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CORNEL TRIP_E – ROMANIA - 03 – 11, MAY 2011

Tuesday – May 03
Ben Gurion Airport – Beersheba – Dead Sea

10:50 am Depart Bucharest (OTP) Tue 3-May El Al 574

Arrive Tel Aviv (TLV) 1:25 pm Duration: 2hr 35mn Nonstop flight

We arrive this afternoon at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv where we meet our local guide who
will escort us to our private motor coach. We will travel to our hotel along the Dead Sea, via the
southern route through the Beersheba area (Tel Beersheba) . The Dead Sea area is the lowest
point on earth. We should have enough time to relax our travel worn bodies by taking a dip in the
mineral rich waters of the Dead Sea before our dinner.
We will stay at a Hotel INBAR Arad.

Wednesday – May 04
Dead Sea - Masada - En Gedi - Qumran - Jericho - Jerusalem
We will travel to Masada, truly a remarkable piece of history. Ascending by cable car, we will visit
the ruins of this mighty fortress where, from 70-73 A.D., the Jewish Zealots made their last stand in
the Judean revolt against the Romans. It was here that, rather than surrender their belief in One God,
they committed suicide. We will see the remains of the storehouses, cisterns, Herodian palaces,
Roman camps, and the sixth century Byzantine Church. Then we will descend from Masada by cable
car or the stout hearted may choose to walk down the "snake path" and board our bus, which will now
.take us northward along the shores of the Dead Sea
Ein Gedi, a green oasis in the middle of the desert, is the next stop. A short hike up the wadi
(ravine) to the waterfalls is truly an adventure. Here is where young David hid from the wrath of King
Continuing north a short distance to Qumran, we will see the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls
.were found in 1947. We will have our lunch at Qumran
Now we will hasten to Jericho and visit the site of Canaanite Jericho, destroyed by Joshua. If the
weather is clear, we may be able to view Mt. Nebo where Moses was permitted a glimpse of the
Promised Land prior to his death. We will taste the water from Elisha's spring and view the Mount of
.Next, we will travel from Jericho to Jerusalem and be awed by the unusual mountainous terrain
.Our journey will now take us to Jerusalem, the Crown City of Israel
We will check in at our Hotel KIKAR ZION JERUSALEM, which we will call “home” for the
.next four nights. After dinner we will have free time to get acquainted with our new surroundings
Thursday –May 05
City of David - Mt. Zion.
Drive to City of David and visit 3D movie and Water System, Hezekiah’s Tunnels and Siloam pool.
Enter the Old City of Jerusalem and visit the Western Wall, the holiest shrine of the Jews. On to the Temple
Mount with the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosques holy shrines to the Moslem world. The walking tour will
continue with the Pools of Bethesda, St. Anne's church (the birthplace of Mary).
Afternoon we will drive to Mt. Zion to see David's Tomb and the Room of the Last Supper. Walk through the
streets of the Jewish Quarter to the restored Roman Cardo, which was the main street of Jerusalem during the
Roman occupation. Continue to the Western Wall Tunels.
Friday – May 06
Yad Vashem - Bethlehem - Ein Kerem.
Drive to Yad Vashem, the Memorial to the Holocaust, via the Knesset (Israel's Parliament) to the Israel
Museum with the Shrine of the Book which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Afternoon we will drive to Bethlehem and visit the Church of the Nativity, built over the Manger where Jesus
was born.
.A short drive to Ein Kerem, the birthplace of John the Baptist, and the site of Visitation

Saturday – May 07
Mt. of Olives - Garden of Gethsemane – Via Dolorosa - Garden Tomb.
This morning we will view the "old city" from the summit of Mt. of Olives. We will walk the Palm Sunday
Road to the Garden of Gethsemane. On to the church of Dominus Flevit and the Church of All Nations in the
Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus endured his agony.
Enter on the Old City trough St. Stefan’s (Lions) Gate and visit the Chapel of Flagellation, Ecce Homo Arch
('Behold the Man'), Judgment Hall and onto the Via Dolorosa (the way of the cross). We will pass the Stations
of the Cross on the way to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, incorporating both Calvary and the Resurrection
Proceed by Damascus Gate to the Garden Tomb (Gordon's Calvary).

Sunday – May 08
.Jordon Valley – Mt. Tabor - Nazareth – Cana - Sea Of Galilee
.This morning our attention will focus on moving north to the Sea of Galilee area
.We will travel to north following the Jordon Valley Road
.We will take time to visit the traditional baptismal site on the Jordon River
The next stop is Mt.Tabor. Ascend Mount Tabor, where Jesus was transfigured in the presence of Peter,
.James and John. Visit the Church of Transfiguration
Our next stop will be at Nazareth, On to Nazareth we will visit the Church of Annunciation. We
will take time to visit also, Nazareth Village. This is a very unique setting of real live people
displaying houses and community functions as it might have been 2000 years ago when Jesus was a
.growing boy in this very same area
.We drive to Tiberias trought Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle changing water into wine
.Soon we set our eyes upon the Sea of Galilee, the area where Christ did most of His teaching
We continue to our Hotel NOFIM TIBERIAS on the shores of the Sea of Galilee for dinner and
Monday – May 09
.Mt. of Beatitudes – Tabgha – Capernaum - Banias Springs – Tiberias
This morning we will travel from our hotel to the Mt. of Beatitudes to have our group devotions at
.the site of the Sermon on the Mount
After an inspiring time, we will visit Tabgha, the site of the Multiplication of the Loaves and
Eagerly we re-board our motor coach for a drive to Capernaum, Jesus' second home. There we will
.see a second century synagogue and the house of Peter's mother-in-law
We will have sufficient time to take a ride on a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee to a place, where
.we shall have the opportunity to have a lunch of St. Peter’s fish
After lunch we shall drive north in our motor coach as far as Mt. Hermon. At the foot of the
mountain is the beginning of the River Jordan. We can now say we have traveled the entire north
to south scope of the Promised Land, as the Bible says, “from Dan even unto Beersheba.” On our
first day we had passed Beersheba as the southernmost point, and now Mt. Hermon being Dan, as
the northernmost point.
From the Banias Springs, at the foot of Mt. Hermon, we will have the opportunity to hike through
.some very interesting wilderness territory, to a beautiful waterfall
Refreshed, we are ready to board our bus and enjoy the spectacular scenery of the northern
Galilee area as we drive back to Tiberias to relax by the Sea of Galilee.

"Horns of Carmel" (Muhraka) – Haifa – Caesarea - Tel Aviv – Jaffa.
This morning we will travel from Tiberias to the "Horns of Carmel" (Muhraka) to the site where
Elijah slaughtered the false prophets.
Then to Haifa to view the golden domed Bahai Temple and its beautiful Persian gardens.
We continue our drive south along the Mediterranean Sea and stop in Caesarea. This ancient port
was built by Herod the Great. Here we visit the ruins of the fortress used by the Crusaders, the harbor,
.moat, and amphitheater
Our next stop will be our hotel ____________located close to the shore of the Mediterranean Sea,
.where we can relax with the soothing sounds of the sea for our last night in Israel

Wednesday – May 11
Departure transfer and assistance.

7:00 am Depart Tel Aviv (TLV) Wed 11-May El Al 573

Arrive Bucharest (OTP) 9:50 am Duration: 2hr 50mn Nonstop flight

Rates include:
• Meet/assist arr/dept transfers
• 8 nights hotel accommodation as mentioned above
• Halfboard basis throughout
• Luxury bus + Romanian licensed speaking guide throughout
• Entrance fees: National Park tickets for 6 entrances(Tel Beer Sheva, Ein
Gedi, Qumran, Massada, Banjas, Caesarea), cable car to Massada both
ways, City of David -3D movie and Hezekiah's Tunnel, Western Wall
Tunnel, Nazareth Village, Taxis to Mt. Tabor, Capernaum and Churches, boat
ride and St. Peter Lunch)
• Porterage in hotels and airport

Rates don't include:

• Tips to guide and driver
• Entrance fees not mentioned above
• Personal expenses

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