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Advanced Studies Project

Section 3 - Apparel Advanced Studies Project

Jira Caesar-Hester
Fall Semester 2021

Section Three: Advanced Studies Project

Project Description
Project Topic: ___How Social Media impacts and influences fashion __________

Description of the Project:

● Describe the project and its purpose.

This project is to showcase how social media has recently impacted fashion and how it
changed the game for a lot of brands and buisnesses

● Discuss prior knowledge, if any about the project. Where was the knowledge obtained?

My prior knowledge of this project would really just be experience. I am a consumer and I
can see that I am heavily influenced on the fashion purchases I make, based off of what I
see on social media
What form will your project take? (Check all that apply)

____ Computer Disk / CD ____ Art Work ____ AET Record Book
____ Video ____ Photography ____ Prof. Award Application
____ Audio Recording ____ Model/ Construction ____ Event/ Function
____ Charts/ Maps/ Graphs ____ Community Service
____ Other (Explain) _Social Media Websites ___________

1. What materials will you need?

Fabrics for my garments, sewing patterens, thread, and new sewing materials

2. What, if any, expenses do you anticipate?

Possibly some of the fabris and 2 of the sewing patterns

3. How much time do you estimate will be required to create this project? __roughly 6-8 weeks ___________

_______ Approved _______ Not Approved

Teacher Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Student’s Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Section Three: Advanced Studies Project

Project Proposal Form

When you submit, I will insert a “picture” of your signed project proposals on the next two pages.

Section Three: Advanced Studies Project

Project Timeline & Goals

Please identify what you hope to accomplish each 3 weeks of your project:

First Three Weeks

In these first three weeks I hope to identify what my potential topic could be and
I also hope to start on the research

Second Three Weeks

In the second three weeks I hope to continue researching my topic but also
gather an idea of what my 4 garments could be

Third Three Weeks

In these third three weeks I hope to keep working on my research paper anf I
also hope to receive some of the patterns for my garments and start assembling

Fourth Three Weeks

In the fourth three weeks I hope to keep working on the production of my

garments and get a few of them finished

Fifth Three Weeks

In the fifth three weeks I hope to start finishing up and finalizing my research
paper and continue working on my garments but finishing some of them up

Sixth Three Weeks

In the sixth three weeks I hope to complete all of my 4 garments and work on
the presentation and prepare to present

Section Three: Advanced Studies Project

Project Weekly Time Logs

Please attach your weekly time logs at the end of this “show” for both 9 weeks.

Weekly Time Log Check Sheet

Completed Week Number Dates

X Week One 8/23/21—8/27/21

X Week Two 8/30/21—9/3/21

X Week Three 9/6/21—9/10/21

X Week Four 9/13/21—9/17/21

X Week Five 9/20/21—9/24/21

X Week Six 9/27/21—10/1/21

X Week Seven 10/4/21---10/8/21

X Week Eight 10/11/21---10/15/21

X Week Nine 10/18/21---10/22/21

X Week Ten 10/25/21---10/29/21

X Week Eleven 11/1/21---11/5/21

X Week Twelve 11/8/21---11/12/21

X Week Thirteen 11/15/21—11/19/21

X Week Fourteen 11/22/21—11/26/21

X Week Fifteen 11/29/21—12/3/21

X Week Sixteen 12/6/21—12/10/21

X Week Seventeen 12/13/21—12/17/21

X Week Eighteen 1/3/22—1/7/22

Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 8/23/21 to 9/27/21

Introduction to the class, understand class objectives


Think about project topic


Continue on week 2 assignment and finish personality test


Finish personality results


Work on project proposal


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 5
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to just keep working on the weekly assignments

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 8/30/21 to 9/3/21

Continue researching

Do some research on different patterns I could use


Work on seat cushions


Continue looking up sewing patterns


Continue looking up sewing patterns


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 5
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

My next steps are to finalize my decision on what patterns I would like to use

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 9/6/21 to 9/10/21

No School

Teacher Workday




Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 0
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

I was injured and I wasn’t at school at all this week

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to get my patterns ordered and work on my research paper

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 9/13/21 to 9/17/21

Work on missing assignments from last week


Continue working on missing assignments


Turn in money for patterns and work on cover letter


No school


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 4
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

Finish the cover letter and continue working on research paper

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am not experiencing any problems with completing tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 9/20/21 to 9/24/21

Finish cover letter


Do research paper outline


Continue research paper outline


Work on Discussion posts


Work on research paper rough draft


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 5
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to finish the rough draft of the research paper and start thinking
about materials needed for garments
5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 9/27/21 to 10/1/21

Start draft resume and look at fabrics


Continue working on research paper, serge bandana for the

Tuesday: husky

Do final draft for resume and search for fabrics for the skirt

Find more sources for research paper


Finish list of references and find pictures for research paper


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 5
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to pick which fabrics I want to use and hopefully start working on
the garments
5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 10/4/21 to 10/8/21

Researching sewing techniques for certain fabrics


Finish 3rd paragraph of research paper


Fix week 4-6 logs


Look for more resources for research paper


Finish writing 3rd paragraph of research paper and begin writing

Friday: 4th paragraph

Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 5
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

My main goals are too finish up with some more paragraphs of the research paper

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

It is just a little bit difficult to find more resources and information about my topic

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 10/11/21 to 10/15/21

No School

Help Apparel 1 with Tye-Dye


PSAT/Senior Round Up

Work on short response questions


Project description and project proposal form


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 3
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

There wasn’t a lot of class time this week, there were other things going on
4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are too contine working on my research paper as well as college
5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I don’t really have many problems completing my tasks, its just that there was really
only 3 days this week to work on things

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 10/18/21 to 10/22/21

Think about/ look at fabrics for each garment


Work on project proposal form


Revise first couple pf paragraphs on rough draft


Catch up on assignments

Look at sewing patterns that were recieved


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 5
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps arent to decide which fabrics I am going to use and start laying it out
for my patterns
5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am currently not experiencing any problems in completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 10/25/21 to 10/29/21

Gather materials for first garment and look at sizings


Lay pattern pieces on fabric and pin


No school

Finish pinning pattern pieces on to fabric


Have teacher look at layout and cut out at least one pattern
Friday: piece

Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 3
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.

I was unable to complete my Thursday task because I missed most of 1st period so I
didn’t really have any time to start on anything
4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps arent to continue laying out the rest of the pattern pieces and get
them all cut out
5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I am currently not experiencing any problems in completing my tasks, placing the

pattern pieces in the right spot is just tedious

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 11/1/21 to 11/5/21

Finish cutting out pattern pieces 1,2,and 3


Teacher Workday

Cut out pattern piece number 5 and pin the ones that needed to
Wednesday: be cut multiple times

Finish cutting out all pieces and complete all required markings

Make sure everything is correctly cut and marked


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 3
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I was unable to complete my tasks because I was a little bit confused on Thursday and I
needed help and on Friday I helped someone with their pajama pants because they were
pinning the wrong way
4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to start sewing the garment together

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

I was experiencing some problems because I was confused on some parts but it was
resolved and I got help with it

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 11/8/21 to 11/12/21

Start the first step of assembling the garment


Continue working on assembling the garment


Continue working on garment and work on research paper


No school

No school

Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 1
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I was only able to complete 1 task because we had a substitute the first 2 days of the
week and we didn’t have school the last 2 days of the week
4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to continue sewing my garment together

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

At this time I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 11/15/21 to 11/19/21

Work on makeup work


Continue to research project topic


Finish transferring markings and place other pieces to get

Wednesday: marked and cut

Finish markings

Start sewing garment


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 5
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I was able to complete all of my tasks for this week

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to continue sewing my garment together

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

At this time I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 11/22/21 to 11/26/21

Continue sewing garment


Iron interfacing onto fabric


No school

No school

No school

Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 2
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I was able to complete only 2 tasks this week because there was only 2 days of
4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to try and get the front part of the skirt complete

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

At this time I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 11/29/21 to 12/3/21

Trim piece number 2 and baste on number 1 to make a

Monday: gather

Get the front to the front waistband and sew it together


Finish gathers


Finish front waistband and front of skirt


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 3
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I only completed 3 tasks this week because I was absent on one of the days and
another day there was a substitute so I didn’t get to sew
4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to start on the back side of the skirt

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

At this time I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 12/6/21 to 12/10/21

Finish gathers on back waistband


Sew together back and back waistband together


Work on missing assignments and research paper


Measure fabric needed for bandana top and cut



Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 4
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I only completed 4 tasks this week because I was absent on one of the days

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to finish the back side of the skirt and start sewing the bandana
5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

At this time I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 12/13/21 to 12/17/21

Insert elastic and secure it to the skirt


Sew together the front and back sides of the skirt


Continue on the second part of the skirt


Start on the third garment


Measure and cut fabric for the new top


Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 3
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I only completed 3 tasks this week because I sewed the back waistband of the skirt
the wrong way and I had to spend a lot of the time taking the stitches out
4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

The next steps are to try and see if the back part of the skirt can still be saved and
worked with and continue working on the other tops
5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

At this time I am experiencing a few problems with my tasks just because messing
up the back part of the skirt was a huge set back

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Jira Caesar-Hester
Student Name: ______________________________________ 2021
Year: ______________ 1
Period: ______

CTE Advanced Studies- Ag. Education

Project Daily Log Form

Utilize this form to record your daily project goals.. Consider tasks like arranging for an interview, purchasing materials,
ordering special materials needed, working on project for one hour or arranging for a teacher conference. This reflects
work completed on a daily basis to support the Advanced Studies credit requirements. This log is required for each week
of the course.

Daily Log for Week of 1/3/22 to 1/7/22

Work on missing assignments and presentation


Continue working on missing assignments and presentation


Present work to the apparel 1 class




Evaluation of the Work listed on this form:

1. 3
I completed ____________ tasks this week.
2. Check all tasks completed this week above.
3. If you were unable to complete your tasks, explain why.
I have completed all that I need to, to finish out the semester

4. What are the next steps? List your next set of goals in order of priority. Include any missed from this week.

There are no next steps

5. List and explain any problems you are experiencing in completing any of your tasks.

At this time I am not experiencing any problems completing my tasks

6. Do you need a conference with your teacher/mentor? _______ Yes _______ No

Pg. 1.
Copy & Paste
Time Log Slideshow(s) Here


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