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That the undersigned brought this,

Full Name : Jumita

Date of birth : Barana 05 January 2000

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Status : Student

Alamat :Jl.lorong bukit sion Makale 91817 kec.Makale Kab.Tana toraja

Explain The Truth,

SD : SDN Negeri 180 Remo-rembo : Graduated year 2013

SMP : SMP Negeri Satap 7 Bittuang : Graduatied year 2016

SMA : SMK Kristen Makale : Graduated year 201

Work Experience
As a clothes shop Employee Lia Makale : 2019

Thus the Curriculum Vitae i Made Truthfully and thanks


Makale,Mei 07, 2017


Rector University Of Management Rocket

Jl.Solo Km.13 Bantul


Whith respect,
Baset on imformation from the print media Jogja Terkini on June 11,2017, about the job opening to be
tanaga lecturer/Lecturer at the University of Management Rocket that Mr/Mrs lead. Whit this job
application letter i valunteered to join as a lecturer / lecturer at the university that Mrs Lead,to fill the
position lecturer Course Introducation to Mathematical Statistics 1 that is currently required.

1, The undersigned below:

Name : Jumita

Points, Date of Birth : Barana,January 5,2000

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Pendidikan Terahir : S1 Management at the University

Alamat : Jl.lorong Bukit Sion Makale 91817

Nomor Telepon : 082346116250

For completed of the files needed for the consideration of Mr / Ms, I attach the following administrative
paperwork that i have:

1. Curriculum Vitae;
2. Copy of police Notes (SKCK)
3. Copy Job Seekers katu / Yellow Card from the Departement of labor
4. Copy of course and seminars;
5. Copy of letter of Recommendation lecturer;
6. Copy of Letter of work Experience;
7. Copy Letter (KTP)
8. Copy color photograph 4x6 cm 3 Latest sheet

Similarly,letters of job application I created with truth. The attention and consideration of Mr / Mrs I say
many thanks.

Best regards,


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