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“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

1. GENERAL DATA ON STUDY REGION............................................................................................................. - 2 -

1.1. HISTORY.............................................................................................................................................................- 2 -
1.2. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................................- 2 -
1.3. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITION OF TSOGTTSETSII SOUM...............................................................................................- 2 -

2. TSOGTTSETSII SOUM ENVIRONMENTAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION........................................................- 6 -

2.1. GEOGRAPHY, LAND FORMATION.............................................................................................................................- 6 -

2.2. LANDSCAPE.........................................................................................................................................................- 6 -
2.3. GEOLOGICAL FORMATION......................................................................................................................................- 6 -
2.4. WEATHER AND CLIMATE CONDITION........................................................................................................................- 7 -
2.4.1. Weather and climate characteristics.......................................................................................................- 7 -
2.4.2. Seasonal climate condition......................................................................................................................- 7 -
2.4.3. Warm and cold season supply.................................................................................................................- 9 -
2.4.4. General soil settings................................................................................................................................- 9 -
2.5. VEGETATION COVER............................................................................................................................................- 10 -
2.6. FAUNA.............................................................................................................................................................- 11 -

3. STUDY FOR “MANAGEMENT PLAN” DEVELOPMENT...................................................................................- 14 -

3.1. DEVELOPMENT STEPS OF “MANAGEMENT PLAN”....................................................................................................- 14 -

3.2. CURRENT REGULATION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT LAWS IN MONGOLIA.......................................................................- 14 -
3.3. CURRENT SITUATION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT IN TSOGTTSETSII SOUM.......................................................................- 15 -
3.3.1. Soum waste management.....................................................................................................................- 15 -
3.3.2. Study on household solid waste............................................................................................................- 16 -
3.3.3. Study on clinical waste..........................................................................................................................- 16 -
3.3.4. Study on agricultural waste...................................................................................................................- 17 -
3.3.5. Study on industrial waste......................................................................................................................- 18 -
3.3.6. Centralized waste disposal site of the soum.........................................................................................- 20 -
3.3.7. Study on waste amount and composition.............................................................................................- 22 -
3.3.8. Study on liquid waste............................................................................................................................- 24 -
3.3.9. Study on soil pollution...........................................................................................................................- 26 -

4. TSOGTTSETSII SOUM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN............................................................- 30 -

4.1. REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPING “MANAGEMENT PLAN”.........................................................................................- 30 -

4.2. OBJECTIVES TO IMPLEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN.....................................................................................................- 30 -
4.3. STAGES AND STRATEGY TO IMPLEMENT THE MANAGEMENT PLAN...............................................................................- 31 -
4.4. MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN.........................................................................................................- 32 -
4.5. MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY...................................................................................................- 34 -
4.6. TSOGTTSETSII SOUM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN.......................................................................- 37 -
4.7. BUDGET OUTLINE OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN (IN THOUSAND TUGRIKS).....................................................................- 43 -
4.8. INDICATORS OF WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN...........................................................................................................- 44 -
4.9. FINANCIAL SOURCES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT PLAN...........................................................................- 45 -


PLAN..........................................................................................................................................................................- 46 -

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

TABLE-1. SOCIO-ECONOMIC INDEX OF TSOGTTSETSII SOUM..................................................................................- 3 -

TABLE 2. DURATION OF FOUR SEASONS...................................................................................................................- 7 -

TABLE 3. SEASONS DURATION AROUND UKHAA KHUDAG AREA............................................................................- 8 -

TABLE 4. OPTIMAL HEATING TIME............................................................................................................................- 9 -

TABLE 5. TSOGTTSETSII SOUM AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES.................................................................................- 12 -

TABLE 6.....................................................................................................................................................................- 14 -

TABLE 7.....................................................................................................................................................................- 19 -

22 -


TABLE 10. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DATA..........................................................................................- 25 -

TABLE 11. “TSETSII” HOUSING PROJECT PLANNING...............................................................................................- 25 -

TABLE 12. ANALYSIS OUTCOME..............................................................................................................................- 26 -


SOIL POLLUTION DETERMINED BY STOMACH BACILLI...........................................................................................- 27 -

SOIL POLLUTION DETERMINED BY CL.PERFINGENS................................................................................................- 27 -

PROTEUS TITRE LEVEL IN SOIL.................................................................................................................................- 28 -

SOIL POLLUTION DETERMINED BY DULAASAG BACTERIA LEVEL...........................................................................- 28 -

TABLE13. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE MANAGEMENT PLAN...................................................................................- 33 -

TABLE 14...................................................................................................................................................................- 34 -

TABLE 15. WASTE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN.......................................................................................- 37 -

TABLE 16. MANAGEMENT PLAN..............................................................................................................................- 40 -

TABLE 17...................................................................................................................................................................- 43 -

Table 18. Technical budget.......................................................................................................................................- 44 -

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

IMAGE 2. TSOGTTSETSII SOUM LAND SURFACE ELEVATION...................................................................................- 6 -

IMAGE 3. FOUR SEASONS..........................................................................................................................................- 7 -

IMAGE 4. WARM SEASON..........................................................................................................................................- 8 -

IMAGE 1. COLD SEASON............................................................................................................................................- 9 -

IMAGE 6. TSOGTTSETSII SOUM SAND COVER.........................................................................................................- 10 -

IMAGE 7. TSOGTTSETSII SOUM VEGETATION COVER............................................................................................- 11 -

IMAGE 9. SOMETIMES WASTES ARE RANDOMLY DISPOSED IN PUBLIC AREAS....................................................- 15 -

IMAGE 10. SOUM HOSPITAL HAZARDOUS WASTE INCINERATOR.........................................................................- 17 -

AND ALSO BECOMES A SOURCE FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE...................................................................................- 18 -
IMAGE 2. ENERGY RESOURCES LLC OFFICE, STAFF HOUSING AND KITCHEN.......................................................- 19 -

IMAGE 3. SOUM CENTER STEAM BOILER................................................................................................................- 19 -

IMAGE 14. LOCATION OF THE TSOGTSETSII SOUM WASTE DISPOSAL SITE..........................................................- 21 -


IMAGE 16. PLASTIC AND PAPER WASTES AT THE SOUM WASTE DISPOSAL SITE..................................................- 24 -

IMAGE 17. LIQUID WASTE AT THESOUM WASTE DISPOSAL SITE..........................................................................- 24 -

Image 18. Bacterialogical samples taken point........................................................................................................- 29 -

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

“Tsogtsetsii soum solid waste management plan” was developed by Environ LLC, by the request of
Energy Resources LLC. In recent years, due to increased number of various businesses, the amount of
wastes are also increasing, therefore it is harmful to human health and living conditions.
This management plan is developed to introduce environmentally friendly solution to solid waste
management in Tsogttsetsii soum, Umnugovi province. Our team members worked in the soum from
July 8th to 10th to meet the current waste management condition, quantity, composition of wastes, its
collection and transportation method, waste reusage and processing, waste disposal site area
measurements and took soil pollution measurements. Our team also has conducted meetings with the
soum government authorities, introduced them with the development of the plan and received their
comments and also obtained useful research data from them.
Several meetings have been conducted with local residents and small businesses and useful
comments on waste composition and collection and transportation of wastes have been received.
We’ve also took into account the current waste management policies and laws, regulations and
methodologies in Mongolia and also we’ve researched for best practices and methods used
internationally to enhance waste management systems and introduced some of the information that we
think is best suited for the Tsogttsetsii soum’s solid waste management plan.
The plan coheres to the requirements set in 2008 Environmental and Social Policy Documents of
the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and the waste management articles stated in
the contract between the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and Energy Resources
Due to lack of availibity of information and data from the soum government their data is lightly
addressed in the play, but the data provided by Energy Resources LLC was valid and precise, therefore it
was more heavily used to develop this plan.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC


1.1. History
Tsogttsetsii soum was founded in a place called Sevhuul by Shanhai mountain 1924 and moved to
the current location and was named Tsetsii in 1928. It was called Tsogttsetsii since 1934. The soum has
72.4 thous.m2 lands. Tsogttsetsii neighbors Tsogt-Ovoo soum by its north border, Ulziit soum of
Dundgovi province by its Nort-East border and Khanbogd soum by its South-East border and Manlai
soum by its East border.

1.2. Administrative structure

Tsogttsetsii soum administration consists of Citizen Representative Meeting, The Governor and The
Bagh Governor.

Soum administration structure

Soum citizen’s representative meeting

Soum governor

Secretary of soum Soum

citizen’s represetentative Governor
State services
division, and its
Bag governor

Bag Staff

This diagram does not whom should be responsible for waste management. Currently the environment
ranger is only responsible for monitoring the implementation of environmental pollution laws as it is
addressed on their job description.

1.3. Socio-economic condition of Tsogttsetsii soum

Tsogtsetsii soum is located 530km from Ulaanbaatar, 98km from Umnugobi aimag center, 19km
from Tavantolgoi, 140km from Ouy-tolgoi and 125km from Manlai soum. Tsogttsetsii has 72.4 thousand

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

square meter land and population of 2600. There are number of big organizations operating in
Tsogttsetsii, such as Wagner Asia. Also 25 other organizations with environmental impact assessment
are functioning in the soum and Khan bank and Mongol Postal Bank are providing banking services.
Soum people draw their water supply from 3 wells. The water in the soum has high mineralization
therefore causes intestinal and internal organ sickness rate is high.

Table-1. Socio-economic index of Tsogttsetsii soum

А Measur
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Territory Thous. 724.6 724.6 724.6 724.6 724.6 724.6 724.6 724.6 724.6 724.6
residents/by end Qty. 2189 2197 2172 2130 2102 2155 2121 2147 2245 2642
of year
New born children Qty. ~55 56 45 43 39 46 36 47 58

Deceased Qty. 15 12 15 10 13 12 16 19 21 17

Households Qty. 572 570 570 575 569 579 583 614 674 806
Herder Qty.
households, of 416 409 359 351 340 346 351 368 378 376
Owns electrocity Qty. 43 115 102 88 156 198 179 203 272 226

Owns television Qty. 52 68 72 64 112 131 133 188 202 141

Owns radio Qty. 289 202 269 343 207 256 270 245 378 258

Owns vehicle Qty. 55 76 77 51 67 68 74 77 80 61

Owns motorcycle Qty. 120 159 114 106 114 179 153 171 178 161

Owns tracktor Qty. 1 - 1 1 0 0 1 1 0

Number of Qty.
872 842 779 719 724 710 685 688 663 643
Labour force Qty. 1025 1033 1136 1147 1150 1232 1238 1255 1358 1629

Employed Qty. 1012 1022 995 1033 935 1031 1084 1072 939 1206
Unemployed Qty. 13 11 5 8 15 17 12 11 9 9
Hospital staffs Qty. 17 14 16 15 14 15 17 20 21
Senior doctors Qty. 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
Junior doctors Qty. 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 5 4
Nurses Qty. 5 5 5 5 3 4 5 4 6

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Child decease Qty. 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 5 0

Infected with Qty.
17 7 10 4 7 5 3 41 13
Hepatite Qty. 16 1 2 3 6 1 2 39 10
School staff Qty. 36 32 33 30 28 32 32 34 37 42
Full time teacher Qty. 20 18 18 16 17 16 16 16 19 22
Dorm students Qty. 80 95 80 85 85 101 118 118 100 101
1 graders Qty. 68 45 50 85 35 38 49 76 46 59
9 graders Qty. 0 13 48 34 45
Graduates of 9 Qty.
22 36 36 38 44 28 45 46 34
Graduates of 11th Qty.
0 0 0 0 0
Drop outs Qty. 11 10 9 0 0

Capitation data shows at the end of 2009 population of Tsogttsetsii were 2642. Most of the
population is living in the camps and villages established around thte Tavantolgoi mine and 1300 people
are herders. In 2008 registered unemployment increased by 25, employment increased by 26 and ???
became 9. 1.1 percent of the total population are unemployed and they fall into following categories:
has higher education 1, secondary education 3, partial secondary education 5. Due to establishment of
big and small organizations around the Tavantolgoi coal mine population of the soum is rapidly
increasing, therefore increasing the number of households in the soum center and causing the ger
district to spread wider.
According to the statistics there were 78 births and 21 deaths, which is 59.2 percent increase in births
and 5% increase in deaths. There were also 5 neo-mortalities this year. 41 people were infected by
contagious disease and 39 of them were hepatits. This indicates much higher number than previous
year. Increase of pollution in the soum center might be the cause of increased infections.

Main source of livelihood of Tsogttsetsii residents is lifestock and its raw materials. According to
the statistics of 2008 there were 664 herders of 378 houselholds which is 10 less households and 25 less
herders. In 2009 88358 lifestock were counted, of which were 1992 camels, 4260 horses, 858 cattles,
2664 sheeps and 54547 goats, which was 13713 less or 14.5 percent less than the previous year. The
reason why the 61.7 percent of the lifestock are goats is due to economic needs. In 2009 36564
offsprings were delivered and 46.8 percend of them survived.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

During the dzud in 2009 and 2010 a lot of livestock werere killed. Livestock count is approximately
40000 livestock were counted (including the new offsprings) in the first half of year 2010. 6.3 tons of
vegetables were harvested from 3.3 ha land in 2009. This is relatively low in terms of people involved
and also harvested vegetables. 161 tons of hay, 34.5 tons of fodder, 270 tons of hujir suu and 4.4 tons of
straw were prepared.
Due to massive loss of livestocks in last year’s zhud disaster, there are large amount of animal originated
wastes at the dumpsite and in rural areas.

Image 1. 5 different livestock amount by each Bagh.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC


2.1. Geography, land formation

Highest altitudes of the soum are Baga uul at 1731.1m located south-west of the Tavan tolgoi area,
Maiga ulaan uul at 1587.5m located north-east of Tavantolgoi area, Nergui at 1652.2m located south
from Tavantolgoi area and Tavantolgoi uul at 1570m located south-east of Tavantolgoi area. The soum
center is located near small hill called Tsagaan-Ovoo on an even terrain. Flood beds reside around the
soum center, one located 1.7 kilometers west and one located 2-4 kilometers east from the soum
center. There are no flood beds passing through the soum center.
Lowest altitude points include Ulaan nuur and other lowlands. River valleys are oriented along the
latitude and filled with alluvium. Tsogtsetsii soum is located in desert landscape with small hills and
There are no studies involving earthquakes in this region. Tsottsetsii soum is located in a region of
possible 7 mag earthquake and the frequency of earthquake occurring is twice in 1000 years.

Image 2. Tsogttsetsii soum land surface elevation

2.2. Landscape

2.3. Geological formation

Geological formation of the soum center area includes carbon volcanogen sediments, late carbon –
a lower Permian volcanogen sedimentary rock, the central area contains upper Permian carbon
sediments and some small areas contain sediments from Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene
time, tufogen-sedimentary and terrigenic sediment. Modern sediments include alluvium-proluvium and
lakes originated. Alluvium-proluvium sediment can be found in dry pebbles and at the bottom of
trenches and consists of rock debris, gravel, sand-rock, sand and claystone. Boulder-stones and
claystones with rock debris are commong along the top of pebble. Modern lake sediment is found at the
bottom of the red lake and other small lakes and consists of crimson siltstone, claystone and aleurolite.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

2.4. Weather and climate condition

2.4.1. Weather and climate characteristics

The soum’s region also has sharp continental climate like all the other regions of Mongolia, but this
region is relatively warmer. Generally Tsogttsetsii soum is located in warm and dry micro region where
winter is warmer (snows less), has short summer (very hot, rains less and sometimes gets very cold
suddenly) and lot of storms in spring and fall.

2.4.2. Seasonal climate condition

Total duration the four seasons calculated by average temperature of the day…

Table 2. Duration of four seasons

Time Winter Spring Summer Fall
Start 12.XI 11.III 1.Y 27.IX
End 11.III 1.Y 27.IX 12.XI
Duration (days) 119 51 149 46

Winter. Winter starts from 11th of November to 11th of March total of 119 days. Compared to the
northern region, winter in this soum starts early and ends early and has almost a full month less
duration. Temperature drops down to -5.0 OC to -37.6OC. Less heat from the sun and short days have
harsh impact on working conditions. Coldest month is January where the temperature drops down to
-37.6OC at the coldest. During constant snow cover the thickness of the snow cover is 5cm or lower.
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11,III 1,Y 27,IX 12,XI
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Image 3. Four seasons

Spring. Spring continues for 51 days from 11 th of march to 1st of May. The temperature rises to 5-10 OC,
but sometimes the temperature drops to -27 OC and reaches 27OC. Spring is the driest season, during the
spring for 50 or sometimes even more days there is only 30% or less humidity. Wind speed is highest in
the spring, it reaches up to 34m/c. Sand dust storms are common during the spring. These storms pick
up light wastes like plastic bags and papers and spread it around the rural area. If landfilling is not
properly done negative impacts may occur.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Summer. Summer continues for 149 days from 1 st of May to 27th of September. The temperature goes
up to 10-38.3OC. Sun heat is highest and dry in the beginning of the summer but it rains a lot and
becomes humid towards the end. Temperature is above +30 OC for 30-40 days during the summer.

Fall. Fall continues for 46 days from 27 th of September to 12 th of November. The temperature drops
down to +10OC to -5OC and gets drastically cold.

Table 3. Seasons duration around Ukhaa Khudag area.

Indicator Warm season Cold Season
Start Mid End Start Mid End
Start 29.III 1.Y 27.IX 28.X 2.XII 21.II
End 1.Y 27.IX 28.X 2.XII 21.II 29.III
Duration 33 149 31 35 81 36

Image 4. Warm season

The warm season continues for approximately 219 days, which is around 30 to 40 days longer than the
northern region.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Image 1. Cold season

The cold season continues approximately from Oct 28 th to March 29th for 146 days, which is relatively
short compared to other regions.

2.4.3. Warm and cold season supply

Optimal time for heating varies a lot due to differences in temperature drop/raise in different
regions. Following example demonstrates the optimal starting time of heating in 2008:

Table 4. Optimal heating time

Study conducted
in: Heating time
Start date End date Duration Халаалтын Халаалтын
(days) улирлын улирлын эрчим,
тооцоот градус o0 (-t)
Ulaanbaatar Sept 15th May 12th 239 -10.8 -2592.2
Dalanzadgad Oct 6th Apr 22nd 199 -5.4 -1070.2
Khanbogd Oct 14th Apr 12th 180 -4.2 -747.9
Tsogttsetsii Oct 5th Apr 25th 202 -5.7 -1144.1

Compared to the northern region heating duration is more than month or 37 days shorter. Therefore
the fuel usage and wasetes generated by heating is smaller.

2.4.4. General soil settings

Soil freeze depth reaches around 1.6 to 2.5 meters in cold season. In winter cold temperature of
-10 C reaches depth of 40 centimeters into the soil. In summer the temperature in soil sand-pebble and
stone cover reaches around +40 to +60 oC.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Image 6. Tsogttsetsii soum sand cover.

2.5. Vegetation cover

Dominant plant population in this area are Stipa gobica (Монгол өвс), Allium poyrrhizum
(Таана), Salsola passerina Bge (Бор бударгана), Reaumuria soongorica (Улаан бударгана), Anabasis
brevifolia (Түнтгэр баглуур), Salsola laricifolia (Шар бударгана), Nitraria sibirica (Сибир хармаг),
Cleistogenes soongorica (Зүүн гарын хазаар өвс), Allium mongolicum (Хөмүүл), Nanophyton gobica
(Төлөгчдүү бор таар), and Eurotia ceratiodes (Орог тэсэг). Most of these are stipe gobica allium
poyrrhizum, stipe gobica brevifolia, stipe gobica salsola passerine bge, salsola passerine bge reamuria
soongorica, and salsola laricifolia reaumuria soongorica salsola passerine bge and nitraria sibirica
populations. The soum center resides in the area of solidago

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Image 7. Tsogttsetsii soum vegetation cover.

123 species of 78 generas in 29 families of plants are registered in Tsogttsetsii territory. The family
containing most generas is the

2.6. Fauna
There are no inhabitants other than reptiles and insects. Foxes and corsacs are seen at night in
winter feeding on carrions at the waste disposal area.
Lizards play important role in foodchain of this area. Snakes number and density is relatively low around
the soum center area. Gloydius halys is also important to the foodchain as it manages the number of
small rodents and also feeds neophrons.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Table 5. Tsogttsetsii soum amphibians and reptiles

Common, rare


ä/ä Name of species

1 Bufo raddei + r
2 Alsophylax pipiens + r
3 Teratoscincus przewalskii + r
4 Phrynocephalus versicolor + c
5 Eremias przewalskii + r
6 Eremias multiocellata + + c
7 Eremias argus + + c
8 Coluver spinalis + Rr
9 Elaphe dione + c
10 Psammophis lineolatus + Rr
11 Aqkistrodon halys + + + + c
  9 2 2 3
Most of these species live around the soum center, especially in the hills to the west.

Most common vertebrates that people run into or live around the soum center are birds.
Based off of the information collected over time there are 62 species of 48 genera from 21 families in 11
orders. Of these species ambling bustard and podoces were already included (in 1997) in the Red Book
of Mongolia, amling bustard was also introduced in Endagered species stated in Law on Animal Kingdom
in 2000, amur falcon was included in endangered species list established by government of Mongolia
(Government Resolution-164, 2001) and cinerous vulture, lesser kestrel and ambling bustard are
included in the Asain Red Book in 2001. Although lesser krestels are often found in the Gobi regions, it is
much rare in central Asia. Cinerous vultures are beneficial to the nature as they feed upon animal
Out of the 62 species of birds only 1 was included in Annex-1, 23 species were included in Annex-2 of
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). It can be
concluded that none of the birds registered in this area are protected, as they are included in CITES and
CMS (Conservation of migratory species).
These birds dominate the Gobi region food-chian, and are on top of the food-chain pyramid. They are
small in quantities but number of encounters is high. Out of the 62 bird species, 22 of them are non-

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

migratory and 40 of them are migratory species. Non-migratory species include: upland buzzard,
common kestrel, chukar partridge, daurian partridge, Pallas’s sandgrouse, common pigeon, hill pigeon,
owl, little owl, crested lark, Mongolian lark, horned lark, great grey shrike, red-billed chough, common
raven, brown accentor, house sparrow, tree sparrow, rock sparrow, Mongolian lark and Mongolian
finch. From the non-migratory birds, Pallas’s sandgrouse, chukar partridge and daurian partridge are
hunted and prepared as frozen food.
Out of the 40 migratory birds, 20 species spend the summer and lay their eggs, 13 species pass through
the area, 4 species are rarely encountered and 2 species migrate from north and spend the winter in this
When classifying the birds by their habitats the birds which indicate desert and has characteristics of the
desert mostly define the context of the area. These birds include birch partridge, crested lark, desert
warbler, and desert wheatear also birds that come looking for food to the Gobi including cinereous
vulture and 14 species of birds from desert steppe and steppe. In addition 17 species of mountain birds,
17 species of garagana area birds and 7 species of swamp area birds will be encountered.
14 species of endangered birds will be encountered somet year and some year they will not be
seen and sometimes non-registered birds will come across the area. Carnivorous birds are commonly
seen around the soum center. Carnivous birds are seen in large numbers in winter around the waste
disposal site.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC


3.1. Development steps of “Management Plan”

2 steps are planned to develop the “Waste Management Plan” of Tsogttsetsii soum.
1. Conduct an on the site study to determine the source of solid waste, its quantity, composition
and waste collection and transportation systems and collect necessary data.
2. Produce mid term and final report and develop the management plan.

“Waste management plan” development was carried out by following steps (Table 6)

Table 6.


Project team will work in Tsogttsetsii

soum and conduct on-site study on
environment and waste, meet and
receive comments from the related
soum organizations and citizens.
Combine the information collected
during the on-site study and produce a
Produce first-draft of the “Management
Submit the draft plan to Energy
Resource, the soum Citizen’s
Representative Conference and the
Government office and receive
Submit the mid term and final reports
to the client.

3.2. Current regulation of waste management laws in Mongolia

“Law on import and export of hazardous wastes and ban trans-transportation” was adopted in
2000 and “Law on household and industrial wastes” was adopted in 2003 for the purpose of
environmentally friendly waste disposal and decreasing waste in urban areas. Following legal documents
are being used in order to further improve the waste management.
 Basel convention on “Monitoring trafficking of hazardous wastes”
 “Decreasing wastes” program approved by resolution no. 50 on March 3 rd 1999
 “Determining normatives for wastes and solid waste generation fee”, Annex-2 of Mongolian
government resolution no. 18 of 2007.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

 “Normative determining methodlogoy” (Annex-1 of Mongolian government resolution no. 18 of

 Annex of order no. 404 of the Environment Mininster to approve “Dedicated waste disposal and
landfill facilities, centralized site types, requirements and organizational operation regulation”
 “Certifying regulation to register hazardous wastes”, government resolution no. 268 of October
4th 2006 and its annex.
Tsogttsetsii soum waste management plan was developed in accordance with the legal documents
stated above.

3.3. Current situation of waste management in Tsogttsetsii soum

More issues are arising concerning waste collection, storage, sorting, transporting and disposal of
waste due to increase of population and waste types. Therefore it is a priority issue to enhance the
waste management of the soum. Soum’s waste size and disposal site area is increasing because lack of
actions taken to sort and decrease the amount of waste at its source, reuse.

3.3.1. Soum waste management

The governor’s office is responsible for collection, transportation and landfilling of the soum center
waste. Currently there is no system and human resource dedicated to the waste management, the soum
environmental inspector oversees the issue in order to ensure implementation of pollution reduction

Image 9. Sometimes wastes are randomly disposed in public areas.

The soum planned to collect at most 3000 tugrik fee from each household to create finance for
collection and transportation of solid waste. But in reality the fee was never collected and used for
waste reduction activities. Since March of 2010 funded from the environmental protection fund the
soum government office contracted with a driver with a truck owner to collect and transport the soum
center solid waste. Even though there is no logs and statistic information on waste collection and

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

transportation, it is beneficial to reduction of the soum’s solid waste. Some volunteers and Energy
Resources LLC are carrying out the sorting, keeping the waste disposal area organized.
Solid waste management issue is not regulated, this matter is not resolved in the policy level and
there is no outcome so far. Household and other solid wastes are disposed into the soum’s waste
disposal site. Payment of collection and transportation of solid wastes from soum’s ger district
households is not regulated. Lack of waste management service and monitoring from government and
citizens on waste disposal is creating condition for disposal of waste in open area.
Although the livelihood of the soum households is low, fee must be charged in order for the people
to understand that they need to pay the fee for collection and transportation of their waste. Even if the
fee is low people who pay the fee will have the mind set to reduce their waste in order to reduce the
amount of fee they pay. Market economy is important for reducing laziness and more importantly for
the people to care about waste reduction and sort their waste.
Because the waste management financial system is inappropriate number of people paying the fee
is insufficient. Currently the following managements are critically needed: proper collection of solid
waste, sorting, reusing, reprocessing, introduce technologies that generate small amount of waste to
reduce waste generation, prevent from pollution and protect the human health from any kind of
It is appreciative that local people are started doing social work towards waste reduction. Mr.
Jaalbaatar moved to Tsogttsetsii from the aimag center and voluntarily started sorting and collecting
solid wastes on the waste disposal site. He establishad a NGO and employed some of the unemployed
people to work on sorting solid waste at the waste disposal site.

3.3.2. Study on household solid waste

At the end of 2009 Tsogttsetsii soum had population of 2642, of which around 700 households live
in the soum center. In terms of population size in the soum center total waste generation are 0.7 tons
daily, 21 tons monthly and 255.5 tons annualy.
Only the registered population count was 700 households but the soum administration mentioned
that due to Energy Resources LLCs establishment population is growing day by day unregistered
settlement is making it difficult to determine the new population size. Also families hit by Zhud disaster
are coming into the soum center. Most of Energy Resources LLC workers are non residents except for
the existing residents of Tsogttsetsii soum. It appears that the number of registered residents will rise
when the new apartment buildings are complete. Energy Resources LLCs employee number have been
included into the plan.

3.3.3. Study on clinical waste

Objective of the study is to determine the total quantity of clinical waste currently being generated
and will generate in the future and develop an environmentally friendly, non-harmful method to dispose
of contagious waste.
Study was conducted according to the methodology developed by the World Health Organization
and by assessment method. Meeting was conducted with the clinic’s administration and the person in
charge of waste management and questionary and interviews were taken.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Data have been collected on the types of waste generated by the clinic and we’ve met with the
clinical waste disposal method. Currently hazardous wastes from the clinic include used syringes,
needles and droppers. There are 40 shots a day, 1200 shots monthly and 14400 shots yearly in a 8 bed
hospital and 160 shots daily, 4800 shots monthly and 57000 shots yearly in a 32 bed hospital. These
wastes are being disposed in a hand made incinerator since the hospital doesn’t have a dedicated
incineration tool. No hazardous waste goes to the soum’s waste disposal site. Size of the neutral waste is
defined not only by the 20 employees at the hospital but also by the number of patients coming into the
hospital daily and the 100 patients already being treated and the total waste size for a day is 50kg.

Image 10. Soum hospital hazardous waste incinerator.

3.3.4. Study on agricultural waste

Most of the agricultural wastes are bones, pieces of used animal skin, excreta, dead animal corpses,
skins and carrion. Reason for the high number of corpses around the waste disposal site is because of
the large quantity of animals died in the zhud disaster in 2009. There are number of herder families near
the soum center. Dead animal wastes generated by these families and other herder families that pass by
the soum center, thus the odour from the waste disposal site is noticeable from long distance.
Inappropriate disposal of animal corpse might cause spread of contagious disease. There might be
animal corpse arount the soum center besides the waste disposal site.
The soum government must oversee the animal corpse disposal issue. Mongolian tradition says
that no waste comes out of livestock products. If the tradition is followed there must not be any
agricultural waste generated besides vegetable wastes.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Image 11. Soum center livestocks gather around the waste disposal site, scattering the wastes and also
becomes a source for infectious disease.

3.3.5. Study on industrial waste

Objective of this study is to determine the total amount of waste generated by the industries
conducted in the study and collect necessary data to calculate the amount of waste generation in long-
term. The current and long-term waste generation amount will be used in industrial waste management
indicated in the “solid waste management plan. One of the biggest waste generations comes from the
steam boiler that supports soum administration office, school, school dormitory, soum recreation
center, hospital and the kindergarden. In cold season the steam boiler uses 400 tons of coal transported
from Tavan Tolgoi mine located 17 km away from the soum center. Wastes generated from the steam
boiler include coal debri, ash and grime. The biggest industry operating in the soum is the coal mine
owned by Energy Resources LLC. Their largest amounts of wastes are generated from the employee
camp, machine workshop, kitchen and washery and hot water system. Energy Resource camp is located
2 km from the soum center and they dispose their solid and liquid wastes in the soum waste disposal
May report of year 2010 shows that 26m3 of waste, 43m3 of gallery camp boiler ash, 64m3 of
waste from MCSI, 50m3 of waste from TG workshop, 53m3 of waste from coal-breaker (concentrator?),
90m3 of ash from ger camp hot water boiler and 19.5m3 of waste from dough factory, total of 363.5m3
of wastes were disposed into the soum waste disposal site from Energy Resources LLC.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Image 2. Soum center steam boiler Image 3. Energy Resources LLC office, staff
housing and kitchen
Industrial wastes generated in the soum
include: zoogenic wastes such as animal corpse, flock and pelt, wood, paper, plastic, polymerous, epoxy,
tissue and fabric, zoogenc and phytogenic fat, elastic, copper, aluminum, bronze, other metals, glass,
porcelain, stone, ash and dust generated from steam boiler, construction wastes such as sand, alabaster,
bricks, plaster and cement, coal and wood ash. According to the Estimate Solid Waste Generation Rates
for Commercial Establishments method, average waste produced daily is determined by the amount of
wastes per square. The average waste produced daily by services such as cafes, stores and gas stations
was 0.0108 tons/square per foot/year, converted to metric system this amount is 328 grams/m 2. If the
average area of the stores in Tsogttsetsii soum is around 20m 2 the total waste produced by the 10 retail
stores in the soum is about 65.6kg.
Following table shows the origin of each waste generated

Table 7.
Waste generating organization Amount of waste Annual waste generation
Daily/kg Tons
Cafeteria (2) 13.1* 4.8
Hotel (3) 19.7* 7.2
School with 518 students 65.6* 23.9
Dormatory (135 students in 2
6.56* 2.4
Bank branches Postal and Khan
34** 12.4
Kindergarden (100 children) 5 1.8
Tailor shop (3) 40.5*** 14.7
Government office 3 1.1
Recreation center 20 4.8
Facilities of Energy Resource LLC 5 1.8
Ger camp 2 0.7
Gallery camp boiler 1 3.6
MCSI 1 3.6

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

TG workshop
870 312
Ger camp boiler 1440 516
Dough production facility 2140 768
Total (tons) 4228.8

 Using methodologies used for waste calculation of California, USA.
 Waste generated by lunch and materials used for education for primary class children were accounted.
 Average of 0.3kg of waste was accounted for one student of the dormitory.
Clinic wastes are separated into two categories: household and hazardous.

Gas stations sometimes pollute the soil by spilling the flammable materials into the soil, but they always
clean the environments. Almost zero amount of solid and liquid wastes are generated from these places,

In Ulaanbaatar waste fee is accounted according to Resolution No. 187 of Ulaanbaatar

Citizen’s Representative Council in 2006. Five districts of Ulaanbaatar have a fee of 2000
tugriks from apartment households and 2500 tugriks from ger households.
Songinokhairkhan district has fee of 1500 tugriks for both apartment and ger
households and Baganuur, Bagakhangai, Nalaikh districts have fee of 1200 tugriks for
both apartment and ger households. Waste transportation fees are around 1350
tugriks/ton for 1-10km, 1300 tugriks/ton for 11-20km, 1240 tugriks/km for 21-30km,
1200 tugriks/ton for 31-40km and 1180 tugriks/ton for over 40km transportation
distance. Other aimags and soums don’t have set fee for waste collection, therefore they
have their own fees.
Regarding organizations that produce rather large amount of wastes, for Ulaanbaatar
and Darkhan, they contract with the city’s waste fund and pay by the capacity their
business or the amount of wastes they produce. This method is similar to the Estimate
Solid Waste Generation Rates for Commercial Establishments method used in California
state of North America.

therefore the gas stations are not listed in the table.

3.3.6. Centralized waste disposal site of the soum

The waste disposal site resides 2km south-east from the soum center. The soum center started
disposing their wastes in this site since 1958. Energy Resources LLC started disposing its waste in this site
for the recent years based on a contract it had made with the soum government.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Image 14. Location of the Tsogtsetsii soum waste disposal site

Amount of waste is increasing and currently there is 2030m3 of solid waste in 565m2 area. Energy
Resources LLC have decreased the area by pushing the spreaded wastes into the center of the site.
The north most point (X3) and the north-east point (X2) of the site are located 1488-1491m above the
sea level and are below the majority of wind direction, therefore the accumulated wastes are hardly
affected by the wind. Unfortunately the west and south oints of the site are located in a bit less altitude;
therefore the wastes might spread through this area due to amount of rainfall and the topology of the
All of the wastes generated from the facilities in the soum center and Energy Resources LLS are
being disposed in this site only.

Image 15. Current situation of the Tsogttsetsii soum waste disposal site

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

The waste disposal site is not protected by any means of containment structure; therefore
livestocks lingering in the dump site are prone to biological hazard. This shows that wastes should be
sorted and reused if possible at the origin of the waste and implementation of clean technology to
reduce waste.

3.3.7. Study on waste amount and composition

From this study the soum’s total amount of waste was determined and the percentage of wastes
generated by facilities and ger district were calculated and compared to the amount of wastes
accounted for single person. Due to lack of research and study on Tsogtsetsii’s waste generation; there
is not sufficient data on waste types and origins. This also affects producing detailed information and
calculation. From the small amount of data collected, observations and interviews with the local citizens;
the amount of waste generated by single person is 0.5kgs daily. So the amount of waste generated by
the 1000 citizens living in the soum is 182.5 tons. Based on this study the amount of waste generated by
population in the future can be determined.

Table 8. Compostion of the waste generated by the households being ported to the dump site.
Composition Winter Summer
Housing Ger district Housing Ger district
Food waste Percentage 32.7 1.0 30.4 30.4
Paper Хувь 12.7 1.4 18.7 13.9
Fabric Хувь 4.6 1.0 4.1 6.2
Plastic Хувь 22.4 1.2 14.5 13.3
Grass, wood Хувь 1.1 0.2 5.3 3.9
Leather, elastic Хувь 0.7 0.1 0.4 0.8
Bones, skins,
carrion of Хувь 7.8 3.8 7.1 3.0

wastes Хувь 82.0 10.8 81.7 71.5

Metal Хувь 4.2 0.6 1.8 6.4

Bottles, glass Хувь 12.4 3.0 9.5 12.9
Porcelain, stone Хувь 4.4 0.9 6.5 7.1
Ash Хувь 0.0 82.9 0.0 0.0
Non-flammable Хувь 20.0 89.2 18.3 28.5

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC


Total Хувь 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Weight Кг\л 0.1 0.27 0.12 0.12

Table 9. Preliminary calculation of percentage of reusable objects, percentage

2010 2012 2015 2020

card board 7.9 8.6 9.5 11.0

Plastic bags 6.6 7.2 7.8 9.0

Plastics 9.9 10.8 11.7 13.6

Metals 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1

Glasses 3.9 4.2 4.5 5.0

Total 29.3 31.8 34.5 39.7

According to the implementation of the solid waste management plan, total annual expense is
approximately 33.3 million tugriks (based on 2010 expense). Based on previous studies 29.3 percent of
the wastes generated from settled areas are reusable wastes, therefore 29.3 percent or 9.7 million
tugriks of Tsogttsetsii waste management expense can be recovered from the reusable wastes.
For example: plastic bags and wares take about 56.3 percent of the reusable wastes by the year 2010
and will take about 56.9 percent by the year 2020. Currently price for 1kg multicolored plastic bags cost
100-150 tugriks, 1kg single color plastic bags cost 100-200 tugriks, 1kg plastic bottles cost 300 tugriks
and other plastic packages cost about 80-100 tugriks a kilogram. So if we take these values into account
the total annual waste management expense falls down to 23.6 million tugriks. (inflation is not
accounted in this)
There are reusable items from the waste disposal site; which include paper, plastic bags, plastic
bottles, glasses and metals. The amount of reusable and reprocessable items is determined based on
previous studies conducted on urban waste management and the Tsogttsetsii’s waste composition. The
amount of reusable and reprocessable wastes seem to increase in the future, therefore sorting and
monetizing these wastes will produce jobs and make profit.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Image 16. Plastic and paper wastes at the soum waste disposal site

3.3.8. Study on liquid waste

Tsogttsetsii soum’s liquid waste management issue is not solved. Both soum facilities and
households are solving the issue by burying their filled up lavatories and creating a new one. Therefore
creating soil and soil water pollution and contagious disease source.
Energy resource LLC started testing a wastewater treatment facility with the capacity of treating 120m3
water since March of 2010 and the liquid waste generated by the facility is dumped into the soum’s
dump site.
Energy resource LLC’s July 2010 waste water treatment facility report shows that 2887.5 tons of
wastewater from its 11 facilities was disposed during 5 month period.

Image 17. Liquid waste at thesoum waste disposal site

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Table 10. Wastewater treatment facility data

Wastewater disposal site

Name of organization

Treatment level, %
Maintenance and
Start-up date
Capacity of the

Treatment treatment
№ water treatment
type facility

Mec Abn Disposed in

төсл Biolog Nor
Usage hani orm Tsogttsetsii
ийн ical mal
Testing cal al soum dump
Energy Newly Determi
phase since site with the
resource operatio ned by
March 1st Biolog approval of
LLC 120м3/ Nor nal analysis
2010 - - y - soum’s
Daily mal

Approved by the soum governor’s order, Energy resources LLC is building housing in 21 ha area in
the soum. Amount of liquid waste generated from the housing will increase due to new housing.

The housing project consists of 3 stages.

1st stage: 3-5 story apartments with and without commodity (services), 2 story town houses and private
houses will be built between the years 2010-2014 with the capacity of 540 households.
2nd stage: From 2015 to 2020 4-5 story apartments with and without commodity will be built and. Total
capacity 670 households.
3rd stage: 2020-2025, 4-5 story apartments with and without commodity (services), 2 story town houses
and private houses will be built between the years 2010-2014 with the capacity of 440 households.
This project increases the area of the settlement and also includes recreation facility, social interaction
facility and parks.

Table 11. “Tsetsii” housing project planning

Үе Number of Total
Construction type Qty Note
шат stories households
48 household housing
5 4 192 1-2 room
/kindergarden,household services/
1st stage

28 household housing 4 8 224 2-3 room

36 household housing 5 3 108 1-3 room
Town housing 2 9 9
Private housing 2 8 8
Total 32
48 household housing 4 4 192 1-2 room

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

28 household housing 4 12 336 2-3 room

36 household housing 5 4 144 1-3 room
Total 20
2nd stage

Consumer services 2 2 800м2

Household service, police station and
2 1
Sport complex 2 1
School for 640
School, kindergarden 2 1
Kindergarden for
200 children
48 household housing 4 4 192 1-2 rooms
28 household housing 4 4 112 2-3 rooms
3rd stage

36 household housing 5 2 72 1-3 rooms

Town housing 2 47 47
Private housing 2 12 12
Total 69
1648 Population
Grand total
households 4120

3.3.9. Study on soil pollution

Soil pollution study was conducted within the framework of environmental impact assessment in
order to determin level of technical and bacterial pollution. Pollution was determined based on the data
collected from detailed environmental impact assessments on Ukhaa hudag mine, Tavan tolgoi airport,
Coal loading site, and employee camp and coal transportation route. Samples have been collected into a
dedicated sealed container and analyzed in Umnugovi province center of standardization according to
MNS 5367:2001 and MNS 5034:2004 standards.

Table 12. Analysis outcome.

Analyisis standard Sample name, indicator Outcome of analysis

1. TSK-MB 1
 Stomach bacilli haven’t
2. TSK-MB 2
been detected
3. ERM-MB 1
 Гэдэсний бүлгийн
4. ERM-MB 2
MNS 5034: 2004 эмгэг төрүүлэгч haven’t
5. ERM-MB 3
MNS 5367: 2001 been detected
6. ERCamp-MB 1
 E coli haven’t been
7. ERCamp-MB 2
8. ERCamp-MB 3
9. Puu-MB 1
10. TTG-MB 1

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Analysis report shows that this year’s soil composition and content of chemicals in the soil is within
the MNS 5850:2008 standard. Above report doesn’t include soil samples from the soum center and the
dump site; therefore soil samples have been collected from 8 spots within 5 indicators, which are:
1. Number of bacterias in 1g of soil.
2. E.coli
3. Cl.perfingens
4. Proteus titre
5. Number of Дулаасаг bacteria

Soil pollution of Ukhaa khudag mine area determined by total bacteria number in 1g of soil.
Number of bacterias in Soil pollution
№ Sample
1g of soil /million/ assessment
1 Soum well 3 Medium pollution
2 Soum center liquid waste disposal site 12 Highly polluted
3 Soum center solid waste disposal site 11 Highly polluted
4 New dump site 1,5 Clean soil
5 MCS International LLC 2,6 Medium pollution
6 Coal-break facility 3 Medium pollution
7 Wastewater treatment facility 5 Highly plluted
8 Ger camp 2 Minor pollution
*1-1.5 million is clean, 2 million=minor pollution, 2.5-3 million=medium pollution and 3-5 million or
more=highly polluted.

Soil pollution determined by stomach bacilli

Pollution assessment Stomach bacilli titre Soil sample
Clean 1,0 < Other samples
Minor pollution 1,0 – 0,01 -
Soum center solid and liquid
Medium pollution 0,01 – 0,001
waste disposal site
Highly polluted 0,0001 ба доош -

Soil pollution determined by Cl.perfingens

Pollution assessment Stomac bacilli titre Soil sample
Clean 1,0 < Other samples
Сумын төвийн шингэн
Minor pollution 0,1 – 0,001 хаягдлын цэг, хатуу хог
хаягдлын цэг
Medium pollution 0,001 – 0,0001 -
Highly polluted 0,0001 > -

Proteus titre level in soil

№ Sample Proteus titre Assessment

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

1 Soum well 0,0001 Detected

2 Soum center liquid water disposal site 0,00001 Detected
3 Soum center solid waste disposal site 0,001 Detected
4 New waste disposal site 0,01 Detected
5 MCS International LLC 0,01 Detected
6 Coal-break facility 0,01 Detected
7 Wastewater treatment facility - Detected
8 Ger camp - Detected

Soil pollution determined by DULAASAG bacteria level

1г хөрсөнд агуулагдах
Хөрсний бохирдлын
№ Дээжний нэр дулаасаг бактерийн
1 Soum well - Clean
2 Soum center liquid water disposal site 2000 Minor
3 Soum center solid waste disposal site 6000 Minor
4 New waste disposal site 1100 Minor
5 MCS International LLC 200 Clean
6 Coal-break facility 200 Clean
7 Wastewater treatment facility 1400 Minor
8 Ger camp 300 Clean
*100-1000 clean, 1001-10000 minor pollution, 10001-100000 medium pollution, 100001-< highly polluted

Bacteria level in 1g soil indicates the soil is clean in new dump site, has minor pollution in ger camp,
medium pollution in soum well, MCS International LLC, coal-break facility and highly polluted in soum
center solid and liquid waste disposal sight.
E.coli level in soil analysis shows only the solid and water waste disposal site is polluted and other
areas are not.
Detection of Cl.perfingens indicates the soil is polluted by dejecture for long period. Study shows
that two places have minor pollution. But the Proteus alone is not an indicator of soil pollution, but if
E.coli and Cl.perfingens are indicated along, the soil is polluted. Soum well, soum solid and liquid waste
disposal sites are highly polluted with Proteus.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Soil polluted with animal dung have DULaasag bacteria. Places other than MCS International LLC,
ger camp, coal-break facilitiey have minor pollution in this indicator. This study shows that soum solid
and liquid waste disposal sites have medium soil pollution in terms of bacterial pollution.

Image 18. Bacterialogical samples taken point.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC


4.1. Requirements for developing “Management plan”

Due to the increased concentration of population, production and services household and
industrial wastes have become the primary factor for air, water and soil pollution causing degradation of
human health and living condition and environmental pollution. Lack of waste management in soum
centers nationwide is causing negative impact on livelihood of inhabitants and comfort of national and
foreign travelers. In accordance wit h this issue, with the requisition of Energy Resources LLC“Umnugobi
province’s Tsogttsetsii soum solid waste management master plan” was developed.

4.2. Objectives to implement management plan

Objective of this plan is to support implementation of strategical policies and laws such as
Mongolian national law of environment protection, Law on household and industrial waste,
international documents and goals of the international conventions, establish environmentally friendly
management system to dispose solid wastes of this soum, and develop a proper waste management
which decreases the negative impact on human healt and environment due to growing population and
constructions because of mining exploitation. Environmentally friendly solid waste management system
supports reducing waste quantity on its origin, sorting, reusing, reprocessing of wastes, which requires
following conditions.
 Take measures to reduce household and facility wastes on its origin
 Reuse and reprocess already generated wastes
 After having the previous 2 activities on regular basis, carry out waste sorting, transporting and
processing activities, then dispose of the wastes using landfill
 By adhering to an honest and open principle both the government, private sectors and the
society must all take responsibility to create a better solid waste management system
Environ LLC used the current laws, guidelines, standards, methodologies concerning waste
management and also best practices from foreign countries to develop and enhance the waste
management plan of Tsogttsetsii soum.

Following requirements must be fulfilled for the organization responsible for organize and implement
the waste management activites:
 Independent unit must be in charge of the landfill operation organization. Main objectives of the
unit are to organize daily operations of the staffs and write recommendations concerning the
issues raised and deliver it to the soum citizens’ representative council and the government
office to be solved.
 Provide and ensure maintenance of necessary tools and equipments and provide training to
enhance the technical knowledge of the employees.
 Determine objective and implement use of best practices of landfill technology used
internationally and by developed countries.
 Operate as an independent organization in terms of both finance and operation.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Finance necessary for management plan implementation:

 Primary parties to finance the implementation of the plan are the soum government and the the
entities generating waste.
 International and local projects.
 Financing section of a construction funded by the Mongolian government.
 State budget.
 Capital established by the operational financing of the waste management.
Financing activities must be carried out by the soum government office and centralizing the
fundings and creating the fund must be first year’s priority objectives. Furthermore the organization
responsible for the waste management must be able to finance itself by its operation.

Tools and equipments

All operations must be supported by latest technologies, tools and equipments after the landfill is
established. For example the operation must be provided with автосамсоваль, auto grader, excavator,
bulldozer, catock, cars, tracktor and other mechanics.
These technical resources will be used for daily transporting, loading and landfilling activities according
to specific graphical plan. As the operation grows technical upgrade must be made and in the long-term
(further than 20 years) innovative technologies such as generating heat out of wastes should be adapted
based on the best practices of other countries.

Following characteristics are accounted in this particular soum area:

 High quality coked coal mine and coal-enrichment factory and a relatively large settlement zone,
roads, railroads will be established. Due to this the population of the soum tends to grow in
large number. According to the socio-economic study conducted by Asian Development Bank
the population will reach 7800 in 2014, 8600 in 2016, 10600 in 2018 and 15300 in 2020.
Considering travelers unaccounted movement in settled areas (touris, work trip etc.) the the
population in 2020 will be 16000.
 As the population grows social issues such as schools, hospitals, recreation and sport facitlies,
housing etc will raise. Waste generation will increase. As the livelihood of the people change by
the year of 2020 number of people living in ger districts will decrease and over 90 percent of the
people of the soum will be living in apartments.
The waste management plan was eveloped considering the above characteristics.

4.3. Stages and strategy to implement the management plan

The implementation of Tsogttsetsii soum solid waste management plan is divided into three stages:
First stage. Improvement over short period (2010 to 2012)
Second stage. Improvement over medium period (2013 to 2015)
Third stage. Improvement over long period (2016 to 2020)

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

4.4. Main objective of the management plan

Technical framework composition parts’ objectives to implement management plan are stated
Issue of transportation and disposal of construction waste will rise due to establishment of
industries, roads, railroad, housing and service buildings. Light-production and food industries will also
be established.

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Table13. Main objectives of the management plan

Fist stage of  Have the Citizens’ Representative Conference and:
management plan o Approve and enforce operation plan to implement the management plan step by step
o Establish and accustom to a regulation for identifying composition, sorting, reusage and transportation of waste
 Provide financial support for the faculties reusing and reprocessing waste to stabilize their operation
 Carry out operations to establish workshop and light-factories to process sorted wastes
 Provide small trucks and dumptrucks to transport the soum wastes.
 Organize activities to involve private sectors in transportation and disposal of wastes.
 Increase personnel capacity by training professionals to put in charge of waste management.
 Organize training for adults, school students and kindergarden children about waste management.
 Train the citizens to sort wastes into reusable and non-reusable
 Involve the public in waste collection and sorting activities and stop and set regulation on random waste disposal in
public areas.
 Accustom product and service providers to collect their wastes into a container and sort them.
 Develop waste sorting, recycling, reprocessing and storate facilities’ plan with the landfill blueprints.
Second stage of  Support waste sorting, recycling and processing activities at the dump site.
management plan  Improve the operation of sorted waste processing facility.
 Strengthen management capacity to enhance solid waste management supervision and organization system in
accordance with the increase of types and quantity of wastes.
 Establish database of solid waste management information.
Third stage  Support small and medium factories to be established for reprocessing of wastes at the dump site.
 Establish environmentaly safe solid waste management system and introduce system to decrease wastes at their origin,
reusage of wastes, and reprocess wastes.
3  Join national waste management network in order to fulfill the requirements to process household chemicals, electric
and industrial hazardous wastes.
 Properly introduce organizational and technical methods to collect, sort, reuse, process, transport and dispose wastes,
provide healthy, pleasant living environment for the people and establish an exemplary waste management system.

4.5. Management plan implementation strategy

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Table 14.

Activity types

First stage (2010-2012 îí)

 Educate the public about benfits of waste collection to ensure that the public doesn’t dispose their wastes out
in the open.
 Create schedule for public training, promote traditional methods among people and completely stop
inappropriate disposal of wastes.
 Establish waste management service fund…
 Fuel-efficient vehicles must be used to collect and transport wastes from the soum center buildings.
Technical activities  Accumulate wastes of group of buildings in one spot for transportation. Improve the dumbpsters (must not
lose wastes due to wind, storm and animal contact) located between the buildings and make accumulation of
wastes for transportation a constant activity.
 Clearly define the service to collect and transport wastes from ger districts.
 Fully involve the public in the activity of sorting wastes into usable and non-usable types by the year 2012.
 Contract with actively involved people to employ them as agents to collect secondary raw materials such as
paper, wood, plastics, plastic bags, metals.
 Dumbpster and recycle bin must be separate containers.
 Start implementing actions to reducing wastes at their origin, reusage of solid wastes and recycle wastes with
the involvement of the local government.
 Create a system to support and develop private sectors contributing to waste reprocessing. Permission will be
given to the private sectors to establish dump sites on specific locations of baghs in year 2010.
 Create a system to buy reusable wastes from the public.
 Actions to establishment of small private waste processing facilities will start from the beginning of 2011.
 Contract with citizens and private entities to collect secondary raw materials.
 In 2012 financial support will be provided to small-medium industries to reprocess wastes at the dump site.
 Landfill location of the dumpiste must not affect the soil properties and underground water.
 Blueprint for an environmentally safe landfill plan which includes soil water and waste gas monitoring hole and
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

flood protection dam will be created.

 Waste sorting area and storage facility will be built near the landfill area.
 Temporary storage will be built for storing sorted and hazardous wastes ready to be received or re-processing.
Administration and  Establish organization and provide human resources for the soum administration to be in charge of waste
organization activities management activities.
 Improve the soum administration, bagh responsibilities and their responsibility system and create and enforce
waste management regulation.
 Support collection and sorting of wastes and establishment of waste collection facility. Provide waste collection
services to the public within the framework of finishing the landfilling operation.
 Support from the soum administration for the private entities which use wastes by the amount of wastes
they’ve reduced.
 Start a system for the product providers to pull back the wastes (product label, bags, bottles etc) generated by
the products for reuse.
 Strengthen management and structure of waste management. Create methodology and model for selected
private entities to involve in waste management improvement activities.
 Create constant waste management monitoring system for soum and bag level, create database and take
actions to expand its scope. Start planning of waste management and structure based in information system.
 Strengthen human resource capacity by training solid waste management staffs.
 Improve and enforce current waste management instructions, rules and regulations according to the
техникийн тогтолцоо
 Create a waste management fund and start a proper management system to charge people for waste
collection. Build an information base to keep service fund activities transparent to the public.
Second stage (2013-2015)
Technical actions  Start landfilling non-hazardous wastes.
 Stabilize and upgrade operation of waste sorting and processing facilities.
 From 2014 start a campaign to involve ger district citizens in waste sorting, collecting system.
 Further improve the solid waste management information system and make it publicly available.
 Encourage use of local resources in waste management improvement.
 Research methods for producing energy out of wastes and take measures towards exploiting them.
 Establish waste reuse, process and hazardous waste collection system.
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Management and  Establish organizations to manage waste management, especially hazardous and industrial wastes.
structural actions  Support initiatives and implement establishment of small-medium facilities to process waste paper and plastic
bags and produce briquettes.
 Implement more cost-effective solid waste management by supporting involvement of private entities and
using financial leverage.
 Increase staff capacity by conducting training for the staff working at the solid waste management
 Organize public training according to a program in order to increase public involvement in extending solid
waste sorting, collecting and processing activities.
Third stage (2016-2020)
Technical actions  Fully involve ger district citizens in waste sorting and collecting activities. This activity will be fully stabilized
when all urban and ger district citizens are fully involved in waste sorting and collecting system.
 Sorting shop and reprocessing facilities will have increased capacity and stabilized operation.
 Initiation of planning the next stage activities for waste management техникийн тогтолцоо
Management and  Provide financial support for businesses establishing small and medium factories for waste reprocessing at the
structural actions dumpsite. Goal for Tsogttsetsii soum is to develop an environmentally friendly waste management system, in order
to reach this goal the soum must fully introduce a system to reduce waste at its origin, reuse and reprocess wastes.
 Stabilize landfill operation.
 Solid waste management will be improved and the foundation must be set for further development.
 Monitor activities of private entities involved in solid waste management.
 Solid waste management information database must be fully functional to provide information for economical
and social activities such as decision making, monitoring, city planning and financial management.
 Substantially decrease amount of waste to landfill by increasing public knowledge about the waste processing
system and increasing the public’s involvement.
 Integrated system will be established for waste management improvement, waste collection and
4.6. Tsogttsetsii soum solid waste management development plan

Table 15. Waste management development plan

Current situation First stage (2010-2012) Second stage (2013-2015) Third stage (2016-2020)
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Heating Warm Heating Warm Heating Heating

Warm season Warm season
Indicators period season period season period period

Household solid waste management

Apartmen Apartment house:
Apartment Apartmen
t house: 15700
house: 0 t house: 0 Apartment Apartment Apartment Apartment
house: 580 house: 9640 house: 9640 house: 15700
Tsogttsetsii soum Ger district: 300
Ger Ger
population Ger Total: 16000
district: district: Ger district: Ger district: Ger district: Ger district:
700 700 2520 360 360 300
Total: Total: Total: 3100 Total: 10000 Total: 10000 Total: 16000
1400 1400
Amount of solid waste
generated (tons/day)
Total 0.7 5.0 8.0
0.7 1.5 1.5 5.0 8.0
- apartment houses 0.0 4.82 7.85
0.0 0.29 0.29 4.82 7.85
- ger district 0.7 0.18 0.15
0.7 0.126 0.126 0.18 0.15
Waste composition, (%):
- reusable
- non reusable 60.0 40.0 60.0 40.0 60.0 40.0 60.0 40.0

40.0 60.0 40.0 60.0 40.0 60.0 40.0 60.0

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Waste collection and transportation

Percent of population to
involve in waste
collection, (%)
- apartment houses
0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100
- ger district
100 100 100 100 100 100

Portion unattended solid

waste pile within the total
waste generated, %
- apartments
- ger district
0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100 100

Portion of wastes to
collect and sort within the
total waste generated,
0 0 40 40 60 60 80 80
- apartments
0 0 40 40 50 60 80 80
- ger district

Amount of wastes to sort

- apartments
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

- ger district 0.482

0 0.029 0.029 0482 0.785 0.785
0 0.018
0.0126 0.0126 0.018 0.015 0.015
Twice a Twice a
Twice a
Collection frequency week week
week Twice a
- apartments Twice a week
week Twice a week Twice a week Twice a week

Once in Once in
Once in
two two Twice a
two Once a Twice a month Twice a
months months month on
months on month on on average month on Twice a month on
- ger district on on average
average average average average
average average

Collection system
Accumulate waste in a countainer placed between households and transport the waste according to timetable.

Note: Non-reusable wastes will be transported twice a week and reusable wastes will be transported once a week.
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Table 16. Management plan

First stage (2010-2012)
Structure Current situation Second stage (2013-2015) Third stage (2016-2020)
1 2 3 4 5

General waste management

Apartment district: Apartment district: Apartment district: Apartment district:

 From temporary site  Public dumpster  Public dumpster  Public dumpster
 On demand  From each entrance  From each entrance  From each entrance
Waste collection
 Public dumpster Ger district: Ger district: Ger district:
Ger district:  Door to door  Door to door  Door to door
 Door to door

Dump truck 2 2 3 4
Drawing-machine 0 0 1 1
Bulldozer 0 1 2 3
Work force There are no certain In Tsogttsetsii soum In Tsogttsetsii soum In Tsogttsetsii soum
provisions on solid waste administration: administration: administration:
management. Person in charge of waste Person in charge of waste Person in charge of waste
Environmental inspector management – 1 management – 1 management – 1
at soum level is in charge Accountant – 1 Accountant – 1 Accountant – 1
for monitoring of Solid waste inspection Solid waste inspection Solid waste inspection officer – 1
environmental regulations officer – 1 officer – 1 Driver – 1
related with pollution. Driver – 1 Driver – 1 Loader – 2
Loader – 2 Loader – 2 Unit in charge of landfill
Unit in charge of landfill Unit in charge of landfill operations:
operations: operations: Unit director/engineer – 1
Unit director/engineer – 1 Unit director/engineer – 1 Driver -1
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Driver -1 Driver -1 Dumpsite watchman-1

Dumpsite watchman-1 Dumpsite watchman-1 Plastic workshop staff-1
Plastic workshop staff-1 Plastic workshop staff-1 Secondary workshop staff
Secondary workshop staff Secondary workshop staff
Transport and unload Transport to dumpsite Transport to dumpsite Transport to dumpsite (wastes are
wastes at the dumpsite, Transport after sorting (wastes are sorted on single sorted and processed on single
Transportation system wastes are then pressed location) location)
into the waste pile after
primary sorting.

Implementing Staff in charge of landfill Unit in charge of landfill

Soum decoration service Unit in charge of landfill operation
organization operation operation

Landfilling waste at the dumpsite

Manually or with tools and Manually or with tools and Using machinery and
Operation methodology Using machinery and equipments
equipments equipments equipments

Location of centralized dumpsite

Dinstance from the soum New landfill is going to be New landfill is going to be New landfill is going to be at New landfill is going to be at the
center, êì at the current dumpsite at the current dumpsite the current dumpsite current dumpsite

Total amount of wastes to

dispose at the dumpsite,
tons/year 245.5 547.5 1825.0 2920.0

Number of transportation 49 101 364 580

“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

km 2 2 2 2
Expense, thousand tugriks 19600 4040000 15200000 232000000

Clinical waste management

Clinincal waste
generation ì3/year 3.6 18.2 36.5 40.5

Waste amount to
dispose by inceneration, 0.6 3.2 5.0 6.0

Amount of waste to
3.0 15.0 31.5 36.5
dispose ì3/year
Disposal expense.thous. 1.46
tug 0.12 0.60 1.24
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

4.7. Budget outline of the management plan (in thousand tugriks)

Table 17.

Personnel Second stage

№ First stage (2010-2012) Third stage (2016-2020) Total
Director/Engineer of unit in charge
1 of landfill operation (act as 59400
350x12x3=12600 500х12х3=18000 600х12х4=28800
engineer only for the first year).
Accountant (эхний жилүүдэд
хавсран ажиллах) 350x12x3=12600 500х12Х3=18000 550х12х4=26400 57000
3 Solid waste inspection officer 500х12 Х 3=18000 550х12 х4=26400
400x12x3=14400 58800
4 Dumptruck driver 400х12 Х3=14400 450х12 х4=21600
350x12x3=12600 48600
Universal machinery operator
5 400х12 Х3=14400 450х12 х4=21600
(bulldozer, excavator) 350x12x3=12600 48600
6 Drawing machine operator 400х12 Х3=14400 450х12 х4=21600
350x12x3=12600 48600
7 Watcher 250х12 Х3=9000 300х12 х4=14400
Task rated by Task rated by
8 Assistants Task rated by performance
performance performance
Task rated by Task rated by
9 Plastics workshop staffs Task rated by performance
performance performance
Total 84600 106200 160800
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

Table 18. Technical budget

Technical assets First stage
stage Third stage (2016-2020) Total
Dumptruck 5800 16600 16600 3900
Bulldozer, excavator
5000 10000 10000 2500
Drawing machine 4500 9000 9000 22500
Total 15300 35600 35600 86500
Note: In the first stage of the management plan implementation through 2010-2012 expenses consist of 351600 thousand tugriks for wages (not
considering inflation), 86500 thousand tugriks for vehicles and machineries, so total of 438100 thousand tugriks are planned. Vehicle and
machineries expenses include fuel and lubricants and maintenance service expenses. Budged doesn’t include expenses of operations carried out
by soum administration, citizens and private entitites and possible expenses caused by natural disasters etc.

4.8. Indicators of waste management plan

 Gather and centralize spreaded wastes around the dumpsite.
 Have new landfill design ready by end of 2010.
 Fully prepare for construction of new landfill facility and construct the facility until 2013.
 Create soil quality monitoring holes when constructing the landfill facility.
 Strongly consider health and safety of staffs when operating the landfill facility. Establish and implement labor safety program.
 Create soil monitoring program to prevent negative impact on soil and soil water during the operation of the landfill facility.
 Create circumstances to always monitor the hole created for monitoring the gas emitted from waste.
 Keep the waste amount to minimum by effective waste sorting and monitoring.
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC

4.9. Financial sources for implementation of management plan

 Annual budget accounted for waste management by the government.
 Annual budget for waste disposal from local private entities.
 Household waste collection fee.
 Donation from the public and private entitites.
 Budget allocated to waste disposal by public and private entities for collection of wastes
generated by their operation and for encouraging proper use of natural resources and healthy
 Loans and grants from foreign countries and organizations.
“Tsogttetsii Soum Solid Waste Management Plan” ENVIRON LLC



Following recommendations are to be immediately followed for the implementation of management

plan to improve Tsogttsetsii soum waste management plan:

1. Create and enforce regulation for waste storage and collection for the first stage and
implement waste sorting and collection activities for the second stage.
2. Establish support mechanism (provide information, financial support, loan, release from tax
duty etc) for organizations contributing to recycling and processing of wastes.
3. Create roads and infrastructure for transportation of waste.
4. Take appropriate measures to prevent possible spread contagious disease because of dead
animal corpses around the dumpsite.
5. Locate waste management administrative organizations and service providers near the
landfill and provide constant service. Thus changing the habit of just being satisfied with
transporting the waste to the dumpsite.
6. Constantly clean and maintain landfill protection dams and holes.
7. Strictly prohibit use of underground water near the landfill area.
8. Frequently test quality of well water located 2 kilometers inside the landfill area. Have
professional institution to take sample and run analysis.
9. Build water and gas monitoring hole to frequently monitor water quality and composition of
gas emitted by landfilled waste. Determine water leakage area and other factors.
10. Plant trees, build fences and walls and use the land characteristics to protect the land and
keep people from loude noise and unpleasant odor.
11. Clean, rehabilitate dumpsite and establish greenzone according to specific plans.
12. Create regulation to pre plan next landfill pot preparation during covering of previous

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