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463 Highland Rd., Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841

Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our faith in
Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person, serving each other
and those beyond our Lutheran community.”
Pastor’s Report
So, how are your anxiety levels these days? The pandemic has impacted
everyone’s life to some degree. If you are a student, are you concerned what
school will be like this year? Worried that you won’t see your friends because now
you go to school on a different day than when they go to school? What about
those with jobs? Have your hours been reduced, is your job future “unclear,”
worse yet, have you lost your job or do you know someone who has? Are you
worried about your health? Have you sat and imagined what it would be like to
catch Covid-19? Have you even found yourself imagining what it might be like to
die from Covid-19?
During the past year everyone has been shocked a bit by how much life has
changed. The length of the pandemic has spun everyone into a new reality, a new
norm. I have even found myself saying that very thing to others, “Well, this is
just the new norm.” But is that true? Is this really “new”?
We are fortunate in Canada to have stable governments and many resources. But
that is not “normal” for much of the rest of the world. When something out of the
ordinary hits us like a pandemic and kills a staggering number of our own people
we are shocked. This is new, but this is not normal.
And you are right to think it is “new” to us, and it is not “normal” because this
has not been how we usually think of life. Pandemics that rip at our sense of
security all around us are now, unfortunately, normal. But just because this is
indeed “normal” doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. And you know what is NOT
normal – what Jesus Christ has done for you! Having God die in the flesh for our
sins, is not normal. Having God suffer for sins He did not even commit is not
normal. Having Jesus Christ offer His life for ALL sins, even the sin of Adam and
Eve which brought death into this world, and disease, and pandemics is not
normal and for that, I pray that we will give thanks to God every single day! God,
through His Son Jesus Christ, does not let this world continually spin in death,
disease, and pandemics. Out of love for this creation, out of love for you, Christ
came to suffer, die and rise again so that we could truly have a NEW NORMAL;
forgiveness of our sins now and the hope of eternal life to come.
There is nothing new about pandemics, they’ve been around since the Garden of
Eden’s first sin sickened the entire created world and new ones will keep popping
up. But what is new, what can become our NEW normal, is the life we have in
Jesus Christ, a life of faith, hope and love. I realize there is still enormous anxiety
these days. There is much fear, there is much worry. I can only pray that each
day we take a moment and find rest in the arms of our Saviour and that finding
such rest every day becomes a new normal for you. Jesus Christ truly brings
something new into our lives. As God Himself said, “Behold, I am making all
things new” (Revelation 21:5). Thanks be to God, He truly is.
Pastor Steve

Student House Update - Martin Luther House

School is underway and the Martin Luther House is full with four residents. One
resident, Felix Tam, left this fall for housing closer to the university. He rides his
bike and told me that the ride from his new residence to Trent was flatter – not
so may hills. His room was taken by Ashlin Sequeira. Ashlin is joining us from
Qatar. Prior to attending Trent he attended the University of Geneva. At Trent he
will be studying Instrumental Chemical Analysis. I will be meeting him this
There are three other residents. David Anderson continues his residence with us
David grew up in Mississauga. He is in the International Development Program.
His vocational goal is to work with a humanitarian organization in third world
countries. We should connect him with Canadian Lutheran World Relief.
Another resident is Einstein Nkwonta. Einstein has a home address in Toronto. He
is studying molecular biology and biochemistry. He likes to read, play sports and
is a member of Trent African Club.
A fourth resident is Mohammad Rakib. He is a pleasant outgoing student.
I do think that if we are allowed to again have church dinners we should ask the
boys to be part of them. Perhaps they would enjoy Bible studies….or help at the
garage sale. It is stated in registration information that Einstein and Ashlin both
have Christian backgrounds.
Al collects the rent. Robin manages the maintenance. Marlys advertises the
rooms and took care of the organization needed for Ashlin’s residency.

Camp Lutherlyn
My first trip to Camp Lutherlyn was this August. Urged on by Pastor Sue Neville
and Pastor Scott I decided to sign up. It was my “big trip” for the last year and a
half. Pastor Sue was the camp organizer and Pastor Scott was for this week the
chapel and Bible study leader. His church is a strong supporter of the camp.

My biggest impression of the camp came from those attending. The camp has
gone through a phase when there were a large number of campers to a time
when no programs were offered and now is coming back to life. I went to Family
Camp. One grandfather was there with his two grandsons – 3 year old Brody who
won everyone’s heart and his older brother who helped Brody and had his own
fun. Grandfather has come annually for many many years with his own son.
There was one group consisting of grandma from British Columbia, mother and
granddaughter from Ottawa. Mother and granddaughter had been there two
weeks before and came back a second time with a friend and her young son.
Another group of ladies have come annually for 22 years. It is definitely an
important part of their lives.
Each day started with breakfast which was very good. The food was fantastic in
general. Then came chapel. After chapel there were activities you could be part of
including Bible study which was my choice. Then there was about an hour off and
it was lunchtime. After lunch there were again activities – work with clay, making
stepping stones, grapevine wreaths and other crafts. Archery was another
possibility. Going to the beach was always a possibility. On Wednesday we had
aquafit in the water and a sand castle building contest. Competition was fierce!
Dinner was at 5:30 I believe. A campfire always finished the day.
On Thursday there was a final turkey dinner and a talent show after dinner. There
was a bass clarinet, a harmonica, a poetry reading and I think that I am
forgetting something?????
You could spend your day reading if you wanted or hiking or whatever you
wanted. Golden Lake is absolutely huge and clean. No weeds in that water. The
beach is sand. Canoes were available. It was a great Christian atmosphere and a
time to sit back and retool. What about a group from Christ Lutheran next year?

Treasurer’s Report
Charity return was done online and filed by June 30th deadline, so far, no
discrepancy letter received, so that is good.
PST/GST charity rebate from 2020 filed and expecting a further $ 561.46
payment in September.
Successfully added Rev. Steve Smith to payroll and able to pay monthly with rest
of staff.
Insurance forms forwarded to Al Butson and then sent in to Brokerlink rep.
Renewal will be forwarded in September I expect.
Continue to monitor income and expenses which are down due to COVID but not
enough to qualify for any federal or provincial subsidies.
Will be forwarding Synod regular monthly benevolence to max of $6000 for 2021
Special outreach payments made to Hospice $500 and Alzheimer Society $500
from fundraising efforts of summer.
Review/audit of 2020 financial records by retired CPA David Rook-Green
completed for $200 donation to Workers Sisters of Holy Spirit, and all found to be
in order.
As of June 30 the Book balance was $84,748.06.


Slowly and carefully, the world is beginning to open up again. As we cautiously
look ahead to September, we are pleased to offer another year of the week-long,
self-led Hike for Hospice – Hike Your Way from September 11-17th, 2021. Hospice
Peterborough has remained open and operating throughout the pandemic. Many
programs pivoted to virtual to ensure our critical care, such as grief support, were
still there for those who needed them. And now, we need you! More than ever,
we want to provide a meaningful event that supports families and friends who
have lost loved ones, while bringing in much-needed funds to ensure programs
and services continue to be available, and free of charge, as the need in our
community grows. You can make this happen through your participation in Hike
for Hospice.Don't miss out on any updates! You can stay up to date by registering
for the Hike on the EasyPledge site and automatically receive emails.

Saturday October 2nd, 2021 7 am – 1 pm. We are watching the guidelines but we
will aim for this date. If you wish to volunteer to help please contact Robin 705-
749-7371 (email ). We need 10 people at least to
support this outreach. There will be no plants or clothing.

The Mission Profile

We concluded the restorative engagement discussions, with great input from the
congregation through our Zoom meetings and emailed and written responses.
Thank you for your enthusiasm. Your inputs have provided a wonderful sense of

direction for our mission, and your responses have been summarized to complete
those portions of our Mission Profile. You may not recognize your comments
directly, but the Call Committee used everyone’s comments to discern a general
sense of direction for our congregation. Of course, this is only a part of our
strategic look and mission going forward. The complete Mission Profile is
provided in the two documents sent along with newsletter. The “.docx”
addendum duplicates the text boxes that are difficult to read in the “.pdf”
document because of their small font. Robin will also provide copies in the church
for your information. In reviewing our Mission Profile you will get a sense of the
excitement and purpose for our future!
The process of calling candidates is now underway. On September 8 Pastor Doug
Reble will be meeting with the Council and Call Committee to review the mission
profile, call process and the next steps in finding our new pastor. On September
16 Pastor Doug will meet with the Call Committee to review the call process in
detail and start reviewing potential candidates.
In the meantime, Pastor Steve is uniting us with his spiritual leadership and
connection with our congregation. The church is open for Sunday service
(respecting COVID protocols) and there is an on-line service every Sunday. It is
a journey, but we are completing it with enthusiasm and excitement about our
Al Butson

CHANGE OF DATE - Messy Church Monday Wednesday October 18th at
4:30 p.m. (zoom call)
Kits can be ordered through Robin or Sylvia by Wed October 6th.
Kits will be available for pick up on either Sunday October 10th or Sunday
October 17th (on kitchen counter). Theme is 'Kindness'


On Sunday September 26th we will be having a Kawartha Food Bank Sunday,
please bring along a food item. Thanks!

September 2021
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Worship Labour
10 am at
Virtual Holiday

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
10 am at

19 20 21 22 23 23 25
Worship Elections
10 am at Canada

26 27 28 29 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 2
Worship Set Up for Yard/Bake
10 am at Yard Sale Sale 7 am –
Virtual 1 pm
Food Drive

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