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Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence using
the word given (The given words must not be altered in any way)
1. Lucy was so sorry she hadn’t applied for the course in time. ( regretted)
.Lucy regretted not having…………

2. I should have written long before and told you about my new job. ( high)
 It’s high time I wrote and told you about………..
3. He failed his exam because he missed the classes so often ( consequence)
As a consequence of missing the classes so often, he failed his exam.
4. She was so anxious while the results were read out. (breath)
+ Hold one’s breath:
she held her breath while the results were read out
5. My passport needs renewing. (get)
+ Have/ get + sth + V3/ed ( causative )
 I have to get my passport renewed
6. Jenny and Kate grew up happily. (upbringing): the process of bringing up a child
Jenny and Kate had a happy upbringing
7. Ill health resulted in his inability to do the job. (cope)
+ Cope with:
He was unable to cope with the job because of his ill health.
8. He is often busy all day long. (go)
+ Be on the Go :Very busy /active
He ‘s on the go all day long.
9. He liked the new job straight away. (duck)
+ take to (something) like a duck to water :means that you discover when you start
doing a new activity for the first time, you are very good at it.
He took to the new job like a duck to water.
10.They’re faced with the choice of two alternatives. (horns)
+ be on the horns of dilemma : tiến không được mà lùi chẳng xong, tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan.
They are on the horns of (a) dilemma.
11. He admits he’s not one of the important members of the organization. (cog)
“small cog in a large/ big wheel” có từ “cog” là phần răng cưa của bánh xe, giúp
chuyển động.( một người giữ vị trí nhỏ nhưng lại có vai trò quan trọng trong một tổ
 He admits he is just a small cog in a big wheel
12. They suspended Jackson for the next two matches. (banned)
+ Ban somebody from doing something = Forbid somebody to do something
Jackson was banned from playing in the next two matches.
13. After winning the match, the whole team was in a happy mood. (spirits)
+ be in high/good spirits:
The whole team was in good / high spirits because of their victory.
 After winning the match, the whole team was in high spirits.
14. I haven’t realized yet what winning this race means. (sunk)
+ sink in:
 I haven’t sunk in yet what winning this race means.
 It hasn’t sunk in yet that I ( have) won this race.
15. I’d made up my mind, but at the last moment I lost my confidence. (feet)
I’d made up my mind, but at the last moment I got cold feet.
+ Get/have cold feet" = chân lạnh cóng( quá sợ hãi, lo lắng để làm một việc đã được lên kế hoạch từ trước, và
không chắc có muốn tiếp tục hay không).

16. I couldn’t help smiling when he told me of his plan. (a straight face)
+ keep a straight face: manage to stop yourself from smiling or laughing
I couldn’t keep a straight face when he told me of his plan
17. He seemed to be worried about something. (impression)
+ make / create impression on sb:
+ I have the impression that = "it seems to me that
 impression that… I did not get the impression that they were unhappy about the situation.
 I had/ got the impression that he was worried about something.
18. The arrested man did not look the same as the wanted man. (answer)
+ To answer to the description of : To match a description of physical appearance.
The arrested man did not answer to the description of the wanted man.
19.I only called the police when I had tried everything else. (resort)
+ As a last resort: the only choice that remains after all others have been tried
I only called the police as a last resort
20. Don’t tell the boss anything about this. (breathe)
+ Breathe a word : tell a secret
->Don’t breathe a word of this to the boss.
Don’t breathe a word to the boss about this.
21. Mike is never reluctant to make tough decisions as a manager. (shrinks)
+ shrink from sth//ʃrɪŋk/: to avoid doing something that is unpleasant or difficult
Mike never shrinks from making tough decision as a manager.
22. She was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop looking at her. (eyes)
+ not take one’s ( your) eyes off sb/sth: not stop looking at someone or something
She was so…..that I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
23. Winning that prize has made him very conceited. (head)
+ go to one’s head: làm cho ai choáng say/ làm rối trí, gây kích thích
 Wining that prize has gone to his head.
24. I do wish you should stop biting your nails, Brian! It really annoys me. (nerves)

+ get on someone's nerves = to annoy someone a lot :(KHIẾN AI BỰC MÌNH)

 I do wish you should stop biting your nails. Brian!It really gets on my nerves
25. You made an embarrassing mistake when you asked him where his wife was. (foot)
+ put your foot in it : to say something without thinking carefully, so that
you embarrass or upset someone = put your foot in your mouth
 You put your foot in it when you asked him where his wife was
26. It was hard not to start laughing when she started to sing. (face)
 It was hard to keep a straight face when she started to sing.
27. My father is going to be really angry when he finds out that I have lost the car key.
+ go up the wall : to get very angry
 My father is going to go up the wall when he finds out that I have……
28. If things go wrong, James, whatever you do, do not panic. (head)
+ lose your head : to lose control and not act in a calm way
 If things go wrong, James, do not lose your head.
29. All the hostages were released yesterday by the kidnappers. (let)
 The kidnappers let all the hostages go yesterday
30. Payment will be made when the order is received. ( receipt)
+ on the receipt of /rɪˈsiːt/: the act or state of receiving money or goods
Payment will be made on the receipt of order.
31. Behave properly or leave! (out)
 Shape up or ship out.
+ Chỉnh đốn lại hành vi của bản thân, nếu không sẽ bị loại bỏ.
32. He is determined to become a doctor. ( heart)
His heart is set on becoming a doctor. // He has set his heart on becoming….
+ set your heart on sth/doing sth: to want to get or achieve something very much
to want something very much
33. The present came as a complete surprise to me. ( aback)
+ Take aback = to be surprised or shocked
+ Be taken aback :
 I was completely taken aback by the present.
34. Driving without a seatbelt is illegal in most European countries. ( against)
+ against the law/ rules : not allowed by the law/ rules
+ It's against the law (= illegal) 
It is against the law to drive without a seatbelt in most European countries.
 It ………………………………………………………………………………
35. Some people tend to do better in a pressurised working environment. ( constant)
+ be under constant pressure :
 Some people work better when………………………………………………..
Some people work better when they are under constant pressure at work.
36. Can we please stay on one channel when we’re watching T.V? ( keep)
+ stay on: muốn để tiếp tục làm một công việc nào đó hoặc học tập sau thời gian bình
thường hoặc dự kiến để rời khỏi hay tiếp tục ở lại công việc này.
 I wish…………………………………………………………………………….
I wish you wouldn’t keep changing the channel when we are watching TV.
37. I imagine it was tough for you to refuse every beggar that asked you for money. (turn)
 It must…………………………………………………………………………………
It must have been tough for you to turn down every beggar that asked you for
38. His holiday is at exactly the same time as mine. (coincides)
+ Coincide with : happen at or near the same time
His holiday coincides with mine.
39. It was touch and go whether he recovered or not. ( balance)
+ touch – and- go : it is uncertain
+ be/ hang in the balance:
It was in the balance whether he recovered or not
40. The cost of living has gone up considerably in the last few years. ( considerable)
There has been considerable increase in the cost of living in the…..
41. Mass tourism has been one of the causes of the problem. ( blame)
Mass tourism is partly to blame for the problem
+ be to blame for: be the reason for something that happens
42. Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people. ( devoted)
+ devote sth to sth/ sb
+ Be dedicated / devoted to doing sth ( sth) : tận tụy với
Betty is devoted to ……………………………………..
43. I’m afraid our problems are only just beginning. ( Iceberg)
+The tip of the iceberg = just beginning : chỉ mới Ɩà sự khởi đầu,bắt đầu
 These problems of ours are just the tip of the iceberg.
44. The police ended the fighting between the 2 gangs by arresting the leader.( stop)
+ put a stop to : prevent from continuing (đặt dấu chấm hết cho, kết thúc)
The police put a stop to the fighting between the 2 gangs by arresting the leader.
45. Thomas was not given details of the company's new projects. (dark)
 Thomas was kept in the dark about the company's new projects.
+ to be kept in the dark ( about sth) :to deliberately not be informed about something
46. The way he took everything she did for granted really annoyed her. ( BACK )
+ put/get sb's back up: to annoy s.o
The way he took everything she did for granted really put her back up .
47.The house shouldn’t be left unlocked for any reason. ( ACCOUNT )
 Not …………………………………………………………………………………….
Not on any account should the house be left unlocked.
+ Not on any account/ On no account: Không có lí do gì/ không vì một lý do gì
48. A huge investment has been put into the field of solar-electricity.( INVEST)
They ……………………………………………………………………………………
They have invested a big fund into the field of solar-electricity.
+A huge investment => Một quỹ đầu tư lớn = invest a big fund into
49. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. ( LEAF)
You have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed.
+ turn over a new leaf : to start behaving in a better way ( thay đổi hành vi theo chiều
hướng tốt lên, tích cực hơn  “Có một khởi đầu mới” )
50. The new musical has delighted theatre audiences throughout the country.( STORM)
 The ………………………………………………………………………………….
 The new musical has taken theatre audiences by storm.
+ take someone/somewhere by storm: to be suddenly extremely successful in
a place or popular with someone
+ take SOMETHING/ SOMEONE / SOMEWHERE by storm: nổi tiếng, nổi danh một
cách nhanh chóng

51.What exactly am I supposed to have done wrong? (STAND)

What exactly do I stand accused of?
+ stand accused (of something): Tohave been formally accused of committing a crime or
of doing something wrong
= be accused of sth: bị buộc tội/ cáo buộc làm gì

52. Good colour sense is instinctive for some people. (COME)

Good colour sense comes naturally to some people.
+ come easily/naturally (to somebody): be easy for someone to do

53. It‟s age since that telephone worked properly. (ORDER)

That telephone has been out of order for ages.
 It's ages since that telephone was in working/ running order.
+ be in (good) working/running order:in good condition or working well
+ be out of order:

54. Everyone‟s saying the government is about to resign. (RUMOURED)

It is rumoured the government is about to resign.
55. The senior students believe that they are old enough to choose which classes to
attend. (REGARD)
The senior students regard themselves as (being) old enough to choose..............
56. Since the company‟s methods were exposed in a newspaper, people have lost their
good opinion of it. (DISREPUTE)
Since....................................... newspapers, it has fallen into disrepute.
Disrepute (n):a situation in which people no longer admire  or trust someone or something
fall into disrepute: bị tiếng xấu
bring someone into disrepute: làm ai mang tai mang tiếng 
57.What really depresses me is this continual wet weather. (GETS)
->What really gets me down is this continual wet weather.
+ get someone down: cause someone to feel unhappy and negative
58. We missed the bus because we had overslept. (CONSEQUENCE)
>We missed the bus as a consequence of over-sleeping.
+ as a consequence = As a result + Clause
+ as a consequence (of something)
+ in consequence (of something): as a result of something
59.The price of coffee has risen 50% since last year. (HIGHER)
The price of coffee is 50% higher than last year.

60. They continued to suggest that I was lying. (PERSISTED)

They persisted in suggesting that I was lying.
+ persist : continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition, in a way that can
seem unreasonable.(kiên trì, tiếp tục làm việc gì đó (mặc dù khó khăn)
+ persist in doing something
persist in something
persist with something

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