Management and Communication For Business (MCB) - II 2021

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Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing

Group Assignment - December 2021
Management and Communication for Business (MCB)

Examination /Assignment Registration 01st November to 28th November


Examination / Assignment Registration 29th November to 03rd December

Grace Period

Assignment Submission Period From 11th December till 12th December


• Assignment Submission:

▪ You are required to register for examinations / assignments within the above
given period. Assignments will not be accepted if you have not registered for the
▪ Assignments should be submitted to LMS within the Assignment Submission
Periods indicated above.
▪ Assignment should be uploaded to LMS – (Learning Management System) as a PDF
▪ Rename the file: Registration No.- Name with Initials -Programme
Ex. 0000012345 A B Perera SCA
▪ Assignments will not be accepted after the late submission period under any

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• Assignment Cover Page:
▪ Cover page format should use the relevant colour
➢ Diploma in Marketing Management - Blue
➢ Higher Diploma in Marketing Management - Yellow
➢ Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management - Green
➢ Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management – White

• The Assignment Marking Sheet should be attached after the cover page followed by
the Assignment checklist/declaration form and lecturer approval form for the


• If you have not submitted the assignment, your results for the respective module will
appear as “Fail” in the final grading.
Refer the student deliverables indicated below for specific details about assignment
submissions and presentations.


• Presentation dates and times will be published on the website after the submission of
the assignment.
• Presentation time will be 20 minutes and additional 10 minutes will be given for
questions and answers.
• The presentation should be saved as a PDF document and saved in a Pen Drive which
does not contain any Viruses.
(Only the relevant presentation should be saved in the pen drive)
• Students should bring two copies of the presentation printed one slide per page.

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Assignment Topic: ‘Healthy Parks – Healthy People’


There is a long history of human relationship with nature and they benefit from nature in
terms of health and wellbeing. Further research indicates that humans may be dependent on
nature for psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs that are difficult to be satisfied by
other means. Findings so far demonstrate that access to nature plays a vital role in human
health, wellbeing, and development though that has not been fully recognised.

‘Healthy Parks - Healthy People’ is the brainchild of Parks Victoria, who recognised the
connection between a healthy environment and a healthy society in addition to the valuable
services parks provide for their flora and fauna and perhaps scenery and recreation.

Apart from the obvious benefits of parks for physical activity, they are sanctuaries from urban
stress, places for people to connect and havens for children to explore the wonders of the
natural world. Parks help provide us with a sense of place, cultural identity and spiritual
nourishment. We experience a greater sense of health and wellbeing, of connection and
meaning when immersed in the living systems that sustain us.

Parks also bring economic benefits to local, regional, state and national economies. These
economic benefits are a key enabler for communities to function and prosper, allowing them
to build social cohesion, social capital and healthy communities.


Your Role

A. To promote the concept of ‘Healthy arks – Healthy People’ in Sri Lanka and bring about an
effective planning, organizing and implementing a national campaign. Your company has
been chosen to support the Urban Development Authority (UDA) and the Municipal
Councils (MCs) of Sri Lanka in putting together viable plans for a selected number of
districts in the country.

B. Your company is also tasked with producing an attractive brochure with two A-4-size pages
targeting the general public and a sound social-media post targeting the youth with the
objective of promoting the concept of ‘Healthy Parks – Healthy People’ among the public
of Sri Lanka and encouraging them to use public parks and walking tracks for health
benefits. (See Task 1)

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To prepare, your group needs to:

1. Choose any municipal area in Sri Lanka within which you will focus for the purposes of this

2. Decide on a simple plan to promote the concept of ‘Healthy Parks – Healthy People’ in
your area. (You may speak with the officials of respective Provincial UDA Offices and
Municipal Councils and other relevant authorities to get an idea). You will use this
information to suggest how management concepts could be used as per Task 2 (the report)
of this assignment.

3. Finally, you need to speak with medical officers/doctors and get their views on the
concept of ‘Healthy Parks – Healthy People’. They will explain the benefits & outcomes we
can get through implementing the concept. You can use these data not only for your
presentation but also for your brochure & social media post.

4. Support developing your promotional campaign, you may conduct a quick questionnaire
survey among 50 persons in your area. Use about 10 questions to understand their
knowledge of using parks/tracks for health benefits and this will be the basis for the
planning of your promotional efforts and ADAPT your messages to the target audiences of
general public and the youth.


I). Design a two A4 size page brochure targeting the general public

II). Design an attractive social media post targeting the youth

Both objectives are explained under point B above (THE ROLE OF YOUR GROUP)

Guideline Note 01:

Use the data that you have collected from the questionnaire survey to understand your target
audience’s concerns. Adapt your messages by using your learning of effective business
communication to meet the objectives outlined and should include the following tools that
you have studied:

1. Using Familiar, Short and Concrete Words (Chapter 3)

2. Repetition of Key Words and Phrases (Chapter 4)

3. Use of Topic Sentences (Chapter 4)

4. Repetition of Key Words and Ideas (Chapter 4)

5. Transitional Words (Chapter 4)

6. Your Viewpoint / Your Approach, (Chapter 5)

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7. Using Positive Language and Courtesy (Chapter 5)

8. Using a Conversational Style (Chapter 5) (Reading Text: Lesikar et al., 2015).

Other Notes for TASK ONE:

• You are free to design your logos.

• Word count – 500 words for both products. (10% +/- variance acceptable).
• Use pictures as appropriate.
• You must include the copies of the source documents in the appendix
section in your document and referenced where necessary.

TASK TWO (Report) (Reading Text: Lesikar et al., 2015 - Chapter 11, pp. 384 – 420)

Produce a short report to the Director, UDA Provincial Office and the Mayor, Municipal
Council of your chosen area covering points a and b below, highlighting how key management
concepts could be effectively used as per point a. (THE ROLE OF YOUR GROUP) above.
(Reading Text: Certo and Certo, 2016)

a. Highlight how your organization views the use of the four functions of management in the
promotional campaign that your company is planning. Describe the interrelationship
between each of the four functions and their use in your promotional campaign. (Chapter
1, P5).
b. To better-understand your chosen area, perform an environmental analysis only on the
general environment and provide your findings in relevance to the promotional campaign.
(Chapter 7, P155 – 158).

Guideline Note 02:

1. Follow the appropriate structure and format (Introduction, body, and conclusion etc.)
2. Total Word - Count: 3500 words. (10% +/- variance acceptable).
3. Copies of source documents used must be included in the appendix section in your
document and referenced where necessary.

TASK THREE (Group Presentation)

It is evident that when people become healthy, their expenditure on medication becomes less
and this would in turn support insurance companies to reduce their annual expenditure on
insurance claims by the policy-holders. Part of these savings can be invested on establishing
and improving facilities in the parks and tracks in collaboration with the UDA and Municipal
Councils of Sri Lanka.

Deliver a group presentation to the Board of Directors of a selected Insurance Company of Sri
Lanka promoting the concept of ‘Healthy Parks – Healthy Benefits’ and invite them to
collaborate with UDA and the Municipal Councils for joint investments to develop more parks
and tracks for mutual benefits.

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Guideline Note 03:

Your verbal presentation to the board should use the communication tools highlighted (but
not limited to) in the Guideline Note 1. (Reading Text: Lesikar et al., 2015, Chapter 16). You
may also include your survey findings here (in 3-4 slides) to educate the insurance firm on the
understanding of general public on the overall concept.


Please refrain from copying-and-pasting information from the Internet or other sources. Add
your reference work according to the Harvard referencing format.

Marks Allocation
Assignment Content Weightage Final Weightage

Task one (Developing the brochure and the social

(1400 +/-10% words) media post) 35%
Marks for the brochure – 25 marks
Marks for the social media post – 10 marks

Task two (Developing the short report)

(2600 +/-10% words) Marks for the short report – 65 marks 65%

Presentation (12 - 15 slides max) 100% 60%

Total 100%

Note: Please refer the given assignment marking scheme for marks allocation.

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Instructions for Presentations
1. Use effective communication tools you learned in the class (also mentioned in the
Guideline Note 1 above) in delivering this presentation.

2. Please bring 2 hard copies of your presentation slides along with the brochure and the
social media post to the presentation (if you deliver the presentation physically).

Each group member MUST have their NAME and INDEX number displayed on their left side to
be visible to the Judging Panel.

Presentation Slide Template

Slide 1 Slide 2

Introduction slide with your group An introduction to the concept of ‘healthy

name. Team members’ names and SLIM parks – healthy people’
ID numbers.

Slide 3 Slide 4

Benefits of the concept to the general Benefits of the concept to the Insurance
public especially including youth Company

Slide 5 Slide 6

Findings of the survey Findings of the survey

Slide 7 Slide 8

Findings of the survey Medical officers’ opinions

Slide 9 Slide 10

Use of the above survey findings & Use of the above findings to convince the
medical officers’ opinion to convince Insurance Company
the Insurance Company

Slide 11 Slide 12

Conclusion Thank you and Q&A Slide. Include any

Importance of using effective Business references/citations
Communications tools to achieve
mutual benefits

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This document is intended as a guide to check and improve your assignment. Review your
assignment together with the specific guidelines mentioned in the programme handbook and
the assignment marking criteria given in the marking scheme.

You are expected to confirm that your assignment fulfills the below requirements.
Please tick (√) the cages necessary.

Student Name

Registration No

Cover page with relevant colour code (Stage 1-Blue/ Stage 2-Yellow /Stage 3-

Assignment checklist, declaration form (This sheet) & lecturer approval for the

Assignment marking scheme is attached

Table of contents

Body of the assignment


Course fee paid in full (coaching/registration/exam and membership)

Exam registration completed

I’m fully aware that any misleading information provided in the above checklist will lead
to rejection of my assignment.

I, the undersigned, confirm that I have read and understood the statement about
plagiarism which is outlined in the students’ handbook. I confirm that the work that I
have submitted accompanying this report is wholly my own, and that any quotations or
sections of text taken from the published or unpublished work of any other person is
duly and fully acknowledged therein.

Signature: Date:

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Assignment Marking Scheme
December 2021

Module Management and Communication for Business (MCB)

Student Registration Number

Allocated Awarded

Aligning to the purpose of the assignment 20

Some of the answer addresses to the purpose of the question 1-5
This has addressed the purpose of the assignment 6-10
Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently 11-15
This has addressed the purpose of assignment
Clarity of expression 20
An attempt to organize in a logical manner 1-5
Satisfactory showing of logical manner and organization 6-10
Shows higher level of Carefully and logically organized 11-15
Shows coherent structure with clearly expressed ideas 16-20
Using examples/evidences 20
Shows a little use of examples 1-5
Some use of examples. Some evaluation attempted 6-10
Some use of examples. Well evaluated 11-15
Shows appropriate examples are fully and reliably evaluated 16-20
Critical analysis of concepts, theories, conclusions 20
Demonstrates limited evidence of critical analysis 1-5
Demonstrates some critical analysis of relevant theory 6-10
Demonstrates application of theory through critical analysis 11-15
Demonstrates application of critical analysis well integrated 16-20
Following assignment guidelines 20
Limited follow-up of assignment guidelines 1-5
Some level of follow-up of assignment guidelines 6-10
Good display of adherence to assignment guidelines 11-15
Excellent adherence to assignment guidelines 16-20
Total 100
Special Remarks

Signature of the Examiner

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By submitting this assessment, I confirm that I understand and abide by the examination
rules and regulations of SLIM.



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