Diagnosis Pacemaker Failure To Capture.9

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January 2007 ■ EMN 11

Cases in Diagnosis: Pacemaker Failure to Capture

Continued from p. 8
By Theodore Chan, MD,
William Brady, MD, &
Richard Harrigan, MD

T he 12-lead ECG demonstrates atrial

fibrillation with a narrow QRS com-
plex rhythm at a rate of 55 beats/minute
with intermittent irregularity. More
importantly, there are small pacer spikes
seen throughout the 12-lead ECG that
have no clear or consistent association
with the QRS complexes. (Fig. 2: circles.)
This finding, along with the fact that her
rate is bradycardic and below most pro-
grammed pacing thresholds is consistent
with pacemaker failure to capture.
Implantable cardiac pacemakers
were first used to prevent Adams-Stokes Figure 2. Initial 12-lead ECG. Note the low amplitude pacing spikes (circles) with no consistent capture or association with
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attacks. Since then, indications for pace- ventricular activity.

makers have grown remarkably and now
include atrioventricular (AV) node and to slow the rate with carotid massage or
sinus node dysfunction, hypersensitive adenosine can be helpful, but should be
carotid sinus syndrome and neurally- performed with extreme caution in the
mediated syncope (vasovagal syncope), pacemaker patient. Finally, if routine
prevention of tachycardia with long QT evaluation yields no abnormalities, the
syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopa- pacemaker should be interrogated.
thy, certain cases of congestive heart fail- The cause of this patient’s pacemaker
ure, and prevention of atrial fibrillation. malfunction and failure to capture were
(Circulation 1998;97:1325.) Advances in seen on the chest radiograph, which
technology, expanding indications, and demonstrated a fracture in the pacing
the aging population ensure that EPs will wire. (Fig. 3: circle.) This wire fracture not
encounter more patients with cardiac only caused the failure to capture, but also
pacemakers on a regular basis. failure to sense native ventricular activity
A five-position code has been devel- as well as some aspect of failure to pace
oped to describe pacemakers. (Pacing with low amplitude pacer spikes. The
Clin Electrophysiol 1993;16:1776.) Posi- patient was admitted to the electrophysi-
tion I indicates the chambers being ology service, at which time the fractured
paced, atrium (A), ventricle (V), both (D, right ventricular pacing lead as well as
Figure 3. Chest radiograph demonstrating implantable pacemaker with fractured
dual), or none (0). Position II gives the pacemaker generator were replaced. After
lead (circle).
location where the pacemaker senses
native cardiac electrical activity (A, V, D, left ventricle, resulting in a right
or O). Position III indicates the pacemak- bundle branch block pattern).
er’s response to sensing: triggering (T), (Emerg Med Clinics NA
inhibition (I), both (D), or none (O). Posi- 2006;24[1]:179.) Because of the
tion IV indicates the programmability of abnormal ventricular depolariza-
the pacemaker and the capability to adap- tion seen in paced rhythms,
tively control rate; position V identifies repolarization also occurs abnor-
the presence of antitachydysrhythmia mally, and ST segments and T
functions. Pacemakers are commonly waves should typically be discor-
classified to the first three position codes. dant with the QRS complex.
Most patients will have a card in their (Acad Emerg Med 1998;5:52.)
wallet identifying the make and model of Pacemaker malfunction
pacemaker. Manufacturers also place an includes failure to pace, failure
identification number in the generator to capture, undersensing, and Figure 4. Repeat 12-lead ECG after replacement of fractured pacing wire and generator. Note
that is sometimes visible on chest x-ray. pacemaker-mediated dysrhyth- the higher amplitude ventricular pacing spikes. There is sensing of native ventricular activity
The most commonly encountered mias. Failure to pace occurs (thin arrow), as well as normal pacing with good ventricular capture (wide arrow).
pacer is the DDD pacemaker, where when the pacemaker does not
both the atria and the ventricles are fire when pacing should occur. On the a pacemaker fails to sense or detect native the procedure, the patient’s symptoms
sensed and either paced or inhibited ECG, there are no visible pacing spikes cardiac activity. Pacing spikes will be seen resolved. A follow-up12-lead ECG demon-
depending on the native cardiac activity where they should have occurred. Caus- when none should occur. strates normal ventricular pacing. (Fig. 4.)
sensed. VVI pacing is useful in those es include oversensing, pacing lead Patients with pacemaker malfunction
with chronically ineffective atria, such problems (dislodgement or fracture), often have vague and nonspecific symp- Dr. Chan is a professor of clinical med-
as chronic atrial fibrillation or atrial flut- battery or component failure, and elec- toms. Beyond the 12-lead ECG, cautious icine and the medical director of emer-
ter. In this mode, the ventricle is sensed tromagnetic interference. use of a magnet can assist in evaluating gency medicine at the University of
and paced. If the native ventricular activ- Failure to capture occurs when a pac- pacer function. For example, if there is California, San Diego School of Medi-
ity is sensed, then pacing is inhibited. ing stimulus is generated, but fails to trig- no pacemaker activity on the ECG, plac- cine. Dr. Harrigan is an associate pro-
Because the ventricular pacing lead is ger myocardial depolarization. On the ing a magnet over the pacer will switch fessor of emergency medicine at Temple
placed in the right ventricle, the ventricles ECG, failure to capture is identified by the the pacemaker to asynchronous pacing University School of Medicine in
depolarize from right to left rather than by presence of pacing spikes without associ- and allow for assessment of capture. Philadelphia. Dr. Brady is a professor
the regular conduction system, producing ated myocardial depolarization. Causes Appropriate experience with this diag- of emergency medicine and internal
an overall QRS morphology similar to a left include pacing lead problems, battery or nostic approach is urged prior to its use, medicine and the vice chairman of
bundle branch block with QRS interval component failure, low pacing voltage or however. Similarly, if the patient’s native emergency medicine at the University
prolongation (occasionally, intracardiac elevated myocardial pacing thresholds, cardiac rhythm is above the lower rate of Virginia School of Medicine in
pacemaker leads may be placed over the and exit block. Undersensing occurs when threshold for pacing, cautious attempts Charlottesville.

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