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Term Paper

Management of Organizational Change

Farzana Meher (18164064)

HRM -610

Submitted To: Dr. M. Nazmul Amin Majumdar

Submission Date: 06 January 2021




Never in history has the world relied more on the internet than during this Covid-19 pandemic.
With governments imposing lockdowns and other social distancing measures everywhere,
disruption to the traditional demand and supply systems has been inevitable. Today, businesses
and the world population at large are turning online for solutions to this sudden paralysis. This is
where the importance of e-commerce platforms is manifesting. Here I want to make these points
stronger by sharing a small incident. During the lockdown phase, one day, I needed some
medicines. I could not move out of the house because I have some elderly persons in my house, so
I did not buy the medication for safety issues. Instead, I ordered them online through one of the
sites, and I got those medicines within 1-2 hours of the order, which in my opinion, is an excellent
way of purchasing essentials during this pandemic. E-commerce not only made our life easy
relatively, but it also made our life more comfortable. Luckily, e-commerce has enabled people
to lead near-normal lives, given that anyone can order, buy, or sell pretty much anything without
necessarily interacting physically. It’s safe to say e-commerce is here to stay with no end in sight
for this pandemic.

The short name of E-commerce is "Electronic Commerce." The fast and dramatic changes in
information technology, especially in the last decade, have given the new marketing concept. It is
the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic
network, primarily the internet. Business transactions are carried out through the internet,
telephone, credit card, etc., without the help of a cheque or physical payment of money on the part
of the buyer. The manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and service providers let the consumers
know about their product's quality, price, size, color, etc., through multi-colored catalogs on the
website. E-commerce is incredibly convenient in the import and export business. It requires the
company to have the ability to satisfy the multiple needs of different customers and provide them
with a broader range of products. In Bangladesh, sites like Daraz, Kaymu, etc., are playing an
essential role in E-commerce by providing various services.


In present, we all are dependent on e-commerce for daily activities. Online business brings one of
the incredible changes in Bangladesh. With better access and innovation, web-based business is
overgrowing over the most recent few years. In this season of globalization, it is not easy to
accomplish any work without a design. Internet business includes using the Internet in the
promoting, ID, installment, and conveyance of item, and administrations all are finished by the
online business using the web.

A broad scope of innovations is utilized in internet business that incorporates electronic

information trade (EDI), electronic mail (email), electronic subsidizes move (EFT). In Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI), there should be an understanding between exchanging accomplices. EDI
is a standard strategy for trading business information. Email and fax are additionally shaping of
EDI. In Bangladesh, little, medium, and large ventures have taken up e-business stages. When
contrasted with created nations, agricultural nations have a higher potential for improving the
business structure and raise efficiency by utilizing web-based business as a medium. M-Commerce
(Mobile Commerce) and F-Commerce (Facebook Commerce) are incredibly famous in the present
e-business world.

Throughout the long term, the quantity of online exchanges has been expanded a ton. As per
BTRC authorities, the number of web supporters in Bangladesh had crossed 80 million out of
2017. As of now, there are roughly 2,000 web-based business destinations and 50,000 Facebook-
based sources conveying very nearly 30,000 items every day. 80 % of the online deals are
occurring in Dhaka, Chattogram, and Gazipur. The most well-known internet business/online
shops in Bangladesh are-Daraz, Chaldal, Rokomari, Ajker Deal, Sheba, Priyoshop, and
Meenabazar bikroy, Pickaboo, and so on.

Forces of changes:

Increased Global Competition:

Fastest Internet Connection is one of the significant fundamental reasons that assist individuals
with building up their web-based business. As indicated by the Bangladesh media transmission
administrative commission (BTRC) in 2016, the web entrance rate was recorded at 13.2 percent,
and the number of web clients was 66.6 million. In 2017, the number of web clients arrived at 80.6
million alongside an expansion in the entrance rate to 48.4 percent. In 2018 the number of web
clients further expanded to 91.3 million, and the entrance rate was 52.77 percent. As of now, the
quantity of web endorsers has arrived at 96.199 Million (June 2019). As per market experts,
Bangladesh's internet business market will reach USD 20 billion by 2020. As per June 2019
measurements of BRTC, 90.4 million clients buy into the versatile web, 0.06 million buys into
WiMAX, and 5.73 million to ISP + PSTN associations (referred to in Khan,2020).

Technological Forces:

Online business is filling quickly in Bangladesh. With better access and innovation, internet
business is growing too fast over the most recent few years. Online exchanges in Bangladesh have
been expanded significantly throughout the long term. In 2013, the public authority permitted to
buy and offer merchandise and online administrations by utilizing worldwide Mastercard’s
(, 2017). Before that, remote network access, WiMAX, and 3G reveal some significant
urban areas, and web speed got faster. Somewhat, that gave a big lift to the online business.

Type of Changes:

1. Happened change:

Considering the current COVID circumstance, individuals are presently requesting their #1 items
online from home as enormous social affairs in shopping centers or eateries can cause genuine
wellbeing dangers. In this manner, individuals are inclined toward more web-based shopping
instead of shopping centers/stores. Looking for a wide range of items, including medications,

garments, food, is done from various online stages. Even though lower-center pay families are still
market arranged, working-class or upper-center individuals are accomplishing more internet
shopping. Online stores have offered extraordinary assistance to clients during this Pandemic.
They gave a markdown on different which urged purchasers more to do web-based shopping.

As per the most recent information from Statista, the online business market in Bangladesh in 2019
remained at 1,648 million US dollars, which will increment to 2 thousand 77 million this year, and
in 2023, the market size will be 3 thousand 77 million dollars (as referred to in Hasan, 2020). In
any case, however, all the items become accessible to the internet business locales. Yet, they
battled during Pandemic as most of the deliverymen got back to their local spots. All these were
beginning issues, yet as time passed, traffic on the internet business locales began to increment.

2. Operational change:

Ghoori assumes a significant part throughout the entire existence of web-based business as it began
another idea. Nearly our nation saw a restricted adaptation of web-based company in the late 90s
with the plan to serve NRBs who were searching for choices to send endowments to their cherished
ones in Dhaka. The continuously online business began to develop from 2000 and in the middle
of 2008 (as referred to in Moslem,2017). However, the installment door, conveyance framework,
and client instruction were significant issues against its rapid development. Even though there was
the absence of framework and web offices around then yet at the same time, it got better
thankfulness from the clients. Circumstance began to change when the principal installment
aggregator SSL COMMERZ dispatched their business in 2010. During this time, web offices have
been improved a great deal than previously. Alongside this improvement, we saw some significant
speculations during this period; organizations like ajkerdeal, rokomari, akhoni [now bagdoom],
and so on began their activity.

3. Strategic change:

The online commercial center idea began changing when akhoni and acquainted
themselves with the online clients in 2012/13. From 2015 onwards, Kaymu and Daraz are

disturbing the market by putting a tremendous measure of cash in promoting fast deals, which in
the long run, is refuted a stage. Eventually, Kaymu converged with Daraz in 2017(as referred to in
Moslem, 2017). is another enormous consideration in the internet business market
in 2013. They have effectively executed a demonstrated plan of action [amazon] and sold books
worth one crore in their first year of activity. Presently rokomari is one of the top names in the
business and began extending their business in different classifications.

4. Transformational change:

Numerous organizations opened to serve web-based business dealers. Food conveyance

administrations like HUNGRYNAKI began their activity in 2013 [might be 2014] and doing
astounding as of now. Last, however, not least, we have Sheba. xyz, which is forming the
administration business utilizing the web channels. Regardless, reclassified shopping
for food for us. They are the solitary organization with Silicon Valley speculation, and we trust
they will change our nation's shopping experience inside a limited ability to focus time. Large
FMCG like Pran began their web-based business venture in 2016 as othoba. Not just that, Edison
bunch started Pickaboo, and they are currently in the best three online business locales in
Bangladesh. Brands like BTI, Transcom, ACI [Swapno], Epyllion, Meena Bazar, and so on are
hoping to dispatch their online deals community this year.

Learning from the story:

From this information, we can say that web clients' quantity has been expanded over the most
recent couple of years. Individuals are presently more drawn in with innovation. We can see that
the improvement of purchaser encounters in online business stores is clear. The expansion in web
openness, simplicity of exchange, and offer of items make internet shopping more attractive to the
clients. Facebook, the online media, has assisted a ton with expanding internet business. We can
buy a wide range of things like apparel, shoes, extras, contraptions, staples, food administrations,
and so forth through internet shopping. As of late, a few organizations have been expanded by
utilizing electronic media in their publicizing endeavors, which gives the chance of electronic

showcasing. Yet, individuals are not as, however, OK with online installment. They lean toward
more money down.

Change for performing Better

Changes are part of the life of every human being. We change for every moment to settle the
situation. The level of life changes can be smaller, medium, and it can be larger too. An
organization also has a life cycle. In its life cycle, it experiences a lot of ups and downs. The reason
is a continuous process of change that happens based on the forces. These forces drive the change.
To follow the forces, the organization makes types of changes to cope with the current situation.
Without any change, the organization might not succeed in its long run. Therefore, specific and
relevant change must occur for the organizational betterment. Changes depend on the manager in
most of the cases. Managers can co-operate the change. Also, they have the responsibility to work
out the change in the overall organization. In some of the organization, key personnel play the role
of a manager. The story that I will discuss the change, critical personal, played the manager's role
to inaugurate the change in the organization. Therefore, the process of changes was small and
faced fewer obstacles to build the change. On the other hand, the change was for the betterment of
all by increasing its employees' value.


One year back, I joined a consultancy firm in 2018. This firm is very small with few employees,
and also it is a new company that started its journey in December 2013. The brief of the
organization is given below:
Brief introduction of ETCBL:
ETCBL is a consultancy firm dedicated to providing design services for new and existing Medium
Voltage to Extra High Voltage transmission lines with present experience 400kV. It started its
journey in December 2013 and has already completed several projects with some well-known
national and international clients in this sector. It has a dedicated team of well-experienced
designers who have combined experience in this sector of more than 80 years. ETCBL offers
complete design engineering and related management services as a joint venture partner or

subcontractor for any overhead transmission line projects either at pre-feasibility /feasibility/tender
stage and during execution, in Bangladesh or overseas (rest of the world). Before 2018, there was
no female employee. Most of the critical personals were doing other jobs. ETCBL is their part
time consultancy firm where they are supposed to give advice. Only my direct supervisor was in
charge of all the activities. So, he suddenly decided to take females in their small office without
worrying about the facilities that he must provide to the female employees. Anyhow, after three
interviews, ETCBL selected three female employees.
Later on, from a colleague, we three girls knew that upper management thought about the female
facilities after appointing three girls, which was very disappointing for us. The first impression of
the three of us was not very satisfying. There was no separate bathroom facility in the office of
ETCBL, no prayer room or space facilities for females. The office was so small that everyone
knew what others were doing, which was also an embarrassing part. Gradually we three lost
interest in working there. The frustration started showing in our work as we were not comfortable
to work there.

Another problem I faced was that I got several assignments to finish where most of my colleagues
had no work. In that case, because of less space, they started gossiping, chilling at the same place
where I needed to concentrate on finishing my works on time. The environment was not very
working friendly. After six months, I decided not to continue the job in ETCBL because of several
reasons. In that year, the other two girls also resigned from their jobs. The trigger point for the
management: This incident triggered the management. They searched for the reason for leaving
girls from the office, mostly. Then they decided to make a change. The operation of ETCBL is
gradually increasing, and they need to hire both males and females. Therefore, they shifted their
office to a prominent place to provide separate and necessary facilities to both genders equally.
The management has anticipated the problem now they selected the female employees. However,
not taking any action against it was a mistake. They managed it well by shifting. The organization
and the current employees benefited because of the change.


To analyze the situation, it was necessary to form a change in the organization's future. The
definition of change management is about transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from
a current state to a desired future state. ETCBL changed the location of the organization to the
current state of the frustration of individuals. While I was working there, everyone almost every
day complained about space and location. By shifting the office and giving a comfortable space,
they could manage the change. According to Change management, the task of managing change
is an important term to be present. This term says that the management must take the initiative. In
this case, key personnel who handle the issues of management took the initiative to change.

Above mentioned story is gone through the transition management model. The model with the
story is described below:

1. Trigger Layer:
With the increasing functions of ETCBL, it opens new opportunities. This triggered them to go
for a change in the office space, which is more significant for them.

2. Vision Layer:
ETCBL is heading to increase its employees, both female and male, for future development.

3. Conversion Layer: ETCBL converts their trigger point into a change that supports their vision.
They changed their office so that they could connect their present to the future goal.

4. Maintenance and renewal layer: By changing the attitude towards the employees' comfort,
ETCBL maintains the current change to retain their employees.

Forces of change:
The story clearly shows that the internal forces work behind to create the change.
• Inadequacy of Administration process: With the revision of ETCBL's new goal, they had to
come up with changes in rules and procedures. With the variance of the demand of reality, ETCBL
changes its admin process to deal with future demand.

• Individual/Group Expectations: Any employees who join organizations have some positive
and negative factors. The female employees' expectations forced the change for ETCBL.

Types of Change:
ETCBL came forward with two types of changes.
One is Anticipatory change, and the other is planned / development change. The management was
senescing the problem of the office space. However, resigning from the female employees' job is
the incident that forced the management to take action.

On the other hand, ETCBL changed the current ways of operating to connect more to the
employees. ETCBL changed the office space to build more satisfaction in employees' jobs.

Level of organizational change:

In ETCBL, they formed a group level change to build a strong team. In ETCBL, they needed to
set a new goal, which was impossible to follow without teamwork. By giving the necessary
facilities to the individual, they are trying to set a good team so that they can chase the goals of the
long term. By one year, recently they have organized a lot by their team effort.

Learning from the story:

Changes also need to align with the vision, mission of the organization. Strategic management is
a big concern for any organization. Before going for any change, the organization must relate the
changes with their long short-term goal. This shows how organizational change is valid for the
change. From the story, I learned that changes could come from the management, or it can come
from the employees, which happened in ETCBL. Employees were quitting because of the regular
and minimum facilities that it would not give to them. Therefore, the company also got a bad
review in the market. However, the management's close inspection changed the whole scenario
and derived into a change that focused on the employee. Taking the initiative to change is essential.
Also, implementation and maintain the change are also crucial for the management team.
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Hasan, A.(2020, August 23). The Growth of E-Commerce During Pandemic in Bangladesh.
Karim, T,M. (2018). E-Commerce Development in Bangladesh. 11(11). 201-211.
Khan, S.S. (2020, January 10). E-commerce In Bangladesh: Where are we headed?.
Moslem, R. (2017). A Brief History of E-Commerce in Bangladesh.

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