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Student Portfolio

Apparel Advanced Studies Project

Jira Caesar-Hester
Fall 2021
Table of Contents
Section One: Career Exploration................................................................................................. 3
Advanced Studies Goal Sheet............................................................................................. 4
Career Interest Survey......................................................................................................... 5
Personality Inventory.......................................................................................................... 11
Future Career Evaluation................................................................................................... 18

Section Two: Career Preparedness............................................................................................ 0

Rough Draft Cover Letter..................................................................................................... 2
Final Cover Letter................................................................................................................ 3
Rough Draft Resume........................................................................................................... 6
Final Resume....................................................................................................................... 7
Personal References........................................................................................................... 8

Section Three: Project.................................................................................................................. 0

Project Description & Proposal........................................................................................... 1
Project Timeline.................................................................................................................. 4
Weekly Logs....................................................................................................................... 5

Section Four: Product.................................................................................................................. 0

Product Guidelines……………............................................................................................ 1
Advanced Study Product……............................................................................................. 4

Section Five: Research Paper..................................................................................................... 0

Paper Guidelines…………….............................................................................................. 1
Research Paper- Rough Draft Copy................................................................................... 4
Research Paper- Final Copy.............................................................................................. 5
Final Project Presentation Guidelines…………………………………………………………. 6

Career Exploration
Section 1 - Apparel Advanced Studies Project

Jira Caesar-Hester
2021 Semester

Section One: Career Exploration

Goal Sheet
List three goals you have this semester as an advanced studies student. Please write this in short
paragraph form, elaborating why this goal/skill is important to you.

Goal One
A goal that I have this semester as an advanced studies student isto further my knowledge in apparel and
textiles in general because I feel like there is a wide range of it and there’s so much to know from and it and
it’s a part of our daily lives. There is fashion and textiles around us everyday, we wear apparel everyday. So
it is definitely an essential thing that should be learned about.

Goal Two
Another goal that I have this semester as an advanced studies students is to think about things that may
help me in college or that I can apply in college. I am planning on going to NC State and going into Wilson
College of Textiles and studying polymer color chemistry, it is a big interest of mine and I think that this
class will help me in such a way show the Wilson College of Textiles that I do have some knowledge and
experience in related things.

Goal Three
My last goal that I have this semester as an advanced studies student is to finish this project we have and
do it the best that I can and to let myself try and be creative with it. I know this is a really big project but I
think I can do it and it would be very beneficial for me.

Section One: Career Exploration

Career Interest Survey

[Source: Career Wonders 2011, SD Dept of Labor & Regulation)

When I was about 5 or so, I got my first dog and I absolutely loved dogs
and she was the cutest thing ever so for a while I was 100 percent
convinced that I was going to be a veterinary. I wanted to take be
around animals all the time, but back then and being so young I didn’t
really understand the job, my perception as a child was that I get to
play with animals. And I didn’t consider the other things you have to do
with that job. My mind as surely changed since then and it has changed a
lot over the years.

Section One: Career Exploration

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Section One: Career Exploration

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Section One: Career Exploration

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Section One: Career Exploration

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Section One: Career Exploration

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1 3 1 0

Arts, Technology, & Business Management

Marketing Communications & Administration

Section One: Career Exploration

Personality Inventory
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine
Cook Briggs, is a well-known and widely used personality inventory based on the psychological theories of
Carl Gustav Jung. It is often used as a tool for discovering and understanding different normal human
personalities and can be utilized in a variety of applications such as academic counseling, career
development, conflict resolution, leadership training and relationship counseling, just to cite a few.
However, it should be noted that MBTI is not a test as there are no right or wrong answers and it does not
reveal everything about oneself. Based on Jung’s psychoanalytical theories, Myers deduced that there
were four dichotomies which made people differ from one another and referred to them as ‘type
preferences’. The four dichotomies and their brief descriptions are presented below:

● Extraversion or Introversion:
Indicates whether people prefer to acquire their personal energy from the outer world of
people and activities, or from inner world of ideas and thoughts. E.g., extraverts prefer
being in large group of people and introverts tend to take pleasure in quieter activities.

● Sensing or INtuition:
Describes how people take in information, whether they focus on what is actual and real
(factual-based) or prefer to interpret or apply meaning to what they see. E.g., people who
prefer sensing is down-to-earth and more dependent on past experiences, whereas people
who prefer intuition are considered idealists and rely more on the future.

● Thinking or Feeling:
Indicates how people prefer to make decisions, whether it is based on logical thinking or
influenced by their concerns for themselves and others. E.g., people who prefer feeling over
thinking are generally predominant in helpful professions such as counselors and they pay
close attention to other people’s needs. In addition, those who prefer thinking may seek
factual clarity in solving disputes.

● Judging or Perceiving:
Describes the way you manage your life and how you deal with the outer world, whether in
an orderly manner or spontaneously. E.g., people who prefer judging like to have everything
in order and in a scheduled manner. On the contrary, people who prefer perceiving are
more unplanned and spontaneous in their lifestyle, including making decisions.

Section One: Career Exploration

Personality Inventory
Combinations based on these four categories of type preferences result in 16 different personality types
as shown below.

1. ISTJ – Introverted Sensing with Thinking 9. ESTP – Extraverted Sensing with Thinking
2. ISFJ – Introverted Sensing with Feeling 10. ESFP – Extraverted Sensing with Feeling
3. INFJ – Introverted Intuition with Feeling 11. ENFP – Extraverted Intuition with Feeling
4. INTJ – Introverted Intuition with Thinking 12. ENTP – Extraverted Intuition with Thinking
5. ISTP – Introverted Thinking with Sensing 13. ESTJ – Extraverted Thinking with Sensing
6. ISFP – Introverted Feeling with Sensing 14. ESFJ – Extraverted Feeling with Sensing
7. INFP – Introverted Feeling with Intuition 15. ENFJ – Extraverted Feeling with Intuition
8. INTP – Introverted Thinking with Intuition 16. ENTJ – Extraverted Thinking with Intuition

NOTE: To find out more about these 16 personality types, there is a website ( which
has concise descriptions of each type. Do check it out.

Instructions for Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Please start by taking the test, and then follow these directions. The test will take approximately 30-45
minutes to complete.

1. Take out the answer sheet. Read a question and write your answers (using a checkmark for A
or B) into the grid box. Pay attention to the way the numbers flow (left to right, rather than top
to bottom).
2. Answer the questions from your “base” nature. Don’t answer what you wish you were, or what
you think you should be or what the “right” thing to do is, but what is your “base” preference.
For example, with the question that asks “You are at a party… do you interact with many, even
strangers, or interact with a few friends?”
3. There is no right or wrong answer.
4. There are a couple of questions on the test that are worded awkwardly… here is some
clarification for you:
a. #9: Are you more sensible than idealistic or idealistic than sensible? (think: sensible
equals practical)
b. #33: Are you more often cool headed or warm hearted? (think: cool headed is rational,
logical, principally driven; warm hearted is relatively driven, subjective)
c. #59: Are you drawn more to fundamentals or overtones? (Fundamentals: details, the
trees; overtones: the forest, the bigger picture)
5. Do the math. (Add the numbers in the columns; follow the right arrows to add them up.)
a. Your score should be clear in letters: E/I, S/N, T/F, T/J
b. There will also be clear numbers. For example, if you are 11S and 9N or if you are 5E
and 5I, that is important to recognize.

To learn more about what careers align with your personality

assessment, please visit the attached guide here.
The Kiersy Temperament Sorter II Test
Decide on answer A or B and write the letter on your numbered answer sheet. There is no right or wrong, good or bad
answers since about half of the population agrees with whatever answers you choose. Try to identify your “base
tendency” or your “natural inclination”. If you do not understand a question or the meaning of a particular word, please
look it up or ask the test facilitator for greater clarity, as this can affect the outcome of the examination.

1. When the phone rings do you: 10. Are you more interested in:
____ (a) hurry to get it first ____ (a) what is actual
__B__ (b) hope someone else will __B__ (b) what is possible
11. In making up your mind, are you more
2. Are you more: likely to go by:
____ (a) observant than introspective ____ (a) data
__B__ (b) introspective than observant __B__ (b) desires

3. Is it worse to: 12. In sizing up others, do you tend to be:

__A__ (a) have your head in the clouds __A__ (a) objective and impersonal
____ (b) be in a rut ____ (b) friendly and personal

4. With people, are you usually more: 13. Do you prefer contracts to be:
__A__ (a) firm than gentle __A__ (a) signed, sealed and delivered
____ (b) gentle than firm ____ (b) settled on a handshake

5. Are you more comfortable in making: 14. Are you more satisfied having:
__A__ (a) critical judgments __A__ (a) a finished project
____ (b) value judgments ____ (b) work in progress

6. Is clutter in the workplace something 15. At a party, do you:

you: ____ (a) interact with many, even strangers
__A__ (a) take time to straighten up __B__ (b) interact with a few friends
____ (b) tolerate pretty well
16. Do you tend to be more:
7. Is it your way to: ____ (a) factual than speculative
____ (a) make up your mind quickly __B__ (b) speculative than factual
__B__ (b) pick and choose at some length
17. Do you like writers who:
8. Waiting in line, do you often: __A__ (a) say what they mean
____ (a) chat with others ____ (b) use metaphors and symbolism
__B__ (b) stick to business
18. Which appeals to you more:
9. Are you more: ____ (a) consistency of thought
____ (a) sensible than idealistic __B__ (b) harmonious relationships
__B__ (b) idealistic than sensible

19. If you must disappoint someone, are 30. Common sense is:
you usually: ____ (a) usually reliable
____ (a) frank and straightforward __B__ (b) frequently questionable
__B__ (b) warm and considerate
31. Children often do not:
20. On the job, do you want your ____ (a) make themselves useful enough
activities to be: __B__ (b) exercise their fantasy enough
__A__ (a) scheduled
____ (b) unscheduled 32. When in charge of others, do you tend
to be:
21. Do you more often prefer: ____ (a) firm and unbending
__A__ (a) final, unalterable statements __B__ (b) forgiving and lenient
____ (b) tentative, preliminary statements
33. Are you more often:
22. Does interacting with strangers: ____ (a) a cool-headed person
____ (a) energize you __B__ (b) a warm-hearted person
__B__ (b) tax your reserves
34. Are you more prone to:
23. Facts: __A__ (a) nailing things down
__A__ (a) speak for themselves ____ (b) exploring the possibilities
____ (b) illustrate principles
35. In most situations, are you more:
24. Do you find visionaries and theorists: ____ (a) deliberate than spontaneous
__A__ (a) somewhat annoying __B__ (b) spontaneous than deliberate
____ (b) rather fascinating
36. Do you think of yourself as:
25. In a heated discussion, do you: __A__ (a) an outgoing person
__A__ (a) stick to your guns ____ (b) a private person
____ (b) look for common ground
37. Are you more frequently:
26. Is it better to be: ____ (a) a practical sort of person
__A__ (a) just __B__ (b) a fanciful sort of person
____ (b) merciful
38. Do you speak more in:
27. At work, it is more natural for you to: ____ (a) particulars than generalities
__A__ (a) point out mistakes __B__ (b) generalities than particulars
____ (b) try to please others
39. Which is more of a compliment:
28. Are you more comfortable: (a) “There’s a logical person”
____ (a) after a decision __B__ (b) “There’s a sentimental person”
__B__ (b) before a decision
40. Which rules you more:
29. Do you tend to: __A__ (a) your thoughts
____ (a) say what’s on your mind ____ (b) your feelings
__B__ (b) keep your ears open

41. When finishing a job, do you like to: 52. Are you more inclined to feel:
____ (a) tie up all the loose ends ____ (a) down to earth
__B__ (b) move on to something else __B__ (b) somewhat removed

42. Do you prefer to work: 53. Do you think of yourself as a:

__A__ (a) to deadlines ____ (a) tough-minded person
____ (b) just whenever __B__ (b) tender-hearted person

43. Are you the kind of person who: 54. Do you value in yourself more that you
____ (a) is rather talkative are:
__B__ (b) doesn’t miss much ____ (a) reasonable
__B__ (b) devoted
44. Are you inclined to take what is said:
__A__ (a) more literally 55. Do you usually want things:
____ (b) more figuratively __A__ (a) settled and decided
____ (b) just penciled in
45. Do you more often see:
__A__ (a) what is right in front of you 56. Would you say you are more:
____ (b) what can only be imagined ____ (a) serious and determined
__B__ (b) easy going
46. Is it worse to be:
__A__ (a) a softy 57. Do you consider yourself:
____ (b) hard-nosed ____ (a) a good conversationalist
__B__ (b) a good listener
47. In trying circumstances are you
sometimes: 58. Do you prize in yourself:
__A__ (a) too unsympathetic ____ (a) a strong hold on reality
____ (b) too sympathetic __B__ (b) a vivid imagination

48. Do you tend to choose: 59. Are you drawn more to:
____ (a) rather carefully __A__ (a) fundamentals
__B__ (b) somewhat impulsively ____ (b) overtones

49. Are you inclined to be more: 60. Which seems the greater fault:
__A__ (a) hurried than leisurely ____ (a) to be too compassionate
____ (b) leisurely than hurried __B__ (b) to be too dispassionate

50. At work, do you tend to: 61. Are you swayed more by:
____ (a) be sociable with your colleagues __A__ (a) convincing evidence
__B__ (b) keep more to yourself ____ (b) a touching appeal

51. Are you more likely to trust: 62. Do you feel better about:
__A__ (a) your experiences __A__ (a) coming to closure
____ (b) your conceptions ____ (b) keeping your options open

63. Is it preferable mostly to:
__A__ (a) make sure things are
____ (b) just let things happen naturally

64. Are you inclined to be:

____ (a) easy to approach
__B__ (b) somewhat reserved

65. In stories, do you prefer:

__A__ (a) action and adventure
____ (b) fantasy and heroism

66. Is it easier for you to:

____ (a) put others to good use
__B__ b) identify with others

67. Which do you wish more for

__A__ (a) strength of will
____ (b) strength of emotion

68. Do you see yourself as basically:

__A__ (a) thick-skinned
____ (b) thin-skinned

69. Do you tend to notice:

__A__ (a) disorderliness
____ (b) opportunities for change

70. Are you more:

__A__ (a) routinized than whimsical
____ (b) whimsical than routinized

Section One: Career Exploration

Answer Sheet
Blacken the square for each answer in the column for A or B


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 51 52 53 54 55 56

57 58 59 60 61 62 63

64 65 66 67 68 69 70

1 1 9 23 4 6 43 5 5 45 4 6 65 7 3 67 8 2 87 6 4 8

4 6 4 6 8 2

1 9 9 11 11 9 14 6
1 2 3 4 3 4 7 8


Directions for scoring:

1. Add down so that the total number of “A” answers is typed in the box at the bottom of each column.
Do the same for “B” answers that you have checked. Each of the 14 boxes should have a number in it.

2. Transfer the number in box #1 to the answer sheet box #1 below the answer sheet. Note, however,
that you have two numbers for boxes 3 through 8. Bring down the first number for each box beneath
the second, as indicated by the arrows. Now add all the pairs of numbers and enter the total in the
boxes below the answer sheet, so each box has only one number.

Section One: Career Exploration

My Personality Results
After completing the previous survey, please complete the following questions:





List personality traits that you discovered from your profile here.
● Internal focus on ideas, memories, or emotion
● Imaginative and creative
● Consider feelings when presented as facts
● Enjoy having closure; like things settled


● Actor
● Chemist
● Design Engineer

Choose one of these careers or your desired career to complete the career
profile on the next page.

Section One: Career Exploration

Future Career Evaluation

Please utilize to access the Occupational Career Outlook Handbook or here are a few
websites that might have some helpful information:

Starting: $ 81,870 Industry Average: $ 79,300

Chemists conduct experiments in labs in order to analyze substances, develop new
products or improve existing ones

What kind of degree do you need to perform this career?
Bachelor’s Degree & Chemistry Major
List three colleges/universities where you can earn this degree. (Give location as well)
1. Duke University (Durham,NC)
2. Stanford University (Stanford,CA)
3. Columbia University (New York,NY)

List three other jobs/careers you can do with this degree.

1. Toxicologist
2. Forensic scientist
3. Chemical engineer

What is the potential for you to be hired in this industry?
Employment of chemists is projected to grow 5 percent. In pharmaceutical and medicine
manufacturing, chemists will be needed to develop nanotechnology for medicinal uses

List three places you can work with this degree.

1. Pharmacy
2. High School
3. Government Labs

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