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Linköping University Course Information 2004

Campus Norrköping 2004-08-10

Department of Science and Technology (ITN)
Di Yuan

TNK086 Data Communications

Fall 2004

The course deals with networking and internetworking technologies, in particular TCP/IP protocols. The course aims to
provide the participants with knowledge in communication system architecture, TCP/IP protocols, internet routing, and
IT security. The course also aims to provide practical skills in network design, router configuration, as well as analysis
and implementation of security policies.


TNK007 Telecommunications, or TNK078 Data and Telecommunications, or equivalent.


The course consists of lectures, seminars and lab assignments.

• The lectures are used for introducing the course, and for covering some background knowledge.
• The seminars are used for covering the course contents. The seminars will be given by the course participants
under the supervision of the course staff. A seminar is given by one group of course participants. Every group,
comprising of two students, is responsible for several seminars. It is part of the course examination that a course
particiant is involved in giving several seminars, and to be present at all seminars.
• Lab assignments are used for practical exercises in TCP/IP networking implementation using TCP/IP, internet rout-
ing, and IP security. The lab assignments are part of the course examination.

Time plan

Period 1

• Five lectures, two hours each (10 hours in total).

• Ten seminars (preliminary), two hours each (20 hours in total). Note: The number of seminars will depend on the
number of course participants.
• Five lab assignments, two hours each (10 hours in total).

Period 2

• Eleven seminars (preliminary), two hours each (22 hours in total). Note: The number of seminars will depend on the
number of course participants.
• Five lab assignments, two hours each (10 hours in total).
• Project presentations, 8 hours in total.


Part 1: Computer Networking

Main textbook
• B. A. Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.

Reference books
• J. S. Beasley, Networking, Prentice Hall, 2004.
• D. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Principles, Protocols, and Architectures, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2000.
• W. R. Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1, The Protocols, Addison Wesley, 1994.

Note that the same topic is often treated from different aspects in these books. In order to give a good treatment of a topic
at a seminar, we recommend to use more than one book in the preparation. Moreover, for some seminar topics it is neces-
sary to search and use addition material (textbooks, materials published on the web, etc.) for a complete coverage.

On-line material
In addition to the textbooks, some on-line material in computer networking are available to the course participants. The
on-line material will be necessary to prepare seminars that treat router components and routing configurations. In addi-
tion, the on-line material are used as references for the lab assignments. It is also encouraged to use the on-line material
as a complement to the textbooks for preparing the seminars.

Part 2: IT Security

Main textbook
• W. Stallings, Network Security Essentials, Pearson, 2003.

Additional material
Some additional material covering IT security will be available to the course participants. This material will be available
for download (from the course home page).

Part 3: Lab Assignments

Instructions for the lab assignments will either become available for download, or be handed out to the course partici-
pants during the course.

Course home page

A home page for the course is located at, where some materials (e.g., lecture notes and
instructions for lab assignments) will be available for download. The page will also contain links to other course materi-

Examination and grading

Basic requirements

The course examination (for grade 3) consists of the following parts.

• Seminar presentation and participation, 3p.

Every group of course participants will give several seminars. Some specific topics will be assigned to each seminar. To
pass this part of course examination, the group that is responsible for a seminar must give an appropriate, in-depth treat-
ment of the topics. Moreover, it is mandatory that every course partipicant is present at all seminars.

Below are some guidelines for preparing the seminars.

- Careful planning and preparation of the seminars are necessary.

- A seminar should always begin with an in-depth presentation (föreläsning) of the seminar topics. In addition, it is
encouraged that the group spends some of the seminar time for selected exercises (lektionsövningar). The group is also
responsible for initiating discussions and answering questions raised by the other course participants.
- If there are some open issues (e.g., obscurity in the course material), the group should bring up these for discussion.
- The group should fully utilize the seminar hours.
- The group may use white boards, slides, as well as a multimedia projector in the presentation.
- The seminars are under the supervision of the course staff. The course staff will examine whether the seminar covers
the topics well. If necessary, the course staff will raise questions and issues that the group have missed, as well as initiate

• Lab assignments, 2p.

The lab assignments are used for building up practical skills in networking hardware configuration, network implementa-
tion, and IT security. To pass a lab assignment, the course participants must show their work and results to the course

• A network design project, 1p.

The project aims at designing and implementing a TCP/IP network. To pass this part of course examination, a group must
document the design, and successfully demonstrate the design in a lab environment. More information of the project will
be given during the course.

• A project in IT security, 2p.

The project aims at applying methods and principles of IT security to practical scenarios. To pass this part of course
examination, a project group must document their analysis, results, and suggestions. More information of the project will
be given during the course.


Passing all the above four examination elements leads to grade 3. The following applies for grade 4 and 5.

• Grade 4
To obtain grade 4, a course participant must fulfill the requirements for grade 3, and pass an individual skill-based prac-
tical exam.

• Grade 5
To obtain grade 5, a course participant must fulfill the requirements for grades 3 and 4, and pass an individual verbal

Course contents


The following will be covered by lectures:

• Data communications architecture.

• TCP/IP layering and standards.
• Review of the underlying LAN and WAN technologies.
• Networking and internetworking devices.
• Introduction to computer security.
• Security analysis.


Below is a summary of the course contents that will be presented at the seminars. The course contents will be divided
into blocks at the beginning of the course.

• IP: Datagram format, addressing, special addresses, subnetting, supernetting, CIDR, IP fragmentation.
• ARP and proxy ARP. RARP.
• ICMP and Traceroute.
• IP routing fundamentals. Static and dynamic routing.
• Routing protocols: IGP and EGP, RIP, IGRP, OSPF, BGP.
• Routers: router components and configuration.
• UDP.
• TCP: Segment format, connection establishment and termination, interactive data flow, bulk data flow, flow control,
timeout and retransmission, RTT estimation, persist timer and the silly window syndrome, keepalive timer, state
machine, congestion control and performance.
• The domain name system (DNS).
• Application protocols: Telnet and Rlogin, TFTP, FTP, HTTP, RTP.
• IP multicasting: IGMP, multicast routing.
• Computer security: methods and principles for data security, security analysis, encryption as security tool, identifica-
tion, access control, security in web and distributed systems.
• Network security tools: NAT, IPSec, VPN, access control list (ACL), ACL configuration, firewall and IDS.
• Emerging LAN technologies (e.g., High-speed wireless LAN, WMAX, gigabit Ethernet and beyond).
• Emerging TCP/IP protocols (e.g., Mobile IP, MPLS, IPv6 and ICMPv6).

Course calender (period 1)

Time Location Staff Content

Week 35 (23/8 - 27/8)
Wednesday 13-17 TP3066 Di Yuan Lecture (Course introduction and back-
ground knowledge)
Thursday 15-17 TP4084 Di Yuan Lecture (Background knowledge)
Friday 10-12 TP4084 Viiveke Fåk Lecture (Introduction to IT security)
Week 36 (30/8 - 3/9)
Tuesday 13-15 TP4084 Viiveke Fåk Lecture (Introduction to IT security)
Friday 10-12 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 1
David Gundlegård
Week 37 (6/9 - 10/9)
Tuesday 13-15 TP4033 Di Yuan Lab assignment 1
Tuesday 15-17 TP4084 David Gundlegård Seminar 2
Friday 10-12 TP4084 David Gundlegård Seminar 3
Week 38 (13/9 - 17/9)
Tuesday 13-15 TP4033 Erik Hartikainen Lab assignment 2
Tuesday 15-17 TP4084 David Gundlegård Seminar 4
Friday 10-12 TP4084 Viiveke Fåk Seminar 5 (IT security)
Week 39 (20/9 - 24/9)
Tuesday 13-15 TP4033 Iana Siomina Lab assignment 3
Tuesday 15-17 TP3066 Viiveke Fåk Seminar 6 (IT security)
Friday 10-12 TP4084 Viiveke Fåk Seminar 7 (IT security)
Week 40 (27/9 - 1/10)
Tuesday 13-15 ISY (Linköping) Niclas Wadströmer Lab assignment 4 (IT security)
Thursday 15-17 TP4033 Iana Siomina Lab assignment 5
Friday 10-12 TP4084 David Gundlegård Seminar 8
Week 41 (4/10 - 8/10)
Tuesday 15-17 TP4084 David Gundlegård Seminar 9
Friday 10-12 TP4084 Di Yuan Seminar 10

Course calender (period 2)

Time Location Staff Content

Week 44 (25/10 - 29/10)
Wednesday 10-12 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 11
Friday 10-12 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 12
Week 45 (1/11-5/11)
Tuesday 13-15 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 13
Tuesday 15-17 TP4033 Di Yuan Lab assignment 6
Friday 10-12 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 14
Week 46 (8/11-12/11)
Tuesday 13-15 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 15
Tuesday 15-17 TP4033 Erik Hartikainen Lab assignment 7
Friday 10-12 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 16
Week 47 (15/11 - 19/11)
Tuesday 13-15 TP3066 Di Yuan Seminar 17
Tuesday 15-17 TP4033 Di Yuan Lab assignment 8
Friday 10-12 TP3066 Viiveke Fåk Seminar 18 (IT security)
Week 48 (22/11 - 26/11)
Tuesday 13-15 TP3066 Viiveke Fåk Seminar 19
Tuesday 15-17 TP4033 Di Yuan Lab assignment 9
Friday 10-12 TP3066 Viiveke Fåk Seminar 20 (IT security)
Week 49 (29/11 - 3/12)
Tuesday 13-15 ISY (Linköping) Viiveke Fåk Seminar 21 (IT security)
Tuesday 15-17 ISY (Linköping) Niclas Wadströmer Lab assignment 10 (IT security)
Friday 10-12 TP3066 Viiveke Fåk Lecture (IT security)
Week 50 (6/12 - 10/12)
Tuesday 13-17 TP3066 Viiveke Fåk Project presentation (IT security)
Niclas Wadströmer
Friday 13-17 TP4033 Di Yuan Project presentation

Course staff

Name Responsibility Contact information

The Department of Science and Technology (ITN) is responsible for the area of computer networking with TCP/IP,
and the course in general.

Di Yuan Examiner Tel. 363192

Lectures E-mail:
Seminars Web:
Lab assignments
Network design project

David Gundlegård Seminars Tel. 363316


Erik Hartikainen Two lab assignments Tel. 363276


Iana Siomina Two lab assignments Tel. 363496


The Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY) is responsible for the area of IT security.

Viiveke Fåk Lectures Tel. 013-281722

Seminars E-mail:
Project in IT security

Niclas Wadströmer Lab assignments Tel. 013-282208

Project in IT security E-mail:

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