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5 Test B** Class: TOTAL: / 50

1 Complete the relationship words.

6 b    a                                t   

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

1 b  r    e    a    k  u  p 
2 Choose the correct answers.
1 get along with someone
a do something fun with someone
b have a good relationship with
2 make up with someone
2 h            a    a                       
a say sorry and be friends again
b meet someone for the first time
3 break up with someone
a start a new relationship
b end a relationship
4 miss someone
3 a        s                        o        a feel sad when you aren’t together
b feel unhappy with someone

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 3 

3 Complete the words for expressing

4 g    o    a d            1 h  u    g  a friend
2 s                when you’re mad
3 s                at someone
4 l                if you’re happy
5 s            when you’re quiet and
unhappy about something
5 f            i    l            6 c        if you’re sad

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

Metro Level 3 Unit 5 Test B** 1 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
5 Test B**

4 Complete the sentences with the

words in exercise 3. Grammar
1 My grandparents always   hug  me when 6 Order the words to make sentences
they see me. or questions.

2 I hate it when people     at me 1 his / hasn’t / yet / chores / Harry / finished

on the bus. It makes me feel Harry hasn’t finished his chores yet.
2 just / sister / your / seen / I’ve
3 My little sister starts to     if
she’s hungry.
4 My twin brothers are 15, and they
    in their room if Mom 3 book / yet / you / this / have / read / ?

doesn’t let them go out late.

5 Our teachers sometimes     at
us if they’re mad. 4 her / finished / yet / has / chores /
6 That soap opera makes us     Maria / ?
so loudly that Mom wants to know what’s
so funny.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

5 ski / Kyra / just / learned / to / has

5 Complete the sentences with the -ing

form of two verbs in exercise 3.
6 Luis / kitchen / already / cleaned / has /

7 big / made / a / I’ve / just / mistake

1 The woman’s daughter, Elsie, is   crying  .

The woman is     Elsie.

8 shopping / he’s / already / gone

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 

2 The man is angry with the waiter. The two

customers are     at him.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 2 

Metro Level 3 Unit 5 Test B** 2 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
5 Test B**

7 Complete the sentences and 9 Complete the sentences and

questions with just, already, or yet. questions with use(d) to or didn’t
use to.
1 I’ve   just  seen Karen. Look, she’s
1 People   didn’t use to  have cars 150
over there.
years ago.
2 He’s     bought sunglasses for
2 Did people    
his vacation. He got them last weekend.
live in skyscrapers 200 years ago?
3 Carla has     made some tea
3 Eve     play
now. Would you like some?
basketball. She played volleyball instead.
4 Have you had your breakfast
4 We     go
swimming after school when we
5 They’ve     met Victoria. They
were kids.
met her last week.
5 Did you     learn
6 I’ve     been to the movie
English in elementary school?
theater. It’s over there, across the street.
6 When I was little, I
7 Ricardo hasn’t eaten all the pizza
    . Can I have a slice?
computer games. My parents didn’t
8 Have you tried that new café on East let me.
Avenue    ?
7 Tom     go
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7  skiing every winter when he lived in
the mountains.

8 Read the questions and write 8 They     live in

affirmative () or negative () short a house next to the park.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 7 
1 Have you heard about James yet? 
  No, we haven’t.  
2 Has Ruth charged her phone yet? 
3 Have you driven your dad’s car yet,
Fabio? 
4 Has it stopped snowing yet? 
5 Have Amy and her brother been to the
store yet? 

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 4 

Metro Level 3 Unit 5 Test B** 3 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
5 Test B**

10 Complete the sentences and

questions with the correct form of
used to and the verbs.
not drink have meet play share

1 We   used to meet  in the park after

2     you
    with toy cars
when you were little?
3 Kevin     soda
when he was a child. He wasn’t allowed.
4 I    my candy
with my sister when I was little.
5 What     your
in school?
6 Sandra     long
black hair when she was a teenager.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points   / 5 

Metro Level 3 Unit 5 Test B** 4 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

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