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adds interest to the Greco-Roman sculpture

Synonyms for free

detached, disconnected, discrete, freestanding,

separate, single, unattached, unconnected
Words Related to free

independent, self-contained
individual, private
Near Antonyms for free

Antonyms for free

attached, connected, joined, linked

free verb
Synonyms & Antonyms of free (Entry 2 of 2)
1to set free (as from slavery or confinement)
a global crusade to free Nelson Mandela from a
South African prison had emerged
Synonyms for free

discharge, disenthrall (also disenthral),

emancipate, enfranchise, enlarge, liberate,
loose, loosen, manumit, release, spring, unbind,
uncage, unchain, unfetter
Words Related to free

bail (out), deliver, parole, ransom, redeem,

rescue, save
disembarrass, disencumber, disengage,
disentangle, extricate
Phrases Synonymous with free
turn loose
Near Antonyms for free

handcuff, manacle, shackle, trammel

commit, immure, imprison, incarcerate, intern,
jail, lock (up)
conquer, enslave, subdue, subjugate
Antonyms for free

bind, confine, enchain, fetter, restrain

2to make passage through (something) possible
by removing obstructions
we'll free the river by breaking up the ice jam
Synonyms for free

clear, open, unclog, unplug, unstop

Words Related to free

ease, facilitate, loosen (up), smooth

Near Antonyms for free

constrict, encumber, hamper, hinder, impede,

interfere (with), obstruct, trammel
barricade, blockade
Antonyms for free

block, clog (up), close, dam (up), plug (up), stop

3to rid the surface of (as an area) from things in
the way
would you mind freeing up the work area so I
can work?
Synonyms for free
clear, open, unblock
Words Related to free

ease, facilitate, loosen (up), smooth, unchoke,

unclog, unplug, unstop
Near Antonyms for free

clog, close, dam, obstruct, plug, stop

clutter (up)
Antonyms for free

4to set (a person or thing) free of something
that encumbers
a phone call would free your parents from
Synonyms for free

clear, disburden, disencumber, divest, relieve,

rid, unburden
Words Related to free

discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate,

loose, loosen, manumit, release, spring, unbind,
uncage, unchain, unfetter
bail (out), deliver, redeem, rescue
disengage, disentangle, extricate
Near Antonyms for free

bog (down), fetter, hamper, restrain, shackle,

subject, weigh down, weight (down)
Antonyms for free

burden, encumber, saddle

5to set free from entanglement or difficulty
this plan should free us from debt
Synonyms for free

clear, disembarrass, disengage, disentangle,

extricate, liberate, release, untangle
Words Related to free

deliver, redeem, rescue, save

disburden, disencumber, unburden
unravel, unsnarl, untie, untwine
Phrases Synonymous with free

cut loose
Near Antonyms for free

block, hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct

burden, encumber, load, weigh
Antonyms for free

embroil, entangle
See the Dictionary Definition

Frequently Asked Questions About free

How does the adjective free contrast with its
Some common synonyms of free are
autonomous, independent, and sovereign.
While all these words mean "not subject to the
rule or control of another," free stresses the
complete absence of external rule and the full
right to make all of one's own decisions.
you're free to do as you like

When is it sensible to use autonomous instead

of free?
While the synonyms autonomous and free are
close in meaning, autonomous stresses
independence in matters pertaining to self-

in this denomination each congregation is

regarded as autonomous

When would independent be a good substitute

for free?
In some situations, the words independent and
free are roughly equivalent. However,
independent implies a standing alone; applied
to a state it implies lack of connection with any
other having power to interfere with its
citizens, laws, or policies.

the colony's struggle to become independent

When is sovereign a more appropriate choice

than free?
The words sovereign and free are synonyms,
but do differ in nuance. Specifically, sovereign
stresses the absence of a superior power and
implies supremacy within a thing's own domain
or sphere.

separate and sovereign armed services

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