Swot Analysis Copy 2

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Name: Haya Ahmed

ID: 2118159
Program: BABS
Section: A-1

Class Activity: “Swot Analysis”

Swot Analysis is a strategic way of identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

and threat to an organisation. But here I will be analysing these elements for myself.

Since we must always start with some positive attributes hence I will discuss what
strengths I contain. 
Three years ago during my A levels I started a home based business where I sell
cakes, cupcakes, brownies, and anything sweet you can possibly think off. Today I am
an independent individual, helping my father by paying half of my tuition fee, saving
for my future goals, which all makes me feel content and satisfied with who I am as a
person. And I take this as my greatest strength.
Furthermore, what makes me different from other people is how early in age I have set
my business, which I’m very grateful for, while managing my student life side by
side. To be honest it gets very tough at times but I am great at managing stress which
is my another strength. 
Not to forget but I am very passionate about makeup and have had some clients with
satisfied experiences. 
A while ago when life took turns and became a rollercoaster and nothing seemed to
work out, I made a 7 second mind alarm. This is when I got rejected at several points
in my life and those points took out all my energy while giving me severe anxiety. I
talked to myself and decided that every time I’ll think about my lows, this thought
won’t stay in my mind for more then 7 seconds. Very happy to say that this acts as my

On the other hand things may not seem as sweet as they appear. Every human being
has weaknesses so do I. And we must always know, that in the world where you can
be anything, be KIND. Because you never know what the other person is going
through. One of my biggest weakness is overthinking. Not even kidding but it gives
me chills. I have a bad habit of over analysing situations and imaging things which
may not even be possible. I definitely would love to calm my mind down and breath at
such moments. 
Overthinking has very harmful side effects which in my case is bad temper. I get
irritated super fast if things don’t go my way. Which also tells that the level of
acceptance is a little low in me.
Moreover, I have a fear of losing my loved ones. This is something I’m very sensitive
about but at the same time I can’t talk much about it. 

I am always in search of people who can help me become a better version of myself,
because you learn at every step of life. For me opportunities are endless but selecting
the best for myself is a task. However I am a risk taker  and won’t regret if something
doesn’t work out for me because again, I’ll have something to learn from it. I really
want to be a part of some culinary school where my baking skills can be polished, and
my dream school for that is Scafa Dubai. I hope to get there one day after I’m done
with my bachelors which again will help me with my business and give a diverse
perspective to it. 

Last but not the least let’s discuss some threats. Being a full time student and
managing a full time work space gives me a threat of failing in any of my
departments. The student in me is as much important to me as the baker in me. But at
times I have to give up some orders to attend my classes which automatically takes the
customer away from me. 
My fellow bakers can be my competitors and a threat to me business at the same time. 
Other than my professional life, I do have some threats for my private life. There’s a
constant fear of people misusing me for their benefit. I’m a very emotional person
who falls for anyone in trouble without knowing the background and in today’s world
being this helpful is a threat in itself.

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