Research: Childhood Aggression, Withdrawal and Likeability, and The Use of Health Care Later: A Longitudinal Study

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CMAJ Research

Childhood aggression, withdrawal and likeability, and the

use of health care later: a longitudinal study

Caroline E. Temcheff PhD, Lisa A. Serbin PhD, Alexa Martin-Storey PhD, Dale M. Stack PhD,
Paul Hastings PhD, Jane Ledingham PhD, Alex E. Schwartzman PhD

See related commentary by Stewart-Brown on page 2083 and at

Abstract Competing interests:

Caroline Temcheff and
Background: Literature suggests that early pat- pants lived in 1986 and level of education. We Alexa Martin-Storey
terns of aggressive behaviour in both girls and used hierarchical multiple regression to received doctoral
boys are predictive of a variety of health risks explore the association between childhood fellowships from the Social
in adulthood. However, longitudinal examina- behaviour and physical health in adulthood. Sciences and Humanities
tion of the predictive links between childhood Research Council. Lisa
Results: During the 15-year period studied, Serbin and Dale Stack have
aggression, negative physical health outcomes
childhood agression corresponded to an received grants and support
in adulthood and overall use of health care has for travel from the Canadian
not been done. We looked at use of health increase in medical visits (8.1% per 1 standard
Institutes of Health
care and a variety of physical health outcomes deviation increase in agression), and injuries
Research (CIHR); they have
in adulthood to extend the current body of (10.7%) or lifestyle-related illnesses (44.2%), vis- been reimbursed for
knowledge regarding the long-term negative its to specialists (6.2%) and visits to emergency expenses by Concordia
sequelae of childhood aggression. departments (12.4%). We saw a positive rela- University; and they will be
tion between social withdrawal during child- receiving grants from the
Methods: Participants of the Concordia Longi- hood and government-funded visits to dentists. Social Sciences and
tudinal Risk Project were eligible for the cur- Humanities Research
Peer-rated likeability during childhood showed
Council and Fonds de
rent study if they had received medical care in negative relations with use of health care (over- recherche société et culture.
the province of Quebec between 1992 and all), medical visits due to injuries and govern- Paul Hastings has received
2006, and if we were able to retrieve their ment-funded visits to dentists. grants from the CIHR,
medical and education records. Our primary National Institute of Mental
outcome was use of the health care system, as Interpretation: Childhood aggression is a Health (NIMH) and the
determined using records from the Régie de health risk that should be considered when Fetzer Institute; he is a
consultant for NIMH and
l’assurance maladie du Québec and the Min- designing interventions to improve public
the Association of State and
istère de la santé et des services sociaux. Our health and diminish the costs of medical ser- Provincial Psychology
controlled variables were socioeconomic sta- vices, particularly when considering interven- Boards; and he receives
tus of the neighbourhood in which partici- tions targeting children and families. royalties from Guilford
Press. No other competing
interests were declared.
This article has been peer

redicting the use of health services predict such health risks as not completing high
among adults is gaining importance in school,1 teen pregnancy and single motherhood,2
Canada and elsewhere. As health care poverty,3,4 engaging in high-risk and/or unpro- Correspondence to:
Caroline E. Temcheff;
budgets decrease and the Canadian population tected sex,5,6 and dangerous driving.6,7 caroline.temcheff
ages, it is important to identify and understand Government medical records and data on the
the predictors of poor health in adulthood, as use of health services drawn from a prospective CMAJ 2011. DOI:10.1503
well as the protective factors that could lead to longitudinal study provide a unique opportunity to /cmaj.091830
fewer medical interventions being needed. examine the role of early childhood behaviour as
A developing body of literature is beginning it relates to health outcomes in adulthood.
to show that, in addition to genetic and physio- Research from the Concordia Longitudinal Risk
logic factors, personality and behaviour influ- Project using these types of data has shown that
ence lifetime health trajectories and outcomes. childhood aggression is predictive of overall use
There are several reasons to believe that aggres- of health services, medical visits due to injuries
sive behaviour, starting in childhood, may be a and medical visits due to lifestyle-related ill-
possible risk factor for a number of health prob- nesses.8–10 However, previous studies have only
lems and increased use of health services later in looked at a limited number of predictors of health
life. Childhood aggression has been shown to and indicators of service use. Our goal was to

© 2011 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, December 13, 2011, 183(18) 2095

extend previous research by including records on Project were eligible for our study if they received
service use from a greater number of years in medical care in the province of Quebec between
addition to a new predictor — the level of poverty 1992 and 2006. This period corresponds to the
of the neighbourhood in which participants spent young to middle adulthoods of the participants (in
their late adolescences and young adulthoods. 2006, participants had a mean age of 39.2 yr [stan-
This new predictor is an indicator of both socio- dard deviation (SD) 2.6, range 34–45]). Further-
economic status and the environmental influences more, participants were eligible for our study if we
that participants may have been exposed to during were able to retrieve information on the highest
the early, formative years of their development as level of education they achieved. Of the original
an adult. We included additional indicators of ser- 4109 participants in the Concordia project, 3913
vice use to better understand the relationship participated in our study (95.2%).
between childhood behaviour and subsequent use All procedures were reviewed by the Concordia
of health and medical services. University institutional review board for conform-
We expected childhood aggression to in - ity with ethical requirements for research. We used
crease the use of health services. Previous data an encrypted identity-protecting coding procedure
from the Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project9,10 that was reviewed by the Commission d'accès à
and other studies11–13 show that childhood ag- l'information du Québec before it permitted the
gression in girls was predictive of poorer gyne- release of Medicare records for research purposes.
cologic health (particularly in late adolescence Analyses were performed on entirely denominal-
and early adulthood) and an increased number ized data. It is worth noting that the ethical guide-
of early pregnancies. Although the focus of our lines regarding parental consent have changed in
study was on physical health and use of services the 30 years since the Concordia Project's incep-
associated with childhood aggression, the inclu- tion; the "opt-out" approach to parental consent
sion of childhood social withdrawal and child- would no longer be considered sufficient in
hood likeability are strengths of the Concordia Canada.
Project. The longitudinal sequelae of these
childhood behavioural and social characteristics Sources of data
are less well-documented and have rarely been Permission to retrieve information on health care
studied longitudinally in the context of physical use and admissions to hospital was granted by
health. We expected childhood social with- the Commission d’accès à l’information du
drawal and likeability to lead to less overall use Québec. We obtained data on the health services
of health care and to be protective, specifically used by our 3913 participants from the Régie de
against injuries and obstetric and gynecologic l’assurance maladie du Québec (the insurance
conditions. plan covering all permanent residents of the pro-
vince, which pays for all medical services) and
Methods the Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux.
The medical records detailed all contacts with
Study population the health care system between 1992 and 2006,
The methods of the Concordia Longitudinal Risk including information on medical procedures
Project have been described in detail elsewhere.8 performed, assessments and diagnoses. All data
Briefly, from 1976 to 1978, 4109 children in were connected to a sequential number that dif-
grades 1, 4 and 7 were screened for participation fered from our own identification number to pre-
in the project. The goal of the project was to serve the confidentiality of the records.
study the long-term sequelae of maladaptive We used information from the Canada Census,
behaviour in childhood. Participants lived in 1986, to calculate the level of poverty of the neigh-
neighbourhoods with low socioeconomic status bourhoods in which participants lived in 1986.
in Montréal, Quebec. We obtained the provincial education records
Children were asked to nominate up to four of all participants from the Ministry of Educa-
boys and four girls in their class who best tion, Leisure and Sport to determine the highest
matched each item on the Pupil Evaluation level of education completed by each participant.
Inventory,14 a peer-nomination instrument. The
inventory consists of 34 items covering 3 factors: Outcome variables
aggression, withdrawal and likeability. Scores on We identified nine outcome variables: total num-
the inventory have been shown to be highly reli- ber of medical visits (not including obstetric and
able.14,15 A more detailed description of the inven- gynecologic visits to allow for comparison
tory is in Appendix 1 (available at between sexes), medical visits for injuries, med-
/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1503/cmaj.091830/-/DC1). ical visits for lifestyle-related illness (i.e., obe-
Participants of the Concordia Longitudinal Risk sity, type 2 diabetes, ulcers, alcohol dependence,

2096 CMAJ, December 13, 2011, 183(18)


drug use); visits to medical specialists, visits to Control variables

emergency departments, visits to dentists, admis- We identified two control variables: socioeco-
sions to hospital, medical visits for infections nomic status and level of education.
and gynecologic and obstetric visits (women The socioeconomic status of the neighbour-
only). A list of the medical codes included in hoods in which our participants lived was mea-
each outcome can be seen in Appendix 2 (avail- sured in 1986, when the mean age of participants
able at was about 19 years. Neighbourhoods were iden-
/cmaj.091830/-/DC1). tified using the first three characters of the postal
codes of participants’ homes or schools. We
Editor’s note determined the socioeconomic status of each
Table 1 may be unfamiliar to many of our neighbourhood using the proportion of people in
readers. All of the variables in the table have been the neighbourhood who had not completed high
rescaled from the units used to measure them, school, the proportion of single parents, the rate
such as the Pupil Evaluation Inventory score for of unemployment and the proportion of families
aggression or the number of admissions to with annual incomes of less than $20 000.
hospital. A consequence of this rescaling is that
all of the values are now expressed in terms of Box 1: Timing of data collection for this study
how large they are in relation to the underlying
distribution of values. An increase of one unit in • Childhood, 1976–1978
this rescaled (standardized) score corresponds to Peer-nomination instrument used to measure aggression, social
an increase in that score that is the same as one withdrawal, and likeability in childhood
standard deviation in the underlying distribution • Adolescence and early adulthood, 1986
of scores. Thus, a change of one unit in the Poverty level of participants’ neighbourhoods was obtained using the
standardized score is quite large; for normally following data from the Census of Canada, 1986:
distributed data, a range of four standard (i) the proportion of people in the neighbourhood who had not
deviations centered on the middle value would completed high school
cover 95% of the data. (ii) the proportion of single parents in the neighbourhood
The associations in Table 1 represent the change (iii) the local rate of unemployment rate
in visits, expressed as proportions of a standard (iv) the proportion of families with an annual income of less than $20 000
deviation, in response to a change of one standard • Adulthood, 2002–2003
deviation in the variables of interest (listed in the The level of education achieved by each participant was obtained from
first column). Table 2 represents the same provincial education records
assocations, but with change in actual number of • Adulthood, 2006
visits in response to a standardized change in the Medical records were obtained through the Régie de l’assurance
variables in the first column. maladie du Québec.

Table 1: Standardized regression coefficients showing the relation between childhood characteristics and adult health outcomes

No. of visits
due to Total no. No. of
Overall no. No. of lifestyle- No. of visits No. of visits to No. of of visits due
of medical visits due related to emergency visits to admissions to
Variable visits* to injuries illnesses specialists departments dentists to hospital infections

Female sex 0.161† –0.215† 0.022 0.224† 0.132† 0.104† 0.315† 0.156†
Aggression 0.087† 0.070† 0.076† 0.045† 0.074† 0.090† 0.069† 0.013
Withdrawal 0.027 –0.008 0.012 –0.005 0.018 0.056† 0.003 –0.008
Likeability –0.038‡ –0.059† 0.011 0.003 –0.003 –0.043† 0.002 –0.033
Level of
–0.106† –0.132† –0.025 –0.016 –0.048† –0.193† –0.040‡ 0.019
Low SES 0.036‡ 0.025 0.005 0.033‡ 0.045† 0.064† 0.040‡ –0.008
Overall F 33.287† 57.054† 4.350† 33.152† 17.358† 50.857† 70.319† 16.002†
Adjusted R 0.052 0.088 0.006 0.052 0.027 0.078 0.105 0.025

Note: SES = socioeconomic status.

*Does not include visits for obstetric or gynecologic reasons.
†p < 0.01.
‡p < 0.05.

CMAJ, December 13, 2011, 183(18) 2097


Provincial education records showed the

highest level of education obtained by each par-

Visits due to

1.88 (17.8)
ticipant as follows: did not complete high school,

completed high school, diploma from a junior
college and degree from a university.
Box 1 shows the times at which our data were

1.72 (49.7)

0.20 (10.9)



admissions to
Total Statistical analysis


We used hierarchical multiple regression,
because it allowed us to examine the contribu-
tion of a particular variable while controlling for
Table 2: Relation between childhood characteristics and use of medical services as shown by changes from the mean number of medical visits

the effects of other independent variables. With

*Number of visits corresponds to a change in response to a change of one standard deviation in the characteristic. A negative integer denotes a deviation below the mean.
1.16 (27.2)

1.00 (23.5)
0.60 (14.6)
–0.50 (11.2)
–2.20 (50.4)

0.70 (16.7)
Visits to

the exception of gynecologic and obstetric visits,

data for men and women were analyzed together.
Absolute change in number (% change from mean)


8.51 (22.1)

4.80 (12.4)



No significant interactions between sex and other

Visits to

predictors were seen in preliminary analyses.


We analyzed the relation between behaviour
during childhood (collected 1976–1978) and
physical health during adulthood (from 1992–
2006), as well as the increase or decrease in
13.60 (30.9)



number of medical visits, in terms of both stan-

Visits to

dard deviation from the mean and percent



increase or decrease from the mean, for each

independent variable. Childhood aggression was
positively related to overall use of health ser-

vices, number of medical visits due to injuries

Visits due to

1.00 (44.2)

and lifestyle-related illnesses, number of visits to


specialists, emergency departments and

government-funded dentists, and total number of
admissions to hospital (Tables 1 and 2).
During the 15 years we included in our analy-
ses, an increase of one standard deviation from
Visits due to

–4.20 (32.7)

1.30 (10.7)

–2.50 (20.1)

the mean in childhood aggression corresponded


to 7.2 more medical visits (an increase of 8.1%


above the mean number of visits), 1.3 more vis-

its due to injuries (10.7% increase), 1.0 more
visit for lifestyle-related illnesses (44.2%
increase), 2.7 more visits to specialists (6.2%
13.40 (15.1)


–8.80 (10.0)


†Does not include visits for obstetric or gynecologic reasons

All medical

increase), 4.8 more visits to emergency depart-


ments (12.4% increase), 1.0 more visit to den-




tists (23.5% increase) and 0.2 more admissions

to hospital (10.9% increase) (Table 2). Con-
versely, childhood aggression was not related to
number of medical visits due to infections.
We saw a positive relation between social
Note: SES = socioeconomic status.
Behaviour, standardized*

Low neighbourhood SES,

withdrawal during childhood and number of den-

tal visits (14.6% increase), but we saw negative
Level of education,

relations between peer-rated likeability during

childhood and overall use of medical services



(3.6% decrease), number of medical visits due to

Female sex

injuries (9.0% decrease) and number of dental

visits (11.2% decrease).
A main effect of sex was seen for overall use
of medical services, number of medical visits to

2098 CMAJ, December 13, 2011, 183(18)


specialists, emergency departments and dentists, services less frequently than women with less
total number of admissions to hospital, and med- education. An increase of one standard deviation
ical visits due to infections (Table 2). These find- in level of education corresponded to 2.0 fewer
ings suggest that women are more likely than obstetric and gynecologic visits (25.8% decrease
men to seek medical attention. This effect was from the mean number of visits) (data not
reversed for medical visits due to injuries, where shown). However, among older women, this
men were more likely than women to seek med- relationship was reversed; education was posi-
ical attention (Table 2). tively predictive of gynecologic visits, suggest-
We saw no overall effect on use of gyneco- ing that women with higher levels of education
logic services when the period from 1992 to saw their gynecologists more often than women
2006 was considered (Table 3). However, previ- with less education.
ous research from this project and others suggest
increases in the use of gynecologic services and Interpretation
higher risk of gynecologic and obstetric prob-
lems among women who show aggressive Childhood aggression directly and positively pre-
behaviour, particularly among teens and young dicted overall use of health services in adulthood
adults.9 Therefore, we looked at the use of gyne- for the participants of this study, as well as the
cologic services among women aged 18 to 23 number of visits they made to specialists, emer-
years, and again when the same women were gency departments and dentists, the number of
older (aged 29–34 yr). Childhood aggression times they were admitted to hospital, and the num-
was positively predictive of use of gynecologic ber of medical visits they made due to lifestyle-
services for the younger women, but the effect related illnesses and injuries. These associations
was no longer present when the same women were seen even when controlling for the effects of
were older (Table 3). Among younger women, sex, education and neighbourhood poverty.
an increase of one standard deviation in aggres- Among young women, childhood aggression
sion corresponded to 0.5 more obstetric and increased the use of gynecologic services. This
gynecologic visits over a five-year period (ages result is consistent with previous research sug-
18–21 yr), representing a 5.87% increase over gesting that agression is related to high-risk sex-
the mean (data not shown). Childhood likeability ual behaviour early in life.9,10
had a negative predictive relationship to gyneco- Our results suggest that childhood aggression
logical service usage in late adolescence and has lasting effects on physical health and can
early adulthood, but no relationship among the have an impact on the level of use of medical
same women later in life. services over many years. Among the partici-
Level of education showed consistently nega- pants of our study, childhood aggression did not
tive relations with overall use of medical services indiscriminately increase the number of visits to
(10.0% decrease), number of medical visits due doctors, nor was it associated with an increase in
to injuries (20.1% decrease), visits to emergency
departments (8.0% decrease), number of dental
visits (50.4% decrease) and total number of Table 3: Standardized regression coefficients showing the relation
admissions to hospital (6.3% decrease) (Table 2). between childhood characteristics among women in two age groups and
visits for gynecologic and obstetric reasons
Living in a poorer neighbourhood during
early adulthood decreased overall use of medical No. of visits*
services by 3.4%, but increased the number of
visits to specialists (4.6% increase), emergency Characteristic 18–23 yr 29–34 yr
departments (7.5% increase) and dentists (16.7% Behaviour
increase), and total number of admissions to hos-
Aggression 0.05† 0.01
pital (6.3% increase) (Table 2). In addition, liv-
Withdrawal 0.02 0.00
ing in a poorer neighbourhood was negatively
related to gynecologic visits among women in Likeability –0.06‡ 0.02
adolescence and early adulthood, but this effect Level of education –0.22‡ 0.12‡
was not seen among women as they grew older Low SES –0.06‡ –0.02
(Table 3). Overall F 24.52‡ 5.58‡
Level of education showed significant effects Adjusted R
0.06 0.01
during both early and later adulthood among the
women in our sample. Among younger women, Note: SES = socioeconomic status.
*Number of visits corresponds to a change in response to a change of one standard
level of education showed a robust negative pre- deviation in the characteristic. A negative integer denotes a deviation below the mean.
dictive effect, suggesting that young women with †p < 0.05
‡p < 0.01
higher levels of education sought gynecologic

CMAJ, December 13, 2011, 183(18) 2099


infections. This finding suggests that childhood which participants lived and attended school
aggression puts people at risk for specific types during their late adolescence and early adult-
of health problems during adulthood that cause hood predicted the number of visits to special-
them to use medical services more frequently. ists, emergency departments and dentists. This
Our study begins to explore how the use of spe- variable can be considered as a proxy for
cific medical services are associated with distinct socioeconomic status; thus, these results are
behaviours. consistent with previous reports suggesting
Among our participants, childhood likeability problems with primary health care among peo-
negatively predicted overall use of medical ser- ple with low incomes. For example, rates of
vices, number of medical visits due to injuries admissions to hospital and visits to emergency
and number of government-funded dental visits. departments have been shown to have a strong
The direction of these effects is consistent with sociodemographic component;18 this association
research suggesting that adults with larger social has been seen in Canada, where health care is
networks seem to have better health outcomes universally accessible.19
than those who are less socially connected.16,17 Some of the variance in adult health and use
These data could also suggest that the children of health services could be predicted from the
who were judged as more likeable by their peers childhood behaviour shown by the participants
were less likely to engage in risk-taking or of this study. This finding is particularly impor-
impulsive behaviours that could lead to injuries, tant for primary prevention campaigns aimed at
and more likely to take better care of their over- improving public health and decreasing the use
all health. Good social relationships may also of medical services and their associated costs to
offer support and protect against the negative society. Even modest increases in the use of ser-
effects of stress, which could aid in the preven- vices in adulthood that can be predicted from
tion of illness. childhood variables could amount to huge costs
Childhood social withdrawal positively pre- to society when multiplied over millions of peo-
dicted the use of government-funded dental ser- ple. Knowing how to target those children and
vices. Though the mechanism underlying this adolescents most at risk for poor health later in
relationship is ambiguous, it could be related to life could help prevent certain negative health
socioeconomic status. Alternatively, shyness and outcomes later in life, as well as potentially
reluctance to seek regular dental care might decrease health care costs for the Canadian pub-
result in a higher number of emergency dental lic. Such a strategy requires further study.
Level of education negatively predicted our par- Strengths and limitations
ticipants’ overall use of medical services, visits to Longitudinal designs use a prospective approach
emergency departments, admissions to hospital, rather than rely on retrospective data, which is
government-funded dental visits and medical visits subject to recall bias. Causal inferences can be
due to injuries. These results suggest that people drawn more credibly in prospective longitudinal
with a higher level of education were less likely studies because of the establishment of time
than those with less education to need or seek sequencing in the prediction of outcomes. How-
medical attention for these types of problems. ever, in most cases, conclusions remain specula-
There are several possible explanations for tive as a function of the method, which is corre-
the links seen between education and health. lational. The replication of results across studies,
Leaving school prematurely may result in less using different samples, is a necessary step in
education about health, which could lead to poor confirming the generality of longitudinal
decision-making based on a lack of knowledge. results.20
In addition, the jobs available to people who The effect sizes we saw were modest. How-
have not finished high school often involve man- ever, considering that the childhood variables
ual labour, which could carry an increased risk were collected almost 30 years before the med-
of injury. Furthermore, the stress of earning a ical data were retrieved, our results offer some
low income associated with a lower level of edu- insight into the long-term outcomes of childhood
cation could lead to stress-related illnesses. aggression and suggest possible avenues for pre-
Finally, deficits in executive functioning and ventive intervention.
impulse control may underlie both leaving
school prematurely and poor adult health by Conclusion
exposing a person to a greater number of high- Our results confirm that there are specific behav-
risk situations in which injury is possible and ioural characteristics, identifiable in childhood,
medical help is necessary. that can have enduring consequences to physical
The level of poverty of the neighbourhood in health and can predict increased use of health

2100 CMAJ, December 13, 2011, 183(18)

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Our results add to the literature that suggests
the people at greatest risk of poor health in adult- Affiliations: From the Département de psychoéducation
hood, as characterized by multiple negative pre- (Temcheff), Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Que.;
The Department of Psychology, Concordia University and
dictors of long-term outcome, might be identi- Center for Research in Human Development (Serbin, Martin-
fied in early childhood. Addressing problematic Storey, Stack, Schwartzman) Montréal, Que.; the Department
childhood behaviour and teaching appropriate of Psychology (Hastings), University of California, Davis,
ways of interacting, self-care and coping strate- Calif.; and the School of Psychology (Ledingham), Univer-
sity of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.
gies to vulnerable children will probably require
early preventive intervention to mitigate long- Contributors: Caroline Temcheff, Lisa Serbin and Alex
Schwartzman conceived the original idea for the article. Car-
term risks to health. oline Temcheff analyzed the data, and wrote and revised the
manuscript. Lisa Serbin obtained funding for the study and
References revised the manuscript. Alexa Martin-Storey assisted with
1. Cairns RB, Cairns BD, Neckerman HJ. Early school dropout: writing and revising the manuscript. Dale Stack and Paul
configurations and determinants. Child Dev 1989;60:1436-52. Hastings obtained funding for the study and reviewed the
2. Bardone AM, Moffitt TE, Caspi A, et al. Adult physical health out- manuscript. Jane Ledingham and Alex Schwartzman col-
comes of adolescent girls with conduct disorder, depression, and lected the original data and reviewed the manuscript.
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7. Deffenbacher JL, Deffenbacher DM, Lynch RS, et al. Anger, du sport, who provided the data necessary for the study.

CMAJ, December 13, 2011, 183(18) 2101

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