17 Nov

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November 17, 2021

EMMA KOVAK AND ROBERT PAARLBERG, FOREIGN AFFAIRS .......................................................................... 2

ANDREW F. KREPINEVICH, JR., FOREIGN AFFAIRS ............................................................................................ 5

TOM FOWDY, RUSSIA TODAY .......................................................................................................................... 9

DAMIAN WILSON, RUSSIA TODAY ................................................................................................................. 11

TOM FOWDY, RUSSIA TODAY ........................................................................................................................ 13

RAFIA ZAKARIA .............................................................................................................................................. 15

MAHIR ALI, DAWN NEWS .............................................................................................................................. 17

RYAN NABIL, THE DIPLOMAT ......................................................................................................................... 19

AHSAN MUNIR, THE NATION ......................................................................................................................... 21

CRISPR and the Climate

Emma Kovak and Robert Paarlberg, Foreign Affairs

arlier this month, the To compensate, countries unfortunately, plenty of
much-anticipated UN could wind up converting governments are letting
Climate Change more forests into farms, which CRISPR fall victim to the
Conference came to an end. will then further release same regulatory and public
As part of the flurry of greenhouse gases. opinion pitfalls that have
activity, the United States and hobbled genetically modified
In order to make agriculture
the United Arab Emirates organisms, or GMOs.
more environmentally
launched the Agriculture CRISPR technology is not the
friendly, many states are
Innovation Mission for same as GMO technology; it
trying to encourage organic
Climate, one of the first major does not introduce DNA from
farming. But improving
international initiatives other species into plants. Yet
agriculture to address the twin
wholly dedicated to cutting many governments remain
challenges of climate change
back on farming emissions. largely opposed to using
and deforestation will require
More than 30 countries joined. either GMO or CRISPR
every tool available. That
Many states also signed on to technology for crops,
means “natural” solutions
two other agriculture-related shrinking the toolbox for
alone will not be enough.
pledges, one to reduce addressing climate change.
Instead, states will need to
methane emissions 30 percent
embrace modern science, MISLABLED Europe may
by 2030 and the other to
including CRISPR (clustered pride itself on its climate
reverse deforestation.
regularly interspaced short change measures, but in
The Agriculture Innovation palindromic repeats) agriculture, it is an example of
Mission for Climate, the technology. CRISPR is a what states shouldn’t do. In
methane goal, and the recent gene-editing invention 2018, the European Union’s
deforestation pledge all that can help countries top court ruled that gene-
indicate that increasingly, decarbonize their food edited crops were subject to
states recognize the powerful systems by making crops that the same stifling regulation
relationship between farming can still thrive in bad that has largely kept GMOs
and climate change. Food weather—reducing the need out of European fields since
systems are responsible for for more farmland. Scientists the late 1990s. That means
one-third of global in Belgium, for example, are that instead of relying on
greenhouse gas emissions. using CRISPR to develop a modern technology, the EU’s
Nitrous oxide from soil and new kind of corn that can sustainable farming plan runs
fertilizers can warm the earth, withstand heat and drought. through its new Farm to Fork
as can methane from livestock U.S. scientists, meanwhile, strategy, which will increase
digestion and manure. are designing drought- and organic farming from nine
Deforestation motivated by salt-tolerant soybeans and percent to at least 25 percent
agricultural expansion drought-resistant corn. They of cropland in Europe. This
releases the carbon dioxide are also using CRISPR to may seem eco-friendly in
stored by plants and is itself create cereal plants that can theory, but in reality it is a
responsible for more than ten better absorb nitrogen from counterproductive approach
percent of all emissions. The the soil, which could decrease that will lower crop yields,
connection between farming emissions and pollution from requiring more land use for
and climate change runs both fertilizers. farming. The increase in
ways, and deforestation in organic farming under Farm
To solve climate change,
particular creates a vicious to Fork, for example, would
states must embrace modern
cycle of warming. Climate shrink cereal crop production
change has already reduced in the EU by an estimated 21
the growth of agricultural But CRISPR will realize its percent. To compensate,
productivity by 21 percent full potential only if many Europe would have to convert
since 1961, and as time goes countries embrace the approximately 3.7 million
by, that penalty will worsen. technology. And acres of its forests into farms,
and the rest of the world Cartagena Protocol. China has suggest that acceptance of the
would have to convert an yet to publicly speak up, but practice varies widely based
additional 12.4 million acres. the country has invested on the type of application. In a
This would increase the heavily in genome editing, so Pew Research Center survey,
amount of carbon released it will also probably defend for example, only 21 percent
from the soil and destroy CRISPR. These governments of respondents said genetic
natural habits. clearly understand that engineering was acceptable if
addressing the challenges used to create glowing
The EU is the main example
climate change poses for aquarium fish. But 70 percent
of anti-GMO and anti-
agriculture requires all the said that limiting mosquito
CRISPR government policies.
tools the world has, including reproduction to reduce disease
But it’s not alone. New
gene editing. is an “appropriate use of
Zealand has explicitly stated
technology,” and 57 percent
that gene-edited plants must But even if CRISPR were
said the same of breeding
be regulated in the same simply a new way to create
animals with tissue and organs
prohibitive manner as GMOs. GMOs, that wouldn’t make it
that could be given to humans.
Mexico has not established inherently dangerous. GMOs
Some environmentalist
any unique rules for gene- can accomplish tremendous
groups have also signaled that
edited crops, so they are still good—including by making
they are open to genetic
covered under restrictive emission-friendly products
engineering, provided it
GMO regulations. India, the that CRISPR can’t. Genetic
advances their causes. The
country with the world’s modification is better than
preservationist Sierra Club—
second-largest amount of gene editing at producing
which has historically
cultivatable land (after the crops resistant to pests and
opposed all genetically
United States), has proposed diseases, which increases
modified organisms—
deregulating only some types yields and allows for the
recently indicated it is
of gene-edited crops, and it is production of more food on
receptive to planting
still relatively unclear as to less land, decreasing
genetically modified
which plants would actually deforestation. The use of
American chestnut trees,
be excluded. insect-resistant, genetically
which could help restore a
modified Bt (Bacillus
Europe's farming strategy will species that dominated eastern
thuringiensis) crops, for
lower crop yields, breeding U.S. forests until it was nearly
example, has increased yields
deforestation. Thankfully, wiped out by blight in the late
by an average of 25 percent
many other states are 1800s. That means gene
globally. Genetic
exempting CRISPR crops editing has an opening. The
modification is also more
from GMO-style rules. vast majority of the world is
effective than gene editing at
Following the 2018 court concerned about climate
making herbicide-resistant
ruling in Europe, a coalition of change, as are most
crops, which improves weed
ten countries—Argentina, environmentalist
control and increases yields.
Australia, Brazil, Canada, the organizations. It is possible
And insect-resistant and
Dominican Republic, that they will come to endorse,
herbicide-tolerant GMO
Guatemala, Honduras, or at least accept, using
plants have reduced tractor
Paraguay, the United States, CRISPR and GMOs to cut
use for insecticide spraying
and Uruguay—sent a signed agricultural emissions
and tillage, dramatically
statement to the World Trade
cutting yearly greenhouse gas But unlocking the potential of
Organization arguing that
emissions. Indeed, the yearly genetic engineering requires
gene-edited plants should be
reduced usage is equivalent to more than just favorable
regulated the same way as
taking 1.6 million cars off the public opinion and
conventional ones. The
road. States clearly shouldn’t environmentalist
United Kingdom is now
limit modern crop acquiescence. In order to get a
freeing itself from the EU
improvement to CRISPR. wide range of CRISPR
ruling and pushing forward
products that address climate
change and appeal to
crops. Japan has signaled that least in the United States, the
consumers, developers and
it intends not to classify gene- public isn’t reflexively
countries need better access to
edited plants as modified opposed to genetic
the technology. Various
organisms under the engineering. Instead, polls
iterations of CRISPR gene
editing are covered by over countries that don’t have the provide product assessments
6,000 patents in the United money for massive licensing that go beyond safety and
States alone, with 200 more fees. They can do so through show buyers evidence of the
filed every month. This patent-sharing agreements, environmental benefits. The
complicated structure means patent consolidation, and European Union’s Farm to
that a developer may have to transparent pricing, which Fork strategy suggests that in
license many different patents would go a long way toward many countries, officials and
in order to commercialize a allowing a variety of publics are still generally
single product. Without companies to commercialize opposed to using modern
reform, this messy system CRISPR gene-edited crops. biotechnology to make
may inhibit development. These measures would also farming more sustainable.
help breed innovation: more Fighting climate change and
States need to change their
developers means a wider improving agriculture’s
intellectual property laws. But
variety of products. resilience requires a change of
even if they won’t, there are
mindset. Companies and
steps that private actors can Finally, regulatory bodies
regulators need to act quickly
take to make gene editing should increase the
to prevent unfounded fears of
more accessible. Wageningen transparency of their decision-
CRISPR from taking root; as
University & Research in the making processes regarding
the entrenched opposition to
Netherlands recently pledged CRISPR by requiring that
GMOs demonstrates, it can be
to license its CRISPR patents agricultural companies
difficult to win people over to
for free to nonprofit provide the same kind of
a new technology or method
organizations that are using information on gene-edited
once distrust has set in. The
the technology for crops exempt from GMO
world cannot allow a similar
noncommercial applications, regulations as they do for
dynamic to prevent CRISPR
a step that other patent holders crops subject to GMO rules.
from helping stave off the
should follow. Holders should To allow the technology to
worst-case climate scenarios.
also make sure their earn more consumer trust and
inventions are affordable for to reduce public skepticism,
small developers and poor developers should also
The U.S. Military and the Coming Great-Power Challenge

Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr., Foreign Affairs

or many of the last 30 With Soviet communism revanchist Russia and a rising
years, the notion that defeated, the administration of China. Although it identified
the United States was President Bill Clinton these threats to the
locked in direct contest with envisioned a U.S.-led liberal international order, however,
other great powers seemed as democratic order centered the NDS did not advance a
outdated as the Cold War around “Cooperative robust new strategy to address
itself. Instead, successive U.S. Security” and a “Partnership them.
administrations have pursued for Peace.” In the early years
This task has now been taken
collective security on the of this century, despite
up by one of the NDS’s
assumption that the world’s growing tensions with Russia
principal architects, Elbridge
great powers shared a and China, President George
Colby, who served in the
common interest in preserving W. Bush declared he found
administration of President
the existing international Russian President Vladimir
Donald Trump as a deputy
order. Putin “trustworthy” and
assistant secretary of defense.
accepted China’s membership
U.S. leaders have often In his book The Strategy of
in the World Trade
promoted collective security Denial: American Defense in
Organization. Doubling down
following a great-power an Age of Great Power
on this approach, President
struggle. After World War I, Conflict, Colby provides a
Barack Obama attempted to
President Woodrow Wilson timely exposition of—and
“reset” relations with Russia
pushed for the League of argument for—a new U.S.
while pursuing “engagement”
Nations, and in the 1928 defense posture. Colby’s
with China. By the late 2010s,
Kellogg-Briand Pact, the strategy focuses on the United
however, it was increasingly
future Axis powers Germany, States’ century-old objective
clear that these efforts had
Italy, and Japan joined the of preventing a rival power
failed. Russia seized the
Western democracies in from establishing hegemony
Crimea from Ukraine and
renouncing war as a means of on the Eurasian landmass.
supported its proxies in
resolving international Colby accepts that the United
occupying parts of that
disputes. Yet war began in the States’ “unipolar moment” is
country’s Donbas region. And
Far East only three years later over and warns that we now
despite reassurances to the
and a world war less than a face a “new reality” in which
contrary, China militarized
decade after that. Washington must accept that a
the South China Sea islands.
war between great powers,
With victory on the horizon in Simply put, China and Russia
“which once seemed a thing of
World War II, President had no interest in joining a
the past...now seems
Franklin Roosevelt reprised U.S.-led international order.
considerably more plausible.”
Wilson’s approach. Calling They had long rejected it.
for the formation of the United They had only lacked the THE TAIWAN PROBLEMIn
Nations, FDR wagered that means to openly contest it. describing this dangerous new
the “Four Policemen”—the world, The Strategy of Denial
Hence the growing
United Kingdom, nationalist touches on a range of topics,
recognition among U.S.
China, Soviet Russia, and the including the challenge posed
policymakers that “great-
United States—shared to NATO from a resurgent
power competition” had never
sufficient common security Russia, rival nuclear arsenal
ceased following the Cold
interests to maintain peace growth, an unstable Middle
War. This was formalized in
and order. His hopes were East, and global terrorism.
the 2017 National Security
quickly dashed by Joseph Colby’s overwhelming focus,
Strategy, and the challenge
Stalin’s subjugation of however, is on China. Since
was given a full airing in the
Eastern Europe and the fall of President Xi Jinping came to
2018 National Defense
nationalist China to the power in 2012, China has
Strategy, which prioritized the
communists. After the Cold leveraged its rapid economic
growing challenge posed by a
War, the pattern was repeated. growth to acquire advanced
military technology, seeking Colby finds that a military intention to “pivot” or
to match or even exceed U.S. campaign to retake that “rebalance” its political and
capabilities in many areas. As country from Beijing would military resources to the
an “aspiring hegemon,” Colby be both very costly and western Pacific. To establish a
writes, China may be tempted extremely difficult, and thus favorable military balance,
to use its increasingly capable highly unlikely to succeed. Colby argues, the United
armed forces to secure its Consequently, he writes, the States will also have to build
“core interests,” which United States must do an “anti-hegemonic coalition”
include absorbing Taiwan and everything in its power to whose combined military
the islands within the South deter China from attempting a power exceeds China’s.
China Sea’s “nine-dash line.” fait accompli against Taiwan
The new coalition that Colby
More likely, however, Beijing or any other U.S. western
calls for is not an alliance and
calculates that absent a Pacific ally or quasi ally. And
certainly not a latter-day
countervailing U.S. effort, its should deterrence fail, it must
NATO. Instead, he envisions
growing military power will defeat such an attempt at the
a confederation of nations,
enable it to “Finlandize” its point of attack. This is the
including U.S. allies and a
neighbors without direct “strategy of denial” from
larger group of regional
force. which Colby takes his title.
partners. Colby sees the
To accomplish these goals, Should a Chinese fait coalition’s “steel skeleton”
Colby argues, China will accompli succeed against formed by Washington’s “hub
likely pursue a “focused and Taiwan, Colby argues that a and spoke” allies—Australia,
sequential strategy,” isolating U.S. strategy focused on Japan, the Philippines, and
its targets from effective U.S. “punishment” would prove South Korea—as well as
support and then dealing with ineffective. If the United Taiwan. Led by the United
them one by one. Should this States chose to escalate the States, this core group must be
effort succeed, China could war by seizing Chinese assets bolstered by a broader array of
attempt what Colby calls an in other parts of the world, for security partners. At the top of
armed “fait accompli” against example, or to impose an Colby’s prospective list is
targeted territories such as economic embargo, any pain India, a great power and the
Taiwan. In military strategy, a suffered by Beijing would be fourth member of the
fait accompli describes a insufficient to cause it to increasingly prominent
situation in which an forfeit Taiwan. And if instead “Quad,” the Quadrilateral
aggressor achieves its the United States opted to Security Dialogue that also
objectives rapidly, before an escalate the war’s intensity— includes Australia, Japan, and
effective defense can be for example, by conducting the United States. Colby finds
mounted. It also implies that large-scale attacks on China’s Indonesia’s size and strategic
once the territory has been critical infrastructure—the location attractive and would
seized, attempts to retake it conflict could morph from also welcome Malaysia and
will be viewed by the victim limited to total war, in which Singapore as members. But he
and its allies as prohibitively both belligerents could incur is hesitant about Vietnam,
expensive. Colby argues that a costs out of all proportion to which he sees as a potentially
fait accompli invasion of any prospective gains. valuable coalition member but
Taiwan could create a new highly vulnerable to a Chinese
reality in Asia, much as Adolf fait accompli, given its
SKELETONBy Colby’s own
Hitler’s sequential rapid—and common land border with
account, preventing China
bloodless—seizures of Beijing.
from executing a fait accompli
Austria and the remains of
will require formidable Although he argues for
Czechoslovakia shifted the
political and military Washington to take the lead in
European military balance and
resources. To begin with, forming the coalition, Colby is
destroyed the Western
Washington will need to play clear-eyed about the means
democracies’ credibility with
a far more active role in Asia. the United States has available
Soviet Russia.
And since U.S. military to achieve it. He observes that
Even if a U.S.-led coalition dominance in the region no any strategy of denial must be
held together in the wake of a longer exists, and cannot be realistic about what the U.S.
successful Chinese fait restored, the United States military can—and cannot—
accompli against Taiwan, cannot simply declare its do. Despite the temptation to
hold back resources to address Although the principal foundations are securely
other global threats, he warns objective of Colby’s anti- established.
that Washington must remain hegemonic coalition is to
Yet already, several of
focused on China. Attempts to deter Chinese aggression in
Colby’s designated core
sustain a coalition on the the first place, he recognizes
members seem to have
cheap could compromise the need to confront a Chinese
acquired a new resolve to
efforts to convince partner fait accompli with force
band against the aspiring
governments that the United should deterrence fail. Yet
Asian hegemon. Japan has
States is “all in.” And if push even if a military response
promised to boost—even
comes to shove, Colby argues, succeeds, China could still
double—the percentage of its
the United States must adopt a choose to continue the war,
GDP devoted to defense.
“one-war posture” toward perhaps by mobilizing
Australia is seeking to enlarge
China and accept increased additional forces for a more
its major air and naval bases to
risk in dealing with other methodical attack on Taiwan
welcome an expanded U.S.
threats. While acknowledging or by escalating the conflict to
military presence, even as it
the danger of Russian a higher level of intensity. But
moves to introduce nuclear
aggression against NATO China would, he believes,
attack submarines into its fleet
states in Europe, he asserts likely be reluctant to
with the AUKUS (Australia–
that a fait accompli by China contemplate a larger, far more
United Kingdom–United
would be far more difficult to costly war, and in either case
States) security pact. From
reverse than a similar act of the burden of escalation
India to Vietnam, from
Russian aggression against would rest uncomfortably on
Indonesia to South Korea,
one of NATO’s frontline its shoulders. In the case of the
there are signs that Colby’s
states. Simply put, the United former, however, it’s far from
anti-hegemonic coalition is
States “should not size, shape, certain that the United States
not simply an aspiration but a
or posture its military to deal and its allies could defeat a
real possibility—if the United
simultaneously with any other redoubled Chinese offensive
States is prepared to take the
scenario alongside a war with on Taiwan. China’s current
China over Taiwan.” production of military
hardware, including Even with these encouraging
If push comes to shove, Colby
submarines, planes, missiles, developments, though, Colby
argues, the U.S. must be "all-
and warships, exceeds that of warns that success will not
in" with China. What would a
the United States, and by a come “easy or cheap.” The
one-war posture within the
significant margin. If the war United States cannot afford to
framework of an anti-
became a race to “reload,” as hold defense budgets flat lest
hegemonic coalition look
it currently stands Colby’s its strategy become one of
like? In The Strategy of
anti-hegemonic coalition runs “big hat, no cattle.” Nor, after
Denial, Colby outlines a series
a high probability of coming nearly a decade of intellectual
of steps that the U.S. military
out second best. drift, can the U.S. Joint Chiefs
should take. To be able to
of Staff continue to delay in
respond effectively and THE PRICE OF
providing a credible
rapidly, U.S. forces in the PREVENTIONAs with all
“operational concept” for
Indo-Pacific region will need strategies, Colby’s is not
defending the western Pacific
to be expanded. Given the risk without risk. Until now,
to inform defense budget
of “Pearl Harbor” attacks Washington’s NATO allies
against the few large existing have shown little inclination
U.S. bases in places such as to pick up the strategic slack The Strategy of Denial shows
Guam, Kadena in Japan, and against Russia as the United the breadth and depth of
Osan in South Korea, he also States concentrates more Colby’s insights into the
argues for dispersing U.S. attention on China. If Vietnam challenges posed by the
forces among a larger number is left out of new U.S. security revisionist great powers to
of coalition members. Such a arrangements, as Colby U.S. security and the
shift, Colby notes, would also suggests, it could become an international system. Like all
reassure the host coalition early victim of Chinese serious strategies, Colby’s
partners of the U.S. regional expansion, thus acknowledges that U.S.
commitment to their defense. compromising Colby’s anti- resources are limited and that
hegemonic coalition before its tough choices must be made.
In brief, Colby’s well-crafted
and insightful Strategy of departure point for an urgent
Denial provides a superb and, and much-needed debate over
one suspects, essential U.S. defense strategy.
The Biden-Xi summit has changed very little. Here’s why

Tom Fowdy, Russia Today

he United States and their own version of the Biden, individually, may be
China’s virtual summit substance of the meeting, with more prudent than Trump –
is unlikely to achieve both keen to control the which is probably why this
anything significant, with narrative on matters such as summit happened in the first
President Biden boxed in by Taiwan, trade and the general place – but he has
the ‘America first’ attitude nature of the relationship. unquestionably been ‘boxed
still prevalent in the US, and in’ by the new consensus of
So while China claimed that
Xi Jinping unwilling to make US foreign policy set out by
the US said it does not support
any concessions. On Monday, his predecessor, giving him
independence for Taiwan,
Biden and Xi held their little option in practice in how
Washington went with the line
‘virtual summit’, marking the to work with China.
that it “strongly opposes
first formalized meeting
unilateral efforts to change the Given his position, this
between the pair since the
status quo or undermine peace summit was probably about as
former took office.
and stability across the cordial as it could be, but still
The summit came amid Taiwan Strait” – a clear included a US statement
growing tensions between the warning for China What the complaining about “unfair
two countries on a host of meeting demonstrates is that economic practices.” This
issues, with the importance of while both powers have amply demonstrates the
managing competition increasingly different constant need to justify every
responsibly one of its key agendas, they are nonetheless positive move with China, a
themes. The Biden the world’s two largest country Trump to all intents
administration has made the individual stakeholders and and purposes positioned as an
conscious decision to continue are mutually constrained by a enemy of the Americans.
to see Beijing as the major sense of structural
As a result, does this meeting
geopolitical rival of the US, interdependence which
change much? The answer is
and aims to set the “rules of obligates them to work with
not really, because mostly it
the road for the 21st century” each other to some degree on
consisted of both sides paying
– in other words, US matters such as economics,
lip service whilst reaffirming
hegemony. climate change and global
their positions, refusing to
Despite this, the official White commit to any form of change
House readout of the meeting Whilst Beijing has always or compromise. Taiwan is an
was very carefully worded publicly recognized this and interesting issue to use as a
and spoke of securing has been more open about the medium to view this. The US
“common-sense guardrails to need for a balanced claim that it “does not support
ensure that competition does relationship with the US, Taiwan independence” is not
not veer into conflict.” What Washington has largely been a reassurance or change of
this really means is that in a public state of denial course as much as it is a
although Biden is not about any need to deal reiteration of its existing
pursuing a friendly pragmatically with China. position (which it is accused
relationship with China, he Under Trump and Biden, it of hollowing out in practice
hopes to avoid things slipping has repeatedly struck a hostile anyway).
into a mutually destructive tone and tried to position itself
Over the weekend, hawkish
worst-case scenario, which his as being tough and
pro-Taiwan think tank analyst
predecessor Donald Trump uncompromising when
Bonnie Glaser pointed out in a
seemed quite content to let engaging with Beijing – even
Twitter conversation that
happen. when this is blatantly against
America's claim of “not
America’s interests.
Afterwards, as you would supporting independence” is
expect, both sides then gave deliberately distinct in
wording from the notion of One summit does not nullify attempt to understand each
“opposing Taiwan the rivalry or correct its other's red lines, but
independence,” which is how course, but it was never ultimately only reiterated their
China depicts the American intended to. If Biden wants to positions without addressing
position and is not the stance make progress, he will need to directly the issues that have
of the US. In other words, its make concessions to Beijing escalated geopolitical rivalry.
position is ambiguous, which will be politically
Biden has vowed merely to
making it an empty costly to him at home.
pursue the same policies, but
reassurance to Beijing.
As the most notable example, without the inclination to
Meanwhile, Xi Jinping with surging inflation in cause a disaster. Ultimately,
doubled down on a hardline America and the initiation of though, the status quo that he
position, noting that if Tsai trade dialogue, it is plainly is pursuing for the US – where
Ing-wen’s ruling DPP obvious that the US needs to effectively the tail wags the
“provokes the issue” or lift tariffs on Chinese goods. dog – will raise tensions
“crosses the redline, the But Biden cannot feasibly do anyway. In many instances,
mainland will have to take so without making the middle ground is gone.
resolute measures.” Both concessions to China, and that
It remains unlikely that Biden
sides might not want a disaster will be unpopular because the
has the political space or will
in the Taiwan Strait, and political agenda at home is
to drive the relationship out of
might in turn agree not to still locked into the idea of
the rut it is now in, or that
create one, but what has the protectionism and ‘America
Beijing will compromise on
summit truly changed? first’. The tariffs are
so many issues the US deems
Nothing. Both positions will economically disastrous, but
now to be unacceptable.
continue as usual. seemingly occupy a sacred
position as they are seen to put Even in the midst of the Cold
All the existing fault lines of
US jobs first and as being War, the US and Soviet Union
the US-China relationship
tough on China. Republicans managed to pursue a working
remain, and in turn create the
would vilify Biden if they relationship amidst all the
fundamental distrust and
were lifted. In this case, is the suspicion and tensions,
apprehension which drives
White House prepared to take illustrating that the summit
tensions. The US will
the risk of de-escalating has not secured the “common
continue to encourage support
tensions with China further sense guardrails” Biden hoped
for Taiwan; China will
beyond these summits? The for – but instead highlighted
continue to demand
dialogue invoked suggests the issues which have the
reunification; the US will
not. potency to make things worse
continue to militarize China’s
are all still unaddressed.
periphery through deals like In conclusion, it has to be said
AUKUS; China will continue that if actions cannot follow
to respond by building up its words, this summit will have
nuclear capabilities; and so minimal lasting significance.
on. The two sides met in an
Is an EU army really the answer to the bloc's ‘strategic gaps’?

Damian Wilson, Russia Today

enewed pressure from making on security and If Frontex really was the
Brussels to fund an defense’ Borrell bemoans answer to Europe’s
EU army under a new what he terms the ‘strategic immigration issues, then why
‘strategic compass’ plan shrinkage’ of Europe. are its officers not patrolling
ignores the reality that the idea the beaches of northern
“Thirty years ago, the EU
will never fly because no France right now? Because no
represented one-quarter of the
sovereign nation wants armed sovereign nation – and despite
world’s wealth; in 20 years, it
outsiders in their face on surrendering so many powers
will account for just over
domestic security issues. For to Brussels, each and every
10%,” he says. “Our
an organisation that hijacked one of the EU members still
demographic shrinkage
Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ as see themselves as such –
develops similarly: By the end
its supranational anthem, wants outsiders meddling in
of this century, Europe will
there seems to be a their security issues,
account for less than 5% of the
surprisingly hearty appetite particularly when those
world’s population.” This
for turning the European outsiders are carrying
would seem an issue of
Union into something far weapons. It’s not good for the
demographics and population
beyond its original scope as a optics. Borrell can try and flog
growth, not preparedness for
club for political elites and a the same old idea as some sort
mutually beneficial trade of shiny new ‘Strategic
alliance. A common foreign affairs Compass’ but no one is
policy has long avoided the rushing to sign up to an EU
And no one typifies that
EU, and understandably so, Army GoFundMe page.
outlook than the EU High
because 27 nations with their
Representative for Foreign That, however, doesn’t stop
own historical allegiances and
Affairs and Security, Josep Borrell from daydreaming.
differences would be
Borrell, a 74-year-old Catalan He’s old enough to remember
impossible to convince that a
career politician who the Cold War warriors that
single diplomatic route was
continues to demonstrate strode the globe post-1945.
the best fit for all. It will never
consistent overreach with his Khrushchev, Truman,
ambition to establish a Churchill, Brezhnev, Reagan,
European army that can be So, for argument’s sake, say Tito, Kennedy, Thatcher and
sent into battle when and an EU army was Castro. Names never to be
where the unelected commissioned, who would forgotten thanks, in the main,
bureaucrats of Brussels, like make the decision about for their determination not to
Borrell, decide. In his recent sending its personnel into see international differences
strategic report for the bloc battle? Would there be a veto? escalate, thus avoiding an
ahead of this week’s meeting Just look at the enthusiasm atomic apocalypse.
of foreign ministers, he with which the heavily-armed
Sure there are still tensions,
envisions a hi-tech battle- Frontex (European Border and
and some of those are residue
ready military force that the Coast Guard Agency) border
from the Cold War but
EU can call on should the need force is welcomed across the
nothing like those years of
arise to fight any sort of war, EU. Its lumpen approach to
fear when, at times, the whole
on land, in cyberspace or, in dealing with migrants in the
world held its breath. You
fact, even in space itself. The boats crossing the
would think that a central
question of ‘Who wants this?’ Mediterranean has seen
figure in a political project
never seems to occur to subsequent offers of their
that was born with the sole
Borrell. services politely declined by
intention of maintaining peace
EU member nations such as
Warming to his theme in his throughout Europe would be a
Spain earlier this year and,
‘operational guide for the little more circumspect before
more recently, Poland, with a
European Union’s indulging in sabre rattling.
firm “Thanks, but no thanks.”
development and decision-
I’m not sure it can ever be Maybe this does need to be reminds anyone who needs
realistic to imagine, as Borrell addressed but is Brussels reminding, that aggression
proposes that all 27 members really the answer? Individual towards a single NATO
of the EU agree to, “boosting nations know their own member is the same as
intelligence capacities and shortcomings and, more aggression towards all.
expanding the suite of tools importantly, their own voters,
All this is, of course, Brussels
for countering hybrid and best.
struggling to provide an
cyberattacks as well as foreign
With Britain no longer around answer to Henry Kissinger’s
disinformation and
to put its foot down, the famous puzzler, “Who do I
Germans have made it clear call if I want to call Europe?”
Or that Portugal, for instance, they do not want an EU army And while most realists would
would be happy to agree with and while French president acknowledge, that’s a
Romania over the need and Emmanuel Macron has conference call with Paris and
focus of financial suggested he’s up for it, there Berlin, nowhere in the world
contributions aimed at is the suspicion that his outside the office of the High
equipping a pan-European support has more to do with Representative for Foreign
military force and what his ongoing niggles with the Affairs and Security is that
exactly that army’s USA. An EU army would, of answer ‘Josep Borrell’.
capabilities and technologies course, rub up against NATO,
might comprise. Borrell is all which ties the Americans into
about filling ‘strategic gaps’. European foreign affairs and
China’s nuclear weapons build-up signals a new arms race

Tom Fowdy, Russia Today

US and the USSR, Beijing’s

eports from America and Joe Biden. The article
suggesting Beijing is pursues a predictable agenda, objectives are more limited
dramatically with Milley quoted as saying, and specific than amounting
increasing its number of “We need to act with urgency to a question of hegemony.
nuclear weapons have a to develop capabilities across First of all, this is all focused
definite agenda – to raise the all domains – land, sea, air, on a specific region rather
appetite for greater spending space, cyber and our strategic than having global scope. It is
on the US military. A new nuclear forces – to address this not comparable to the Cold
arms race will be the result. evolving global landscape.” War, where the USSR had
Over the past few weeks, the amassed nearly 50,000
In other words, it’s a call for
Financial Times has carried a nuclear warheads by the time
US military spending to be
number of stories based of its collapse.
dramatically increased. Little
around deliberate leaks and
wonder then, that the headline China is not attempting to
interviews from the Pentagon.
highlights Milley’s claim that compete globally with the US
It was the FT, for example,
China’s apparent nuclear – which sustains over 4,400
that broke the news about
build-up is “one of the largest active warheads – but rather
China’s apparent hypersonic
shifts in geostrategic power achieve the upper hand in the
missile test.
ever.” Asia-Pacific region, with the
The stories all have a common aim of consolidating its hand
There is good reason to
theme and focus – to over Taiwan and the South
believe that China is indeed
dramatically hype up the China Sea.
recalibrating its nuclear
supposed ‘military threat’
policy, but not in the way the Despite this, China has not
from Beijing, warn of its
US says it is. The officially denounced its ‘no
increased capabilities, and
abandonment of the first use’ policy and continues
drum up demand for the US to
‘minimum deterrent’ position to pay lip service to it. This
do more to counter it. The
comes in response to the means that unless it says
latest story of this nature
shifting geopolitical otherwise, these warheads
appeared on Monday. In an
landscape, whereby the US remain as a deterrent, and will
interview with the chairman
has attempted to pursue an all- not be used in offensive
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
embracing military action.
General Mark Milley, the FT
containment of Beijing in
reports that the Pentagon is Despite the ‘no first use’
multiple areas on its own
apparently “stunned” that policy, everyone knows the
China is dramatically scaling strategic and political
up its nuclear warheads and This includes regularly sailing considerations of nuclear
will have over 1,000 by the aircraft carriers up close to weapons are based on
end of this decade. China’s territory, pursuing potential, and influence the
constant military exercises balance of power accordingly.
If true, the story is noteworthy
(and encouraging allies to do
because it marks a clear shift And herein lies the key point
so too), forming military
in China’s nuclear weapons which constitutes the
coalitions against China
policy, which for over half a “geostrategic power shift” that
through the likes of the Quad
century has been based on the the article alludes to – as
and AUKUS, increasing arms
idea of having a minimum exaggerated as parts of it may
sales to Taiwan, and so on.
deterrent. The timing is be. The intention by Beijing is
significant, too, because it was Whilst it might be tempting to clear – by building up its
published just hours before describe this build-up as nuclear arsenal, China is
the highly anticipated virtual similar to the Cold War seeking to nullify the
summit between Xi Jinping nuclear arms race between the probability that in a war
scenario, the US would, under China in a different light. This simply allow China to shift the
its own ‘first use’ policy, is where China’s regional balance of power – but the
launch or propose a pre- advantage comes into play. reality is that Beijing’s actions
emptive nuclear attack on Beijing would like to show are a response to moves by the
China to, for example, save that it is capable of taking Americans.
Taiwan. Taiwan without the US and its
In conclusion, it seems highly
allies having the capability or
Beijing’s arms build-up serves probable that China has
will to respond, giving it the
to negate that potential changed course on its nuclear
potential to do so without
scenario by raising the stakes policy. From keeping a
firing a single shot – in which
to vastly increase the minimum deterrent, it is now
case the ‘no first use’ policy
retaliatory destructive power said to be pursuing a build-up
would be irrelevant. For
it could unleash on the US or which will escalate its arsenal
Washington in particular, this
its allies. This kind of to four times its last reported
changes the scenario to a
consideration could have a size. This is a strategic
question of whether a war
significant impact on the response to the ongoing
against China could ever be
policies of surrounding American efforts to contain
won. And this at a time when
countries, such as Japan or Beijing, with the goal of
there are some in Washington
Australia. Because even if making a war scenario a non-
who want the US to commit to
Beijing vows not to use a starter.
a war to ‘save Taiwan’. How
nuclear weapon first, the more
could it do so in this case? China is not seeking to be a
relevant question is: Are you
nuclear hegemon on a global
willing to engage in military But it also means the US will
scale, but it has nonetheless
action against a nuclear respond – as the agenda of the
decided that it needs to show
superpower? Words alone FT article makes clear – and
it is a serious player. As the FT
mean little when war begins pursue a nuclear build-up of
article proves, the US will
and the risks become bigger. its own. In that case, we must
willingly highlight this to
acknowledge that the threat of
While putting together an push for funds for an arms
a new nuclear arms race
arsenal of 1,000 warheads is build-up – and that’s exactly
becomes a very real
not an attempt to compete what we’re now getting.
possibility and is arguably
with the US head on, it is
happening already. There is
sufficient to make countries –
no chance that the US will
including America itself – see
Rushing towards a calamity

Rafia Zakaria

HE climate summit that this entire model of glitzy were not enough to save her
held in Glasgow did and massive diplomatic little country — this was in
not produce the convenings, one that permits addition to the fact that most
agreement that the ailing huge droves of bureaucrats delegates from countries in
planet that we all inhabit so within the world’s largely the Global South could not
desperately needed. Many inept international even attend the summit
thousands of people attended, institutions, mischaracterises because of the protracted
Covid-19 restrictions the entire nature of the Covid-19 precautions. Those
notwithstanding. Most came problem that sits before the countries, unlike nearly all the
from the Western countries world at this moment. There is Western world, do not have
that are directly responsible no deep diving required to see ready access to Covid-19
for producing the crisis itself, why; the idea of thousands of vaccines and therefore could
and few, according to Mary delegates from all sorts of not produce all kinds of
Robinson, a former Prime countries taking innumerable documentation or follow the
Minister of Ireland, came with plane trips, burning thousands quarantine requirements put in
a “crisis” mindset that would of gallons of fossil fuels to place for the summit.
lead to any sort of urgency in reach a destination where they
One of the stumbling blocks in
coming to a consensus. hobnob with all the people
reaching global consensus on
that they haven’t been able to
When things wrapped up on climate is the issue of money.
because of the Covid-19
Sunday, an agreement was At this moment, the global
pandemic, seems like the
reached, but it was lukewarm, market in carbon offsets (via
stupidest plan ever. If
with its most certain promise which polluting companies
anything, the summit seems to
being another climate summit pay money for the pollution
be a raucous comeback event
to be held in Egypt next year. that they produce) means that
for the purveyors of global
The destination, that elusive rich countries get money from
diplomacy and bureaucracy to
master agreement to reduce companies and corporations.
announce that they were
emissions and reliance on Since rich countries are
indeed back in business. That
fossil fuels, the hopeful seem historically responsible for the
the format and waste that this
to have decided, could pollution that now threatens
meeting (to prevent waste and
perhaps be reached then. the world, poor countries want
pollution) would produce was
China and India, the two access to some of the money
in itself an ironic example of
major countries currently from the sale of carbon
how we got here as it seemed
responsible for much of the offsets. They could then use
to be largely lost on those
world’s emissions, that could this money to better fund
arranging, organising and then
not be persuaded to make measures that allow their
attending the discussions.
concrete commitments this populations to deal with
year, would perhaps feel the The truth of this could be climate-related illnesses. The
urgency to make changes heard through the statements United States and the
more acutely another year made by those whose European Union were against
from now. countries are actually in peril. such a proposition.
One official from the
Pollution levels in Lahore This was not the only
Maldives, whose many island
show why addressing the reservation regarding money.
outposts stand to sink with the
climate challenge cannot be Another was over the fact that
unceasing rise in sea levels,
put off to a later time. 10 years ago countries came
noted just this when she
together to create a $100
This would be the most declared that whatever little
billion fund that would
hopeful characterisation of the agreements were cobbled
provide money to developing
climate summit that was. A together to make the whole
countries as ‘climate finance’,
harsher assessment would be get-together seem worthwhile
which would help them deal The statement is telling; in a world where smog and
with the repercussions of wealthy countries that have breathing issues were not part
climate change. This ‘fund’ is already moved on from the and parcel of living in any
billions of dollars short heavy industry that produces large city.
because wealthy countries that the bulk of emissions and
Even as the climate summit
promised to make large raises the global temperature
was gearing up, Lahore in
contributions have simply not are having trouble making the
Pakistan was declared the
paid up. case to poorer countries, like
world’s most polluted city on
India and even China, who
Then there is the other Thursday last week, when the
still see manufacturing as the
elephant in the room. It is Air Quality Index rose above
mainstay for their economies.
perhaps best summed up by a 700. This was the highest level
So far, there does not seem to
quote from Malik Amin the metropolis had ever
be much progress on this front
Aslam, an advisor to the prime recorded. The AQI has
or in convincing India and
minister of Pakistan on improved somewhat since
China that there may not be a
climate change. Scoffing at then, but the fact remains that
habitable world remaining for
the distant net-zero goals in the Global South, the rapid
them to parade the power they
being promised by countries deterioration of living and
would earn from continuing to
like India, Aslam said: “With breathing conditions is not
pollute in exchange for getting
the average age of 60 I don’t something that can be
rich. The issue about age is
think anyone in the postponed to a later date.
also very pertinent. There is a
negotiating room would live
huge generation gap between
to experience that. That’s net
those who are 50 or older and
zero in 2070.”
have largely spent their lives
Down but not out

Mahir Ali, Dawn News

HERE isn’t a great as well as some of the world’s

on fossil fuels for much longer
deal to be said for largest MNCs. than developing nations to
sprawling international power its growth, and
The Glasgow gabfest failed to
conferences, at least as far as historically bears
forestall a catastrophe.
outcomes are concerned. responsibility for a far higher
Perhaps everyone represented Some of the biggest offenders level of emissions.
gets to have their say on the have known for more than six
The West’s ambitions on
conference floor. You can rest decades that their relentless
climate action rarely reflect
assured, though, that most of quest for oil, coal and gas
this advantage. Even the $100
the words — particularly deposits, and the deployment
billion promised by the North
words of wisdom — will fall of these fuels, entailed
to the South at the Paris
on deaf ears. deleterious environmental
conference in 2015 has not
consequences. That damning
There was no reason to expect been delivered so far. That is
information was successfully
that the UN-sponsored anyhow paltry compensation
sequestered for a long time.
Conference of the Parties in for decades of colonial
It’s much harder to bury
Glasgow, COP26, would be robbery, followed in many
carbon, which continues to be
any different. cases by neocolonial
bandied about as an emissions
exploitation — and a plethora
It was hyped up as the last reduction mechanism.
of criminal actions to ward off
chance for humanity to
Even if this could technically democratic developments that
preserve its habitat. But even
be part of the solution, it’s threatened to halt the plunder
that is hardly a novelty.
again tantamount to tinkering of natural resources.
Similar slogans have echoed
on the fringes. Alongside
since the first COP in Rio If that’s a bridge too far, the
‘clean’ or ‘green’ coal, gas
almost 30 years ago. That does very least developed nations
and oil, it’s part of the effort to
not mean they are unduly could do would be to rapidly
deflect criticism of fossil fuels
alarmist. If anything, it is a reduce their own dependence
by pretending that their
reminder that the world would on fossil fuels before they
exploitation for decades to
be in a rather different place pressure India or China to
come will progressively
had it seriously begun heeding catch up. Let’s also not forget
become ‘safer’ alongside
the warnings back in the early that even though China is
token efforts at mitigation.
1990s. today the world’s largest
Remarkably, until the greenhouse gas emitter, its per
The value of action was
Glasgow conference the capita carbon footprint is
already apparent during that
emissions reduction agenda considerably smaller than that
decade. The ban on
all but ignored fossil fuels. of the US — and India’s is
chloroflurocarbons (CFCs)
When it came to formally minuscule in comparison.
was eminently effective.
pronouncing a long overdue
Depletion of the ozone layer Comprehensive climate
death sentence on coal, India
has barely been a concern in justice wasn’t on the Glasgow
and China stood in the way.
the 21st century. That’s agenda, though — even if
The delayed final declaration
obviously welcome, but it even Western activists
was eventually watered down
barely qualifies as tinkering acknowledge its importance.
to seeking a phase-down
on the edges of a vast But activists were mostly on
rather than a phase-out of coal.
problem. Banishing CFCs did the fringes, while the corridors
not threaten the broader At one level, the semantics are were crawling with fossil fuel
supremacy of global capital. It superfluous. Nations routinely lobbyists keen to parade their
was an easy compromise. fall short of their recently acquired
Fossil fuels are in a different commitments. Besides, cre---dentials as conv-erts to
category altogether. They are there’s a certain logic behind environ---men--talism.
seen to sustain certain nations India and China’s resistance:
the developed West has relied
At least some of the oil, coal In the unlikely event that the systemic changes in the way
and gas conglomerates are half-baked pledges made at the world is organised will be
happy to wear a green mask, Glasgow are religiously necessary to shift the global
provided it proves profitable adhered to, the planet is trajectory. But there are older
in the short run. If the prospect headed for 2.4 degrees Celsius generations relentlessly
involves delayed gratification, of warming this century. That paving the path to disaster.
they would rather not risk may well be a conservative Wasting the crucial present
their own resources. But even estimate. The consequences decade in greenwashing and
public funding is seen as could deteriorate far more related blah, blah, blah would
unacceptable if it involves sharply than anticipated. be the biggest crime ever
higher taxes for those who can committed against humanity.
Many young people at the
easily afford them. The fate of
forefront of climate agitation
Joe Biden’s Build Back Better
seem to understand that
bill speaks for itself.
AUKUS Is Only Half the Equation

Ryan Nabil, The Diplomat

he United States and The move was also a Britain to prioritize economic
the United diplomatic win for Downing ties over a military build-up in
Kingdom’s recent Street as it seeks to expand Asia. Many Indo-Pacific
decision to expand their Asian Britain’s diplomatic presence nations – apart from Japan,
security presence has the beyond Europe. Taiwan, Vietnam, and India –
potential to deter China, but view their relationship with
However, the United States
Washington and London China primarily in economic
and Britain should not
should recognize its limits. rather than security terms.
overemphasize security
The U.S. and U.K. Even countries like India,
arrangements in the emerging
governments need to build where leaders are increasingly
pivot to Asia. Both countries
stronger trade and investment skeptical of China’s strategic
could take a lesson from
ties to create a sustainable and objectives, do not want their
Beijing’s playbook. After the
long-lasting diplomatic country to become pawns in
U.S., Britain, and Australia
presence across Asia. increasingly hostile Sino-
announced the AUKUS deal,
American relations.
As China pursues an the Chinese government did
increasingly assertive foreign not make any security That is especially the case for
policy, Anglo-American overtures. Instead, Beijing high-growth emerging Asian
strategic cooperation with announced its bid to join the economies like Bangladesh,
regional partners like Comprehensive and Indonesia, and the
Australia could help check Progressive Agreement for Philippines. These countries
Chinese ambitions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership still face significant economic
region. In September, the (CPTPP) – the successor to development challenges, so
Biden administration and the the Trans-Pacific Partnership their governments often
Boris Johnson government that the United States helped prioritize commercial ties
announced a new Indo-Pacific negotiate but from which it over security alliances. Many
defense alliance between ultimately withdrew. It is are especially concerned that
Australia, the U.K., and the unclear whether China’s worsening Sino-American
U.S. – AUKUS for short. application will be successful relations and growing
While the alliance will – especially considering militarization in the region
initially help Australia build a Taiwan’s application to join could hamper national
nuclear-powered submarine, it the CPTPP – but it economic development
ultimately seeks to deepen nevertheless sends a powerful efforts. Following the
trilateral security cooperation message to Asian countries. AUKUS agreement, Malaysia
in Asia. Although the decision Unlike the U.S. and Britain, and Indonesia expressed
was seen as a snub by France, China seeks to project itself as concerns about a growing
it was a welcome distraction an economic power instead of Asian arms race and its
for the Biden administration a military power. potential impact on regional
following its botched stability. Anglo-American
Indeed, there are good reasons
withdrawal from Afghanistan. diplomacy that prioritizes
for the United States and
commercial rather than infrastructure across South relying too much on India
security issues will better and Southeast Asia, the U.S. risks alienating its neighbors,
appeal to leaders in these and the U.K. have fallen incentivizing them to pursue
economically orientated behind. However, America closer ties with China.
Asian nations. and Britain can work with
Building ties and strategic
Australia, Japan, and the
Both Britain and the United cooperation with Asian
Association of Southeast
States can design foreign nations – instead of military
Asian Nations (ASEAN)
policies better suited to Asian competition with China –
countries to sign agreements
nations’ economic priorities. should be the focus of the
to liberalize cross-border data
Earlier this year, Britain emerging Anglo-American
flows and digital trade.
became the first country to pivot to Asia. To that end, the
pursue negotiations to join the An increased economic U.S. and U.K. should seek a
CPTPP. Joining such emphasis does not necessarily broader coalition that includes
multilateral agreements and mean that the United States both major and minor regional
strengthening existing and Britain should neglect a powers. Britain is especially
bilateral trade arrangements military presence, but they well-suited for such an
can be an effective way to should take steps to improve approach, since its technical
signal Washington and Asian perceptions of expertise and military
Westminster’s commitment to transatlantic security knowhow far surpass its hard
strengthening Asian economic cooperation. For security assets in the region.
ties. policymakers in many Asian By enabling regional players
countries, it is easy to view and cooperating with a diverse
The U.K. and U.S. should also
AUKUS as a Western array of Asian countries,
pay special attention to trade
maritime coalition seeking to Britain can play an outsized
in digital services and cross-
prevent the rise of an role in the region.
border data flows, which
emerging Asian nation.
could well grow faster than
Likewise, some argue that
trade in goods. As China has
India could provide a
made significant headways in
counterweight to China, but
developing the digital
Narrative on Afghanistan

Ahsan Munir, The Nation

ince 9/11, western much was spent on building stricken population, to pay its
armies occupied road networks, hospitals, public-sector employees, to
Afghanistan for about educational hospitals and run hospitals, banks, and other
two decades without any clear other amenities to win the public services, but as in other
aims and objectives, amplified hearts and minds of the local developing countries, it is
by the sudden and immediate populace is a question not being weaned on
pullout of western forces— much asked. Now, the Taliban humanitarian aid to avoid an
leaving behind nothing but are trying to build a civilian impending humanitarian
huge piles of weaponry as a infrastructure to run the disaster. Thus, the Afghans
parting gift to the people of country and should be are being dictated by the
Afghanistan. credited with coming up with former occupational forces to
a governmental framework. fulfil their desired conditions,
Presently, the west is
Ministers have been appointed again a manifestation of
analysing only its military
and efforts are being made to western colonialism and
failure and tomes will be
make various ministries hubris. If the west is so
written on lessons learned
functional again to serve the worried about Afghanistan,
from the Afghan military
people. Similarly, the Taliban then during its two decades of
debacle, a déjà vu of Vietnam
government is active on the occupation, it should have had
invasion, and the new
diplomatic front and even given it a credible
strategies developed would
engaged with naysayers to government, functioning
again be put to use in a new
allay any fears created by institutions, and a strong
foreign military invasion or
vested powers and interests. defence which but all
occupation. The memory of
crumpled when western
imperialism is thoroughly Further, the Taliban are
support was removed. Puppet
manifested again in recent engaged in establishing the
governments were installed
invasions such as Libya, writ of the state which was
through questionable
Syria, and Iraq, which left never achieved during the two
elections and never
nothing but destruction and decades of foreign
represented the interests of the
destitution in once-prosperous occupation. The Taliban were
people. Political leaders and
countries. successful in establishing the
various pressure groups lined
writ of the state after the
The vacuum left by the pullout their pockets and fled at the
Soviet exit and hopefully
of Western forces has been first sign of opposition
would do so again without
filled by their opponents in the because they knew they never
suppressing any ethnic or
war—the Taliban. However, commanded the hearts and
political group. The Afghan
instead of being thankful that minds of their people.
people, after more than four
a strong force existed which
decades of war and violence, Thus, even after the exit, a
could fill the vacuum and hold
need peace and stability, and narrative to help felicitate
a fractious country together,
non-interference from continued interference with
the Taliban are being
external powers. the political and economic
demonised through a well-
stability of Afghanistan is
orchestrated narrative to hide To help the Taliban
being propagated, which
the failures of the departed government perform its
instead should be provided
occupational forces. During functions and serve the
with its rightful resources, and
about two decades of Afghan people, it needs monetary
for once, the Afghan people
occupation, billions of dollars resources. The Afghan
should decide their future
were sunk in defence government needs its rightful
without any interference.
industries of the west but how money to feed its famine-

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