DND Potions: Nombre Efecto Descripcion Precio Duracion Lugar

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Dnd Potions

Nombre Efecto Descripcion Precio Duracion Lugar

Poción de You can speak 3 additional
lenguajes languages, chosen by the
DM, for 1d10 days.
Poción de Roll on the polymorph
polymorph table.
Poción de You can jump four times as
saltar high for 24 hours, also all
fall damage you take is
divided by four for the
Poción de Your WIS increases by 1d4,
experiencia and INT decreases by 1d4
for 2d12 hours.
Poción de Grow feathers for 1d8
plumas hours.
Poción de
Poción de amor Classic love Potion.
Poción de A Potion that if poured on
bosque the ground will grow an
acre of trees overnight. If
drank..... Well that's
Poción de Grows a hideous feature
fealdad that lasts 1d8 hours (like
Poción de You grow a beautiful ginger
leñador beard down to your knees.
Poción de You drool uncontrollably
babas for 1d4 hours.
Poción de The index finger on your
juzgador dominant hand start to
glow shed bright light in a
20-foot radius and dim
light for an additional 20
feet for the next 1d8 hours.
Poción de You forget everything that's
olvidar happened over the last 2
Poción de Two extra arms sprout
brazos extra from your sides and
function as normal for 10
minutes. You can use
these arms to take a bonus
action during combat. After
10 minutes the arms
suddenly fall away, lifeless.
Poción de The potion is a water
elemental elemental. Drinking it
tastes like the freshest
water you've ever drank. As
soon as you take part in
vigorous activity you
spawn a water elemental in
the same square as you.
Poción del dr The potion is Coca-Cola.
pimienta Describe the sugary taste
and fizz, but don't use the
brand name. See if the
player figures it out.
Poción de aseo Drinking it gives you minty The potion is
fresh breath, and you don't clear, with
need to fart or go to the glitter floating
toilet for 48 hours as your in it.
body becomes 100%
Ooze It's actually a Tiny Ochre The thick
Jelly. yellow potion
twists and
moves of its
own accord.
The fluid inside
will actively try
to avoid being
drunk, clinging
to the inside of
the bottle.
Poción sin Drinking it telegraphs the The potion is
secretos player's mood and blood-red with
thoughts to all characters fleshy chunks
within 30ft for one hour, as in it, as
if under the Detect through a brain
Thoughts spell. has been put
through a
Poción de You hover 4 inches above
levitación the ground for 1d6 hours.
Poción de You gain a mild fear of
belonefobia arrows.
Poción de You grow a third eye in
tercer ojo your forehead granting you
+2 perception.
Poción de You transform into a Dark green
Lagarto lizardmen, permanently. potion, tastes
Poción de For the next 2d6 minutes
alteración de any slippery or sticky
movimiento surface is treated as
normal terrain for you, but
any normal terrain is
treated as 1d2: 1) Sticky 2)
Poción de When you talk it comes out
incoherencia in gibberish, but to you it
sounds perfectly normal.
Poción de You see that everyone has
detector de a slight outline around
mentiras them, the color ranging
from green to red, but you
don't know the meaning.
It's showing you how long
since someone has lied,
green being recently and
red being long ago.
Poción de You grow an extra toe on
pulgar extra each foot.
Poción de Your hair turns the color of
teñido de the potion you drank.
Poción de Hulk Your skin turns green.
Reduce your intelligence
and increase your strength
by 1d4 for 10 minutes.
Poción de The drinker must dance
bailar until they fall unconscious.
They do not know that they
must fall unconscious and
will resist all attempts to
make them do so.
Poción de The drinker turns a deep
fotosíntesis green and can
photosynthesize but must
consume dirt and/or
fertilizer to do so.
Poción de The drinker’s nose is
invertir nariz inverted and sinks into
their head.
Poción de The drinker restores all
recuperación their spell slots but can
mágica only use them to cast one
spell until the next long
Poción de The potion contains an
desaparición de unknown acid that passes
huesos through flesh and organs
without harming them, nor
does it stop on anything
other than glass. In fact, it
will pass through it all
except glass and bone,
which it dissolves rather
painfully. It's bone hurting
Poción de The potion restores a lost
recuperación organ or body part as long
de órganos as it isn't larger than an
orc's heart. The restored
body part will be partially
see-through and assume a
foggy white color, however,
and phantom pain will still
be felt where applicable.
Falla del Increases each ability The potion is
héroe / Poción score by 1 up to 20, but highly
de mejora once it ends decreases addictive
them by 1 for (roughly 1 in 4
1/2/4/8/12/24/48 hours, experienced
depending on how adventurers
addicted they are. fall victim to
it), but has no
other effects.
It can be
identified as
the Hero's
Flaw by a
merchant or
local dealer.
Nitroglicerina The potion contains a The potion
highly flammable see- contains a
through fluid that can highly
explode when intensely flammable
moved, dealing 1d4 see-through
damage per quarter of a fluid.
liter around 2 meters (+1
every half a liter). Can be
used to create fire or
shrapnel based explosives.
Vial pintado Who would waste a spell The potion is
on something so trivial? empty,
Who knows? Not you! someone has
painted over
the glass with
bright blue
paint and
treated with a
Major Illusion
Poción de Base speed is now 40 feet. 1d4 hours.
Poción de You fart loudly every 1d4
gases minutes (as a free action).
Poción de When you speak you hear
ladridos yourself normal, but
everyone else hears you
like a dog trying to speak.
Poción de It's so bitter that it makes
vomito you projectile vomit
profusely for 1d4 hours.
Disadvantage on stealth
checks because of all the
sound and tracking checks
against you have
advantage. Can be
weaponized, treat as Acid
Splash, 2d6 acid damage.
Inteligencia a You suffer the outward 1d4 hours
toda costa effects being intoxicated
reducing your con by 4, but
your intelligence score is
increased by 4 or up to 20
for 1d4 hours. Once the
time is up, you recover
from all effects and your
intelligence reverts.
Poción de One random ability score is 1d4 hours
equilibrio increased by 2 (no
maximum), and one
different random ability
score is decreased by 2 (no
Poción de You gain a 10ft flying 1 hour
levitación speed but lose your
letárgica walking speed.
Poción de Potion of Healing (Spoiled): 1d4 hours
curación Gain 2d4+4 hit points and
podrida gain a randomly chosen
condition for 1d4 hours:
either poisoned, blinded, or
Poción de ropa Potion of Sentient Clothing.
Poción de Get drunk. 1d6 hours.
Poción de Get Truesight for 1d10 1d10
visión hours, and then pass out hours /
verdadera for 1d10 hours. 1d10
Poción de You are set on fire.
Poción de Your body slowly starts to Until hit
invisibilidad become transparent, and
procedural you eventually become
completely invisible. Lasts
until you get hit.
Poción de Volar You get flight movement Until you
equal to your walking get 100ft
movement. high.
Poción de You get a single wish spell.
Poción de You get a single wish spell,
deseo invertido except what happens is the
exact opposite of what you
asked for.
Poción de Your STR is permanently
Fuerza increased by 1. If it's
egocéntrica already 20, it goes down to
Vial con sangre You make a DC 10 CON The liquid is
save. On a fail, you throw actually blood.
Poción de Next time you are targeted The liquid
vulnerabilidad by a spell, however, it's seems to be
mágica effect is doubled. normal water.
Poción de You feel your skin getting Bunch of
dureza harder. You AC is rocks, dirt and
increased by 3, but your gravel.
movement speed is halved.
Poción de Next time you get hit by an 2d6 days /
Zombie- undead creature or Permanent
ficacion necrotic spell, you have to
make a DC 18 CON save.
On a fail, your body starts
to shiver, for no mere
mortal can resist the evil of
the thriller (You start to
become a zombie. The
transformation lasts 2d6
days, and can be dispelled
by magic, before it's
Poción de Your breath is minty fresh
aliento fresco for a half hour afterwards,
but your stomach turns.
You get the feeling you
weren’t supposed to
swallow it.
Aliento de You immediately unleash
dragón the fire breath of a red
enfrascado dragon wyrmling directly in
front of you.
Gommi Forrest Upon drinking, all bodily A thick, 2d6 days.
Syrup fluids glow a bright blue, glowing, cyan
causing them to emit a potion. Tastes
feint glow. This glow like blueberries
becomes stronger when and honey.
Veneno de Upon drinking, the drinker A deep red, 3d6
catarsis will sweat profusely, runny potion. minutes. /
followed by intense Tastes like bad 2d4 days.
vomiting, and crying for wine.
3d6 minutes. If the drinker
survives, they lose all
emotional attachment for
2d4 days.
Elixir de vida Upon drinking, all negative A bright gold mucho
conditions are removed, potion with
health is restored to full, swirls of pink.
and any injuries are Tastes like
instantly healed. Extremely cherries and
expensive. sorbet.
Hathopod Upon drinking, gain A black potion 1d4 days.
Blood immunity to all negative with flecks of
effects that would be green. Tastes
obtained by a substance like rotting
entering the body for 1d4 apples.
Lágrimas de Casts 'Stone to Flesh' when A transparent
basilisco used on a petrified object potion. Tastes
or person. When used on like saltwater.
normal stone, it
transmutes in to a random
Queso del Upon consumption, the A yellow-white 1 day
alquimista drinker will vomit various potion so thick
dairy products throughout it must be
the day, including milk, heated to be
cheese, ice cream, and viscous
yogurt. The product is from enough to
whatever animal was used flow. Tastes
to make the potion, and is like normal
completely edible. cheese.
Solución de Upon drinking, all ability A bubbly pink 1d6 hours.
cristal de loto score improvements are potion. Tastes
doubled for 1d6 hours. like sugar and
After the 5th time drinking bubble gum.
this kind of potion, the
drinker will have all stat
bonuses halved when not
under the effects.
Poción de
Te de buba If you chew on the tapioca The potion
balls, they turn into little resembles
snails or frogs in your bubble tea
mouth containing
1d10 small
tapioca balls.
Poción de Whoever drinks this potion
nostalgia experiences a very vivid
daydream from his
childhood that leaves him
shaken for 1d3 hours.
Poción de You feel an extraordinary 1d6 hours
facilidad de fluency and efficacy in your
expresión words and are able express
thoughts with great clarity
for 1d6 hours.
Poción de You forget everything that The liquid in
memoria a has happened since you this flask
corto plazo woke up. appears
and if you look
into it for long
enough, you
can see
shapes in its
Poción de

Poción de When drunk, makes your This potion

proyección body fall limp as you appears as a
espectral become a ghostly silvery,
apparition for an hour. translucent
Alma If you try to drink it, you The content of 1d10 days
embotellada must succeed on a DC 13 the potion is in
charisma saving throw or fact: a soul!
your soul will be swapped
for 1d10 days.
Poción de It swaps your gender.
cambio de
Poción de The drinker is teleported
recall. back to the location they
found the potion.
Poción acuífera The drinker is teleported to
the nearest body of fresh
water, with a niggling
sense they should refill the
bottle with it.
Poción de The drinkers head 1d4
decapitación becomes invisible. They minutes
become deaf dumb and
mute for 1d4 minutes.
Poción de The drinker becomes 1d4 hours
belleza extremely physically
attractive for 1d4 hours.
Poción de The drinker has an elvish 1 hours
lengua élfica accent for 1 hour and takes
1d4 psychic damage every
time the player says
something in character
without attempting that
Poción de falta Drinking it causes your The potion is 1d4 hours
de gusto entire mouth to fill with a slightly
metallic flavor, rendering viscous grey
you unable to smell or and smells of
taste for 1d4 hours but iron.
during that duration, you
are immune to ingested
Poción de Instead of having the The liquid
mente fría expected effect of inside the
levitation, the potion leaves potion falls
you light-headed as it upward,
seeps into your brain. -1 on defying gravity.
perception and intelligence
checks but during that
duration, you feel no pain
and gain +1 to endurance
and strength checks.
Poción de Drinking this potion grants The potion
comida you the benefits of a full tastes like the
day of rations. best dessert
you ever had,
even though it
smells like a
wet dog.
Poción de It's a blood thinner! For 1 Reddish liquid
anticoagulación day, you bleed out after that appears to
getting hit. Take half of the have close to
damage done on your first no friction or
hit and subtract it for all viscosity.
following rounds until you
are healed.
Poción de The potion made you The liquid
flamabilidad extremely flammable! Stay looks like oil
away from fire or be
prepared for things to get
RAGE It's a Rage Potion! This
potion gives you Rage just
like a Barbarian. The bottle
contains enough liquid for
two drinks.
Poción de On consumption, your skin The potion is a 1d4
respiración turns slimy as you gain heavy mist. minutes
acuatica water-breathing for 1d4
minutes but lose the ability
to breathe above water.
Veneno The bottle contains an Green liquid
adictivo addictive poison! When you with bubbles
drink it, it tastes like the
worse thing you've ever
tasted, but then you soon
start wanting to take
another drink. Each drink
causes 1d6 damage, and
there is enough on the vial
for five drinks.
Poción de It was just moonshine! Extremely
torpeza Disadvantage on dexterity viscous and
checks/saves. slow-moving
Frasco con It’s just water The vial
agua tintada contains
water. Dyed
Poción de Drinking it gives a boost to The potion has
curación de your immunity system, floating
enfermedades curing you of diseases. crumbs of
copper in it.
Adiós botas The potion has a strong The potion has
tangy flavor, and you feel it lava at the
course through your body. bottom and
When it gets to your feet, water at the
your shoes/boots melt off. top.
Elixir de menta When drink you can exhale
a frost breath in a 15 feet
cone. Each creature in the
area must make a DC13
Constitution save, or take
3d6 cold damage, and half
on a success.
Poción de vigor Potion of False vigor: When
falso drank, give 2d4+4
temporary hit points.
Poción de When drank, you feel really 6 hours
fuego interno hot, and you feel your
blood boiling. For the next
6 hour, you become
resistant to fire damage,
when you are hit by an
attack, every creature 5
feet around you must make
a DC12 Dexterity save, or
take 1d6 fire damage, and
half on a success.
Poción de You begin growing hair all 1d4 days.
crecimiento de over your body. After 1d4
cabello days all your hair begins to
fall out unless you drink
Poción de A potion that transforms 1d20 days
lechuga it's drinker in a cabbage.
Roll a 1d20, that's how
many days the person
stays a cabbage. Potion
includes telepathy for the
Poción de Your veins seem to rise to
tatuajes the top of your body briefly.
They leave dark purple and
blue markings across your
skin which will remain as

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