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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

167 (3rd series)

Geriatric Neurology
S.T. DeKosky and S. Asthana, Editors
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 26

Sleep physiology and disorders in aging and dementia

Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of California, Irvine, CA, United States
Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, United States

Sleep problems occur commonly in normal and pathologic aging. Older adults typically have more
difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep, report more daytime napping, and have an increased prev-
alence of primary sleep disorders such as insomnia, parasomnias, sleep apnea, and sleep-related movement
disorders. Medical and psychiatric disorders as well as medications used to treat them also contribute to
sleep disturbances in aging. Patients with mild cognitive impairment and dementia have more severe sleep
problems, and disturbed sleep and sleep disorders contribute to earlier onset and more rapid progression of
neurodegenerative disorders. Approaches to diagnosing and treating sleep disorders in the elderly are

Sleep is a universal physiologic and behavioral state stage N1 to stage N3 sleep. N2 and N3 sleep together
characterized by specific patterns of neuronal activity, usually amount to about 70%–75% of adults’ total sleep
decreased awareness of the environment, adoption of a time. REM sleep derives its name from the frequent fast
characteristic posture and reduced sensitivity to stimuli. eye movements, is characterized by an activated EEG
Stages of sleep and wakefulness are identified through pattern, while tonic muscle tone is the lowest (muscle
specific waveforms recorded during electroencephalo- atonia) with superimposed phasic muscle twitches;
gram (EEG), eye movements measured by the electrooc- dreaming is most common during this stage.
ulogram (EOG), and muscle activity measured by the The underlying physiologic mechanisms that serve to
electromyogram (EMG). regulate organization of sleep and wakefulness consist of
Sleep states are divided into two major kinds of sleep, two main processes, the homeostatic drive for sleep and
nonrapid eye movements sleep (NREM) and rapid eye the circadian rhythm. The homeostatic drive for sleep
movements sleep (REM). Nocturnal sleep in adults con- (called process S) increases with prolonged wakefulness
sists of alternating bouts of NREM and REM sleep. and diminishes with sleep. The circadian rhythm
NREM sleep is further subdivided into stage N1, N2, (called process C) is an endogenously generated biologic
and N3 sleep. Individuals usually enter sleep through rhythm that has a cycle period of about 24 h and responds
stage N1 sleep, which generally occupies a small propor- (is “entrained”) to a variety of cues (called “zeitgebers”
tion (5%–10%) of the entire sleep time; N1 is considered or “time-givers”), such as light, feeding schedules, phys-
light sleep and characterized by slow rolling eye move- ical activity, and social interactions. Melatonin secretion
ments. Stage N2 is the most common stage of sleep by the pineal gland during the night serves to reinforce
(about half of the entire sleep time) and contains charac- the circadian entrainment.
teristic sleep waveforms of sleep spindles and large Sleep architecture changes throughout the life span.
vertex waves (K complexes). Stage N3 is also referred Young children spend larger amounts of time sleeping
to as slow-wave sleep (SWS) because it contains delta than adults and have more SWS; sleep changes
waves (0.5–2 Hz). The arousal threshold increases from during the first 3 decades of life are associated with

*Correspondence to: Ruth M. Benca, M.D., Ph.D., 101 The City Drive South, Bldg 3, Rt. 88, Irvine, CA 92697, United States.
Tel: +1-714-456-7209, E-mail:
developmental changes in the brain. During adult years, sleep efficiency, and a higher arousal index, independent
SWS continues to decline, with increasing fragmentation of potential confounders such as obesity, sleep-disordered
by brief arousals. Small declines in REM sleep also may breathing, and comorbidity (Monk et al., 2006).
occur with advancing age. Later bedtimes in the elderly seem to be associated
Changes in sleeping brain activity reflect underlying with less time in bed and less time asleep. One study
changes in anatomy and neurophysiology during both of healthy subjects, 70–92 years of age, reported that
development and aging (Nir et al., 2011). Age-related each 10-min delay in bedtime from 19:00 h was associ-
alterations in gray and white matter structure, brain metab- ated with about 7–8 min of less time in bed and total sleep
olism, and connectivity show substantial regional varia- time (Monk et al., 2006). Compared to the young, older
tion. The rate and the trajectories of change vary among subjects were not only waking earlier relative to clock
the brain regions and among individuals (Dumitriu time, but also earlier relative to the phase of the melatonin
et al., 2010). As such, it is becoming increasingly apparent rhythm (Monk et al., 2006).
that sleep is a regional phenomenon and does not occur The prevalence of sleep difficulties increases with
uniformly throughout the brain. Some regions can be age. Sleep is considered to be reflective of overall health
active during sleep while others are silent, constraining and is susceptible to the influence of many endogenous
intracerebral communication (Hughes et al., 2012). and exogenous factors. In a study comparing “old old”
With increasing age, slow wave (SW) amplitude and subjects (>75 years of age) with “young old” subjects
density decline significantly, likely driven by anatomical (60–74 years of age) who were followed longitudinally
changes, which may also reflect a subtler reorganization for 2 years, age, cognitive status, and medical burden
of cortical circuits, with some classes of synapses appear- at baseline also predicted subsequent declines in sleep
ing more vulnerable to aging than others (Dumitriu et al., efficiency (Hoch et al., 1994). Changes in sleep in
2010). These not only include widespread atrophy as older adults appear even more strongly associated with
well as a regional thinning of gray matter (Redline psychosocial and health factors than with aging itself
et al., 2004), but also age-dependent atrophy of the ante- (Wolff et al., 2002; Foley et al., 2004).
rior and medial aspects of the thalamus and their Health problems appear to have additive effects in
projections to the frontal cortex (Dumitriu et al., 2010; contributing to sleep complaints. The 2003 “Sleep and
Hughes et al., 2012). Interestingly, the volume of Aging” survey (part of Sleep in America poll) reported
thalamic projections to parietal, temporal, and occipital that perception of quality of sleep was highly associated
cortex show no significant relationship with age with the number of medical conditions as approximately
(Hughes et al., 2012). 40% of those with major medical comorbidity perceived
Older adults exhibit marked, yet regionally selective, their sleep to be of only fair or poor quality. In contrast,
deficits in fast sleep spindle (13–15 Hz) density relative among those without medical conditions, only 10%
to young adults, with the greatest impairment (>40%) reported their sleep quality as “fair” or “poor.” Multiple
over prefrontal derivations (Mander et al., 2014). This chronic diseases and other medical conditions such as
may be particularly relevant since it is thought that bodily pain and obesity substantially reduced the quality
fast sleep spindles promote bidirectional communication of sleep among older adults. Having heart disease,
between the hippocampus and the neocortex, reflecting arthritis, diabetes, stroke, and lung diseases were inde-
a coordinated NREM sleep-dependent memory mecha- pendently associated with having one or more sleep
nism, capable of restoring hippocampal-dependent problems nearly every night or day such as difficulty
neuroplasticity and associated encoding ability; these falling asleep and staying asleep, snoring, breathing
deficits in older adults lead to a deficient sleep-dependent pauses, restless legs, or daytime sleepiness (Foley
restoration of next day learning ability (Mander et al., 2004).
et al., 2014). Drowsiness is a common side effect of medications;
many block the actions of acetylcholine or histamine,
both regulatory neurotransmitters for wakefulness. Med-
ications can also produce sleepiness via other mecha-
nisms; e.g., individuals taking levodopa or dopamine
Sleep patterns are significantly affected by aging, both in agonists may have an increased prevalence of excessive
terms of changes in normal sleep patterns as well as daytime sleepiness and sleep attacks (Table 26.1). Alter-
increased rates of sleep disorders. In a large prospective natively, a large number of medications disturb sleep via
cohort study (Sleep Health Heart Study—2685 subjects), activation of the central nervous system. Sleep quality
across an age range of 37–92 years, older age (>61 years) could be affected if these agents are taken prior to the
was associated with increased percentages of stages N1 patient’s bedtime or have a sustained half-life that
and N2, decreased percentage stage N3 and REM, lower extends into the typical sleep period (Table 26.2). In
Table 26.1 disruption appears to precede the onset of relevant neu-
Common drowsiness inducing medications ropsychologic deficits (Tranah et al., 2011; Jaussent
et al., 2012). Findings include increased wakefulness
Antihistamines after sleep onset, reduced sleep efficiency, a subjective
Antispasmodics global sleep misperception, decreased REM sleep, and
Antidiarrheal agents (diphenoxylate, loperamide) increased arousal index in NREM sleep, particularly in
SWS (Hita-Yanez et al., 2012). Amnestic MCI subjects
demonstrate a reduction of stage 2 sleep spindles and
Antiparkinsonian drugs (levodopa, dopamine agonists)
Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, doxepin, and decreased delta and theta power (Westerberg et al.,
imipramine) 2012). NREM sleep organization and microstructure
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (citalopram, fluoxetine, have been found to be impacted in preclinical stages of
fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline) dementia; these sleep changes parallel the cognitive
Trazodone, nefazodone decline, suggesting an early vulnerability to neurodegen-
Cimetidine eration of the basal forebrain cholinergic system and
Mirtazapine brainstem cholinergic neurons (Maestri et al., 2015).
Oxybutynin Persons with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) experience
Anticonvulsant agents (gabapentin, lamotrigine, tiagabine, significant sleep difficulties, including difficulty remain-
ing asleep at night and staying awake during the day.
Morphine and other opiate analgesics
Disturbed nocturnal sleep, particularly when accompa-
Non-BZD GABA receptor agents nied by agitation, is one of the most significant factors
Melatonin receptor agonists leading to institutionalization. The interaction between
Skeletal muscle relaxants sleep and AD appears to be bidirectional. Production
a-adrenergic blocking agents of Ab peptides in the brain appears closely connected
to the 24-h sleep–wake cycle, with higher extracellular
levels during wakefulness compared to sleep (Kang
Table 26.2 et al., 2009). Ab production was postulated (Xie et al.,
2013) to decrease during SWS through decreased neuro-
Behaviors and habits contributing to insomnia
nal activity in this sleep stage and increased clearance of
1. Frequent daytime napping Ab during sleep (Cedernaes et al., 2016). Insomnia,
2. Spending too much time in bed decline in sleep duration, impaired sleep consolidation,
3. Insufficient daytime activities delayed or decreased circadian rhythms, and sleep disor-
4. Late evening exercises dered breathing (SDB) have all been shown to increase
5. Insufficient bright light exposure the risk and/or progression of AD (Yaffe et al., 2014).
6. Excess caffeine
Reciprocally, patients with Alzheimer’s dementia have
7. Evening alcohol consumption
been shown to have increased amounts of sleep fragmen-
8. Smoking in the evening
9. Late heavy dinner tation with lower sleep efficiency and an increase in stage
10. Watching television or engaging in other stimulating N1 sleep and a decrease in stage N3 sleep (with an
activities at night impaired regulation of delta waves (Crowley et al.,
11. Anxiety and anticipation of poor sleep 2005)) amounts. The amount of SWS appears to
12. Clock watching inversely correlate with cognitive decline, possibly by
13. Environmental factors such as the room being too warm, indicating less brain atrophy but also possibly less
too noisy, or too bright. impairment of sleep-dependent cognitive and brain-
14. Pets on the bed or in the bedroom, and/or active or noisy restorative processes (Gelber et al., 2015). REM sleep
bed partners appears to be decreased to a larger extent in AD
compared with MCI.
Daytime sleepiness and napping are common in AD
addition, medications can sometimes interfere with sleep
(Klaffke and Staedt, 2006), which, although are different
by worsening an underlying medical or psychiatric con-
phenomena, could be considered as altered sleep–wake
dition that impacts sleep.
behaviors (Maestri et al., 2015). A decreased amplitude
and robustness of the sleep–wake cycle has been cor-
related with an increased risk of cognitive decline or
Sleep–wake disorders represent a major and challenging dementia (Tranah et al., 2011). As dementia progresses,
issue in neurodegenerative disorders, and especially in it may be associated with reduced activity levels
dementia (Maestri et al., 2015). In many cases, sleep and more phase delay (Ancoli-Israel et al., 1997).
In AD, patients have increased motor activity during of patients assigned to a caregiver not only changes the
night time, a phase delay averaging 2 h, as well as a intensity of the structure and/or stimulation for patients
dampening of the motor activity circadian rhythm com- but also increases boredom and can lead to agitation
pared with healthy elderly patients (Satlin et al., 1991). and restlessness (Khachiyants et al., 2011). Medications
Patients with Lewy body disease (LBD) tend to have a may have anticholinergic effects or induce restlessness.
higher index of disturbed sleep, more movements while They also may inappropriately change the level of
asleep, and more abnormal daytime sleepiness than alertness, such as sedation during daytime or excessive
patients with AD (Grace et al., 2000). This is likely alertness during the night. Certain medications used for
related to a marked loss of nucleus basalis Meynert behavioral changes associated with dementia, such as
(NBM), a large group of cholinergic neurons (75%– benzodiazepines (e.g., lorazepam), may actually induce
80%), in conjunction with reduced cholinergic activity paradoxical agitation, worsen behavior disinhibition, or
in the reticular thalamic nucleus leading to hallucinations increase confusion in certain patients.
and fluctuating consciousness (Klaffke and Staedt,
2006). There is a decreasing activity of the suprachias- DELIRIUM
matic nuclei (SCN) and decreased synthesis of melato-
nin, with eventual disappearance of the circadian Sleep–wake cycle disturbances are one of the most
melatonin rhythm while serotonin appears to show step- salient features of delirium; in a series of 600 consecutive
wise depletion during the course of dementia (Wu et al., patients admitted to the intensive care unit for more
2003). LBD is associated with fluctuations in arousal than 24 h, sleep disturbance occurred in almost 70% of
and alertness, thought to be related to the subcortical patients with delirium as compared with 12% of patients
and cortical cholinergic deficits, in about 80% of these without delirium (Marquis et al., 2007). Another study of
patients (Byrne, 1997). LBD patients specifically have 100 cases of delirium in a palliative care inpatient service
more abnormalities in areas such as control of move- reported sleep disturbances in 97% of patients (Meagher
ment, periodic limb movements, nightmares, and confu- et al., 2007). In a study of 13 patients (6 with delirium and
sion upon waking (Bliwise et al., 2011). 7 without delirium) employing actigraphy, delirious
patients showed less time resting over 24 h, greater mean
activity at night, reduced consolidation of rest and
SUNDOWNING activity throughout the day, and reduced amplitude of
Sundowning refers to the recurring onset of confusion day–night differences in rest and activity (Jacobson
or agitation in some elderly patients in the evening and et al., 2008).
can be a significant clinical problem (Bliwise, 1994).
Circadian rhythms may play an important role in the SLEEP DISORDERS WITH INCREASED
pathogenesis of sundowning (Klaffke and Staedt, PREVALENCE IN AGING
2006). Neurophysiologically, it appears to be mediated Insomnia
by degeneration of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the
hypothalamus and decreased production of melatonin DEFINITION
(Khachiyants et al., 2011). Maximal behavioral disrup- The International Classification of Sleep Disorders, third
tion most commonly occurs in the late afternoon or edition (ICSD-3) (American Academy of Sleep Medi-
evening. In community dwelling patients, the phenome- cine, 2014), defines insomnia as repeated difficulty
non has been reported to be associated with significant (occurring at least 3 times/week) in initiating or main-
caregiver stress (Gallagher-Thompson et al., 1992), taining sleep or waking up earlier than desired, which
likely contributing to an increased risk of institution- is associated with daytime symptoms and is not
alization. Sundowning ranks second only to wandering explained purely by inadequate opportunity or circum-
in disruptive behaviors in institutionalized patients stances for sleep. Chronic insomnia has a duration of
(Khachiyants et al., 2011). at least 3 months.
Factors that contribute to sundowning include
increased patient fatigue, pain, hunger, or anxiety,
excessive environmental stimulation, and changes in
caregiver environment (e.g., fatigue, caregiver change, Using cross-sectional data from the National Health
lower caregiver availability) (Khachiyants et al., 2011). Interview Survey (available for the years 2002, 2007,
For community-based patients, caregiver stress and and 2012, involving 23–34 thousand subjects), insomnia
burnout may lead to conflicts, frustration, and distress, is estimated to affect over 20% of individuals both in the
increasing the likelihood for sundowning. In the case 65–74 age group and the >75 years of age group (Ford
of institutionalized patients, an increase in the number et al., 2015).

Insomnia is linked to psychologic distress in the older Sleep history sample

person and may place them at greater risk for daytime Sample initial questions
fatigue, diminished cognitive ability including attention
and memory, disturbances in psychomotor functioning 1. What time do you normally go to bed at night? What time
and slowed response time, dependence on hypnotic med- do you normally wake up in the morning?
ication, depression, dementia, falls, and residential care 2. Do you often have trouble falling asleep at night?
(Alessi and Vitiello, 2015). 3. About how many times do you wake up at night?
4. If you do wake up during the night, do you usually have
trouble falling back asleep?
COMORBIDITIES 5. Does your bed partner say (or are you aware) that you
Most insomnia in the elderly is comorbid with other frequently snore, gasp for air, or stop breathing?
medical or psychiatric disorders. Insomnia is frequently 6. Does your bed partner say (or are you aware) you kick or
a symptom of anxiety or depression; difficulty initiating thrash about while asleep?
7. Are you aware that you ever walk, eat, punch, kick, or
sleep was found to be associated with the presence of
scream during sleep?
depression 3 years later in the elderly in a large Japanese 8. Are you sleepy or tired during much of the day?
longitudinal study (Yokoyama et al., 2010). 9. Do you usually take one or more naps during the day?
Insomnia can also be comorbid with other primary 10. Do you usually doze off without planning to during the
sleep disorders in the elderly, including sleep apnea day?
and restless legs. In a study of 112 community-based 11. How much sleep do you need to feel alert and function
older adults, a substantial percentage of subjects with well?
insomnia endorsed snoring (46%), breathing problems 12. Are you currently taking any type of medication or other
at night (27%), daytime sleepiness (36%), while those preparation to help you sleep?
diagnosed with sleep apnea reported high frequencies Sample follow up questions
of insomnia problems (57%) and fatigue (77%) (Bailes
et al., 2005). 1. Do you have the urge to move your legs or do you
experience uncomfortable sensations in your legs during
2. Do you have to get up often to urinate during the night?
Since insomnia in late life tends to be chronic and 3. If you nap during the day, how often and for how long?
recurring (Morgan and Clarke, 1997; Reynolds et al., 4. How much physical activity or exercise do you get daily?
1999), long-term disease management strategies are 5. Are you exposed to natural outdoor light most days?
needed. Multiple factors, including biologic (circadian), 6. What medications do you take, and at what time of day and
psychologic, and social factors need to be considered night?
7. Do you suffer any uncomfortable side effects from your
(Table 26.3). In addition, changes in cognitive function,
visual acuity, hearing impairment, and mobility
8. How much caffeine and alcohol do you consume each day/
limitations are common. Older adults can have physical night?
restrictions or become socially isolated, reducing social 9. Do you often feel sad or anxious?
interactions, exposure to sunlight, and the melatonin- 10. Have you suffered any personal losses recently?
mediated circadian rhythmicity. These often need to be
addressed in treatment of insomnia in this population
(Fiorentino and Martin, 2010).
Sleep hygiene measures are often the first line of Insufficient evidence has been reported with regard to
intervention, since poor sleep habits such as irregular the effect of timed exposure to bright light on sleep qual-
sleep schedules, napping, and use of substances such ity in the elderly with insomnia (Alessi and Vitiello,
as caffeine and alcohol can contribute to insomnia 2015). In a single-blind, placebo controlled, 12 week ran-
(Table 26.4). Sleep hygiene alone can sometimes domized study, both evening and morning bright light
improve subjective sleep (Friedman et al., 2009). were able to evoke a significant change in the timing
Moderate-intensity exercise (30–40 min of walking of the circadian pacemaker; bright light in the morning
or low-impact aerobics 4 times per week, or Tai Chi 3 was associated with an average phase advance of
times per week) was reported to possibly be more 0.49  0.66 h and evening bright light was associated
effective than no treatment in improving sleep quality with an average phase delay of 0.53  0.97 h. However,
at 16–25 weeks in people with primary insomnia no consistent effects on subjective or objective measures
(Alessi and Vitiello, 2015). of sleep were found (Friedman et al., 2009).
Table 26.4 Table 26.5
Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia-specific issues
for older adults
Combines multiple behavioral approaches, usually
incorporating sleep restriction, stimulus control, and 1. Use large print fonts (to account for visual decrements in
cognitive therapy, with or without relaxation therapy older adults)
1. Sleep hygiene and sleep education are frequently included 2. Keep instructions concise and ensure patients have them
2. Sleep restriction therapy—limiting time in bed to handy at home
consolidate actual time sleeping. The patient is counseled to 3. Educate about normal age-related changes in sleep
reduce the amount of time in bed to correlate closely with 4. Educate about comorbidities and medications effects on
actual time sleeping. The recommended sleep times are sleep
based upon sleep logs kept for 2 weeks before sleep 5. Evaluate coping mechanisms with fatigue, and if and why
restriction therapy is begun the patient spends excessive time in bed
3. Sleep compression (variant of sleep restriction) patients are 6. If the patient uses to bed excessively to “rest”, explore
counseled to decrease their time in bed gradually to match alternative options to rest without sleeping
total sleep time rather than making an immediate substantial 7. Account for napping when calculating overall amount of
change time spent asleep over 24 h
4. Stimulus control therapy attempts to eliminate coping 8. Daytime napping/dozing off should be accounted for and
strategies actually perpetuating the problem (e.g., watching limited according to therapy plan. Naps may be considered
television or reading in bed, worrying about falling asleep, but with some limits (e.g., 30 min, proper timing, use an
using the bedroom for different activities, including alarm to ensure adherence)
spending excessive time in bed to rest) and strengthen the 9. Remind patients to use an assistive device and ensure
association between sleep and the bed and bedroom adequate environment (lighting, obstacle removal,
5. Relaxation therapy to lead to a calm, steady state around distance to bathroom) if up at night
planned sleep time. Methods include progressive muscle 10. Assess fall risk and apply fall prevention measures
relaxation (tensing and then relaxing each muscle group), 11. Ensure lifestyle recommendations account for executive
guided imagery, diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, and dysfunction, physical limitations, dietary restrictions,
biofeedback comorbidities control
6. Cognitive interventions target misperceptions regarding 12. Behavioral measures regarding nocturia—first line of
normal aging and sleep. May employ motivational strategies approach
to increase compliance with the other interventions 13. Discussion on goals of therapy—ensuring they are realistic
and account for the often multimorbidity and functional
14. Evaluate and address psychologic issues, such as
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is “excessive worry,” and designate “worry time”
a multidimensional approach that combines psychologic 15. Account for patient preferences and activities and try to
and behavioral therapies to treat insomnia (Table 26.5). blend them in treatment plan
These include sleep hygiene, sleep restriction, stimulus
control, relaxation techniques, and cognitive therapy.
Any single therapy does not appear as effective as when completed all sessions or finished early due to symptom
interventions are combined (Morin et al., 2006). relief (Karlin et al., 2015). Mean insomnia scores
Cognitive-behavioral interventions (CBT-I) for declined from 19.5 to 9.7 in the older group and from
insomnia have been demonstrated to be effective in older 20.9 to 11.1 in the younger group. CBT-I yielded sig-
adults (Buysse et al., 2011). In a randomized controlled nificant improvements in depression and quality of life
trial of 78 older adults (mean age 65), behavioral and for both age groups. Another study employing a 4 week,
pharmacologic therapies, alone or in combination, were group-based treatment program of CBT-I including bed-
found to be effective in the short-term (3 months) man- time restriction therapy, sleep education, and cognitive
agement of late-life insomnia; however, long-term (12- restructuring, noted improvements in the timing and
and 24-month) follow-up data showed that only behav- quality of sleep including later bedtimes, earlier out-of-
ioral treatment produced durable changes while clinical bed times, reduced wake after sleep onset, and improved
benefits obtained by subjects treated with drug therapy sleep efficiency in 118 older adults (mean age 64 years)
alone were gradually lost (Morin et al., 1999). (Lovato et al., 2014).
Efficacy coupled with minimal side effects makes
behavioral techniques highly recommended for treating
insomnia, particularly in the elderly. In a study of 536
younger veterans and 121 older veterans who received Explicit criteria have evolved as important clinical and
CBT-I, 64% of younger and 77% of older patients educational tools to guide prescribing in older adults and
are a valuable resource for clinicians who seek important role in determining a patient’s susceptibility
consensus-based support regarding both potentially to adverse events and need to be individually assessed
inappropriate medication (PIM) use and potential before a hypnotic is considered (Levy, 2014). It is to be
prescribing omissions (PPOs). The two most widely noted that non-BZDs may not necessarily be a safer alter-
accepted explicit criteria are the US-based American native to traditional BZDs (Levy, 2014). Short acting
Geriatrics Society (AGS) Beers Criteria and the drugs may be useful when initiating sleep is the main
European-based Screening Tool of Older People’s problem, whereas somewhat longer acting substances
Prescriptions/Screening Tool to Alert to Right Treat- may be needed for maintaining sleep. Choice among spe-
ment (STOPP/START) (Barenholtz Levy and Marcus, cific agents should not only depend on the clinician’s
2016). They recommend increased caution regarding assessment of the vulnerability of the patient but also
benzodiazepine (BZD) and non-BZD hypnotic use, should take into account other drug characteristics that
including fall-risk concerns. AGS Beers uniformly may be important for optimal treatment of the individual
recommends avoiding all BZD and non-BZD hypnotics, patient (e.g., speed of onset, duration of action, likelihood
regardless of duration of use, and all three US-approved of next-day carryover effects). Possible interactions with
non-BZD hypnotics are included as drugs to avoid in preexisting medications must also be taken into consider-
dementia. STOPP now includes both short- and long- ation. Intermittent use of hypnotics should be preferred
acting BZDs as PIMs, but allows their use for up to to regular use. Starting low and carefully titrating up is
4 weeks. Non-BZD hypnotics are newly included along usually the best approach. For some agents (e.g., zolpi-
with BZDs in the fall-risk category (Barenholtz Levy dem, eszopiclone, zaleplon, temazepam, triazolam), the
and Marcus, 2016). recommended dose is usually half that recommended
A 2005 meta-analysis of 24 randomized trials (2417 for younger patients. Some agents, such as antipsychotics,
patients) that evaluated the impact of pharmacotherapy antidepressants, melatonin, and herbal products (usually
in adults older than 60 with insomnia with no psychiatric over the counter), are sometimes used, but only a few
or psychologic disorders, found improvements in sleep of these have proven tolerability in the elderly.
quality, increased total sleep time and decreased number
of night time awakenings with use of sedative agents.
Adverse cognitive events were 4.78 times more com-
mon, adverse psychomotor events were 2.61 times more In the case of elderly patients with dementia, caretaker
common, and reports of daytime fatigue were 3.82 times assessments of the sleep–wake pattern demonstrate
more common (Glass et al., 2005). Not surprisingly, a either inverted or irregular sleep–wake patterns in most
2003 paper reporting on 599 subjects older than 85 years individuals, with an overall increased fragmentation
of age and part of a prospective study of community- and decrease in the amplitude of the rest–activity rhythm
dwelling elderly individuals found an increase of mortal- (Abbott and Zee, 2015). The magnitude of decreased
ity related to fracture in individuals who used benzo- amplitude and increased fragmentation of the rest–
diazepines (Vinkers et al., 2003). However, use of activity pattern appears to correlate with the severity of
benzodiazepines was not found to be related to all-cause dementia.
mortality. In support of the latter finding, a population- A behavioral approach should always be considered
based retrospective cohort study of 2224 residents of as the initial step in managing a patient’s insomnia symp-
Lepp€avirta, Finland, aged 65 years and older (325 users toms, which frequently overlap with other behaviors
of BZD and non-BZD agents), found that, after multivar- (agitation, increased confusion). An algorithm named
iate adjustments, use of these drugs was not associated Treatment Routes for Exploring Agitation (TREA) has
with excess mortality (Gisev et al., 2011). A long-term been proposed which may provide a systematic method-
national health study of almost 150,000 postmenopausal ology for individualizing nonpharmacologic interven-
women (ages of 50–79, median follow-up 8 years, also tions (Cohen-Mansfield et al., 2012). Accommodation
reported no strong independent association of hypnotic and flexibility are essential elements of intervention.
use with mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabe- Activities need to be meaningful to the patient, easily
tes, or cancer (except for melanoma) (Hartz and administered, and match the affected individual’s level
Ross, 2012). of functioning. Implementation of TREA in a group of
In view of the above, implicit judgment is necessary, 89 nursing home residents improved agitation and
especially for the complex or frail elderly (Lang increased pleasure and interest compared with a control
et al., 2016). group (Cohen-Mansfield et al., 2012).
Management of insomnia in older adults remains a A recent review reported a lack of evidence to help
challenge in light of potential adverse events. Comor- guide drug treatment of sleep problems in patients with
bidities and concomitant medications likely play an AD, with no randomized controlled trials of many drugs,
including BZD and non-BZD hypnotics, despite consid- individuals (proliferative diabetic retinopathy, moderate
erable uncertainty about the balance of benefits and risks or severe macular degeneration, or absence of a natural
associated with these treatments (McCleery et al., 2014). or artificial lens in either eye). While bright white light
(similar to daylight) was initially employed, short-
Circadian rhythm disturbances wavelength blue light (approximately 460 nm) may have
greater phase-shifting properties than the rest of the
The major feature of these disorders is a misalignment visible light spectrum; it is still unclear whether this is
between the patient’s sleep pattern and the sleep pattern becoming the preferred method to influence the biologic
that is desired or regarded as the societal norm. When clock in the elderly (Herljevic et al., 2005).
internal factors, such as neurologic disease, or external
factors, such as environmental or social circumstances,
produce a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, diagnostic INTERVENTIONS IN DEMENTIA
subtypes can be specified with the diagnosis of intrinsic Elderly individuals, particularly those with cognitive
type or extrinsic type, respectively. The inadequate influ- impairment, are likely to be more sedentary and, as a
ence of external zeitgebers, such as irregular or reduced result, less likely to get light exposure, which likely con-
light exposure, meals, social interactions, and physical tributes to their sleep difficulties. Numerous studies have
activity, may contribute to the disturbances. In most assessed the effects of light therapy on subjects with AD
circadian rhythm sleep disorders, the underlying problem in nursing homes. For example, AD patients treated
is that the patient cannot sleep when sleep is desired, with 2 h of morning bright light for 4 weeks showed
needed, or expected. Therefore, the patient complains increased nocturnal sleep, decreased napping, and
of insomnia or excessive sleepiness. improved scores on the Mini-Mental-State Examination
Irregular sleep–wake rhythm disorder (ISWRD) is a (Monk et al., 2009). In contrast to these findings, effects
circadian rhythm disorder where there is no longer a clear of light therapy alone on cognition, function, sleep,
24-h sleep–wake pattern. Individuals present with symp- behavioral disturbances, and psychiatric disturbances
toms of either insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, or associated with dementia were reported to be of unclear
both, related to being awake during traditional sleep benefit in a Cochrane review (Forbes et al., 2014). How-
periods, and napping during the daytime. ever, when used in conjunction with other interventions,
such as in a randomized, controlled trial of patients with
DIAGNOSIS dementia and their family caregivers employing light
The diagnosis of a circadian rhythm disorder depends on exposure and behavioral techniques (specifically, sleep
obtaining sleep-logs and/or actigraphy recordings from hygiene education, daily walking), it was shown to
the individual for at least 1 but preferably 2 weeks. For improve sleep (McCurry et al., 2005). Severity of demen-
ISWRD, sleep logs generally need to be completed by tia was found to influence results (Forbes et al., 2014).
a caretaker given the high prevalence of neurologic Use of melatonin has shown mixed results. In a
impairment associated with this disorder (Abbott and randomized, placebo controlled study of nursing home
Zee, 2015). subjects, using melatonin administered at 10 pm for
10 consecutive nights, no beneficial effects were noted
with regard to sleep, circadian rhythms, and agitation
(Gehrman et al., 2009). However, in an open-label
Light is the most potent entraining factor for the circadian study employing actigraphy, use of 3 mg melatonin
clock and has direct effects on behavior that include in day–night rhythm disturbances in a sundowning
increased alertness and mood. Recent studies have found community-based patients every evening for 3 weeks
that photoreceptors for the circadian and alerting effects was well tolerated and was associated with complete
of light are distinct from those involved in vision and are remission in 4 out of 7 patients (Mahlberg et al.,
mediated by melanopsin receptors that have greatest 2004). A significant decrease in sundowning was also
sensitivity for light in the 460–480 nm (blue) range reported in another study of 11 nursing home patients
(Martin et al., 2014). Light therapy may be attempted (Cohen-Mansfield et al., 2000). A recently published
to reset the phase of the circadian rhythm relative to Cochrane meta-analysis with regard to use of melatonin
the light–dark cycle and may influence the production in dementia found significant improvement in psycho-
of melatonin, which helps synchronize an individual’s pathologic behavior from data analysis of the ADAS
circadian rhythm. The best time of day to offer light noncognitive scale (3 mg melatonin, 4 week change
therapy remains unknown. score from baseline) and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory
Light therapy is generally well tolerated. Bright light (7 weeks at endpoint from baseline, 2.5 mg melatonin)
poses a theoretical threat of retinal damage in susceptible (Jansen et al., 2006). While the meta-analysis did not
support the use of melatonin for treatment of cognitive degeneration of these areas would cause RBD
impairment associated with dementia, authors did (Ehrminger et al., 2016). Selective serotonin reuptake
find that melatonin treatment might be effective in inhibitors (e.g., fluoxetine, venlafaxine, and paroxetine)
dementia-related behavioral disturbances. and those that block acetylcholine transmission (tricy-
clics such as clomipramine) can induce RBD, possibly
PARASOMNIAS because they prevent normal sleep-related hypotonia
(serotoninergic drugs) or normal REM sleep-related
Parasomnias are characterized by undesirable behaviors
atonia (anticholinergics) (Winkelman and James, 2004).
or experiences arising during sleep and are classified in
NREM and REM parasomnias.
NREM parasomnias are considered disorders of par-
tial or incomplete arousal from sleep. These disorders Individuals at risk, such as patients with PD or related
typically arise in childhood and are most likely to occur neurodegenerative disorders or narcolepsy, should be
during the first few hours of sleep. In adults, these para- screened by interview. RBD should be considered in
somnias can be triggered by a variety of medications or any patient presenting with violent or injurious behavior
primary sleep disorders (such as sleep apnea or periodic during sleep. Patients who suffer from severe obstructive
limb movements’ disorder). sleep apnea (OSA), posttraumatic stress disorder, noctur-
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a type of para- nal seizures, and parasomnias arising from NREM sleep
somnia manifested by vivid, often frightening dreams and the use or withdrawal of certain drugs or alcohol
associated with motor behaviors during REM sleep, may also exhibit phenomena like enacting their dreams.
sometimes causing injuries to patients themselves or to Thus, to differentiate from these circumstances, detailed
their bed partners. Polysomnographic features of RBD medical histories and video polysomnography (vPSG)
include increased muscle activity during REM sleep records are essential in diagnosing RBD. REM sleep
(REM sleep without atonia). without atonia is a major finding and supports the
The majority of RBD-affected persons are older men diagnosis.
(about 90% cases). Prevalence is estimated at 0.5% of Management includes ensuring a safe sleep environ-
the general population. The disorder might be idiopathic ment for patient and bed partner (as applicable), such as
or associated with neurologic disorders (secondary or moving sharp and edged objects out of patient’s reach,
symptomatic RBD), most commonly a synucleinopathy. placing a mattress or cushion of some type on the floor
Among the neurodegenerative disorders associated adjacent to the bed (if patient is at risk of falling out of
with RBD, almost all (94%) were synucleinopathies bed). Clonazepam is the most commonly employed phar-
(Boeve et al., 2013); a high proportion of idiopathic macologic agent, and reduces both dream intensity and
RBD patients convert to Parkinson’s disease, dementia acting-out behaviors and remains effective even after a
with LBD, or multiple system atrophy (MSA) few years (Maestri et al., 2015). Clonazepam suppresses
(Claassen et al., 2010). The vast majority of patients behavioral symptoms and reduces phasic REM muscle
older than 50 years of age (late onset) who were initially activity but does not restore REM sleep muscle atonia.
diagnosed with idiopathic RBD eventually develop a However, it can be associated with significant risks
parkinsonian disorder/dementia, with the mean interval (please see discussion on hypnotics use in the elderly).
being 14 years while the range extended to 29 or more Use of melatonin was found to yield a statistically sig-
years (Schenck et al., 2013). The RBD-synucleinopathy nificant decrease in REM sleep without atonia in one
association is particularly high when RBD preceded the randomized placebo-controlled trial and two open-label
onset of other neurodegenerative syndrome features trials (McGrane et al., 2015). Besides these two thera-
(Boeve et al., 2013). Over time, many patients seem to pies, other agents demonstrated no clear systematic
develop nonmotor signs (decreased olfaction and color benefits (Jiang et al., 2016).
vision, orthostatic hypotension, altered visuospatial abil-
ities) as well as electroencephalographic (EEG) slowing OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
occurring while awake and asleep (Inoue et al., 2015).
Age-related changes in the upper airway anatomy
include an increase in the soft palate length and para-
pharyngeal fat pads independent of body mass index
The specific nuclei or the precise neuronal network is still (BMI), and a decrease in the upper airway size
unclear. Recent studies found that reduction of signal (Malhotra et al., 2006). Aging also affects upper airway
intensity in locus coeruleus/subcoeruleus areas in function, bringing a decrease in genioglossus response
patients with both PD and RBD was more marked than to negative pressure, greater reduction in genioglossus
in those with PD without RBD, suggesting that the and tensor palatini activity at sleep onset, and an
increase in pharyngeal collapsibility and resistance factors for excessive sleepiness were male gender, severe
independent of BMI and gender (Malhotra et al., 2006). sleep-disordered breathing (apnea–hypopnea index
>30 episodes/h), poor sleep quality, increased percent-
PREVALENCE age of time in REM sleep, pain at night at least 3 times
per week, wheezing or whistling from chest at night,
Prevalence estimates for OSA among persons over and medications with sleepiness as a side effect (Pack
65 years of age, as compared to the middle aged, are et al., 2006).
approximately 2–3 times higher (Young et al., 2002). History should be obtained from the patient and the
In a large cohort of healthy older persons, the prevalence bed partner or care giver and should include questions
of OSA as defined by apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) > not only on OSA symptoms but also on nocturia and
15 respiratory events/h of sleep was found to be more comorbidities. It should be noted that men are more
than 50%, while more than one-third had severe OSA likely to have a partner than the women do (Bailes
(AHI > 30) (Sforza et al., 2010). In addition to age, et al., 2005).
OSA prevalence increases with male gender, higher body
mass index (BMI), but also in conditions such as neuro-
muscular disorders, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and CONSERVATIVE MEASURES
stroke (Kaminska et al., 2015). However, while popula-
tion sampling of middle aged adults have reported men Treatment of disorders that reduce nasal airflow, such as
approximately 3 times more likely than women to have chronic rhinitis, nasal polyps, or septal deviation, is
sleep apnea, the gender difference diminishes with age, important because reduced nasal airflow increases the
as the protective advantage of estrogen appears to wane propensity to snore and can lead to upper airway closing.
for postmenopausal women (Bixler et al., 2001). Patients with OSA should avoid alcohol and other sedat-
ing agents. Because patients with sleep apnea tend to
sleep poorly, they are more likely to turn to sedatives
to promote sleep. However, these may cause snoring in
OSA likely contributes to decreased quality of life, persons who normally do not snore, while persons
increased neurocognitive impairment, and greater risk who already snore may become apneic due to muscle
of nocturia and cardiovascular disease (Launois et al., relaxation of the tongue and parapharyngeal muscles,
2007). Cardiovascular comorbidities (arterial hyperten- and increased arousal threshold.
sion, heart failure, and stroke) are common in OSA Raising the head of the bed or avoiding the supine
populations; OSA was also found to be associated with position during sleep may help decrease the frequency
new-onset hypertension in the normotensive elderly of apnea. Elevation of the head tends to bring the ton-
(mean age 68) (Guillot et al., 2013). In a case–control gue forward, while sleeping on the side moves the
study including 158 elderly individuals (ages 67–89), tongue laterally. Positional therapy may be sufficient
healthcare costs 2 years before OSA diagnosis were for some patients with mild sleep apnea.
more than 1.8 times as high for the elderly and In an interventional study employing exercise train-
middle-aged patients with OSA as for controls. Further- ing and dietary-induced weight loss, reduction in body
more, expenditures of elderly patients with OSA were weight (9%) in 19 subjects older than 60 years of age
1.9 times as high as for middle-aged patients with was associated with a decrease of 10 events/h in the
OSA, with cardiovascular disease being an independent apnea–hypopnea index and an improvement in mean
determinant of high healthcare utilization (Tarasiuk nocturnal oxygen saturation from 94.9% to 95.2%
et al., 2008). (Dobrosielski et al., 2015).

Traditional risk factors for OSA such as snoring, body
mass index, and neck circumference may not be as com- Patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea (AHI > 15)
mon in the elderly; patients may rather complain of not generally require more than conservative therapy.
feeling well rested in the morning, of daytime sleepiness, Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most
and a high frequency of nocturia (Endeshaw, 2006). consistently successful and extensively studied treatment
Daytime sleepiness is a frequently reported problem for OSA. Treatment with CPAP must be based on a pre-
in the elderly and often is not specific to OSA. The more viously established diagnosis of OSA (Kushida et al.,
risk factors are present in a given individual, the higher 2006a). In a randomized trial comparing CPAP with sup-
the risk for excessive sleepiness. For example, in a group portive care, enrolling 278 aged 65 years or older patients
of nondemented, nondepressed subjects, significant risk with newly diagnosed OSA syndrome, CPAP was found
to improve sleepiness, mobility, total cholesterol, and Central sleep apnea
LDL cholesterol in 3 months (McMillan et al., 2014).
Optimal pressure settings for CPAP are determined Central sleep apnea (CSA) syndrome is characterized by
either by titration during a nocturnal polysomnogram a cessation or decrease of ventilatory effort during sleep,
or using auto-adjusting PAP machines in a home setting. usually associated with brief arousals and decreases
Diagnostic-titration (split-night) studies may be adequate in oxygen saturation. CSA syndrome may have a few
for some patients (Kushida et al., 2006a). The pressure associated obstructive respiratory events or episodes of
required to control sleep apnea depends on the upper hypoventilation; however, the predominant respiratory
airway collapsibility, which can vary with position, sleep disturbance consists of central apneic episodes.
stage, fluid status, substance, or medication use.
While acceptance of and compliance with CPAP treat- PREVALENCE
ment was reported to be as good in the older age group
CSA is observed with increasing frequency in the
as in younger patients, with noted effectiveness in terms
general population as a function of age and frequently
of improvement in daytime sleepiness and cognitive
overlaps with OSA. OSA is common in patients with
function (Planchard et al., 2004), in real-life, immediate
mild-to-moderate heart failure (HF), while those with
and long-term compliance with CPAP therapy may be
moderate-to-severe HF often have CSA (Oldenburg
more challenging. In older male patients with OSA, com-
et al., 2007). Common associated comorbidities include
pliance with CPAP therapy was associated with atten-
systemic arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, pul-
dance of patient CPAP education and support groups.
monary hypertension, and cardiac failure, which may
Resolution of symptoms correlated with enhanced
reflect a primary disorder of the cardiovascular system
compliance, while nocturia and the existence of benign
that leads to the development of the apnea. Various neu-
prostatic hypertrophy in older men correlated with
rologic lesions may also be part of the etiology. A recent
noncompliance (Russo-Magno et al., 2001). Cognitive-
review of 8 studies including 560 patients taking chronic
behavioral interventions increased CPAP use and vigi-
opiate therapy found an overall prevalence of CSA of
lance in older adults, with greater improvement on
24% (Correa et al., 2015). The most important risk fac-
vigilance at 12 weeks follow-up (Aloia et al., 2001).
tors for severity of CSA were a morphine equivalent dose
Bi-level pressure ventilation (BiPAP) uses two levels
of >200 mg/day, and low or normal body mass index.
of air pressure and may be better tolerated when high
pressure is needed and the patient experiences difficulty
breathing out against CPAP (Kushida et al., 2006a). PROGNOSIS
A recent meta-analysis of 11 studies (1944 participants in
SECOND LINE APPROACHES total) that addressed mortality in chronic HF patients
with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), reported that a
There is little information on the benefits of oral devices significant increase in risk of mortality was observed
or surgical approaches in the older adult population; cur- for CSA vs no-SDB (Nakamura et al., 2015).
rent indications are based on younger patients. Oral
appliances are dental devices used to advance the tongue
and mandible forward. The presence and severity of OSA
must be determined before initiating treatment with oral In the event that CPAP (Correa et al., 2015) or BiPAP are
appliances to identify those patients who would benefit not effective, the adaptive servo-ventilator (ASV) pro-
most and provide a baseline to establish the effectiveness vides a baseline degree of ventilatory support superim-
of treatment. Oral appliances are usually made by dental posed on expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP),
personnel experienced in the overall care of oral health, aiming to correlate to the degree of patient’s respiratory
the temporomandibular joint, dental occlusion, and asso- effort, with the goal of maintaining a target ventilation
ciated oral structures (Kushida et al., 2006b). A follow- (usually 90% of the patient’s recent average ventilation).
up sleep study is recommended in patients with moderate ASV provides ventilatory support to control different
to severe sleep apnea with the device in place to assess forms of CSA (CSA), mixed apnea, and periodic breath-
effectiveness. ing, commonly known as Cheyne–Stokes respiration
Supplemental oxygen and medications are not indicated (CSR). By ventilating the patient during periods of
in the treatment of OSA. A meta-analysis of O2 therapy as hypopnea and apnea and reducing support during periods
part of 14 studies including a total of 359 patients, found of hyperventilation and normal breathing, ASV stabilizes
that use of O2 alone, while improving oxygen saturation breathing patterns and arterial blood gases. A meta-
in patients with OSA, it may also increase the duration analysis of 5 randomized controlled studies (395 partic-
of apnea–hypopnea events (Mehta et al., 2013). ipants) assessing the effect of positive airway pressure
(PAP) in chronic HF patients with SDB found that ASV Pathophysiology
reduced all-cause mortality (Nakamura et al., 2015).
However, at the current time, ASV is not recommended The pathophysiology of RLS is not fully understood.
for individuals with CSA and systolic heart failure (ejec- Changes in iron metabolism and dopaminergic function,
tion fraction <45%), since it may increase mortality risk as well as autonomic dysfunction or abnormal activa-
(Cowie et al., 2015). tion of the central pattern generator (network of spinal
neurons involved in the control of rhythmic locomotor
RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME AND PERIODIC LIMB pattern generation and modulation), probably play a role
in the pathophysiology of the disease, but the exact
mechanisms are still somewhat unclear (Hanewinckel
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a disorder characterized et al., 2015). Other factors that have been associated with
by disagreeable leg sensations occurring in a predictable RLS include gender, pregnancy, body mass index (BMI),
circadian pattern, usually prior to sleep onset. Criteria for diabetes mellitus, renal failure, and socio-economic
RLS diagnosis include a complaint of an unpleasant sen- status (Hanewinckel et al., 2015).
sation in the legs (disagreeable sensations of “creeping”
inside the calves are present and may be associated with
general aches and pains in the legs), associated with an Management
almost irresistible urge to move the legs. The most char- A Cochrane meta-analysis of 35 placebo controlled and
acteristic feature is the partial or complete relief of the three active controlled randomized trials (N ¼ 7365)
sensation with leg motion and the return of the symptoms reported a mean reduction of approximately 6 points
upon cessation of leg movements. Although usually (on the RLS scale) with dopamine agonist treatment
bilateral, the symptoms can be asymmetric in severity compared to placebo (Scholz et al., 2011). Periodic limb
and frequency and rarely occur unilaterally. They typi- movements in sleep per hour of sleep were 22.4/h
cally are present only at rest; while they occur prior to lower than in placebo. Self-rated quality of sleep and
the patient’s sleep period, they can be present at other disease specific quality of life were improved (Scholz
times of the day, particularly when the patient sits for et al., 2011).
prolonged periods of time. In a study of patients older than 65 years of age with
Periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS) are charac- RLS and a ferritin level < 50 ng/mL or transferrin
terized by periodic episodes of repetitive and highly saturation < 16%, administration of iron (as an intra-
stereotyped limb movements that occur during sleep. venous infusion) was associated with a significant
The movements usually occur in the legs and consist improvement of symptoms as assessed by the RLS sever-
of extension of the big toe in combination with partial ity scale 2 weeks after treatment (Lieske et al., 2015).
flexion of the ankle, knee, and sometimes hip; similar The clinical significance of the movements needs to
movements can occur in the upper limbs. The move- be decided on an individual basis. Periodic limb move-
ments can be associated with a partial arousal or awa- ments may be an incidental finding, and medication
kening; the patient is usually unaware of the limb targeted at reducing the number of limb movements
movements or sleep disruption. The number of move- can result in little or no change in sleep duration or sleep
ments can be subject to significant nightly variability. efficiency since it is possible that a centrally mediated
event can give rise to both the periodic movements
Prevalence and the sleep disturbance. Clinical history and poly-
somnographic findings need to be correlated to assess
Prevalence of RLS varies from 1% to 15% among dif-
the role of this phenomenon in a certain sleep-related
ferent ethnic populations (Hanewinckel et al., 2015).
A large prospective study of close to 6000 general pop-
ulation subjects (mean age approximately 66) found a
prevalence of almost 14% (Hanewinckel et al., 2015). CLINICAL EVALUATION OF SLEEP
In a population-based study of more than 2100
Sleep complaints
subjects, PLMS index >15/h was approximately 29%
(31% in men, 26% in women) (Haba-Rubio et al., Sleep complaints predict the general physical and mental
2016). Compared to subjects with PLMSI 15/h, sub- health-related quality-of-life status in elderly populations
jects with PLMSI >15/h were older, were predominantly with comorbid medical and mental illnesses (Reid et al.,
males, had a higher proportion of RLS, had a higher body 2006). In addition to sleep problems related to age-
mass index, and had a lower mean glomerular filtration related changes in sleep patterns, neurodegenerative
rate, also had a higher prevalence of diabetes, hyperten- disorders, and other medical factors, primary sleep disor-
sion, and b-blocker or hypnotic treatments. ders are also more prevalent in older adults. Thus careful
evaluation for common sleep disorders, such as insom- STANDARDIZED TOOLS FOR ASSESSING SLEEP
nia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome, should be SYMPTOMS
a necessary and continuous part of the routine care of
A variety of tools are available to aid in sleep assess-
all older adults (Zee and Turek, 2006). Most elderly fail
ments. Questionnaires and a sleep diary are often used
to mention their sleep problems to their physicians out of
as self-reporting methods, while polysomnography and
a false belief that sleep troubles are just a consequence of
actigraphy are objective methods used for measuring
getting older (Quan and Zee, 2004). On the contrary,
sleep initiation and maintenance variables. Studies have
sleep disorders in older adults can be often managed,
shown important correlations between self-reports and
resulting in a return to more restful sleep. Therefore,
objective sleep measures, despite potential inaccurate
questions regarding sleep should be routinely included
estimations of sleep initiation and maintenance. For
in most clinical evaluations. Given the growing evidence
example, when an awaking during the sleep period lasts
of a relationship between sleep and health, identification
less than 3–4 min, individuals tend not to remember the
of sleep disorders could lead to improved management of
episode. Individuals with insomnia, for example, tend to
common age-related chronic illnesses and quality of life
overestimate the time it takes to fall asleep and how much
of elderly patients.
time they spend awake during the night, and underesti-
Evaluation begins with identifying the main
mate their total time asleep.
complaints with regard to sleep, providing a focus for
delineating the patient’s concerns and further developing ● Sleep diary. A sleep diary is a form used by patients
the history. A careful history should be taken that for recording sleep/wake schedules. It can vary in
includes both the patient and, if available, family mem- complexity from a simple log marking bedtime,
bers. People who share living and sleeping spaces may nighttime awakenings, and morning wake times to
provide important information about sleep behavior that a more detailed diary of daytime activities that may
the patient may not be able to convey (Mezey, 2003). If influence sleep. Sleep diaries should be completed
the chief complaint is from the spouse or bed partner, it is for at least 1–2 weeks due to night-to-night variability.
important to determine whether the patient recognizes Once a baseline sleep pattern is established, sleep
the problem, is unaware of it, or denies its existence. diaries can be used by the patient and provider to
A comprehensive sleep history should cover not only monitor treatment progress and symptom relapse.
symptoms related to sleep and nocturnal awakenings but ● Insomnia Severity Index. This questionnaire used to
also those related to the periods of wakefulness. Symp- assess the severity of insomnia, satisfaction with cur-
toms that occur during sleep concern movements or rent sleep, sleep interference, and concerns with the
behaviors, such as snoring, cessation of breathing, talk- sleeping problem. There are seven items and scores
ing, moving, or abnormal behaviors, often reported by range from 0 to 28, with scores greater than eight
the spouse or bed partner because the patient may be suggestive of insomnia (Bastien et al., 2001).
unaware of the episodes. Symptoms related to nocturnal ● Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. This survey mea-
awakenings might include pain, wheezing, or shortness sures the quality and patterns of sleep and differenti-
of breath, chest pain, palpitations, heartburn, leg cramps, ates “poor” from “good” sleep by measuring seven
or nocturia. Daytime symptoms include not feeling areas: subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep
refreshed when waking up, sleepiness, fatigue, difficul- duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep distur-
ties with concentration and memory, or increased irrita- bances, use of sleeping medication, and daytime
bility, all of which may affect daytime function. Patients dysfunction over the previous month. The patient
may also report difficulties with the timing of their sleep self-rates each of these seven areas of sleep: a sum
across the day. Drowsy driving should always be of 5 or greater indicated a “poor” sleeper and resulted
assessed, since patients may not bring up this symptom in a sensitivity of nearly 99% and specificity of 84%
spontaneously. as a marker for sleep disturbances in patients with
After evaluation of a patient’s symptoms, care pro- insomnia vs controls (Backhaus et al., 2002).
viders may be able to determine what the sleep problem ● Epworth Sleepiness Scale. This is a self-estimate of
is and if there are multiple sleep problems and contribut- sleep propensity in different circumstances and is
ing comorbidities. With regard to the amount of optimal commonly used to estimate the degree of sleepiness
sleep that an individual needs, sleep requirements are (Johns, 1991). Patients rate how likely they are to
related to levels that prevent daytime dysfunction or mood doze off or fall asleep in eight different situations
impairments rather than sleep time averages (Petit et al., commonly encountered in daily life. Scores higher
2003). If the physician and patient agree that the sleep than 10 suggest excessive daytime sleepiness.
problem is substantial enough to need intervention, then ● Caregiver reports. When the use of self-assessment
plans to manage the problem can be considered. tools, such as sleep diaries and self-report sleep
questionnaires, are not possible (e.g., persons with diagnosis, guide treatment recommendations, and
severe cognitive impairment), caregiver reports are assess results. Actigraphy should not be used alone,
referenced. Note that there are major limitations but rather in conjunction with a sleep diary to guide
when someone other than the patient is reporting scoring and interpretation of data.
the symptoms. ● Polysomnography is a multichannel recording includ-
● The Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire ing measurement of variables to document sleep
(FOSQ) was developed to assess the impact of disor- breathing disorders (oxygen saturation in arterial
ders of excessive sleepiness on activities of daily blood, rib cage, and abdominal movement, nasal
living (Weaver et al., 1997; Stavem et al., 2004). and oral airflow, and snoring sounds), data regarding
The FOSQ is self-administered, consists of 30 items, sleep and stage of sleep (electroencephalography,
and focuses on five domains: general productivity, electrooculography, and surface electromyography),
social outcome, activity level, vigilance, and intimate and electrocardiogram and leg electromyogram to
relationships and sexual activity. The potential range document the presence of periodic leg movements.
of scores for each subscale is 1 (least dysfunctional)
to 4 (most dysfunctional), for the total score 5–20.

The Berlin Questionnaire (Netzer et al., 1999) is a
self-report instrument to determine risk for OSA. Abbott SM, Zee PC (2015). Irregular sleep-wake rhythm
Patients without frequent symptoms or who qualify disorder. Sleep Med Clin 10: 517–522.
in only one category are placed into the lower risk Alessi C, Vitiello MV (2015). Insomnia (primary) in older
group. In a large cohort of 643 subjects 65 years of people: non-drug treatments. BMJ Clin Evid pii: 2302.
age studied with an in-home sleep study, the Berlin Aloia MS, Di Dio L, Ilniczky N et al. (2001). Improving
compliance with nasal CPAP and vigilance in older adults
questionnaire demonstrated only a moderate level
with OAHS. Sleep Breath 5: 13–21.
of accuracy, its sensitivity being 77% but its specific- Ancoli-Israel S, Klauber MR, Jones DW et al. (1997).
ity only 39%. Among categories defining a high Variations in circadian rhythms of activity, sleep, and light
OSA risk, sleepiness was less likely to be the deter- exposure related to dementia in nursing-home patients.
mining factor for the high risk classification, snoring Sleep 20: 18–23.
criteria alone showing a better sensitivity (63%) Backhaus J, Junghanns K, Broocks A et al. (2002). Test-retest
and specificity (59%) (Sforza et al., 2011). While reliability and validity of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
this is not adequately sufficient to use in a general Index in primary insomnia. J Psychosom Res 53: 737–740.
population, investigators still saw its value as a Bailes S, Baltzan M, Alapin I et al. (2005). Diagnostic indica-
prescreening tool in a high risk older population tors of sleep apnea in older women and men: a prospective
(Sforza et al., 2011). study. J Psychosom Res 59: 365–373.

Barenholtz Levy H, Marcus EL (2016). Potentially inappropri-
The STOP-Bang Questionnaire (Chung et al., 2008)
ate medications in older adults: why the revised criteria
is another self-report questionnaire to identify indi- matter. Ann Pharmacother 50: 599–603.
viduals at risk for OSA. It is shorter and more easily Bastien CH, Vallieres A, Morin CM (2001). Validation of the
scored that the Berlin, and a recent metaanalysis of Insomnia Severity Index as an outcome measure for
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