October Newsletter 2021 Final

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October 2021
463 Highland Rd.,Peterborough, Ontario,K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841
Reverend Steve Smith

Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our faith in
Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person, serving each
other and those beyond our Lutheran community.”

From Rev. Steve

I am wearing my orange Every Child Matters t-shirt as I write for the
newsletter. And I came upon this reflection that I feel is fitting for today and
Rivers do not drink their own water;
trees do not eat their own fruit;
the sun does not shine on itself and
flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
Living for others is a rule of nature.
We are all born to help each other.
No matter how difficult it is……….
Life is good when you are happy;
but much better when others are happy
because of you’.
To emerge from this pandemic, we need to look after and care for each
other. And we must support those who care for the weakest, the sick and
the elderly. There is the tendency to cast the elderly aside, to abandon
them: this is just not right. Those who take care of the sick are well defined
by the Spanish term cuidadores (caretakers), and play an essential role in
today’s society, even if they often do not receive the recognition and
recompense they deserve.
Caring is a golden rule of our nature as human beings, and brings with it
health and hope. Taking care of those who are sick, of those who are in
need, of those who are cast aside: this is a human and also a Christian
We must also extend this care to our common home: to the earth and to
every creature. All forms of life are interconnected, and our health depends
on that of the ecosystems that God created and entrusted to us to care for.
Abusing them, on the other hand, is a grave sin that damages, harms and
sickens. And I believe that the best antidote against this misuse of our
common home is contemplation. And you might ask why that is? Isn’t there
a vaccine for this, for the care of our common home, so as not to set it
aside? What is the antidote against the sickness of not taking care of our
common home? I believe it is contemplation. If someone has not learned to
stop and admire something beautiful, we should not be surprised if he or
she treats everything as an object to be used and abused without scruple.
Everything becomes a “disposable” object.
However, our common home, creation, is not a mere “resource”. Creatures
have a value in themselves and each one reflects in its own way a ray of
God’s infinite wisdom and goodness.
This value and this ray of divine light must be discovered and, in order to
discover it, we need to be silent; we need to listen; we need to contemplate.
Contemplation also heals the soul.
As our season is changing and we prepare to give thanks, I encourage each
one of you to take time every day to contemplate on the wonders around
Many Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Bible Study – Every Friday Bible Study in the church basement

10:00 am with masks worn & social distancing.

CHANGE OF DATE - Messy Church Monday Wednesday

October 18th at 4:30 p.m. (zoom call)
Kits can be ordered through Robin or Sylvia by Wed October 6th.
Kits will be available for pick up on either Sunday October 10th or Sunday
October 17th (on kitchen counter). Theme is 'Kindness'.

FUNDRAISER – late November/December 2021 – Sylvia
and Robin are planning a takeout turkey dinner, Christmas goodies and
Silent Auction with games on Zoom. Date has not been determined yet and
is still in the planning stages. Stay tuned!

Call Committee Update

With the input of the Congregation, our Mission Profile, describing our
Congregation’s priorities for the future, has been completed.
We are now in the call stage.  With the help of the Synod office, and Pastor
Reble, candidates are being identified for a call to our congregation.  The
Mission profile is sent to these prospective candidates.  As a candidate is
interested in our priorities for the future, and being considered for a call,
they send their Availability for Call (AFC) for our evaluation.  We are in the
process of receiving the AFC forms  from interested candidates, and setting
up interviews.
Church Council Meeting Minutes –

Tuesday, September 21, 7:00 pm ZOOM Meeting 7:00pm-8:30pm

Present: Sylvia, Pastor Steve, Al, Robin, Marlys, Janice, Pauline, Brenda
(for Treasurer’s Report)
Regrets: Charmaine, Elizabeth, Milan
Opening Devotion led by Pastor Steve.
Approval of the minutes of the June 15, 2021 meeting.
Motion to Approve: Marlys; Seconded: Robin; Approved
“The Eastern Synod Weekly” email is being sent out weekly by ELCIC
Eastern Synod
“Best Practices for the Safe Resumption of In-Person Worship” from the
Bishop’s office, August 13
Facebook: Send Facebook updates to Jeff Butson at

Pastors Report –

*Weekly Bible Study will start October 1 in the Church basement, 10 – 11
am, COVID protocols will be observed, including social distancing and
masking; the study focus will be the Sunday readings
*Pastor Steve will be away October 17, Pastor Mike will lead service
*Baptisms: Three families have expressed their desire to have their child
baptized; timing will be based on the reduction of COVID restrictions to
allow more participants to attend worship service
Parish Support (Al, Milan & Robin)
Completed recently:
 Furnace maintenance
Robin arranging
 Repair of leaking carport roof
 Replace malfunctioning main door locks
Completed recently:
 Breaker 9 on basement lighting panel has been replaced;
Narthex receptacle has been repaired
 Outdoor Gas meter has been replaced
 Gas line and connection to boiler inspected by Enbridge
 Church boiler annual maintenance
 Boiler room cleaned and organized
 Basement office cleaned and organized
Robin arranging:
 Replace burnt-out altar light bulbs (getting quote – due to their
height, this is pricey)
 Replace difficult-to-reach burnt-out Narthex light bulb
 Replacing burnt-out outdoor light bulbs
 Spraying for flies
Treasurers Report (Brenda)
Book Balance at August 31: $91,482,23
Outreach (Milan)
Elizabeth and Milan continue to express our thanks to the retirement staff
with Coffee and Muffins, courtesy of Christ Lutheran Church
Messy Church (Sylvia)
Next get-together by Zoom, October 18, 4:30 pm; the focus will be

Christ’s Story Corner

Jonah and the Whale, read by Marlys, released September 19, 2021 on
Health and Wellness – postponed during COVID
Social Activities (Robin) – postponed during COVID
Stewardship and Fun-raising (Sylvia)
Annual Yard Sale will be postponed until May 2022, due to COVID
Robin and Sylvia are planning for a Christmas virtual dinner and fund-
Mutual Ministries (Sylvia)
The Call Committee has prepared the Mission Profile and reviewed it with
Council and Pastor Reble. Pastor Reble is now recruiting candidates.
Martin Luther House (Al, Marlys)
Tenants are taking good care of the house
The house is full with signed lease agreements to August 30, 2022; there
are 4 tenants (3 returning, 1 new)
Old Business – none
New Business
Insurance Renewal - Property insurance costs are increasing; we will
review our policy, gather competitive quotes next June 2022 for the next
billing cycle
Marlys’ Music Group is considering our basement for their rehearsals;
there is limited storage for instruments, about 4’ x 4’ space in basement
office; Robin is working with Marlys to coordinate the rental
Proof of vaccination starts September 22 for certain venues and
gatherings; churches are exempt
Upcoming Events –
Weekly Bible Study, 10 am, starting October 1, Church basement
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 26, 7 pm, ZOOM Meeting

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
3 Pentecost 4 5 6 7 8 9
19 Sunday Bible Study 10
with Holy am in church
Communion basement
10:00 am
Masks to worn

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Pentecost 20 Thanksgiving Bible Study 10
Sunday with Holy Holiday am in church
Communion basement
10 am
Masks to worn

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Pentecost 21
Holy Communion
Messy Bible Study 10
Church am in church
10:00 am Zoom mtg
Masks to worn
4:30 pm

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Pentecost 22 Bible Study 10
Holy Communion am in church
10:00 am basement
Masks to worn

31 Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6

Reformation Bible Study 10
Sunday am in church
10 am
Holy communion
Masks to worn

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