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Diadem Royale Consulting

Mini Research


The Place of Military in the Society


John Sunday Dominic

March, 2017

Traditionally, the formal purpose of the Armed Forces is to act against foreign
enemies, but in reality they have other and varied functions. The Armed Forces have
a critical nation-building function and as such they constitute an important part of
the society-Karl Von Clausewitz (1968).

Since the creation or evolution of man, society has been on the dynamic trend for the

preservation of life and improved social relation. The need for man to have an orderly and a

well-structured and organized system aimed at achieving comfort, harmony and peace has

been the pre-occupation of modern states. Much as society tries, fundamental challenges have

thwarted man’s efforts towards the realization of an egalitarian and just society. The various

constitutions and statute books cum other legal enactments in place aimed at providing

backbone to governance to enhance national security and socio-economic growth are still

confronted with obvious challenges. The need therefore, for a peaceful and decent

environment to allow for harmonious coexistence and enabling climate for socio-economic

and political advancement cannot be over-stated.

The armed forces play strategic roles in nation-building and as such one can aver that the

military is a critical element of national defence in a quest to ensure that the territorial

integrity of the nation and indeed, internal security of the nation is assured. A nation’s

national security is predicated on her national interest, as well as her strategic calculations

within the region and in the global arena. It is therefore apt to assert that the armed forces

remain a vital element in the overall national security strategy. The military, which indeed is a

critical element in the National Security calculation, is bound by constitutional obligation to

meet contemporary challenges in the overall interest of the nation , and as such the military

plays a stabilizing function in her bid to ensure peace and security.

It is in consonance with the above points of reference that this scientific inquest seeks to

unravel the place and significance of the armed forces in the society. Its major focus will be to

understand the role of the military in ensuring societal peace and territorial defence.


The issue going to be discussed in this study is out-rightly complex and will not be fully

addressed in this mini-research. Instead it focuses only on the place and the role of the

military in the society. In tandem with the above allusion, the following, truncated below

constitutes the objectives of this mini-research work:

I. To discuss and analyse the place and significance of the armed forces in the society.

II. To discuss the strategic function of the armed forces in tandem with societal peace and

territorial tranquillity?


This study is guided by, and will seek to answer the following questions:

I. What is Military? What is the nexus between society and military?

II. What is the place of armed forces in the society?

III. What are the salient and strategic functions of the military in the society?


Methodologically, this research is based on a qualitative approach. For conceptual

understanding, the analytical frame work is to be constructed from the existing literatures

about the place of military in society in general and other relevant materials. This study makes

use of qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. The analysis of the significance and

role of military in the society relies on divergent sources (triangulation of sources) such as

various literatures. Simply put, secondary documents are the metaphorical dais of this inquest.
In relation to the secondary sources, this mini-research has employed literature and document

analysis as its data collection procedure. Therefore, books, journals, bulletins series and

internet sources are consulted.


This research analyses and discusses the contemporary debates concerning the significance

and strategic role of the military in the society. In doing so, the research is very important in

understanding the contemporary debates that clads the quintessentiality of the military in a

risky world. The outcome of this research will also promote civil-military relations and expose

all and sundry to the inevitability of the armed forces in modern day society.


The essence of literature review is to bridge the existence gaps and intellectual lacuna in

knowledge. The rationale is to question the existence of what exists and then seek to improve


This session explores the place of the armed forces in the society. It concentrates on the

debates over the existence and role of the military of the society. Simply put, this session will

rigorously and robustly review literatures that discuss salient and strategic functions of the

military in a risky world.

Ifeshinachi (2008) posited that since the military is a major determinant of other elements of

national power, it is therefore apt to recognize that beyond its traditional onus of territorial

defense and ensuring national security, the military promotes and enhances national

socioeconomic growth. According to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,

section 217 and 218 respectively. Section 217 deals with establishment and composition of the

armed forces of the Federation, while section 218 deals with command and operational use of

the armed forces of Nigeria. Section 217 sub sections (1) specifically states that, there shall be

an armed forces for the Federation which shall consist of an Army, a Navy, and Air Force and
such other branches of the armed forces of the Federation as may be established by an Act of

the National Assembly. Sub section (2) states, the Federation shall, subject to an Act of the

National Assembly made in that behalf equip and maintain the armed forces, as may be

considered adequate and effective for the purpose of:

a. Defending Nigeria from external aggression.

b. Maintaining its territorial integrity and securing its borders from violation on land, sea

or air

c. Suppressing insurrection and acting in aid of civil authorities to restore order when

called upon to do so by the President, but subject to such conditions as may be

prescribed by an act of the National Assembly and

d. Performing such other function as may be prescribed by an Act of the National


section 217 sub section (2) (c) which has to do with acting in aid of civil authority to restore

order when called upon to do so by the President but subject to such conditions as may be

prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly. There are 2 components of aids to civil

authorities. Firstly, is the support to civil police in an event that they are unable to cope with

civil disturbances or any of such unrest, and when the military is called upon to do so. The

other is, in times of national emergencies like disasters and the like.

Section 217 (2) (c) of the 1999 Nigerian Constitution empowers the military to act in aid of civil

power. Ozoemena (2009) averred that he military plays a complementary role in the area of

disaster management, hazards and other emergencies in variety of ways to alleviate socio-

economic stress. The peculiar nature of the training, discipline, espirit de corps and effective

teamwork within the military all combine to underscore the relevance of national armed

forces in disaster mitigation, risk reduction and management. Ogar (2010) defines the roles of
the military during disasters to include search and rescue, debris removal, medical, clearance

of roads, demolition of unsafe structures, provision of temporary shelters and information

dissemination among others.

These roles have been recognized in many countries and have been put into effective use with

active public and private sector support, e.g. in US during hurricane Katrina and the various

Tsunamis in South-East Asia and recently, during various natural disasters in Haiti and floods

in Australia, Brazil and other Latin American countries. We witnessed such roles also in

Southern Africa, Mozambique and particularly, Nigeria during the flood that occurred in

Sokoto, the Nigerian Army Engineers were called upon to construct bailey bridges to facilitate

the movement of Internally Displaced Persons into the safety zones. Same was the situation

when a part of Taraba state was virtually cut off. Military Engineers contributed to restoration

of the socio-economic life of the people. For an effective and wide coverage of disaster

response by the Armed Forces, the Disaster Response Units (DRUs) have been established in

the various formations within the military. The ease of mobilization, discipline and

comradeship provides the impetus for collective action in times of crises. The military also

have organized structures to assist civil authority in emergency situations and to aid civil

authority initiative aimed at complementing civil agencies in the maintenance of essential

services like telecommunications, petroleum product distribution and medical services.

Namara (1968) posited that one of the major foundational touchstones of internet and

telecommunications technology is the military. The armed forces have been an indispensable

brain child of technological revolution. The invention of Ethernet, ‘Blood Transfusion Set’,

closed circuit cameras, heavy duty motor-vehicle etc. has earned the armed forces global

recognition as an outstandingly astute professional body and an innovative cum dynamic

institution. Trask (1997: 4) commenting on professionalism and the armed forces alluded that
Professionalism requires of each officer a commitment to professional excellence—the

observance of the highest technical standards in meeting the requirements of his or her

chosen field. Hence, by definition, professionalism embraces the commitment to civilian

control of the military and as such the military exhibits high sense of organizational excellence

and acquiescence to societal ethos.

The armed forces spear heads inter-agency cooperation and coordination with Emergency

Management Agency which seeks to greatly improve socio-economic well-being during crisis.

The Armed Forces plays a major role in the area of Search and Rescue.

Kujat (1998) alluded that that the Role of the Military in a Democracy is an ever-relevant

concern which was already raised by Plato 2500 years as the principle of political control of

armed forces as we know it today is rooted in the concept of a representative democracy. He

opined that the military participate in maintaining public order, with and without arms, by

providing administrative assistance, performing protective functions, assisting the police in

emergencies. To avoid any misunderstanding - in the latter case, armed forces are the ultimo

ratio when police and border guard forces are not able to handle the situation in a common


The Constitution explicitly prohibits any action, which could disturb the peaceful

togetherness of nations or which supports the preparation of any aggression. Worth

mentioning is also that the rules of the International Law predominate over the Basic Law.

This results in specific responsibilities and obligations for the government, the citizens and

especially the soldiers.

To this end Namara (1968) avers that the roles and missions of the Armed Forces are clearly

defined and put into a comprehensive legal framework. The integration of the military into
state and society also follows strict rules and is covered by a far-reaching set of checks and

balances. According to the Constitution, the "Armed Forces" is embedded in the system of the

separation of powers. As part of the executive, the Armed Forces are bound by law and justice,

and the protection of the basic human rights. In another parlance the Armed Forces is

classified as belonging to the system of constitutional organs without any concession. Ogar

(2008) posits that within the framework of the executive function of the state, the Armed

Forces is subordinate to political leadership which is responsible to parliament and which is

part of the Federal Government as an organ of the state. Like any other executive function of

the state, they are subject to parliamentary control, Like any other function of the state, they

are subject to judicial control, Like any other function of the state, they are subject to control

by the Federal Audit Office that annually audits the accounts of the Armed Forces and

determines whether its finances have been efficiently administered. Commenting on the leit

motif of the armed Ozoemena (2008) surmised that the armed forces defines the strategy and

maximize, within given resources, the capability to deter any threats to, and if necessary

defend the freedom and territorial integrity of a given state.

From the above allusions, it is apt to observe that the place and role of the military is in its

peace-keeping and anti-terror undertakings as the sole and exclusive legal user of the

instrument of violence. The armed forces occupy a functional position in society as it is a

creation of the society for the protection of human lives and properties.


Theories are the intellectual telescope with which socio-economic realities are interpreted,

understood and explained. The place of theory can never be overemphasized as it is an

esoteric tool for objective analysis of reality. It is on this very premise that the theory

functionalism of has been adopted to explain the essence of military in the society.
Structural functionalism, or simply functionalism, is a framework for building theory that sees

society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability.

This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation, which is a broad focus on

the social structures that shape society as a whole, and believes that society has evolved like

organisms. This approach looks at both social structure and social functions. Functionalism

addresses society as a whole in terms of the function of its constituent elements; namely

norms, customs, traditions, and institutions. A common analogy, popularized by Herbert

Spencer, presents these parts of society as "organs" that work toward the proper functioning of

the "body" as a whole. In the most basic terms, it simply emphasizes "the effort to impute, as

rigorously as possible, to each feature, custom, or practice, its effect on the functioning of a

supposedly stable, cohesive system".

To this end, the armed forces as a sub-set of the complex whole (society) exists to carry out

indispensable functions which ensures the stability and continuity of society. The military

therefore becomes a sine qua non for societal peace and national economic cum socio-political


The theory thereby correlates to the study in as much as the study attempts to look at the

function, place and role or significance of the armed forces/military to society.

The theory was censured by Talcott Parsons, who avers that "structural-functionalism" came

to describe a particular stage in the methodological development of social science, rather than

a specific school of thought.


Ifeshinachi, K. (2008) Preventive Diplomacy and Peace-Making, Nigerian Army Quarterly

Journal, Vol 4, Dec.

Kujat, A. H. (1998) The Role Of Armed Forces In Democracy, Lighthouse Press, New York

Karl Von Clausewitz (1950) “On War”, in Infantry Journal Press, Washington DC

Namara, R. (1968) The Essence of Security: Reflection in Office, New York

Ogar, G. (2008) Nigeria’s Approach to Disaster Management: Nigerian Army Quarterly Journal,
Vol 4, Dec.

Ozoemena, M (2009) Democracy and National Security, Medusa Academic Publisher.

The Nigerian 1999 Constitution

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