Remembering The Holocaust

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Remembering the Holocaust

Featuring: Angela Orosz

By: Gibran, Seeron, Derrick, and Sharminon
Table Of Contents

01 Jewish Life Before the

02 The Jewish Ghettos &
03 Jewish

Attempts to save the
Jews 05 Concentration camps
06 Liberation
of the Jews
Jewish Life Before the
Jewish Life Before the Holocaust: Poltical/Social

Nazi Great
Civil Conflicts
Accusations Depression
The Nazis falsely accused Jews of The worst years of the Depression Throughout the period between
causing Germany’s social, were between 1929 and 1933, WW1 and WW2 the citizens of
economic, political, and cultural during the widespread Germany had split into 2 groups.
problems. Anger over the loss of unemployment and rampant The Jews and the Aryans saw each
the war and the economic and inflation. Many Jewish people were other almost as different species
political crises that followed fired, displaced from their homes, due to eugenics and their were
contributed to Nazi victory in the and facing poverty. The Nazis many social conflicts. When the
following election as they promised Germany a better future Nazis had been elected, the Jews
supported the idea that Jews were and for that reason some Jews had were not able to fight against an
Germany’s downfall. also supported the Nazis. army of people.
Jewish Life Before the Holocaust: Economics

In Europe many Jews ran successful

Jews were the largest population in businesses and many nations in
the Eastern European countries and Europe had started to fear them. In
they were often found jobs such as addition to these fears, the early
trades, farming and factory Christian church had portrayed
workers. Others went into Jews as unwilling to accept the word
professions such as law, medicine, of God, or as agents of the devil and
and teaching. murderers of Jesus.

Many Jewish scientists who were

famous had worked for the
Germans during the holocaust such
as Albert Einstein, Primo Levi, and
Leonore Rachelle Brecher. These
scientists had made large
contributions to the modern worlds
of chemistry and physics
Jewish Life Before the Holocaust: Rise of Problems

Jewish tradition has always stressed
Antisemitism, was the fear or
the importance of social welfare and
hatred of Jews had existed in
love of neighbors. They did not think
Europe for centuries.
that the German Government would
Eugenics was the theory
organize concentration camps and
taught to Germans, which
killing sprees.
has now been proven false;
which said that humans can
be categorized in specific
The Nazis claimed that German Jews,
races, each with its own
a small minority of Germany’s
unchangeable traits. They
population, had “stabbed Germany
also said that some “races”
in the back.” during WW1. This was
were superior to others and
untrue as 100 000 German Jews
this led to the rise of nazis.
fought for Germany during the war
and many had also died.
The Jewish
Ghettos and
Jewish ghettos and Deportation

During WW2, At least 1143 ghettos were

German authorities established
concentrated the
jewish population
into ghettos

Ghettos separated the Living conditions

jewish population from the were horrible and
non-jewish population basic human needs
and necessities were
not met
Jewish ghettos and Deportation

In 1941, Germans A small minority of the

Jews were subjected to
implemented the “final population was sent to
forced labor and made to
solution” , a plan to wipe forced labor camps and
wear armbands to to
out all European Jews. concentration camps
visibly identify themselves
They decided to destroy
all ghettos. Authorities
Nazi-appointed Jewish
either shot jews in large
councils ( Judenraete)
numbers or deported
administered daily life in
them into killing centers.
the ghettos.
Jewish ghettos and Deportation

- In August 1944, German SS - Trains played a major

and police completed the role in the - Jews thought they were
destruction of the last major
implementation of the being resettled into
ghetto, in Lodz. labour camps where they
“final solution”. Jews
- The German public did not would have a chance at a
speak out or stand up for the were deported by rail
and sent to extermination decent life but instead
jews because antisemitism was
camps to die. The they were being sent to
very common. Similarly today,
some religious groups face Germans disguised their their deaths.
unjust discrimination from the intentions by referring to
public and sometimes even the
deportations as
“resettlements to the

-Auschwitz was the largest of the German

Nazi concentration camps and
extermination centers.
Jewish Resistance Force
Jewish Resistance Force
- Between 1941 and 1943, underground resistance movements developed in about 100
Jewish ghettos in Nazi-occupied eastern Europe.
- Jews responded with a variety of resistance efforts. Ghetto residents frequently
smuggled food, medicine, weapons, or intelligence across the ghetto walls.
- In some ghettos, members of Jewish resistance movements staged armed uprisings. The
largest of these was the Warsaw ghetto uprising in spring 1943.
Jewish Resistance Force
In some places such as western Uprisings even took Jews resisted when the
Belorussia, the western Ukraine, and
eastern Poland, camps were established
place in the killing Germans attempted to
to support resistance efforts. Jewish camps of Treblinka, establish ghettos in a
civilians repaired weapons, cooked Sobibor, and Auschwitz number of small towns in
food, made clothing and assisted during 1943-1944.
Soviet partisan operations. eastern Poland in 1942.
Jewish Resistance Force

- Multiple incidents also occurred where many jewish prisoners retaliated against their guards
at killing centers
- In August of 1943 at Treblinka and in October of 1943 at Sobibor, Jewish prisoners who
smuggled in stolen weapons attempted to attack the staff and guards and planned an escape.
- Unfortunately, most of the rebels were killed either during the escape or by being hunted
down after their escape
Attempts to
Save the Jews
Attempts to save the Jews
Raoul W
Influential Figures
Attempt Many influential figures stepped up and did
their part to support.
Poland had their attempts at
assisting the jews, an example
being the Zegota, code name - Raoul Wallenberg; a Swedish
for Rada Pomocy Zydom, and diplomat and former agent of the z
Carl Lut
the Council for Aid to Jews US war refugee board,
- Carl Lutz; a swiss diplomat
Zegota was an underground - Giorgio Perlasca; worked for an
organization that provided Italian importing firm in
social services and assistance Budapest, Hungary
for the Jews Giorgio
These three people saved approximately Perlasca
ten thousand Jews in 1944.
Attempts to Save the Jews
p e d :
He l Denmark’s Attempt
e d Or
Sav 00
7,2 Because of their actions,
German authorities
engaged martial law in
Denmark sabotaged the response to the resistance
germans since they were and sabotage
german occupied.

Mainly used small fishing boats
Their (Denmark’s) attempt was the most
to transport jews to safety in
famous complete rescue mission during the
Attempts to Save The Jews
Anne F

… By religious groups

Some of the attempts

were from European
churches, orphanages and The village of Le
There were attempts at
saving the jews from many
religious figures and Chambon-sur-lignon
provided shelters for the also played an
other religions including
jews. important role, saving
protestant and Catholic, A prominent example
Eastern Orthodox and nearly 5000 refugees,
was Anne Frank and her
Muslim. most of them being
family in the Netherlands.
Concentration & Death Camps

Concentration & Death Camps: What are
Concentration camps
Prisoners at these camps were worked 10-11 hours per
day with little food. They were abused, humiliated and
From 1933-1945, concentration camps were
traumatized for the humor of the guards that worked
areas that any races deemed “degenerate” by
there. Sanitation and facilities were extremely poor
the Nazi (primarily Jews but also Roma) were
across all camps. Prisoners were only given a single
detained or confined, usually under harsh
uniform and a pair of worn down shoes and had to live in
conditions and without regard to legal norms
damp and unsanitary quarters. They had one bucket to
of arrest. Imprisonment in concentration
use as a bathroom for hundreds of people.
camps were mostly permanent. Sometimes
people were released in just a few days, most
endured weeks, or even years of detention.

Examples of concentration camps:

● Buchenwald
● Dachau
● Dora-Mittelbau Dachau
● Gross-Rosen
● Auschwitz (Labour and death
camp) Buchenwald
Concentration and Death Camps: What are Death
a mbers
Gas ch Chelmno - 172 000 dead

Belzec - 600 000 dead

Also known as extermination Major camps like Belzec and Some examples would be:
camps, they specialized in mass Chelmno were placed in Poland - Belzec
genocide of Jews, Gypsies, as Chelmno was the first camp - Chelmno
homosexuals and more using poison to start gassing prisoners on - Treblinka
gas in gas chambers. December 8, 1941. - Sobibor
- Majdanek (Labour and death camp)
- Auschwitz (Labour and death camp)
Concentration & Death Camps:
Auschwitz -Birkenau ● Camp was opened during May 1940 in southern
Poland as a combination of a heavy labour
d and a annihilation camp
Murd ● It’s one of the most deadly camps during
M illio World War 2 holding 1.3 million prisoners
and killing 1.1 million due to harsh living
conditions and gas chambers
● There were sub-camps in Auschwitz dividing
the types of labour in
production/extraction industries like
mining, construction etc.
● The life expectancy of an average prisoner
in the camp was 2-3 months while children
Only about
100 survive not born in the camps were killed in the
d gas chambers(poison used was Zyklon-B)

- The Soviets were the first to Although they had the

successfully rescue jews from one of
opportunity to be free and safe
the many concentration camps called
Majdanek in 1944. again, many prisoners were too
afraid and stayed at the camps,
- In 1945, the soviets liberated the
thinking that the rescues were
largest concentration camp called
Auschwitz. lies too.

- In April of 1945 the US forces played

their part and liberated the camps
called Buchenwald & Dachu,
successfully saving over 20000
prisoners. d
Liberation Kielce,
approxim land riot. As a re
a s
more he tely 42 jews w ult of this riot,
avily be ere left
aten dead an
d tons

Although they were liberated,

Even after rescue, they the hate against the jewish
were put straight back didn’t stop, in fact, there were
into other camps until many instances of riots that
they had further formed with “anti-jewish”
treatment for other’s intentions where they would
safety and their own. beat the jewish.
This would lead to the deaths
of many jews.

An example of one of these

“anti-jewish” riots was in Kielce,
Poland which took place in 1946.
Condition of The
Rescue Camps

The prisoners who were liberated

were put straight back into other
As a result of the terrible
These camps were often extremely conditions the prisoners had
crowded with many malnourished to face, many had extremely
and weak survivors. tough times returning to their
There even laid thousands of remains
previous life.
of prisoners in these crowded camps.
Angela orosz
Story of Angela Orosz
Angela’s mother was 3 months January 27 Auschwitz was By the end of November
pregnant went deported from liberated, and another little Angela’s family returned
Hungary and denied many boy was born who was taken to a camp with 800
opportunities for abortions. care of by Angela’s mother Holocaust survivors
1 3 5

2 4 6

Gave birth to Angela Father was murdered Angela grew up and went to
on December 21 in and her mother was school in Hungary but
Nazi German taken to Katowice, moved to Canada where in
Concentration and Chernovice, Sluzk 1982 Angela’s son was born
Extermination Camp
Auschwitz Birkenau 28
Angela Orosz’s Life
Why is She What Does She
Important? Tell Us?
Angela Orosz was one of only 2 The number of children sent to
children to have been born in Auschwitz was 232,000, however,
an Aushwitz camp and survive the number of children who were
the holocaust. Angela grew up killed remains unknown. On a
as a child learning about the single day, October 10, 1944, it
holocaust and facing the was reported that 800 children
problems that many of the were gassed to death. She teacher
other adult survivors had faced the students of this generation
such as malnutrition, abuse, the difficulty of being raised
and diseases.When Angela was during the holocaust in a
born she weighed just 1kg and concentration camp.
was too weak to cry.
“I hope this important trial has also
helped to educate today's generation
about what really happened and to
combat anti-Semitism.”
— Angela Orosz
Thank you for reading!


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