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英文 Emotion

迦密愛禮信中學 生字 (情緒)

第六課:情緒探射燈 英文授課

姓名: ( ) 班別:

Learning objectives

1. Define(定義) and classify(分別) different emotions

2. Understand others’ and their own emotions
3. Establish connections between thoughts, emotions and behaviors
4. Learn to replace negative emotions with positive thoughts
5. Understand the importance of properly handling emotions

1 : Guessing emotions with the movie clip Inside out

Learning objective:Classify different emotions
Emotions mentioned in the movie clip:_____ _happy,sad,angry,disgusted,scared________

2. Learning about emoetions

Learning objective:Understanding the definition of emotions

Emotion is our ____response_______( 反 應 ) towards the changes( 轉 變 ) in either internal or
external ___environment____(環境)

In psychology, emotion is often defined as a complex state of feeling that results in physical and
psychological changes that influence thought and behavior.


The responses include:

 主觀感受 Subjective feelings e.g.________________________
 生理反應 Physiological response e.g.__________________________
 行動的傾向 Tendency of action e.g. __________________________
When our goal is reached and our needs are ________________ (被滿足), positive emotions
arise. Negative emotions arise when our needs are not _____________________.
P. 1
(三) The relationship between thought, emotion and behavior.
1._____________: We interpret(詮釋) an event

Why should we learn how to handle our emotions properly?

There is no right or wrong in emotions but the ways in handling emotions.

Wrong ways to handle our emotions will negatively affect both ourselves and others. They
will also bring harmful effect to our interpersonal relationships.

(四) 處理情緒 (15 分鐘)

目的: 讓學生認識正確處理情緒的方法(correct ways to handle emotions)。
內容: 同學完成「情緒想一想」的部份。

情緒 背後的想法
(emtion) (thought)
抑鬱(depression) A. 1 This is all my fault.
羞恥(shame) B. I lost something precious and irreplaceable(不能代替).

C. 3
內疚(guilty) My weakness is exposed(暴露) in front of others
D. 4
憤怒(anger) I feel my life is threatened(安全受威脅)
恐懼(fear) E. 5 This is unfair to me and the others
Conclusion:Are they subjective feelings (主觀的感覺) or facts (事實)呢?

Emotions arise from our thoughts behind different events.

Do we have a lot of “_____________”(應該) or “_______________“(一定) in
our lives that lead us to negativity?
P. 2
3. From negative thoughts to positive thoughts
Scenario Negative thought Positive thought
e.g. I am thirsty and there is Half glass is not enough for I am glad at least I have half
only half glass of water at me! a glass of water for me!
my home 口渴但只有半杯 半杯水怎會足夠我解渴! 起碼我有半杯水可以先喝
水在家中 著呢!

1. I failed the exam


2. I need to stay at
home all day during
Covid-19 and I have
to see my parents for
a long period of time.
停 課期 間我 長期 都
在 家, 每天 都對 著
3. My friend stood me
up suddenly. 朋友突

1. Do I have negative thought (負面的想法)?

e.g.: I should give up because I am not good enough 都是我不好,我不如放棄!
Life is so unfair.又不合格,上天對我太不公平了!
I am stupid. I should not have made a mistake 我不應該犯錯,我真蠢!
2. Are these thoughts good for me?
(If they are no good, how can you try to make them better?)
3. What positive thought can be used to replace negative thought?
例如: I can do it.我做得到的
I should keep trying and not to give up.我要不斷嘗試,不要放棄。

P. 3
What have I learnt from my failure 我學到了甚麼?
Have I tried my best to do revision 我盡全力温習了嗎?
I made a mistake because I haven’t learnt it yet. I won’t make the same
mistake again now.我不懂才會犯錯,這次學了,下次不會再錯!

Four pieces of advice to alter our negative thoughts :

1. think from another angle (改變對問題的想法)

 多想正面角度(positive thought),少想負面角度(negative thought)
 Look from other perspective and explore the meaning of certain problems
 Lower our expectation if necessary 接受現實,放下自己的期望和要求
 Shift our focus to other things 暫時將問題忘記,將注意力轉移到其他事情上

2. seek help to solve the problem ( 尋找幫助解決問題)

 尋找解決方法
 運用外在的支持(support)和幫助(help)

3. Reduce the negative impact of the problem (減少問題對自己的負面影響)

 Relax our emotions 運用鬆弛方法,放鬆緊張,焦慮的情緒
 Seek emotional support by telling the others 尋求情感上的支持,向人傾訴或
 Maintain healthy lifestyle 注意保持健康的生活方式

4. Enhance preventive ability to cope with problems (增強預防性應付問題的能力)

 Develop a positive mindset 培養樂觀積極的性格
 Strengthen our abilities to solve problem 增強解決問題的能力
 Maintain healthy habits 建立健康的生活習慣,如運動、飲食、休閒等
 Establish good emotional support system 建立良好的人際關係和支持系統
 Build up self-image and confidence 增強自我形象和自信
 Establish spiritual support 培養靈性上的修為

Altering our negative thoughts will help us handle our emotions properly

5. Summary
1. 情緒(Emotion)是我們對外在或內在環境(environment)的轉變(changes)而產生的反
2. 我們要了解自己及別人的情緒。
3. 思想(thought)、情緒(emotion)及行為(behavior)三者為互動(interaction)關係。
P. 4
4. 情緒本身沒有對錯之別,但處理和表達情緒的方法卻有對錯之分
5. 因此我們要學習用正確的方法處理情緒,否則會累己累人及破壞人際關係。

6. Questions
1. What are the four kinds of methods you learnt to handle emotions properly?
2. What are emotions?情緒是什麼?
3. What categories of emotions are there?情緒有哪些種類?
4. How is your emotion currently? How is it different from the emotion when you
are angry?你現在的情緒如何?這跟你生氣時的情緒有何不同?
5. What is the relationship between thought, emotion and behavior?
6. What will happen when emotions are improperly handled?

7. Homework - 完成心靈小冊子第六課

P. 5

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