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The AC Right-Hand Rule

As current, magnetism and force are always found to be naturally orthogonal towards
one another and expressed in all three cartesian planes, it follows that the entire world
operates on such a founded principle. In all practices of waveforms found in nature,
each expression is emitted in its alternating fashion. By any modern term, Alternating
Current (AC) is known and replicated.
From a bird’s song, to the rush of a waterfall, all sound, despite its unfathomable array
of timbres, presents itself as alternating pressure within the air and ether. The back and
forth motion of such is found in the heartbeat of the magnetic Earth. With its lightning
storms and magnetic core, the body rings like a bell and in the swayed fashion of
alternation. Of the celestial, radio waves fall from the sun to electrically alternate the
ground in the form of light and EMF radiation.
Of direct importance is that all AC waves travel on the surface of an object. The higher
the frequency, the less the wave can punch into the depth of the material. Rather, as the
wavelength decreases, the more the expression must travel along the outermost portion
of the body.
Antennas are nature's energy receiver and each is based on its proper dimension. The
bumblebee, tree, and cat all have antennas in common with one another. What size,
where, and for what purpose are questions to differ and consider.
In order to form all three cartesian modes of manifestation, every ingredient must be in
place. First the electric AC wave channeled by an antenna. Next, the magnetic wave as
copper is spun into a solenoid. Finally the wave of force-that is the varying pressures of
sound. As all three are already AC waves, this implies that all three move about its
outermost perimeter. According to the right hand rule, if all three AC waves are in
phase and harmonically coupled to one another, then motion can occur.
Consider two parallel transmission lines. As both are erected and power is fed across
the surface of each, the space in between them experiences a force. This is the right
hand rule. A change in amperage and thus a magnetic field results in a change of force
over time (i.e. Alternating Current) Moreso, ponder a railgun and its similar mode of
As all three are always necessary and found in every phenomena, it is deduced that
matter is a layered expression of AC magnetic, electric and sound waves.
Now, the three can gather strength to infinity or they can diminish to nothing. If both
the electric and magnetic waves cancel one another out; then, according to the right-
hand-rule, the force of acceleration is amended and greatly diminished.
As of the levitation of any object, the figure must be completely surrounded by clashing
magnetic, electric and sound waves in order to free from gravity’s acceleration and
persistent force. Two solenoids can be wound around a ferromagnetic object. These
solenoids will face a common center and are emitting opposing waves (north to
north/south to south). In addition the ferros body is grounded to an antenna to soak up
electrical waves. Lastly, the cavity is resonated audibly to harmonically match the octave
of the incoming waves of radio electrical vibration. In turn, the audio will amplify the
force across the surface of the object. In doing so and according to the right hand rule,
both the electric and thus magnetic (solenoid) waves will be amplified until canceled.
Sound acts as force, the antenna acts as current and the solenoid acts as the magnetic
component according to the right-hand-rule. If all three are in phase to one another,
then the energy manifest across the surface of any body is noticed.

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