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463 Highland Rd., Peterborough, Ontario,K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841


Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our faith in
Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person, serving each
other and those beyond our Lutheran community
Grace to you and peace,

It is my fervent hope that you and your loved ones are keeping safe and healthy
this holiday season. Certainly 2021 has been a hard year on everyone, but with
the news of our vaccine uptake I am looking forward to fully open Easter 2022. It
looks like it might be an extra special season. I don’t think any of us ever
imagined in December last year that COVID 19 would have spread so far and
caused so much upheaval in our lives. Yet it is exciting that this year we will have
our Christmas Service, where we will be joining our voices to sing carols or
lighting candles together. (Masked of course).
We have missed so much in 2021, and missing out on Christmas services in
2020, a sacred tradition held by so many, just seems like salt in the wound.
But I want to assure you that Christ is alive in our hearts. It is not traditions that
make Christmas, it is the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. Whether we
gather together for a candlelight service or not, whether we gather with family or
not, God is born into our lives again and again. Be it COVID 19, loneliness, or just
plain old boredom, God’s grace is breaking through all and any adversity, to be
with us. That is what God did on that first Christmas night long ago, and what
God is still doing now.
God’s peace, love and grace is with you,
Pastor Steve

Church Council Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, November 23, 7:00 pm

ZOOM Meeting - 7:00pm-8:30pm
Present: Sylvia, Al, Robin, Marlys, Janice, Elizabeth, Milan,
Regrets: Pauline, Pastor Steve, Charmaine, Brenda
Opening Devotion – Prayer by Al
Approval of the minutes of the October 26, 2021 meeting. One correction,
minutes revised by Al
Motion to Approve with correction: Milan; Seconded: Marlys; Approved
Facebook: Send Facebook updates to Jeff Butson at “”.
Parish Support (Robin)
 Parsonage:
o Al will remind the tenants about the wise use and conservation of energy
as the winter months approach
 Church:
o There was no water flow in the upstairs heating circuit, therefore no heat
to the upstairs. Kawartha Mechanical did system troubleshooting and
found that the circulation pump was not working. A new impellor was
installed to fix the problem.
o High school volunteers raked the leaves (volunteers organized by Marlys)
o Garden retaining wall condition is deteriorating. We will investigate and
decide on the action in spring 2022.
Parish Life (Robin)
 Congregation members are being contacted by our volunteers as part of our
Christmas (virtual) Dinner messaging
 Christmas Eve services at 4pm and 7 pm
 No Sunday service on December 27th
 Pastor Steve must move on at the end of February 2022. His last Sunday with
us will be February 27th.
Treasurers Report (Brenda)
 Book Balance: Approximately $94,000 at the end of October
 Kawartha Outdoor Art group are meeting in the basement every Thursday
 Highland Heights Student Gift Cards – There is a need to help students at
Highland Heights with Christmas donations. Charmaine is our liaison with the
program. Motion by Robin to donate $300.00 to the program; Seconded by
Milan; Approved; Robin will coordinate the donation with Brenda and
 For the December council meeting we will confirm our Outreach donations and
recipients for 2021 vs. budget and complete our 2021 outreach commitment.
Messy Church (Sylvia)
 “Goodness and Kindness theme at the November 8th Messy Church; 4 children
participated in crafts led by Sylvia, and story time by Al
 Continuing the “Goodness and Kindness” theme, Messy Church will meet on
December 13 to make Christmas Gift Bags for our senior members
Christ’s Story Corner (Marlys)
 Marlys attended a “Media Literacy” program to become more familiar with
social media, ideas which are applicable to the “Christ Corner” program, and
our church’s on-line presence
Health and Wellness – postponed during COVID
Social Activities (Robin) – postponed during COVID
Stewardship and Fun-raising (Sylvia)
 The virtual Christmas Dinner and Fund Raiser is planned for December 5.
There will be take-out turkey dinners, an on-line silent auction, and a live
auction during the virtual dinner get-together.
Mutual Ministries (Sylvia)
 The Call Committee has completed interviews, and is evaluating the candidates
to make a recommendation to Council
Martin Luther House (Al, Marlys)
 No updates
Old Business – none
New Business
 2022 budget, based on 2021 budget was reviewed and used as the basis for a
5-year cash flow discussion; future cash flow is dependent on many things, like
“Current” offerings, compensation for pastor and staff, prioritizing major
maintenance items, but we have sufficient assets for our congregation to
support a full-time pastor
 Fly-ball Dogs Club are interested in using our church basement in early 2022
for their AGM
 A community group similar to “Community Living” which operated out of our
church a few days a week about 5 years ago, are interested in using our
church basement for their program; council is supportive; more details to
follow as the groups organizes their programming
Upcoming Events –
 Weekly Bible Study, 10 am, Church basement
 Virtual Christmas Dinner and fundraiser, December 5
Next meeting: December 14, 2021 at 7pm; the meeting will be a combination of
persons meeting live at the church and virtually via Zoom

December Bible Study on Friday 10 am. Last one will be on Friday

December 17,2021
Church Council Zoom Meeting Tuesday December 14th 7 pm.

"Darkness to Light" Sunrise Ceremony

Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Time: 7:30 - 8 a.m.
Location:    Rogers Cove (131 Maria St., Peterborough)
Cost: Free (donations to suicide bereavement work at Hospice
Peterborough encouraged)
On the morning of the winter solstice, an outdoor sunrise gathering will take
place for community members impacted by suicide and overdose. A speaker from
Hospice Peterborough who will lead the group in a moment of silence as the sun
rises. The event will be rain, snow, or shine. COVID-19 protocols will be in place
and guests wishing to attend are asked to register in advance.
For more information including how to donate, and to register for the ceremony,

Seniors Centre Without Walls - Are you or a loved-one feeling a bit

isolated and looking for more social connection? Join other older adults for 30-
minute multi-person phone calls ranging from chair yoga to book chats through
the Seniors Centre Without Walls (SCWW). Participate from the comfort of your
own home! SCWW’s current activities include health and wellness activities,
educational workshops, brain-stimulating activities, book discussions and general
conversation. This telephone-based seniors centre is a joint partnership of Age-
friendly Peterborough (AFP), Activity Haven and the Peterborough Public Library.
For more information on the Seniors Centre Without Walls and a calendar of
telephone-based activities, please contact Activity Haven or call 705-876-1670 to
register for upcoming events (membership not required).

We are hosting a virtual (Zoom) Silent Auction/Fundraiser on Sunday

December 5th at 4:30. It is the start of the Advent season, let us celebrate with
an event of virtual fellowship. There is a drive-thru take-out dinner of Turkey,
Mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies and of course dessert at a cost $15 per dinner.
Pick up your dinner Sunday December 5th between noon – 2 pm. Our Silent
Auction will be made up of 12 Baskets to bid on. Details will be coming out
shortly on how to bid on these great baskets. If you have any questions please
contact Sylvia, or Robin. Let us enjoy the coming season!

Our next Messy Church is Monday December 13th, with the
Zoom call starting at 4:30 p.m.
During December's Messy Church we will be continuing November's theme of
kindness, tied into the Christmas story.  The children will be preparing 10-12 gift
bags for our seniors and shut-ins, with a short note and a hand decorated gift
To sign up for this Messy Church, please let Robin or Sylvia know by December
3rd.   Kits will be available for pick-up December 5th, noon - 2 pm (same time as
turkey dinner pick up)

This year our Christmas Eve Services will be held at 4pm and 7 pm
December 24th. For each service, in accordance with Ontario COVID guidelines,
we will be social distancing, wearing masks and limiting the attendance to 25
persons at each service. If you wish to attend church either service, we kindly
ask that you contact Robin at (705) 749-7371 or email: to reserve a space for you and your party. A sign-
up list will also be at the church. The Christmas Eve Services will also be
available on Facebook.
There are no Christmas Day or December 26 Sunday worship services.


The year 2022 offering envelopes will soon be available at church. If you do not
receive a box and would like one, please talk to either Janice LeClair.


Please have all your charitable donations in by Friday December 24 th. The books
will be closed then. Thank you.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

December/January 2022
Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 1 2 3 4
First Sunday Kawartha art Bible study
in Advent group 10 am
10 am Holy

5 Second 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sunday in Bible Study
Advent 10 am
10 am Holy
5 pm
Pick up betn
noon – 2 pm
12 Third 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sunday in Messy Church Church Council Bible study
Advent 4:30 pm 6:30 Zoon mtg 10 am
10 am Last one until
January 2022

19Fourth 20 21 22 23 24 25
Sunday in Christmas Christmas Day
Advent Eve Live & on Boxing Day
10 am Holy
4:00 pm &
7 pm
26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan 1 2022
No worship Happy New
today Year

January 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Second Kawartha Bible Study
Sunday Art group 10 am
10 am Holy

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9 Baptism of 10 11 12 13 14 15
our Lord Bible Study
10 am Holy 10 am

16 Second 17 18 19 20 21 22
Sunday Bible Study
after 10 am
10 am Holy

23Third 24 25 26 27 28 29
Sunday Bible Study
after 10 am
10 am Holy
Annual Report
available for
pick up
30 31 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5
Sunday after
10 am Holy

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