should prepare a written report

a. The presentation should be expanded as a written report with citations
from key website references
b. The report should be saved in pdf file as <leadername> <1C.2-report>e.g.
c. The file should be emailed to not later than Nov
13, 2021

Section 3 (poster)

7. Each team should prepare a poster

a. A0 Posters, based on the powerpoint, should be prepared and formatted,
visually appealing with the use of color, and present a professional image.
b. Word limit
i. There is no word limit for within the poster itself, but please bear in
mind that the purpose is to outline the essentials information of
your power point presentation that stimulates interest for the
ii. Select the most notable aspects of your study because not all the
information can be presented.
iii. write clearly and concisely
iv. Avoid long, complex sentences
c. Organization
i. The most natural way for a reader to proceed is left to right, so
begin in the upper left corner and end in the lower right corner.
ii. Arrange your material in columns that can be read top to bottom.
Thus, a viewer can read the far left column, and then step to the
right to read the next section, which will allow another viewer to
start reading the first column. Leave a reasonable amount of
space (e.g., at least 6–8” inches) between columns.
iii. Don’t put key information (e.g., a photo or table of results) at the
very bottom of a column so that a reader must squat down to see
the information clearly.
iv. Define different sections clearly. Use headings of reasonable size
(larger than the text) to identify the start of each major section.
Use colored backgrounds to delineate sections

Prof Md Najib
d. Clarity
i. Do not use all Upper-Case characters in title
ii. The title should be readable from a distance of 20 feet, be bold
and dark, and be in a non-serif (i.e., Arial, Comic Sans, Berlin
Sans, Tahoma). Use consistent font style for all headings.
iii. For text, make font size large enough to be easily read from a
distance of 4 feet. Reasonable font sizes might range from 24
point to 36 point
e. The poster should be saved as <leadername> <1C.3-poster> file e.g.
f. The file should be emailed to not later than Nov
20, 2021

PART C (peer assessment)

8. Each team leader in consultation with team members should email to me the
assessment of other team presentations (total 10 marks)
9. Each team member within the same team should email to me the assessment of
other team members (total 10 marks)
10. Both assessments should be emailed should be emailed to not later than Nov 20, 2021

Prof Md Najib

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