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OceanStor S2600 Storage System



Issue 03
Date 2010-01-28

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1

1 Safety Instruction.......................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Warning and Safety Identifier.........................................................................................................................1-2
1.2 ESD Prevention...............................................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Laser................................................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4 Short Circuit....................................................................................................................................................1-3
1.5 Electrical Safety..............................................................................................................................................1-4
1.6 High-lift Operation..........................................................................................................................................1-5

2 Troubleshooting Preparation...................................................................................................2-1
2.1 List of Tools and Instrument...........................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Requirements on Maintenance Personnel.......................................................................................................2-2
2.3 Preparing Spare Parts......................................................................................................................................2-3
2.4 Constructing Remote Maintenance.................................................................................................................2-3

3 Troubleshooting Process...........................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Process Chart...................................................................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Process Description.........................................................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Collecting Information and Recording Information........................................................................................3-6
3.4 Obtaining Technical Support..........................................................................................................................3-6
3.5 Obtaining the Latest Technical Documents....................................................................................................3-7

4 Troubleshooting Principles and Methods.............................................................................4-1

4.1 Basic Principles...............................................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Common Methods...........................................................................................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Alarm Analyzing Method.......................................................................................................................4-2
4.2.2 Replacement Method..............................................................................................................................4-3

5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults......................................................................................5-1

5.1 Types of Faults................................................................................................................................................5-3
5.2 Degraded RAID Group...................................................................................................................................5-5
5.3 Invalid RAID Group........................................................................................................................................5-7
5.4 Turning On of the Disk Alarm/Location Indicator.........................................................................................5-9
5.5 Turning On of the Fan Running/Alarm Indicator.........................................................................................5-10
5.6 Turning On of the Power Running/Alarm Indicator.....................................................................................5-11

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Contents Troubleshooting

5.7 Failing to Discover LUNs on the AS............................................................................................................5-12

5.8 Turning On of the Controller Alarm Indicator..............................................................................................5-13
5.9 Failing to Format LUNs................................................................................................................................5-14
5.10 Failing to Communicate Between the Storage System and the AS............................................................5-15
5.11 Failing to Discover Arrays on the ISM.......................................................................................................5-16
5.12 No Output from the CLI Serial Port............................................................................................................5-17
5.13 Failing to Log In to the ISM........................................................................................................................5-18
5.14 Failing to Dial by the Modem.....................................................................................................................5-19
5.15 Invalid Extend LUNs..................................................................................................................................5-20
5.16 Resource LUN Fault....................................................................................................................................5-21
5.17 HyperImage Fault........................................................................................................................................5-22
5.18 Automatic Termination of HyperImages....................................................................................................5-23
5.19 HyperCopy Fault.........................................................................................................................................5-24
5.20 Failing to Discover the Connected Disk Enclosure....................................................................................5-25
5.21 No Available FC Link on the ISM..............................................................................................................5-26
5.22 No Available iSCSI Link on the ISM.........................................................................................................5-27

6 Replacing Parts...........................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Getting Prepared..............................................................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Precautions for Replacing Parts......................................................................................................................6-2
6.3 Replacing a Controller....................................................................................................................................6-3
6.4 Replacing a Disk Module................................................................................................................................6-5
6.5 Replacing a Fan Module.................................................................................................................................6-8
6.6 Replacing a Power Module...........................................................................................................................6-10
6.7 Replacing an Expander Module....................................................................................................................6-12
6.8 Replacing a BBU Module.............................................................................................................................6-15

A Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................................A-1

ii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting Figures


Figure 2-1 Remote maintenance networking.......................................................................................................2-4

Figure 2-2 Connection Description dialogue box..............................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-3 Connect To dialogue box...................................................................................................................2-6
Figure 2-4 COM1 Properties dialogue box........................................................................................................2-6
Figure 2-5 Interface after successfully logging in................................................................................................2-8
Figure 3-1 Troubleshooting Process chart............................................................................................................3-2
Figure 5-1 Degraded RAID group........................................................................................................................5-6
Figure 5-2 Invalid RAID group............................................................................................................................5-8
Figure 6-1 Remove a controller............................................................................................................................6-4
Figure 6-2 Install a controller...............................................................................................................................6-4
Figure 6-3 Remove a disk module.......................................................................................................................6-6
Figure 6-4 Install a disk module...........................................................................................................................6-7
Figure 6-5 Remove a fan module.........................................................................................................................6-9
Figure 6-6 Install a fan module............................................................................................................................6-9
Figure 6-7 Remove a power module..................................................................................................................6-11
Figure 6-8 Install a power module.....................................................................................................................6-12
Figure 6-9 Remove the faulty expander module................................................................................................6-14
Figure 6-10 Install a new expander module.......................................................................................................6-14
Figure 6-11 Remove a BBU module..................................................................................................................6-17
Figure 6-12 Install a BBU module.....................................................................................................................6-18

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting Tables


Table 1-1 Identifiers and meanings......................................................................................................................1-2

Table 2-1 List of tools and instrument for troubleshooting..................................................................................2-2
Table 3-1 Indicators of each component..............................................................................................................3-3
Table 3-2 Documents list......................................................................................................................................3-7
Table 5-1 Network element faults........................................................................................................................5-3
Table 5-2 Module faults.......................................................................................................................................5-4
Table 5-3 Network management software faults..................................................................................................5-4
Table 5-4 Service faults........................................................................................................................................5-4
Table 5-5 Network connection faults...................................................................................................................5-5

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting About This Document

About This Document

This document describes how to troubleshoot the OceanStor S2600 storage system from the
aspects of security instruction, troubleshooting preparation, troubleshooting process, principle
and methods for locating faults, troubleshooting of common faults, and component replacement.

This document provides the process and methods for troubleshooting the OceanStor S2600
storage system.

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Product Version

OceanStor S2600 storage V100R002


Intended Audience
This document is intended for:

l Technical support personnel

l Management and maintenance personnel

This document is organized as follows.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
About This Document Troubleshooting

Chapter Content

1 Safety Instruction This chapter describes the precautions for troubleshooting,

including electrical safety, battery, laser, and other aspects.

2 Troubleshooting This chapter describes the preparation before

Preparation troubleshooting, including the list of tools and instrument,
and requirements on maintenance personnel.

3 Troubleshooting Process This chapter describes the troubleshooting process and the
procedure for troubleshooting, data collection, and how to
obtain technical support and the latest technical materials.

4 Troubleshooting Principles This chapter describes the principles and methods for
and Methods locating faults.

5 Troubleshooting of This chapter describes the methods for handling common

Common Faults faults.

6 Replacing Parts This chapter describes the preparation, precautions, and

procedure for replacing components.

A Acronyms and This chapter describes the acronyms and abbreviations in

Abbreviations this document.

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance degradation, or unexpected results.
TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time.

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting About This Document

General Conventions
Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in
Courier New.

Command Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
About This Document Troubleshooting

Keyboard Operations
Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations
Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

This is the third release. The updated contents are as follows.
Updated the troubleshooting of "Failing to Discover Arrays on the ISM".

Updates in Issue 02 (2009-11-30)

This is the second release. The updated contents are as follows.
Bugs revised.

Updates in Issue 01 (2009-09-27)

Initial commercial release.

4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 1 Safety Instruction

1 Safety Instruction

About This Chapter

This section describes the precautions for maintaining storage devices.

1.1 Warning and Safety Identifier
When maintaining the device, comply with the precautions prompted by warning and safety
identifiers to ensure the safety of the human body and the device.
1.2 ESD Prevention
When installing and maintaining the equipment, follow the safety precautions of ESD prevention
to ensure the safety of the human body and the equipment.
1.3 Laser
When installing and maintaining the equipment, follow the safety precautions of laser to ensure
the safety of the human body and the device.
1.4 Short Circuit
When installing or maintaining the device, use and put the tools according to the regulations to
avoid short circuit as a result of metallic tools.
1.5 Electrical Safety
When installing and maintaining the equipment, follow the electrical safety precautions to avoid
device damage or human injury.
1.6 High-lift Operation
When performing high-lift operations, such as installation and maintenance, comply with the
regulations to avoid device damage or human injury.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
1 Safety Instruction Troubleshooting

1.1 Warning and Safety Identifier

When maintaining the device, comply with the precautions prompted by warning and safety
identifiers to ensure the safety of the human body and the device.

Table 1-1 lists the warning and safety identifiers on the device and the meanings of the

Table 1-1 Identifiers and meanings

Identifier Meaning

ESD prevention identifier

Prompting that you should wear ESD-
preventive wrist strap or ESD-preventive
gloves to avoid damage to the board by ESD

Sub-rack grounding identifier

Indicating the grounding position

Warning for removing or inserting the system

Prompting that you cannot remove or insert
the system disks at will

1.2 ESD Prevention

When installing and maintaining the equipment, follow the safety precautions of ESD prevention
to ensure the safety of the human body and the equipment.

This symbol indicates the ESD-sensitive area. When operating the equipment in this
area, you must take ESD-preventive measures, such as wearing an ESD-preventive wrist strap,
ESD-preventive clothes, and ESD-preventive gloves.
l Do not touch the device with bare hands to avoid damaging the ESD-sensitive devices
(ESSDs) on the circuit board.
l The electronic line is very prone to ESD damage. Wear the ESD-preventive wrist strap,
ESD-preventive gloves and ESD-preventive clothes properly when handling disks,
especially bare disks. Hold only the edge of the disk.

1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 1 Safety Instruction

l Since an ESD-preventive wrist strap prevents only the static electricity of your body, you
need to wear an ESD-preventive coat to prevent the static electricity of the clothes.
l Wear the ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive gloves and ESD-preventive clothes
before installing or replacing the device. Otherwise, the static electricity of your body might
damage the ESSDs on the circuit board.
l Use special ESD-preventive bags to carry or transport the parts.

1.3 Laser
When installing and maintaining the equipment, follow the safety precautions of laser to ensure
the safety of the human body and the device.

Laser safety precautions include two aspects:

l Personal injury
l Equipment damage

Personal Injury

During the installation and maintenance of optical fibers or the small form-factor pluggable
(SFP) optical module, never stare directly into the terminals of the optical fibers or the exit of
the SFP optical module, and your eyes should never be close to the optical fibers or the exit of
the SFP optical module.

Equipment Damage
To prevent equipment damage when you handle the equipment, pay attention to the following:

l The fiber channel (FC) interfaces on the device or the cables, which are not used, must be
covered with protective caps.
l When removing the cable that connects to the FC interface on the device, cover the FC
interface on the device and the cable with protective caps.
l When you perform the hardware loopback test by connecting the cable to the FC interface,
you must add an attenuator to avoid damage to the optical module as a result of strong
optical power.
l When using the Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR), you need to disconnect the
cable between the peer device and the local device to avoid damage to the optical module
as a result of strong optical power.
l Do not remove or insert the FC interfaces connecting to cables at will.

1.4 Short Circuit

When installing or maintaining the device, use and put the tools according to the regulations to
avoid short circuit as a result of metallic tools.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-3

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
1 Safety Instruction Troubleshooting

l Do not put tools, such as the screwdriver on the air intake board of the enclosure; otherwise,
short circuit may occur.
l Do not drop screws into the sub-rack or the device; otherwise, short circuit may occur.

1.5 Electrical Safety

When installing and maintaining the equipment, follow the electrical safety precautions to avoid
device damage or human injury.

Power On and Power Off

Before checking the installation and cable connection, ensure that the entire storage system is
powered off. Otherwise, if there is improper connection, your body or the device might be
damaged during the check.

l During power-on, do not insert or remove the cable or field replaceable unit (FRU).
Otherwise, data might be lost.
l After switching off the power supply, wait at least one minute before switching on the
power supply again.
l Do not switch off or on the power before disks stop running. Otherwise, disks may be
damaged and data may be lost.


Do not touch the connectors of electrical wires and communication cables, for the electricity
inside the electrical wires and communication cables could result in electrical shock.

When operating a device in the ESD-sensitive area, you must take ESD-preventive measures,
such as wearing an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive clothes , and ESD-preventive

Pay attention to the following items during troubleshooting:

l Do not troubleshoot in the case of lightning.
l Check that the power cables are intact and effective grounding measures are taken.

1-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 1 Safety Instruction

l Keep the troubleshooting area clean and dry.

1.6 High-lift Operation

When performing high-lift operations, such as installation and maintenance, comply with the
regulations to avoid device damage or human injury.

When performing high-lift operations, pay attention to the falling of objects.

When performing high-lift operations, pay attention to the follows:

l The high-lift personnel must be trained.
l The high-lift personnel carry the tools with themselves to avoid the falling of tools.
l Wear helmets and safety straps.
l Wear warm cloths in cold areas before performing high-lift operations.
l Check lifted devices involved in the high-lift operations.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting Preparation

2 Troubleshooting Preparation

About This Chapter

This section describes the preparation before troubleshooting, including tools, instrument list,
and requirements on maintenance personnel.
2.1 List of Tools and Instrument
This section describes the list of tools and instrument.
2.2 Requirements on Maintenance Personnel
This section describes the professional techniques and knowledge that should be mastered by
maintenance personnel.
2.3 Preparing Spare Parts
This section describes the spare parts that the on-site engineers should prepare.
2.4 Constructing Remote Maintenance
This section describes how to set a remote modem.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
2 Troubleshooting Preparation Troubleshooting

2.1 List of Tools and Instrument

This section describes the list of tools and instrument.

Table 2-1 lists the tools and instrument list for troubleshooting.

Table 2-1 List of tools and instrument for troubleshooting

Tool Name Use

Optical power Used for measuring the optical power.


Optical fiber Used for replacing the faulty cable.


Optical fiber Used for binding the replaced cable.

binding strap

Network cable Used for replacing the faulty network cable.

Line tester Used for measuring the connection of the network cables on the

Multimeter Used for testing the electrical parameters.

ESD-preventive Avoiding damaging the ESSDs by the static electricity of the body.
wrist strap

ESD-preventive Protecting the components that need to be ESD-preventive.


ESD-preventive Avoiding damaging the ESSDs by the static electricity of the body.

Cross screwdriver Used for dismantling screws on the device.

Tag Used for marking devices or cables.

2.2 Requirements on Maintenance Personnel

This section describes the professional techniques and knowledge that should be mastered by
maintenance personnel.

Professional Techniques and Knowledge

l Be familiar with storage technologies, such as RAID, DAS, NAS, and SAN
l Be familiar with the FC, iSCSI, and SAS protocols
l Be familiar with Ethernet
l Be familiar with TCP/IP

2-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting Preparation

Basic Operations
l Be able to operate OceanStor series storage devices
l Be able to operate application servers (ASs) of various types
l Be able to operate data transfer devices related to storage services, such as the Ethernet
switch, FC switch, and router

Test Meters
The commonly-used test meters in the storage system include:
l Optical power meter
l Line tester
l Multimeter

Storage Networking
l Be familiar with the common types of storage networking
l Be familiar with networking situation of the maintenance site
l Be familiar with the running situation of devices in the maintenance site

Collecting and Saving On-site Data

The on-site data collected and saved includes the data collected periodically when the device
runs normally and the data collected when the device fails. Before troubleshooting, the
maintenance personnel should collect and save the on-site data. For details on the data to be
collected, see 3.3 Collecting Information and Recording Information.

2.3 Preparing Spare Parts

This section describes the spare parts that the on-site engineers should prepare.

Before knowing the on-site situation, the engineers should carry spare parts to the site. The
following spare parts can be carried:
l Controller
l Power module
l Expander module
l Disk module
l Fan module
l Backup Battery Unit (BBU) module
l FC jumper
l Shielded twisted-pair cable

2.4 Constructing Remote Maintenance

This section describes how to set a remote modem.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-3

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
2 Troubleshooting Preparation Troubleshooting

Before setting the modem, confirm that users' equipment room is accessible to the PSTN and
equipped with a modem.

You can log in to the CLI through the serial port on the controller to implement remote
management and maintenance. This document takes the 56 K modem that remotely access the
storage system through public switched telephone network (PSTN) dialup as an example to
describe how to configure the remote modem.

In PSTN communications, the data needs not to be transmitted on the Internet. This ensures the data security.
Meanwhile, when the remote maintenance is not implemented, you would better power off the modem for
higher security.

To implement remote maintenance, two modems are needed: one remote modem and one near-
end modem. Figure 2-1 shows the networking mode.

Figure 2-1 Remote maintenance networking

Storage Maintenance
Device Terminal

Serial Port Serial Port

Serial Port Serial Port

Remote Near-end
Modem Modem

Telephone Telephone
Line Line

Serial Port Cables Telephone Line

In the figure, consider the following items:

l Remote modem
The remote modem is connected to the serial port of the controller as an answer end.
l Near-end modem
The near-end modem is connected to the serial port of the maintenance terminal as a call

2-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting Preparation

In this way, the storage devices can be remotely maintained through the procedure "serial port
of the maintenance terminal > near-end modem > PSTN > remote modem > serial port of the

Step 1 Set a remote modem.
To set a remote modem as the answer end, do as follows:
1. Connect the remote modem to the power supply, connect the serial port of the remote
modem to the serial port of the maintenance terminal with a serial port cable, and connect
the LINE port of the remote modem to the PSTN with a telephone cable.
2. Run the Windows HyperTerminal, and the system displays the Connection
Description dialogue box, as shown in Figure 2-2. Enter a name, choose a random icon,
and then click OK.

Figure 2-2 Connection Description dialogue box

3. The system displays the Connect To dialogue box, as shown in Figure 2-3. In the Connect
using drop-down list, choose a COM serial port that the remote modem is to use, and click

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2 Troubleshooting Preparation Troubleshooting

Figure 2-3 Connect To dialogue box

4. The system displays the COM1 Properties dialogue box. In the COM1 Properties
dialogue box, set parameters, as shown Figure 2-4, click OK to return to the home interface
of the HyperTerminal.

Figure 2-4 COM1 Properties dialogue box

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting Preparation

5. Enter at, press Enter, and the interface displays:


6. Execute the following AT commands orderly, and the specific command format and the
displayed information after executing the command are:
Enter asts0=1, and press enter. The interface displays:

Enter at&d0, and press enter. The interface displays:


Enter at&w, and press enter. The interface displays:


Enter at&w&w1, press enter. The interface displays:


Step 2 Set a near-end modem.

To set a near-end modem, do as follows:
1. Connect the serial port of the near-end modem to the serial port of the maintenance terminal
with a serial port cable, and connect the LINE port of the near-end modem to the PSTN
with a telephone cable.
2. Run the HyperTerminal, and execute the operation 2 to 4 in Step 1.
3. Enter at, press enter, and the interface displays:

4. Set the initial parameter.

Enter AT&f&w, and press enter. The interface displays:

Step 3 Establish a remote management environment.

Before establishing a remote management environment, confirm that the remote modem is
disconnected from the storage devices. Otherwise, the serial port will be hung up because a large
amount of data is transmitted during modem dialup. When both the remote modem and the near-
end modem successfully dial up to the network, connect the remote modem to the storage devices
with a serial port cable.

1. Run the HyperTerminal on the maintenance terminal, and execute operation 2 to 4 in Step
2. Enter at, press Enter, and the interface displays:

3. Enter atdt 028XXXXXXXX and press Enter to dial up. When the remote modem and
near-end modem successfully dial up to the network, the interface displays words
CONNECT baud rate. (For modems from different manufacturers, the interface displays
different baud rates.)

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-7

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
2 Troubleshooting Preparation Troubleshooting


l "028XXXXXXXX (area code+phone number)" refers to the telephone number by which the
maintenance terminal is connected to the remote modem. This phone number must allow direct
l During dialup, the OH indicator of the near-end modem is always on.
l If the interface prompts errors, such as "NO CARRIER", "BUSY", "NO ANSWER", and
"ERROR" after the command atdt is executed, check the configurations of the remote modem
and make more dialup attempts.
4. When the near-end modem and the remote modem are successfully connected, connect the
remote modem to the storage devices with a serial port cable. Then press any key to go into
CLI interface.
5. According to the prompts on the CLI interface, enter the user name and password, as shown
in Figure 2-5.
For security, when you enter a password, there is no local echo.

Figure 2-5 Interface after successfully logging in

6. When successfully logging in, go to the CLI mode. Now you can manage and maintain the
storage devices.


2-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 3 Troubleshooting Process

3 Troubleshooting Process

About This Chapter

This section describes the troubleshooting process and the procedure for troubleshooting, data
collection, and how to obtain technical support and the latest technical materials.
3.1 Process Chart
This section describes how to troubleshoot the product according to the troubleshooting Process
3.2 Process Description
This section describes the main steps in the troubleshooting process.
3.3 Collecting Information and Recording Information
This section describes how to collect and record the information.
3.4 Obtaining Technical Support
This section describes how to obtain technical support.
3.5 Obtaining the Latest Technical Documents
This section describes how to obtain the latest technical documents.

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
3 Troubleshooting Process Troubleshooting

3.1 Process Chart

This section describes how to troubleshoot the product according to the troubleshooting Process
Figure 3-1 shows the troubleshooting Process chart.

Figure 3-1 Troubleshooting Process chart


Observe and record the indicator


No Troubleshoot by seeing
Log in
是to the ISM? “Failing to Log In to
the ISM”

Observe the fault
symptom and analyze
Query whether the event
information exists in the system
Locate the fault cause

Yes Troubleshoot according

to the cause
Clear the event according to the
Yes Is the fault

No No
Is the fault removed after
clearing the event? Collect the information
about the fault

Yes Contact technical

support center

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Troubleshooting 3 Troubleshooting Process

3.2 Process Description

This section describes the main steps in the troubleshooting process.

Observing and Recording the Indicator Status

You can locate the faulty module by observing the indicator status.

Table 3-1 lists the indicators of each component.

Table 3-1 Indicators of each component

Module Type of indicators Color Status Description

System Startup/Alarm Red On The controller enclosure is not

enclosure indicator of the in service or an alarm is
controller enclosure generated on the controller
When the indicator is red for a
along time, it indicates that a
critical fault occurs in the system.

Orange Blinking The controller enclosure is


- Off The controller enclosure runs


Power indicator of Green On The controller enclosure is

the controller powered on.
- Off The controller enclosure is not
powered on.

Disk Disk running Green Blinking Data is being transmitted from

module indicator or to the disk.

Green On The disk is powered on


- Off The disk is powered on


Alarm/Location Red On An alarm is generated on the

indicator of the SAS disk.
Red Blinking The disk is located.

- Off No alarm is generated on the


Fan module Fan running/alarm Green On The fan is normal.


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3 Troubleshooting Process Troubleshooting

Module Type of indicators Color Status Description

Red On An alarm is generated on the


- Off The fan module is powered on


Power Power running/ Green On The power supply is normal.

module alarm indicator
Orange Blinking An alarm is generated on the
power supply.

- Off The controller enclosure is not

powered on or the power
module is powered on

Controller Active indicator of Orange Blinking Data is being transmitted.

the management
network port - Off No data is transmitted.

Link indicator of the Green On The link of the management

management network port is normal.
network port
- Off The link of the management
network port is abnormal.

Controller power Green On The controller is powered on

indicator normally.

- Off The controller is powered on


Controller alarm Red On An alarm is generated on the

indicator system.

Red On, and The controller is starting.

off after
on and
then off
after the

- Off The system is normal.

Link indicator of the Green On The disk channel is normal.

mini SAS expander
port - Off The disk channel is abnormal.

Link indicator of the Green On The connection between the

FC host port storage system and the AS is

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Troubleshooting 3 Troubleshooting Process

Module Type of indicators Color Status Description

- Off The connection between the

storage system and the AS is

Rate indicator of the Green On The transmission rate between

FC host port the storage system and the AS
is 4 Gbit/s.

- Off The transmission rate between

the storage system and the AS
is 2 Gbit/s or 1 Gbit/s.

Active indicator of Orange Blinking Data is being transmitted.

the mini SAS host
port - Off No data is transmitted.

Link indicator of the Green On The connection between the

mini SAS host port storage system and the AS is

- Off The connection between the

storage system and the AS is

Active indicator of Orange Blinking Data is being transmitted.

the iSCSI host port
- Off No data is transmitted.

Link indicator of the Green On The connection between the

iSCSI host port storage system and the AS is

- Off The connection between the

storage system and the AS is

Logging In to the ISM

You can query the running status of the ISM and whether an event is generated by logging in to
the ISM.

Clearing an Event According to Advice

When querying the information about the events in the ISM, clear the events according to the

Locating the Fault Cause

Fault location finds the single cause among all the possible causes through analysis, comparison,
and rule-out.
For details on the methods of locating common faults, see 4.2 Common Methods.

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3 Troubleshooting Process Troubleshooting

Collecting Fault Information

When meeting a fault that is difficult to solve, contact Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as Huawei). When reporting the fault to Huawei engineers, collect the
information about the fault.
For details on the requirements on collecting faults, see 3.3 Collecting Information and
Recording Information.

Contacting for Technical Support

If a problem persists after you try to handle it under the guidance of this document, contact the
customer service center of Huawei timely by dialing 0086-400-830-2118 or
0086-755-28560000 for technical support and collaborate with Huawei engineers.

3.3 Collecting Information and Recording Information

This section describes how to collect and record the information.
During the troubleshooting, maintenance personnel should record the fault, alarms, performance
and the detailed troubleshooting process for locating the fault.
When meeting a fault that is difficult to solve, contact Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as Huawei). When reporting the fault to Huawei engineers, collect the
information about the fault.
To locate the fault and remove the fault, you need collect the following information:
l Time when the fault occurs
l Name and telephone of the person that discovers the fault
l Fault description, including alarms and the status and link status of the faulty device
l Process of locating the fault and troubleshooting, including the operations and results after
the operations are performed
l Other information, including logs, information monitored through network management,
and history alarms

3.4 Obtaining Technical Support

This section describes how to obtain technical support.

Technical Support System

Contents of Huawei technical support system are as follows:
l Huaweiheadquarters technical support department
l Regional technical support office
l Customer service center
l Technical support website:

Ways to Contact Huawei

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Troubleshooting 3 Troubleshooting Process

Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of
Zipcode: 518129
Telephone number: 0086-755-28780808
Huawei Customer Service Center
Phone: 0086-755-28560000; 0086-400-830-2118
Fax: 0086-755-28560111

3.5 Obtaining the Latest Technical Documents

This section describes how to obtain the latest technical documents.
You can obtain the latest technical documents by visiting the website of Huawei.
The website is:
Table 3-2 lists the document.

Table 3-2 Documents list

Document Name Description

OceanStor S2600 Storage System Hardware This document describes the functions,
Description structures, and technical specifications of the
OceanStor S2600 storage system.

OceanStor S2600 Storage System Product This document describes the software and
Description hardware, system principles, networking, and
performance index of the OceanStor S2600
storage system.

OceanStor S2600 Storage System Quick This document describes the networking,
Installation Guide components, and hardware connection of the
OceanStor S2600 storage system.

OceanStor S2600 Storage System Initial This document describes the content of the
Configuration Guide initial configuration, such as how to construct
the management networking and how to
initialize configurations and configure
additional settings of the OceanStor S2600
storage system.

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3 Troubleshooting Process Troubleshooting

Document Name Description

OceanStor S2600 Storage System This document describes how to troubleshoot

Troubleshooting the OceanStor S2600 storage system from the
aspects of security instruction,
troubleshooting preparation, troubleshooting
process, principle and methods for locating
faults, troubleshooting of common faults, and
component replacement.

OceanStor S2600 Storage System Command This document describes how to configure
Reference and manage the storage system through the
Command Line Interface (CLI) and how to
use each command according to the
classification of commands.

OceanStor S2600 Storage System Alarm This document describes basic knowledge
Reference about alarms, including the meaning of each
alarm, impact on the system, possible causes,
and the handling procedure.

UltraPath for Linux User Guide This document describes the functions,
features, procedure for installation and
uninstallation, and common commands of the
UltraPath for Linux.

UltraPath for Windows User Guide This document describes functions, features,
procedure for installation and uninstallation,
and common commands of the UltraPath for

UltraPath for AIX User Guide This document describes the functions,
features, procedure for installation and
uninstallation, and common commands of the
UltraPath for AIX.

3-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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Troubleshooting 4 Troubleshooting Principles and Methods

4 Troubleshooting Principles and Methods

About This Chapter

This section describes the principles and methods for locating faults.
4.1 Basic Principles
This section describes the basic principles for locating faults.
4.2 Common Methods
This section describes the common methods for locating faults.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-1

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4 Troubleshooting Principles and Methods Troubleshooting

4.1 Basic Principles

This section describes the basic principles for locating faults.

During troubleshooting, observe the following principles:

l Analyze the external factors and then the internal factors. In troubleshooting, consider the
external factors first, such as the fault of optical fibers or devices and power interruption.
l Analyze the alarms with a higher severity and then the alarms with a lower severity. Analyze
the alarms with a higher severity first, such as a critical alarm or major alarm. Then, analyze
the alarms with a lower severity, such as a minor alarm and warning alarm.
l Analyze the alarms with common features and then alarms with exceptional features.
Analyze whether the problem is common or exceptional to determine the effect range.
Analyze whether the problem occurs to one module or multiple modules.

4.2 Common Methods

This section describes the common methods for locating faults.
4.2.1 Alarm Analyzing Method
This section describes the method of analyzing alarms.
4.2.2 Replacement Method
This section describes troubleshooting by using the replacement method.

4.2.1 Alarm Analyzing Method

This section describes the method of analyzing alarms.

When the system is faulty, a great amount of alarms are generated. Through querying the alarms
and analyzing the performance data, you can basically judge the type and location of the fault.

Application Scenario
If alarms can be normally collected, the analyzing method applies to locating any fault.

Application Instance
During the running of the video services, the service performance is suddenly degraded;
therefore, the picture is displayed off and on. When logging in to the management interface, you
can discover a critical alarm. After going to alarm management, you can discover an alarm that
the RAID group is degraded and then you can locate the faulty disk. You can remove the fault
by replacing the faulty disk with a new one.

By analyzing the alarm, you can locate the fault or determine the cause for the fault, or determine
the cause for the fault by collaborating with other methods.

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Troubleshooting 4 Troubleshooting Principles and Methods

4.2.2 Replacement Method

This section describes troubleshooting by using the replacement method.

The replacement method is to replace a component that is suspicious of fault to reach the purpose
of locating the fault and removing the fault. The component can be an optical jumper, a cable,
a controller, or a expander module.

Application Scenario
The replacement method applies to the troubleshooting of hardware. The faulty component can
quickly be located through this method and this method has no special requirements on
maintenance personnel. the limitation of the displacement method lies in the preparation for the
same component; therefore, a full preparation is required.

The advantages of the replacement method is that this method can locate the fault in detailedly
and does not have high requirements on maintenance personnel. Therefore, this method is

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-3

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

About This Chapter

This section describes the troubleshooting of common faults.

5.1 Types of Faults
This section describes the types of common faults, including network element fault, module
fault, network management software fault, service fault, and network connection fault.
5.2 Degraded RAID Group
This section describes how to handle the fault that the RAID group is degraded.
5.3 Invalid RAID Group
This section describes how to handle the fault that the RAID group is invalid.
5.4 Turning On of the Disk Alarm/Location Indicator
This section describes how to handle the fault when the disk alarm/location indicator is on.
5.5 Turning On of the Fan Running/Alarm Indicator
This section describes how to handle the fault when the fan running/alarm indicator is on.
5.6 Turning On of the Power Running/Alarm Indicator
This section describes how to handle the fault when the power running/alarm indicator is on.
5.7 Failing to Discover LUNs on the AS
This section describes how to handle the fault that no LUNs are discovered on the AS.
5.8 Turning On of the Controller Alarm Indicator
This section describes how to handle the fault when the controller alarm indicator is on.
5.9 Failing to Format LUNs
This section describes how to handle the fault that LUNs fail to be formatted.
5.10 Failing to Communicate Between the Storage System and the AS
This section describes how to handle the fault that the storage system fails to communicate with
the AS.
5.11 Failing to Discover Arrays on the ISM
This section describes how to handle the fault that no arrays are discovered on the ISM.
5.12 No Output from the CLI Serial Port

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5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults Troubleshooting

This section describes how to handle the fault that no information is output from the CLI serial
5.13 Failing to Log In to the ISM
This section describes how to handle the fault that users fail to log in to the ISM.
5.14 Failing to Dial by the Modem
This section describes how to handle the faulty that the modem fails to dial.
5.15 Invalid Extend LUNs
This section describes how to handle the fault that extend LUNs are invalid.
5.16 Resource LUN Fault
This section describes how to handle the resource LUN fault.
5.17 HyperImage Fault
This section describes how to handle the HyperImage fault.
5.18 Automatic Termination of HyperImages
This section describes how to handle the fault that HyperImages are automatically terminated.
5.19 HyperCopy Fault
This section describes how to handle the HyperCopy fault.
5.20 Failing to Discover the Connected Disk Enclosure
This section describes how to handle the fault that the connected disk enclosure fails to be
5.21 No Available FC Link on the ISM
This section describes how to handle the fault that no available FC link is displayed on the ISM.
5.22 No Available iSCSI Link on the ISM
This section describes how to handle the fault that no available iSCSI link is displayed on the

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Troubleshooting 5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

5.1 Types of Faults

This section describes the types of common faults, including network element fault, module
fault, network management software fault, service fault, and network connection fault.

Network Element Fault

Table 5-1 lists the network element faults.

Table 5-1 Network element faults

Type of Network Elements Fault Description

Storage system l Degraded RAID groups

l Invalid RAID groups
l Turning On of the disk alarm/location
l Turning on of the fan running/alarm
l Turning on of the power running/alarm
l Failing to discover LUNs on the AS
l Turning on of the controller alarm
l Failing to format LUNs
l Failing to communicate between the
storage system and the AS
l Failing to discover arrays on the ISM
l No output from the CLI serial port
l Failing to log in to the ISM
l Failing to dial by the Modem
l Failing to discover the connected
expander enclosure

AS l Failing to discover LUNs on the AS

l Failing to communicate between the
storage system and the AS
l Failing to log in to the ISM

Module Fault
Table 5-2 lists the module faults.

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5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults Troubleshooting

Table 5-2 Module faults

Type of Modules Fault Description

Disk Turning on of disk alarm/location


Fan Turning on of fan running/alarm indicator

Power Turning on of power running/alarm


Controller Controller alarm indicator

Network Management Software Fault

Table 5-3 lists the network management software faults.

Table 5-3 Network management software faults

Network Management Software Fault Description

ISM l Failing to discover arrays on the ISM

l Failing to log in to the ISM
l No available FC link on the ISM
l No available iSCSI link on the ISM

Service Fault
Table 5-4 lists the service faults.

Table 5-4 Service faults

Type of Faults Fault Description

Service interruption l Degraded RAID group

l Invalid RAID group
l Failing to discover LUNs on the AS
l Turning on of the controller alarm
l Failing to communicate between the
storage system and the AS

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Troubleshooting 5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

Type of Faults Fault Description

Storage value-added services l Invalid extend LUN

l Resource LUN fault
l HyperCopy fault
l HyperImage fault
l Automatic interruption of

Network Connection Fault

Table 5-5 lists the network connection faults.

Table 5-5 Network connection faults

Type of Faults Fault Description

Network connection l Failing to communicate between the

storage system and the AS
l Failing to discover arrays on the ISM
l No output from the CLI serial port
l Failing to log in to the ISM
l No available FC link on the ISM
l No available iSCSI link on the ISM

5.2 Degraded RAID Group

This section describes how to handle the fault that the RAID group is degraded.

In the ISM, the icon of the degraded RAID group is changed to . In Logical View, click the
RAID group that is degraded. The system displays that the health status of the RAID group is
Degrade, as shown in Figure 5-1.

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5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults Troubleshooting

Figure 5-1 Degraded RAID group

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the RAID group to be degraded:
l A member disk of the RAID group is removed.
l A member disk of the RAID group is replaced.
l A member disk of the RAID group is faulty.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: A member disk of the RAID group is removed.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Physical View tab.
2. After the All RAID Groups node is expanded, click the icon of the degraded RAID
3. The system displays the location of the faulty logical disk.
4. Expand the Controller Enclosure 00 node and choose Controller A or Controller
5. If the system displays that no disk exists in the slot of the faulty disk, you can determine
that a member disk of the RAID group is removed.
l Cause 2: A member disk of the RAID group is replaced.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Physical View tab.

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Troubleshooting 5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

2. After the All RAID Groups node is expanded, click the icon of the degraded RAID
3. If the system displays that a member disk of the RAID group is being reconstructed
or in the Copyback status, you can determine that a member disk of the RAID group
is replaced.
l Cause 3: A member disk of the RAID group is faulty.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Physical View tab.
2. After the All RAID Groups node is expanded, click the icon of the degraded RAID
3. If the system displays that a member disk of the RAID group is faulty, you can
determine that a member disk of the RAID group is faulty.

l Cause 1: A member disk of the RAID group is removed.
1. Confirm the slot where the removed member disk of the RAID group is located.
2. Reinsert a disk to wait for the reconstruction or copyback (when a hot-spare disk
exists) of the RAID group. Then, the icon of the RAID group is changed to and the
health status becomes Normal.
l Cause 2: A member disk of the RAID group is replaced.
1. Perform no operations except waiting for the reconstruction or copyback (when a hot-
spare disk exists) of the RAID group. Then, the icon of the RAID group is changed
to and the health status becomes Normal.
l Cause 3: A member disk of the RAID group is faulty.
1. Confirm the slot where the removed member disk of the RAID group is located.
2. Replace the faulty disk to wait for the reconstruction or copyback (when a hot-spare
disk exists) of the RAID group. Then, the icon of the RAID group is changed to
and the health status becomes Normal.

5.3 Invalid RAID Group

This section describes how to handle the fault that the RAID group is invalid.

On the ISM, the icon of the invalid RAID group is changed to . In Logical View, click the
invalid RAID group. The system displays that the health status of the RAID group is Fault, as
shown in Figure 5-2.

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5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults Troubleshooting

Figure 5-2 Invalid RAID group

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the invalid RAID:
l A member disk of the RAID group is removed.
l A member disk of the RAID group is replaced.
l A member disk of the RAID group is faulty.


l For RAID 1 and RAID 10, if a work disk and its corresponding mirror disk are invalid at the same
time, the RAID group is invalid.
l For RAID 5, if two member disks of the RAID group are invalid at the same time, the RAID group is
l For RAID 6, if three member disks of the RAID group are invalid at the same time, the RAID group
is invalid.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: A member disk of the RAID group is removed.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Physical View tab.
2. Expand the All RAID Groups node and click the icon of the invalid RAID group.
3. The system displays the location of the faulty logical disk.

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Troubleshooting 5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

4. Expand the Controller Enclosure 00 node and choose Controller A or Controller

5. If the system displays that no disk exists in the slot of the faulty disk, you can determine
that a member disk of the RAID group is removed.
l Cause 2: A member disk of the RAID group is replaced.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Physical View tab.
2. Expand the All RAID Groups node and click the icon of the invalid RAID group.
3. If the system displays that two or more member disks of the RAID group are offline
and in the Normal health status, you can determine that these member disks of the
RAID group are replaced by other disks.
l Cause 3: A member disk of the RAID group is faulty.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Physical View tab.
2. Expand the All RAID Groups node and click the icon of the invalid RAID group.
3. If the system displays that two or more member disks of the RAID group are faulty,
you can determine that these member disks of the RAID group are faulty.

Step 1 Switch the affected services to another AS.

Step 2 Keep the faulty storage system untouched.

Step 3 Contact technical support engineers through 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.
Measures taken to prevent the invalid RAID group:
l Proportional hot-spare disks are configured.
l Before performing any operation on the hardware of the storage device, you need to know the
configurations of the storage system to avoid misoperations.


5.4 Turning On of the Disk Alarm/Location Indicator

This section describes how to handle the fault when the disk alarm/location indicator is on.

The disk alarm/location indicator on the disk module is on.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the turning on of the disk alarm/location indicator.
l The disk is badly connected to the backplane.
l The disk is faulty.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:

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5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults Troubleshooting

l Cause 1: The disk is badly connected to the backplane.

1. Remove and insert the disk again.

l To prevent damaging the disk or the connector, carefully remove the disk or install
the disk with equal force.
l Before inserting the disk, release the handle of the disk to the maximum angle;
otherwise, the disk cannot be fully inserted into the empty slot.

2. If the disk alarm/location indicator is off minutes after you insert the disk again, you
can determine that the fault is caused by bad connection between the disk and the
l Cause 2: The disk is faulty.
1. Remove and insert the disk again.
2. If the disk alarm/location indicator is on after you insert the disk again, you can
determine that the disk is faulty.

l Cause 1: The disk is badly connected to the backplane.
1. Remove and insert the disk again.
2. After the disk is inserted again, the disk alarm/location indicator is off minutes later.
The fault is handled.
l Cause 2: The disk is faulty.
1. Replace the faulty disk by a new one.
2. After the disk is inserted again, the disk alarm/location indicator is off minutes later.
The fault is handled.


5.5 Turning On of the Fan Running/Alarm Indicator

This section describes how to handle the fault when the fan running/alarm indicator is on.

The fan running/alarm indicator on the fan module in the storage system is on.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the turning on of the fan running/alarm indicator:
l The fan module is badly connected to the backplane.
l The fan module is faulty.

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Troubleshooting 5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The fan module is badly connected to the backplane.
1. Remove and insert the fan module again.

After the fan module is removed, the fan blades may still rotate at a high speed. Be
cautious of the fan blades that can do harm to human body.


l When replace the fan module, remove the fan module and insert a new one within one and
a half minutes.
l Do not remove the two fan modules at the same time.
2. If the fan running/alarm indicator is off minutes after you reinsert the fan module, you
can determine that the faulty is caused by bad connection between the fan module and
the backplane.
l Cause 2: The fan module is faulty.
1. Remove and insert the fan module again.
2. If the fan running/alarm indicator is on after you insert the fan module again, you can
determine that the fan module is faulty.

l Cause 1: The fan module is badly connected to the backplane.
1. Remove and insert the fan module again.
2. After the fan module is inserted again, the fan running/alarm indicator is off minutes
later. The fault is handled.
l Cause 2: The fan module is faulty.
1. Replace the faulty fan module by a new one.
2. After the fan module is inserted again, the fan running/alarm indicator is off minutes
later. The fault is handled.

5.6 Turning On of the Power Running/Alarm Indicator

This section describes how to handle the fault when the power running/alarm indicator is on.

The power running/alarm indicator on the power module in the storage system is on.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the turning on of the power running/alarm indicator:

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l The power module is badly connected to the backplane.

l The power module is faulty.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The power module is badly connected to the backplane.
1. Remove and insert the power module again.

To avoid electrical shock, do not touch the connectors of electrical wires and
communication cables.

To replace a faulty power module, remove the power module and insert a new one within two
2. If the power running/alarm indicator is off minutes after you insert the power module
again, you can determine that the faulty is caused by bad connection between the
power module and the backplane.
l Cause 2: The power module is faulty.
1. Remove and insert the power module again.
2. If the power running/alarm indicator is on after you insert the power module again,
you can determine that the power module is faulty.

l Cause 1: The power module is badly connected to the backplane.
1. Remove and insert the power module again.
2. After the power module is inserted again, the power running/alarm indicator is off
minutes later. The fault is handled.
l Cause 2: The power module is faulty.
1. Replace the faulty power module by a new one.
2. After the power module is inserted again, the power running/alarm indicator is off
minutes later. The fault is handled.


5.7 Failing to Discover LUNs on the AS

This section describes how to handle the fault that no LUNs are discovered on the AS.

Mappings and ports are added to the host, but the mapped LUNs cannot be displayed on the AS.

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Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the failure of discovering LUNs on the AS:
l LUNs are incorrectly mapped.
l The rate of the FC HBA card is inconsistent with that of the FC host port.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: LUNs are incorrectly mapped.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Logical View tab.
2. Expand the All RAID Groups node.
3. Click the LUN whose information is to be viewed.
4. Query the information about the LUN mapping.
5. If the actual information about the LUN mapping is different from the assigned
information in advance, you can determine that LUNs are incorrectly mapped.
l Cause 2: The rate of the FC HBA card is inconsistent with that of the storage system FC
host port.
1. Query the rate of the FC HBA card on the AS.
2. In the navigation tree, choose the storage device whose FC host port is to be viewed.
3. On the menu bar, choose Configuration > FC Host Port Managment... to go to the
FC Host Port Management interface.
4. Query the rate of the FC host port on the AS and the storage system.
5. If the rates are inconsistent, you can determine that the rate of the FC HBA card is
inconsistent with that of the storage system FC host port.

l Cause 1: LUNs are incorrectly mapped.
1. Delete original mappings.
2. Map LUNs to the correct AS.
3. Rescan the LUNs on the AS. Then, LUNs are discovered on the AS.
l Cause 2: The rate of the FC HBA card is inconsistent with that of the storage system FC
host port.
1. Adjust the rate of the FC HBA card to be consistent with that of the storage system
FC host port.
2. Rescan the LUNs on the AS. Then, LUNs are discovered on the AS.

5.8 Turning On of the Controller Alarm Indicator

This section describes how to handle the fault when the controller alarm indicator is on.

The controller alarm indicator is on and the buzzer generates an alarm.

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Possible Causes
A critical alarm is generated in the storage system.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
1. In the navigation tree, choose the storage device or the storage component whose alarm
information is to be viewed.
2. On the menu bar, choose alarm > Alarm Management... to go to the Alarm
Management dialog box.
3. Choose the Current Alarm tab to view the critical alarm.

Step 1 Troubleshooting according to the alarm information and the content in this section.
Step 2 The critical alarm is recovered, then the controller alarm indicator is off.


5.9 Failing to Format LUNs

This section describes how to handle the fault that LUNs fail to be formatted.

During the formatting process, the formatting is suddenly terminated and the icon returns to its
previous status before the formatting.

Possible Causes
The RAID group that owns the LUN is invalid.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
1. In the navigation tree, expand the All RAID Groups node.
2. Check whether the status of the RAID group that owns the LUN is normal.
3. If the status of the RAID group that owns the LUN is Fault, you can determine that the
RAID group that owns the LUN is invalid.

Step 1 If the user data is saved in the invalid RAID group, contact technical support engineers. For how
to contact technical support engineers, see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.
Step 2 If no data is saved in the invalid RAID group:
(1) According to the prompt on the ISM or the fault indicator of the disk module, replace the
invalid disk in the RAID group.

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(2) Delete the original LUN and create a new LUN.

(3) Then, the system automatically begins to format the LUN.


5.10 Failing to Communicate Between the Storage System

and the AS
This section describes how to handle the fault that the storage system fails to communicate with
the AS.

The AS cannot use the storage resources provided by the storage system.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the communication failure between the storage system
and the AS:
l The data transmission cable is improperly connected or is faulty.
l The controller is faulty.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The data transmission cable is improperly connected or is faulty.
1. Log in to the ISM to check whether the corresponding host port is normally connected
or observe whether the link indicator of the corresponding host port is normal.
2. If the corresponding host port is viewed to be disconnected on the ISM or the link
indicator is off, you can determine that the data transmission cable is improperly
connected or is faulty.
l Cause 2: The controller is faulty.
1. Replace the faulty controller by a new one.
2. After the controller is replaced under the condition that other methods are invalid, the
fault disappears and services are recovered. You can determine that the controller is

l Cause 1: The data transmission cable is improperly connected or is faulty.
1. Remove and insert the data transmission cable or replace the data transmission cable.
2. The fault disappears and service are recovered.
l Cause 2: The controller is faulty.
1. Replace the faulty controller by a new one.
2. The fault disappears and service are recovered.


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5.11 Failing to Discover Arrays on the ISM

This section describes how to handle the fault that no arrays are discovered on the ISM.

The ISM cannot discover arrays to be managed.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the failure of discovering arrays on the ISM:
l The management network port of the array is improperly connected.
l The version of the ISM is incorrect.
l The IP address, user name, or password of the array is incorrect.
l The IP address of the NIC of the maintenance terminal is incorrect.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The management network port of the array is not properly connected.
1. Check whether the link indicator of the management network port on the controller is
on .
2. Ping the IP address of the management network port in the storage system through
the maintenance terminal.
3. If the link indicator of the management network port on the controller is off and the
storage system does not respond, you can determine that the management network
port of the array is improperly connected.
l Cause 2: The version of the ISM is incorrect.
1. Query whether the version of the storage system is upgraded recently.
2. If the management network port of the array is properly connected and the version of
the storage system is upgraded recently, you can determine that the version of the ISM
is incorrect.
l Cause 3: The IP address, user name, or password of the array is incorrect.
1. Query the correct IP address, user name, and password of the array.
2. If the entered IP address, user name, and password are not consistent with the queried
ones, you can determine that the IP address, user name, or password of the array is
wrongly entered.
l Cause 4: The IP address of the NIC of the maintenance terminal is incorrect.
1. Check the IP address of the NIC of the maintenance terminal that communicates with
the management network port of the controller.
2. If multiple IP addresses are in the IP address list of the NIC, and the first IP address
in the list and the IP address of the current maintenance terminal are in different
network segments, then the IP address of teh NIC of the maintenance terminal is

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l Cause 1: The management network port of the array is not properly connected.
1. Remove and insert the data transmission cable or replace the data transmission cable.
2. Rediscover the system. The arrays to be managed are discovered on the ISM.
l Cause 2: The version of the ISM is incorrect.
1. Log in to the ISM download interface to download and install the latest version of the
ISM. For details, see the OceanStor S2600 Storage System User Guide.
2. Rediscover the system. The arrays to be managed are discovered on the ISM.
l Cause 3: The IP address, user name, or password of the array are incorrect.
1. Enter the correct IP address, user name, and password of the array and log in to the
2. Rediscover the system. The arrays to be managed are discovered on the ISM.
l Cause 4: The IP address of the NIC of the maintenance terminal incorrect.
1. Check the network segment of the IP address of the maintenance terminal.
2. Check the IP address list of the NIC of the maintenance terminal that communicates
with the management network port of the controller, and set the first IP address in the
list to be in the same network segment with the current maintenance terminal.
3. Rediscover the arrays. The arrays to be managed are discovered on the ISM.


5.12 No Output from the CLI Serial Port

This section describes how to handle the fault that no information is output from the CLI serial

After the serial port on the maintenance terminal is connected to the serial port in the storage
system, the maintenance terminal cannot receive information output from the CLI serial port in
the storage system.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse no output from the CLI serial port:
l The serial port cable is improperly connected.
l The rate of the serial port on the maintenance terminal is inconsistent with that of the CLI
serial port in the storage system.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The serial port cable is improperly connected.
1. Remove and insert the CLI serial port cable again or replace the CLI serial port cable.
2. If the maintenance terminal receives information from the CLI serial port, you can
determine that the fault is caused by improper connection of the serial port.

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l Cause 2: The rate of the serial port on the maintenance terminal is inconsistent with the
CLI serial port in the storage system.
1. Check whether the rate of the serial port on the maintenance terminal is 115200 bit/
2. If the rate of the serial port on the maintenance terminal is not 115200 bit/s, you can
determine that the fault is caused by inconsistent rate.

l Cause 1: The serial port cable is improperly connected.
1. Remove and insert the CLI serial port cable again or replace the CLI serial port cable.
2. The maintenance terminal receives information from the CLI serial port.
l Cause 2: The rate of the serial port on the maintenance terminal is inconsistent with the
CLI serial port in the storage system.
1. Adjust the rate of the serial port on the maintenance terminal to 115200 bit/s and log
in to the CLI.
2. The maintenance terminal receives information from the CLI serial port.


5.13 Failing to Log In to the ISM

This section describes how to handle the fault that users fail to log in to the ISM.

The ISM cannot start normally and the login dialog box of the ISM cannot be displayed.

Possible Causes
The version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not compatible with the ISM.

Fault Diagnosis
The version of the JRE is not compatible with the ISM.

1. Choose Start > Run, press CMD, and press Enter. The system displays the DOS window.
2. Go to the bin directory in the JRE installation path in the DOS window (for example, C:
\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_14\bin, but the path of the bin directory is based on the
actual JRE installation path), and press java -version. The system displays the information
about the version of the JRE.
3. If the version number of the JRE is 1.5.0_14, you can determine that the version of the RE
is not compatible with the ISM.

Step 1 Uninstall the JRE of the existing version and restart the maintenance terminal.

Step 2 Redownload the program of the JRE with the version number jre1.5.0_14 from the device. Install
the JRE according to the prompt.

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Step 3 After the installation, log in to the ISM. The ISM can start normally and the login dialog box of
the ISM can be displayed.


5.14 Failing to Dial by the Modem

This section describes how to handle the faulty that the modem fails to dial.

The local modem cannot be connected to the remote modem through dialing. There is no display
of successful connection of the super terminal.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the dial failure by the modem:
l The serial port of the maintenance terminal is down.
l The PSTN is unstable.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The serial port of the maintenance terminal is down.
1. Run the dialing command, for example, atdt 02885335126.
2. If the system displays
and no information is output, you can determine that the serial port of the maintenance
terminal is down.
l Cause 2: The PSTN is unstable.
1. Run the dialing command, for example, atdt 02885335126.
2. The maintenance terminal displays nothing and the connection can be formed after
the dialing for many times, you can determine that the PSTN is unstable.

l Cause 1: The serial port of the maintenance terminal is down.
1. Shut down the super terminal.
2. Remove and insert the cable that connects the serial port of the modem and the serial
port of the maintenance terminal.
3. For how to form a remote connection, see the procedure in 2.4 Constructing Remote
4. After the dialing is successful and the remote connection is formed, the super terminal
prompts to enter the user name and password. After the correct user name and
password are entered, the super terminal prompts successful login.
l Cause 2: The PSTN is unstable.
1. Run the dialing command for many times.

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2. After the dialing is successful and the remote connection is formed, the super terminal
prompts to enter the user name and password. After the correct user name and
password are entered, the super terminal prompts successful login.


5.15 Invalid Extend LUNs

This section describes how to handle the fault that extend LUNs are invalid.

After querying the status of the extend LUN in the navigation tree, you can view that the status
of the invalid extend LUN is Fault.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the invalid extend LUN:
l The master LUN of the extend LUN is invalid.
l The slave LUN of the extend LUN is invalid.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The master LUN of the extend LUN is invalid.
1. In the navigation tree, expand the All RAID Groups node.
2. Query whether the status of the RAID group that owns the master LUN of the extend
LUN is normal.
3. If the status of the RAID group that owns the master LUN of the extend LUN is
Fault, you can determine that the master LUN of the extend LUN is invalid.
l Cause 2: The slave LUN of the extend LUN is invalid.
1. In the navigation tree, expand the All RAID Groups node.
2. Query whether the status of the RAID group that owns the slave LUN of the extend
LUN is normal.
3. If the status of the RAID group that owns the slave LUN of the extend LUN is
Fault, you can determine that the slave LUN of the extend LUN is invalid.

Step 1 Switch the affected services to another AS.

Step 2 Keep the faulty storage system untouched.

Step 3 Contact technical support engineers. For how to contact technical support engineers, see 3.4
Obtaining Technical Support.

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Measures taken to prevent the invalid RAID group:
l Proportional hot-spare disks are configured.
l Before performing any operation on the hardware of the storage device, you need to know the
configurations of the storage system to avoid misoperations.


5.16 Resource LUN Fault

This section describes how to handle the resource LUN fault.

In the resource pool of the ISM, invalid resource LUNs are discovered.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the resource LUN fault:
l The disk enclosure where the resource LUN is located is powered off abnormally.
l The expander cable of the disk enclosure where the resource LUN is located is improperly
l The RAID group that owns the resource LUN is invalid.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The disk enclosure where the resource LUN is located is powered off abnormally.
1. Check whether the power indicator on the disk enclosure where the resource LUN is
located is normal.
2. If the power indicator on the disk enclosure is off, you can determine that the disk
enclosure where the resource LUN is located is powered off abnormally.
l Cause 2: The expander cable of the disk enclosure where the resource LUN is located is
improperly connected.
1. Check whether the link indicator of the expander port on the disk enclosure is normal.
2. If the link indicator of the expander port on the disk enclosure is off, you can determine
that the expander cable of the disk enclosure where the resource LUN is located is
improperly connected.
l Cause 3: The RAID group that owns the resource LUN is invalid.
1. Log in to the ISM to check whether the RAID group that owns the resource LUN is
2. If the status of the RAID group that owns the resource LUN is Fault, you can
determine that the RAID group where the resource LUN is located is invalid.

l Cause 1: The disk enclosure where the resource LUN is located is powered off abnormally.

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1. Check whether the power cable of the disk enclosure is properly connected. Connect
the power cable again if the power cable of the disk enclosure is improperly connected.
2. Check whether the external power supply is normal. Contact the maintaining
personnel for help if the external power supply is abnormal.
3. After the power supply is recovered and the disk enclosure is powered on, the invalid
resource LUN is normal.
l Cause 2: The expander cable of the disk enclosure where the resource LUN is located is
improperly connected.
1. Remove and insert the data transmission cable again or replace the data transmission
2. The link indicator of the corresponding expander port is on and the invalid resource
LUN is normal.
l Cause 3: The RAID group that owns the resource LUN is invalid.
1. Contact technical support engineers. For how to contact technical support engineers,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.


5.17 HyperImage Fault

This section describes how to handle the HyperImage fault.

On the HyperImage interface of the ISM, the status of the HyperImage is Fault.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the HyperImage fault:
l The disk enclosure where the HyperImage is located is powered off abnormally.
l The RAID group where the HyperImage is located is invalid.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The disk enclosure where the HyperImage is located is powered off abnormally.
1. Check whether the power indicator on the disk enclosure where the HyperImage is
located is normal.
2. If the power indicator on the disk enclosure is off, you can determine that the disk
enclosure where the HyperImage is located is powered off abnormally.
l Cause 2: The RAID group that owns the HyperImage is invalid.
1. Log in to the ISM to check whether the RAID group that owns the HyperImage is
2. If the status of the RAID group that owns the HyperImage is Fault, you can determine
that the RAID group where the source LUN is located is invalid.

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l Cause 1: The disk enclosure where the HyperImage is located is powered off abnormally.
1. Check whether the power cable of the disk enclosure is properly connected. Connect
the power cable again if the power cable of the disk enclosure is improperly connected.
2. Check whether the external power supply is normal. Contact the maintaining
personnel for help if the external power supply is abnormal.
3. After the power supply is recovered and the disk enclosure is powered on, the source
LUN of the invalid HyperImage and the invalid HyperImage are normal.
l Cause 2: The RAID group that owns the HyperImage is invalid.
1. Contact technical support engineers. For how to contact technical support engineers,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.


5.18 Automatic Termination of HyperImages

This section describes how to handle the fault that HyperImages are automatically terminated.

The activated HyperImage is automatically in Stop status and the system prompts Snapshot
halt due to abnormity.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the automatic termination of a HyperImage:
l The HyperImage is faulty.
l No available LUNs exist in the resource pool.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: For how to locate the HyperImage fault, see 5.17 HyperImage Fault.
l Cause 2: No available LUNs exist in the resource pool.
1. In the navigation tree, choose the Resource Pool node to view the information about
the resource pool.
2. If the valid capacity of the resource pool is 0, you can determine that no available
LUNs exist in the resource pool.

l Cause 1: For how to locate the HyperImage fault, see 5.17 HyperImage Fault.
l Cause 2: No available LUNs exist in the resource pool.
1. Add resource LUNs to the resource pool to expand the capacity of the resource pool,
so that enough resource LUNs are available.
2. Delete the faulty HyperImage and recreate a new one.

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Measures taken to prevent the HyperImage fault:

l Before creating a HyperImage, check the effective capacity of the resource pool, so that the
resource pool space is enough.
l When an alarm is generated because the effective capacity of the resource pool reaches the
threshold value, add resource LUNs to the resource pool in time.
l Do not arrange the resource LUNs in the same resource pool to the same expander enclosure.
l Stop the snapshots that are not used to release the resource pool space.


5.19 HyperCopy Fault

This section describes how to handle the HyperCopy fault.

On the ISM interface, the HyperCopy is in the Fault status and the status cannot be normal for
a long time.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the HyperCopy fault:
l The disk enclosure where the source LUN or the target LUN is located is powered off
l The link between devices are disconnected.
l The RAID group that owns the source LUN or the target LUN is invalid.
l The HyperImage is automatically terminated (applies to the incremental HyperCopy).

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The disk enclosure where the source LUN or the target LUN is located is powered
off abnormally.
1. Check whether the power indicator on the disk enclosure where the source LUN or
the target LUN is located is normal.
2. If the power indicator on the disk enclosure is off, you can determine that the disk
enclosure where the HyperCopy is located is powered off abnormally.
l Cause 2: The link between devices is disconnected.
1. Log in to the ISM to check whether the corresponding expander port or the host port
is normally connected, or observe whether the link indicator of the corresponding
expander port or the host port is normal.
2. If the corresponding expander port or the host port is not connected or the link indicator
is off, you can determine that the link between devices is disconnected.
l Cause 3: The RAID group that owns the source LUN or the target LUN is invalid.
1. Log in to the ISM to check whether the RAID group that owns the source LUN or the
target LUN is normal.

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2. If the RAID group that owns the source LUN or the target LUN is in the Fault status,
you can determine that the RAID group that owns the source LUN or the target LUN
is invalid.
l Cause 4: The HyperImage is automatically terminated.
1. When the HyperCopy is faulty, check whether the system prompts Snapshot halt due
to abnormity.
2. If the system prompts Snapshot halt due to abnormity, you can determine that the
HyperImage used by the incremental HyperCopy is automatically terminated;
therefore, the HyperCopy is faulty.

l Cause1: The disk enclosure where the source LUN or the target LUN is located is powered
off abnormally.
1. Check whether the power cable of the disk enclosure is properly connected. Connect
the power cable again if the power cable of the disk enclosure is improperly connected.
2. Check whether the external power supply is normal. Contact the maintaining
personnel for help if the external power supply is abnormal.
3. After the power supply is recovered and the disk enclosure is powered on, the
HyperCopy is in the Normal status.
l Cause 2: The link between devices is disconnected.
1. Remove and insert the data transmission cable again or replace the data transmission
2. The link indicator on the corresponding expander port or the host port is on and the
HyperCopy is in the Normal status.
l Cause 3: The RAID group that owns the source LUN or the target LUN is invalid.
1. Contact technical support engineers. For how to contact technical support engineers,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.
l Cause 4: The HyperImage is automatically terminated.
1. For how to handle the HyperImage fault, see 5.18 Automatic Termination of
2. Delete the faulty HyperCopy and create a new HyperCopy. For details, see the
OceanStor S2600 Storage System Online Help.

5.20 Failing to Discover the Connected Disk Enclosure

This section describes how to handle the fault that the connected disk enclosure fails to be

The disk enclosure is connected to the controller enclosure through the expander cable, but it
cannot be viewed in the ISM.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the failure of discovering the connected disk enclosure:

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l The disk enclosure is powered off abnormally.

l The expander cable is improperly connected or the expander cable is faulty.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The disk enclosure is powered off abnormally.
1. Check whether the power indicator on the disk enclosure is normal.
2. If the power indicator on the disk enclosure is off, you can determine that the disk
enclosure is powered off abnormally.
l Cause 2: The expander cable is improperly connected or the expander cable is faulty.
1. Log in to the ISM to query whether the corresponding expander port is normally
connected, or observe whether the link indicator of the corresponding expander port
is normal.
2. If the status of the corresponding expander port is displayed as Unconnected on the
ISM or the link indicator is off, you can determine that the link between devices is
disconnected, you can determine that the expander cable is improperly connected or
the expander cable is faulty.

l Cause 1: The disk enclosure is powered off abnormally.
1. Check whether the power cable of the disk enclosure is properly connected. Connect
the power cable again if the power cable of the disk enclosure is improperly connected.
2. Check whether the external power supply is normal. Contact the maintaining
personnel for help if the external power supply is abnormal.
3. After the power supply is recovered and the disk enclosure is powered on, the expander
enclosure can be viewed on the ISM interface.
l Cause 2: The expander cable is improperly connected or the expander cable is faulty.
1. Remove and insert the data transmission cable again or replace the data transmission
2. The link indicator on the corresponding expander port is on, and the expander
enclosure can be viewed on the ISM interface.

5.21 No Available FC Link on the ISM

This section describes how to handle the fault that no available FC link is displayed on the ISM.

The FC host port is physically connected to the AS through an optical fiber, but no available
link is displayed on the ISM.

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the failure of displaying available FC link on the ISM:

5-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults

l The optical fiber is improperly connected or the optical fiber is faulty.

l The rate of the FC HBA card on the AS is inconsistent with that of the FC host port in the
storage system.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The optical fiber is improperly connected or the optical fiber is faulty.
1. Log in to the ISM to query whether the corresponding host port is normally connected,
or observe whether the link indicator of the corresponding FC host port in the storage
system is normal.
2. If the corresponding FC host port is not connected on the ISM or the link indicator is
off, you can determine that the optical fiber is improperly connected or the optical
fiber is faulty.
l Cause 2: The rate of the FC HBA card on the AS is inconsistent with that of the FC host
port in the storage system.
1. Query the rate of the FC HBA card on the AS.
2. In the navigation tree, choose the storage device whose FC host port is to be viewed.
3. On the menu bar, choose Configuration > FC Host Port Management... to go to
the FC Host Port Management interface.
4. Query the rate of the FC host port in the storage system that connects to the AS.
5. If the rate of the FC HBA card is inconsistent with that of the FC host port, you can
determine that the rate of the FC HBA card is inconsistent with that of the FC host
port in the storage system.

l Cause 1: The optical fiber is improperly connected or the optical fiber is faulty.
1. Insert and remove the optical fiber again or replace the optical fiber by a new one.
2. The link indicator of the FC host port is on. Available links are displayed on the ISM
and the storage services are normal.
l Cause 2: The rate of the FC HBA card on the AS is inconsistent with that of the FC host
port in the storage system.
1. Adjust the rate of the FC HBA card to be consistent with that of the FC host port.
2. Available links are displayed on the ISM and the storage services are normal.


5.22 No Available iSCSI Link on the ISM

This section describes how to handle the fault that no available iSCSI link is displayed on the

The iSCSI host port is physically connected to the AS through a network cable, but no available
link is displayed on the ISM.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-27

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
5 Troubleshooting of Common Faults Troubleshooting

Possible Causes
One of the following causes may arouse the failure of displaying available iSCSI link on the
l The network cable is improperly connected.
l The network cable is faulty.

Fault Diagnosis
You can determine the cause for the fault through the following procedure:
l Cause 1: The network cable is improperly connected.
1. Remove and insert the network cable again in the storage system or on the AS.
2. If the status of the corresponding expander port is displayed as Unconnected on the
ISM or the link indicator is on, you can determine that the network cable is improperly
l Cause 2: The network cable is faulty.
1. Use the line tester to test the connectivity and linear sequence of the network cable.
2. If the network cable is tested to be not connected or the linear sequence is incorrect,
you can determine that the network cable is faulty.

l Cause 1: The network cable is improperly connected.
1. Insert and remove the network cable again in the storage system and on the AS.
2. The corresponding iSCSI host port is connected on the ISM or the link indicator is on.
l Cause 2: The network cable is faulty.
1. According to the correct linear sequence, make a new connector or replace the network
cable by a new one.
2. The corresponding iSCSI host port is connected on the ISM or the link indicator is on.

5-28 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

6 Replacing Parts

About This Chapter

This section describes how to replace parts of the storage system

6.1 Getting Prepared
This section describes the preparation before you replace the parts.
6.2 Precautions for Replacing Parts
This section describes the precautions for replacing parts.
6.3 Replacing a Controller
This section describes how to replace a controller.
6.4 Replacing a Disk Module
This section describes how to replace a disk module.
6.5 Replacing a Fan Module
This section describes how to replace a fan module.
6.6 Replacing a Power Module
This section describes how to replace a power module.
6.7 Replacing an Expander Module
This section describes how to replace an expander module.
6.8 Replacing a BBU Module
This section describes how to replace a BBU module.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

6.1 Getting Prepared

This section describes the preparation before you replace the parts.
The controller, disk module, fan module, power module, and BBU module of the S2600
controller enclosure are replaceable.
Before replacing parts, you need to:
l Confirm the feasibility of the operation.
– − Ensure that the spare parts are available in the warehouse. When the spare parts are
in short supply, contact Huawei for help. For how to obtain help from Huawei , see 3.4
Obtaining Technical Support.
– Ensure that the new parts are free from defects such as oxidation, chemical erosion,
loose units, and shipment damage.
– Ensure that you have learned the operations and basic skills of installing and replacing
parts by reading this guide.
l Prepare the parts for installation or replacement.
Use ESD-preventive bags to carry or transport the parts. In routine maintenance, arrange
and register the parts properly and send the faulty ones for repair in time.
l Prepare necessary tools such as screwdriver and ESD-preventive wrist strap.
The provider offers the tool list. You need to negotiate with the provider to decide who
provides the tools.
l Confirm the target locations of the parts.
Find and label the target locations on the cabinet or disk enclosure to avoid improper
For difficult or serious problems during parts replacement, seek for technical support. For how
to obtain technical support, see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.

6.2 Precautions for Replacing Parts

This section describes the precautions for replacing parts.

To avoid electrical shock, do not touch the connectors of electrical wires and communication

When a part in the controller enclosure is faulty, you must remove the part and install a new part
within two minutes.

During parts installation and replacement, pay attention to the following:

6-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

l Do not insert a disk forcibly. When the disk does not fully align with the interface, too
much force may cause damage to the interface.
l After removing a disk, wait at least one minute before you insert a new disk. After inserting
a disk, wait at least one minute before you remove the disk.
l Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap or ESD-preventive gloves to prevent static electricity
from injuring your body or damaging the device.
l Keep the storage area of the parts clean and away from the devices that generate heat, such
as a heat dissipater.
l When operating the parts, tight your sleeves or roll them above your ankle. For safety
purpose, do not wear jewelry, watch, metal-frame glasses, or clothes with metal buttons.
l Do not insert or remove the parts forcibly to avoid damage to the parts or the connectors.
l Ensure that devices are properly grounded.

6.3 Replacing a Controller

This section describes how to replace a controller.

Impact on the System

During the process of replacing a controller, the performance and reliability of the system may
be degraded; therefore, it is suggested to replace the controller during the time period that
services are not busy.

Before you replace a controller, the following conditions are required:
l The spare parts to be used are ready.
l There are complete replacment solutions and rollback solutions.
l The configuration data is backed up.
l The cable that connects to the controller to be replaced is marked clearly.
l For the S2600 controller enclosure with two controllers, services on the faulty controller
are switched to another controller.
l For the S2600 controller enclosure with one controller, services on the controller are

Tools and Materials

Before replacing a controller, prepare the following tools:
l ESD-preventive gloves
l ESD-preventive wrist strap
l ESD-preventive clothes
l ESD-preventive bag
l Tag

When replacing a controller, pay attention to the following:

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

l Do not remove or insert a controller forcibly; otherwise, too much force may cause damage
to the physical appearance or plug-ins.
l When replacing a controller, you must remove the controller and install a new controller
within two minutes.

Step 1 Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive gloves, or ESD-preventive clothes.
Step 2 Remove the cable that connects the controller to be replaced.
Step 3 As shown in Figure 6-1, fully open the spring leafs of the controller in the arrow direction and
remove the controller.

Figure 6-1 Remove a controller

Step 4 Put the removed controller into the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 5 Take the controller to be installed from the ESD-preventive bag.
Step 6 As shown in Figure 6-2, insert the controller to be installed in the empty slot, and close the
spring leafs of the controller.

Figure 6-2 Install a controller

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

Step 7 According to the marked cable position before replacing the controller, connect the cable.

Step 8 According to the status of the power indicator and the alarm indicator on the controller, judge
whether the controller is successfully installed.

The controller starts for five to eight minutes; therefore, be patient to wait until the controller starts. Then,
according to the status of the indicator, judge whether the controller is successfully installed.
l If the power indicator on the controller is on and the indicator is off, it indicates that the
controller is successfully installed.
l If the power indicator on the controller is off and the indicator is on, it indicates that the
controller may be wrongly installed. Remove the controller and insert it again.
Step 9 Log in to the ISM. In the navigation tree, choose Controller Enclosure to view the status of
each component.
l Yes: The installation is complete. On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm
Management… to go to the Alarm Management interface. On the Current Alarm tab,
choose Recovery Time. The time for recovering the alarm is displayed.
l No: On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm Management… to go to the Alarm
Management interface. According to Advice on the Current Alarm tab, remove the fault.
If the fault persists, contact technical support engineers. For how to obtain technical support,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.


After replacing the controller, mark the removed controller for later handling.

6.4 Replacing a Disk Module

This section describes how to replace a disk module.

Impact on the System

No impact on the system.

Before you replace the disk module, the following conditions are required:
l The spare parts to be used are ready.
l The disk module to be replaced is located.
l The configuration data is backed up.

Tools and Materials

Before replacing the disk module, prepare the following tools:
l ESD-preventive gloves
l ESD-preventive wrist strap
l ESD-preventive clothes

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-5

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

l ESD-preventive bag
l Tag

When replacing a disk, pay attention to the following:
l Do not insert a disk forcibly. When the disk does not fully align with the interface, too
much force may cause damage to the interface.
l After removing a disk, wait at least one minute before you insert the new disk. After
inserting a disk, wait at least one minute before you remove the disk.
l To avoid data loss, you only need to replace the disk whose disk alarm/location indicator
is on or that is faulty on the ISM.

Step 1 Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive gloves, or ESD-preventive clothes.

Step 2 As shown in step ① in Figure 6-3, press the buckle on the handle in the arrow direction.

Step 3 As shown in step ② in Figure 6-3, open the handle.

Step 4 As shown in step ③ in Figure 6-3, pull out the faulty disk module.

Figure 6-3 Remove a disk module

Step 5 Put the removed disk module into an ESD-preventive bag.

Step 6 Wait for one minute and then log in to the ISM. On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm
Management… to go to the Alarm Management interface. Confirm that the disk module is
removed on the Current Alarm tab.

Step 7 Take the disk module to be installed from the ESD-preventive bag.

6-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

Before inserting the disk, release the disk handle to the maximum angle; otherwise, the disk
cannot be fully inserted into the empty slot.

Step 8 As shown in step ① in Figure 6-4, insert the disk module into the empty slot.
Step 9 As shown in step ② in Figure 6-4, close the handle.
When the disk starts, the disk running indicator blinks. It indicates that data is being transmitted
to the new disk.

According to the configurations, the storage system can automatically reconstruct data to the new disk.

Figure 6-4 Install a disk module

Step 10 According to the status of the disk running indicator and the alarm indicator, judge whether the
disk module is successfully installed.
l If the disk running indicator is on and the alarm indicator is off, it indicates that the disk
module is successfully installed.
l If the disk alarm indicator is on, it indicates that the disk module may be wrongly installed.
Remove the disk module and insert it again. If the disks alarm indicator is on after the
installation, it indicates that the disk module that is installed just now is faulty. Replace the
disk module with a new one.
Step 11 Wait for one minute and then log in to the ISM. Choose the Physical View tab. In the navigation
tree, choose Controller Enclosure to view whether the status of each component is normal.
l Yes: The installation is complete. On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm
Management… to go to the Alarm Management interface. On the Current Alarm tab,
choose Recovery Time. The time for recovering the alarm is displayed.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-7

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

l No: On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm Management… to go to the Alarm
Management interface. According to Advice on the Current Alarm tab, remove the fault.
If the fault persists, contact technical support engineers. For how to obtain technical support,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.


After replacing the disk module, mark the removed disk module for later handling.

6.5 Replacing a Fan Module

This section describes how to replace a fan module.

Impact on the System

During the process of replacing a fan module, the performance and reliability of the system may
be degraded.
During the process of replacing a fan module, the performance and reliability of the system may be
degraded; therefore, it is suggested to replace the controller during the time period that services are not

Before you replace a fan module, the following conditions are required:

l The spare parts to be used are ready.

l The configuration data is backed up.
l To fan module to be replaced is located.

Tools and Materials

Before replacing a fan module, prepare the following tools:
l ESD-preventive gloves
l ESD-preventive wrist strap
l ESD-preventive clothes
l ESD-preventive bag
l Tag

When replacing a fan module, pay attention to the following:
l Remove and insert a fan module with equal force; otherwise, too much force may cause
damage to the physical appearance or plug-ins.
l When replacing a fan module, you must remove the fan module and install a new fan module
within one and a half minutes.
l Do not remove the two fan modules at the same time.

6-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

After the fan module is removed, the fan blades may still rotate at a high speed. Be cautious of
the fan blades that can do harm to human body.

Step 1 Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive gloves, or ESD-preventive clothes.

Step 2 As shown in Figure 6-5, press the spring leaf of the fan module in the arrow direction and hold
the fan module handle to pull out the fan module.

Figure 6-5 Remove a fan module

Step 3 Put the removed fan module into the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 4 Take the fan module to be installed from the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 5 As shown in Figure 6-6, insert the fan module to be installed in the empty slot.

Figure 6-6 Install a fan module

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-9

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

Step 6 According to the status of the fan running/alarm indicator, judge whether the fan module is
successfully installed.
l If the fan running/alarm indicator is on and green, it indicates that the fan module is
successfully installed.
l If the fan running/alarm indicator is on and red or is off, it indicates that the fan module may
be wrongly installed. Remove the fan module and install it again.
Step 7 Wait for one minute and then log in to the ISM. Choose the Physical View tab. In the navigation
tree, choose Controller Enclosure to view whether the status of each component is normal.
l Yes: The installation is complete. On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm
Management… to go to the Alarm Management interface. On the Current Alarm tab,
choose Recovery Time. The time for recovering the alarm is displayed.
l No: On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm Management… to go to the Alarm
Management interface. According to Advice on the Current Alarm tab, remove the fault.
If the fault persists, contact technical support engineers. For how to obtain technical support,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.


After replacing the fan module, mark the removed fan module for later handling.

6.6 Replacing a Power Module

This section describes how to replace a power module.

Impact on the System

During the process of replacing a power module, the performance and reliability of the system
may be degraded.
During the process of replacing a power module, the performance and reliability of the system may be
degraded; therefore, it is suggested to replace the power module during the time period that services are
not busy.

Before you replace a power module, the following conditions are required:
l The spare parts to be used are ready.
l The configuration data is backed up.
l To power module to be replaced is located.

Tools and Materials

Before replacing a power module, prepare the following tools:
l ESD-preventive gloves
l ESD-preventive wrist strap

6-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

l ESD-preventive clothes
l ESD-preventive bag
l Tag

When replacing a power module, pay attention to the following:
l Remove and insert a power module with equal force; otherwise, too much force may cause
damage to the physical appearance or plug-ins.
l When replacing a power module, you must remove the power module and install a new
power module within two minutes.

To avoid electrical shock, do not touch the connectors of electrical wires and communication


The procedure for removing a DC power module is the same as that for removing a AC power module.
This section takes the AC power module in the controller enclosure as an example.

Step 1 Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive gloves, or ESD-preventive clothes.

Step 2 Remove the power cable.

Step 3 As shown in Figure 6-7, press the spring leaf of the power module in the arrow direction and
hold the power module handle to pull out the power module.

Figure 6-7 Remove a power module

Step 4 Put the removed power module into the ESD-preventive bag.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

Step 5 Take the power module to be installed from the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 6 As shown in Figure 6-8, insert the new power module in the empty slot.

Figure 6-8 Install a power module

Step 7 Insert the power cable.

Step 8 According to the status of the power running/alarm indicator, judge whether the power module
is successfully installed.
l If the power running/alarm indicator is green, it indicates that the power module is
successfully installed.
l If the power running/alarm indicator is orange or is off, it indicates that the power module
may be wrongly installed. Remove the power module and install it again.

Step 9 Wait for one minute and then log in to the ISM. Choose the Physical View tab. In the navigation
tree, choose Controller Enclosure to view whether the status of each component is normal.
l Yes: The installation is complete. On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm
Management… to go to the Alarm Management interface. On the Current Alarm tab,
choose Recovery Time. The time for recovering the alarm is displayed.
l No: On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm Management… to go to the Alarm
Management interface. According to Advice on the Current Alarm tab, remove the fault.
If the fault persists, contact technical support engineers. For how to obtain technical support,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.


After replacing the power module, mark the removed power module for later handling.

6.7 Replacing an Expander Module

This section describes how to replace an expander module.

6-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

Impact on the System

No impact on the system.

Before you replace an expander module, the following conditions are required:
l The spare parts to be used are ready.
l There are complete replacing solution and rollback solution.
l The configuration data is backed up.
l The mini SAS cable that connects to the expander module to be replaced is marked clearly.

Tools and Materials

Before replacing an expander module, prepare the following tools:
l ESD-preventive gloves
l ESD-preventive wrist strap
l ESD-preventive clothes
l ESD-preventive bag
l Tag

When replacing an expander module, pay attention to the following:
l Remove and insert an expander module with equal force; otherwise, too much force may
cause damage to the physical appearance or plug-ins.
l When replacing an expander module, you must remove the expander module and install a
new expander module within one and a half minutes.

Step 1 Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive gloves, or ESD-preventive clothes.
Step 2 Pull the connectors of the mini SAS cable out of the expander module.
Step 3 As shown in Figure 6-9, fully open the spring leafs of the expander module in the arrow direction
and remove the controller.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-13

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OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

Figure 6-9 Remove the faulty expander module

Step 4 Put the removed expander module into the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 5 Take the expander module to be installed from the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 6 As shown in Figure 6-10, insert the expander module to be installed in the empty slot, and close
the spring leafs of the controller.

Figure 6-10 Install a new expander module

Step 7 Connect the connectors of the mini SAS cable to the expander module.

Step 8 According to the status of the power indicator and the alarm indicator on the expander module,
judge whether the expander module is successfully installed.

6-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

l If the power indicator is on and the alarm indicator is off, it indicates that the expander module
is successfully installed.
l If the power indicator is off and the alarm indicator is on, it indicates that the expander module
may be wrongly installed. Remove the expander module and install it again.
Step 9 Log in to the ISM. Choose the Physical View tab. In the navigation tree, choose Disk
EnclosureXX (XX indicates the ID of the enclosure) to view whether the status of each
component is normal.
l Yes: The installation is complete.
l No: On the menu bar, choose Alarm > Alarm Management… to go to the Alarm
Management interface. According to Advice on the Current Alarm tab, remove the fault.
If the fault persists, contact technical support engineers. For how to obtain technical support,
see 3.4 Obtaining Technical Support.


After replacing the expander module, mark the removed expander module for later handling.

6.8 Replacing a BBU Module

This section describes how to replace a BBU module.

Impact on the System

Before replacing a BBU module, remove the controller module; therefore, the performance and
reliability of the system may be degraded or the storage system stops services.

Before replacing a BBU module, the following conditions are required:
l The spare parts to be used are ready.
l There are complete replacment solutions and rollback solutions.
l The configuration data is backed up.
l The cable that connects to the controller to be replaced is marked clearly.
l For the S2600 controller enclosure with two controllers, services on the faulty controller
are switched to another controller.
l For the S2600 controller enclosure with one controller, services on the controller are

Tools and Materials

Before replacing a controller, prepare the following tools:
l ESD-preventive gloves
l ESD-preventive wrist strap
l ESD-preventive clothes
l ESD-preventive bag

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

l Cross screwdriver
l Tag

When replacing a controller, pay attention to the following:
l Remove and insert a controller or a BBU module with equal force; otherwise, too much
force may cause damage to the physical appearance or plug-ins.
l Replace a faulty BBU module by the same model.
l Do not attempt to maintain a BBU module by yourself. Send the faulty BBU module to the
manufacturer for maintenance.

Step 1 Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap, ESD-preventive gloves, or ESD-preventive clothes.
Step 2 Loosen the screws on the controller enclosures in the anticlockwise direction by using the
screwdriver and open the panel, as shown in step ① in Figure 6-11.

6-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

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Troubleshooting 6 Replacing Parts

Figure 6-11 Remove a BBU module

1 1 2

3 4

Step 3 Remove the black signal cable, as shown in step ② in Figure 6-11.

Step 4 Remove the power cable, as shown in step ③ in Figure 6-11.

Step 5 Remove the three cards on one side of the BBU module from the three slots of the controller
enclosure, as shown in step ⑤ in Figure 6-11.

Step 6 Put the removed BBU module into the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 7 Take the BBU module to be installed from the ESD-preventive bag.

Step 8 Insert the three cards on one side of the BBU module into the three slots slowly, as shown in
step ① to step ② in Figure 6-12.

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-17

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6 Replacing Parts Troubleshooting

Figure 6-12 Install a BBU module

1 2

3 4

3 5

Step 9 Insert the power cable, as shown in step ③ in Figure 6-12.

Step 10 Insert the signal cable, as shown in step ④ in Figure 6-12.
Step 11 Cover the panel and tighten the screws, as shown in the step ⑤ in Figure 6-12.


After replacing the BBU module, mark the removed BBU module for later handling.

6-18 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
Troubleshooting A Acronyms and Abbreviations

A Acronyms and Abbreviations

ATA Advanced Technology Attachment

BBU Backup battery unit

EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility

FC Fiber Channel

IE Internet Explorer
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP Internet Protocol
OceanStor ISM Integrated Storage Management

LUN Logical Unit Number

MTTP Mean Time To Repair

NIC Network Interface Card

Issue 03 (2010-01-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OceanStor S2600 Storage System
A Acronyms and Abbreviations Troubleshooting

RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RH Relative Humidity

SAS Serial Attached SCSI
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

UL Underwriters' Laboratories

A-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-01-28)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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