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Bending and Shear in Beams

Lecture 3
5th October 2016

Contents – Lecture 3

• Bending/ Flexure
– Section analysis, singly and doubly reinforced
– Tension reinforcement, As
– neutral axis depth limit & K’
– Compression reinforcement, As2

• Flexure Worked Example – Doubly reinforced

• Shear in Beams - Variable strut method

• Beam Examples – Bending, Shear & High shear

• Exercise - Design a beam for flexure and shear

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/1

Bending/ Flexure

Section Design: Bending

• In principal flexural design is generally the same as

• EC2 presents the principles only
• Design manuals will provide the standard solutions
for basic design cases.
• There are modifications for high strength concrete
( fck > 50 MPa )

Note: TCC How to guide equations and equations used on

this course are based on a concrete fck ≤ 50 MPa

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/2

Section Analysis to determine
Tension & Compression Reinforcement
EC2 contains information on:
• Concrete stress blocks
• Reinforcement stress/strain curves
• The maximum depth of the neutral axis, x. This depends on
the moment redistribution ratio used, δ.
• The design stress for concrete, fcd and reinforcement, fyd

In EC2 there are no equations to determine As, tension steel, and As2,
compression steel, for a given ultimate moment, M, on a section.

Equations, similar to those in BS 8110, are derived in the following

slides. As in BS8110 the terms K and K’ are used:
M Value of K for maximum value of M
K =
bd 2 f ck with no compression steel and
when x is at its maximum value.
If K > K’ Compression steel required

Rectangular Concrete Stress Block

EC2: Cl 3.1.7, Fig 3.5 εcu3 η fcd
Fc Fig 6.1
Ac x λx

d Remember this
from last week?
As Fs
fck λ η
fck ≤ 50 MPa 50 < fck ≤ 90 MPa 50 0.8 1
λ 0.8 = 0.8 – (fck – 50)/400 55 0.79 0.98
60 0.78 0.95
η 1.0 = 1,0 – (fck – 50)/200 70 0.75 0.9
80 0.73 0.85
90 0.7 0.8
fcd = αcc fck /γc = 0.85 fck /1.5
For fck ≤ 50 MPa failure concrete strain, εcu, = 0.0035

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/3

Design Stress/Strain Curve
EC2: Cl 3.2.7, Fig 3.8 Idealised
In UK fyk = 500 MPa
fyd = fyk/γs
fyd = fyk/γs = 500/1.15 = 435 MPa Design

Es may be taken to be 200 GPa

Steel yield strain = fyd/Es ε

fyd/ Es ε ud εuk
(εs at yield point) = 435/200000
= 0.0022

At failure concrete strain is 0.0035 for fck ≤ 50 MPa.

If x/d is 0.6 steel strain is 0.0023 and this is past the yield point.
Design steel stress is 435 MPa if neutral axis, x, is less than 0.6d.

Analysis of a singly reinforced beam

EC2: Cl 3.1.7
Design equations can be derived as follows:

For grades of concrete up to C50/60, εcu= 0.0035, η = 1 and λ = 0.8.

fcd = 0.85fck/1.5
fyd = fyk/1.15 = 0.87 fyk
Fc = (0.85 fck / 1.5) b (0.8 x) = 0.453 fck b x
For no compression
Fst = 0.87As fyk
reinforcement Fsc = 0

Methods to find As:

• Iterative, trial and error method – simple but not practical
• Direct method of calculating z, the lever arm, and then As

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/4

Analysis of a singly reinforced beam
Determine As – Iterative method

For horizontal equilibrium Fc= Fst

0.453 fck b x = 0.87As fyk
Guess As Solve for x z = d - 0.4 x M = Fc z

Stop when design applied BM, MEd ≃ M

Analysis of a singly reinforced beam

Determine As – Direct method
Take moments about the centre of the tension force, Fst:
M = Fc z = 0.453 fck b x z (1)

Now z = d - 0.4 x M
∴ x = 2.5(d - z)
∴ M = 0.453 fck b 2.5(d - z) z
= 1.1333 (fck b z d - fck b z2)

Let K = M / (fck b d 2)
M  fckbdz fckbz 2 
K= = 1.1333  - 
fckbd 2
 fckbd
fckbd 2 
(K may be considered as the normalised bending resistance)

∴ 0 = 1.1333 [(z/d)2 – (z/d)] + K

0 = (z/d)2 – (z/d) + 0.88235K

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/5

0 = (z/d)2 – (z/d) + 0.88235K
Solving the quadratic equation: M
z/d = [1 + (1 - 3.53K)0.5]/2
z = d [ 1 + (1 - 3.53K)0.5]/2

The lever arm for an applied moment is now known

Quadratic formula

Higher Concrete Strengths

fck ≤ 50MPa z = d[1 + (1− 3.529K )]/2 Normal strength

fck = 60MPa z = d[1 + (1− 3.715K )]/2

fck = 70MPa z = d[1+ (1− 3.922K )]/2

fck = 80MPa z = d[1+ (1− 4.152K )]/2

fck = 90MPa z = d[1+ (1− 4.412K )]/2

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/6

Tension steel, As
Concise: 6.2.1
Take moments about the centre of the compression force, Fc:
M = Fst z = 0.87As fyk z
As = M /(0.87 fyk z)

The required area of reinforcement can now be found using three

a) calculated using these expressions
b) obtained from Tables of z/d (eg Table 5 of How to beams or
Concise Table 15.5, see next slide)
c) obtained from graphs (eg from the ‘Green Book’ or Fig B.3 in
Concrete Buildings Scheme Design Manual, next slide but one)

Design aids for flexure - method (b)

K = M / (fck b d 2)
Concise: Table 15.5

Traditionally z/d was
limited to 0.95 max to
avoid issues with the
quality of ‘covercrete’.

‘Normal’ tables and

charts are only valid
up to C50/60

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/7

Design aids for flexure- method (c)
TCC Concrete Buildings Scheme Design Manual, Fig B.3
K = M / (fck b d 2)

Design chart for singly reinforced beam

Maximum neutral axis depth

EC2: Cl 5.5 Linear elastic analysis with limited redistribution Concise:
Table 6.1
According to Cl 5.5(4) the depth of the neutral axis is limited, viz:
δ ≥ k1 + k2 xu/d
k1 = 0.4
k2 = 0.6 + 0.0014/ εcu2 = 0.6 + 0.0014/0.0035 = 1
xu = depth to NA after redistribution
Redistributed Bending Moment
δ = = Redistribution ratio
Elastic Bending Moment

∴ xu ≤ d (δ - 0.4)

Therefore there are limits on K and

this limit is denoted K’

For K > K’ Compression steel needed

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/8

K’ and Beams with Compression
Reinforcement, As2 Concise: 6.2.1
The limiting value for K (denoted K’) can be calculated as follows:
As before M = 0.453 fck b x z … (1)
and K = M / (fck b d 2) & z = d – 0.4 x & xu = d (δ – 0.4)

Substituting xu for x in eqn (1) and rearranging:

M’ = b d2 fck (0.6 δ – 0.18 δ 2 - 0.21)
∴ K’ = M’ /(b d2 fck) = (0.6 δ – 0.18 δ 2 - 0.21)
Min δ = 0.7 (30% redistribution). Steel to be either Class B or C for 20% to
30% redistribution.
Some engineers advocate taking x/d < 0.45, and ∴K’ < 0.168. It is often
considered good practice to limit the depth of the neutral axis to avoid
‘over-reinforcement’ to ensure a ductile failure. This is not an EC2
requirement and is not accepted by all engineers.
Note: For plastic analysis xu/d must be ≤ 0.25 for normal strength concrete,
EC2 cl 5.6.2 (2).

Compression steel, As2

EC2: Fig 3.5 Concise: 6.2.1

For K > K’ compression reinforcement As2 is required.

As2 can be calculated by taking moments about the centre of the
tension force:
M = K’ fck b d 2 + 0.87 fyk As2 (d - d2)
As2 = (K - K’) fck b d 2 / (0.87 fyk (d - d2))

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/9

Tension steel, As
for beams with Compression Reinforcement,

The concrete in compression is at its design

capacity and is reinforced with compression
reinforcement. So now there is an extra force:
Fsc = 0.87As2 fyk

The area of tension reinforcement can now be considered in two

The first part balances the compressive force in the concrete
(with the neutral axis at xu).
The second part balances the force in the compression steel.
The area of reinforcement required is therefore:
As = K’ fck b d 2 /(0.87 fyk z) + As2
where z is calculated using K’ instead of K

Design Flowchart
The following flowchart outlines the design procedure for rectangular
beams with concrete classes up to C50/60 and grade 500 reinforcement
Carry out analysis to determine design moments (M)

Determine K and K’ from:

δ K’
K= & K ' = 0.6δ − 0.18δ 2 − 0.21 1.00 0.208
b d 2 fck
0.95 0.195
Note: δ =1.0 means no redistribution and δ = 0.8 means 20% moment redistribution.
0.90 0.182
0.85 0.168
Yes No 0.80 0.153
Is K ≤ K’ ?
0.75 0.137

0.70 0.120
No compression steel Compression steel needed -
needed – singly reinforced doubly reinforced

It is often recommended in the UK that K’ is limited to 0.168 to ensure ductile failure

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/10

Flow Chart for Singly-reinforced
Beam/Slab K ≤ K’
Calculate lever arm z from: d
z= [1 + 1 − 3.53K ] ≤ 0.95d *
(Or look up z/d from table or from chart.)
* A limit of 0.95d is considered good practice, it is not a requirement of Eurocode 2.

Calculate tension steel required from: As =
fyd z

Check minimum reinforcement requirements:

0.26 fctm bt d (Cl.
As,min ≥ ≥ 0.0013 bt d Exp. (9.1N)

Check max reinforcement provided As,max ≤ 0.04Ac (Cl.

Check min spacing between bars > Øbar > 20 > Agg + 5
Check max spacing between bars

Minimum Reinforcement Area

EC2: Cl., Exp. 9.1N

The minimum area of reinforcement for beams and slabs is given by:
0.26 fctm bt d
As,min ≥ ≥ 0.0013 bt d

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/11

Flow Chart for Doubly-
Reinforced Beam K > K’
Calculate lever arm z from: z=
1 + 1 − 3.53K ' ]
Calculate excess moment from: M ' = bd 2fck (K − K ' )

Calculate compression steel required from:

As 2 =
fyd (d − d 2 )

Calculate tension steel required from: K ' fck bd 2

As = + As 2
fyd z

Check max reinforcement provided As,max ≤ 0.04Ac (Cl.

Check min spacing between bars > Øbar > 20 > Agg + 5

Flexure Worked Example

(Doubly reinforced)

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/12

Worked Example 1

Design the section below to resist a sagging moment of 370 kNm

assuming 15% moment redistribution (i.e. δ = 0.85).
Take fck = 30 MPa and fyk = 500 MPa.

Worked Example 1

Initially assume 32 mm φ for tension reinforcement with 30 mm

nominal cover to the link all round (allow 10 mm for link) and assume
20mm φ for compression reinforcement.

= 50
d = h – cnom - Ølink - 0.5Ø
= 500 – 30 - 10 – 16
= 444 mm = 444

d2 = cnom + Ølink + 0.5Ø

= 30 + 10 + 10
= 50 mm

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/13

Worked Example 1

K ' = 0.168 δ K’
M 1.00 0.208
K= 2
bd f ck 0.95 0.195
0.90 0.182
370 × 10 6 0.85 0.168
300 × 444 2 × 30 0.80 0.153
= 0.209 > K ' 0.75 0.137

∴ provide compression steel 0.70 0.120

1 + 1 − 3.53K ' ]
1 + 1 − 3.53 × 0.168 ]
= 363 mm

Worked Example 1
M ' = bd 2fck (K − K ' )
= 300 × 444 2 × 30 × (0.209 − 0.168 ) × 10 −6
= 72.7 kNm

As 2 =
f yd (d − d 2 )
72.7 x 10 6
435 × (444 – 50)
= 424 mm2

M −M'
As = + As 2
f yd z
(370 − 72.7) × 10 6
= + 424
435 × 363
= 2307 mm2

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/14

Worked Example 1
2 H20 for compression steel = 628mm2 (424 mm2 req’d)
3 H32 tension steel = 2412mm2 (2307 mm2 req’d)

By inspection does not exceed maximum area (0.04 Ac) or maximum

spacing of reinforcement rules (cracking see week 6 notes)

Check minimum spacing, assuming H10 links

Space between bars = (300 – 30 x 2 - 10 x 2 - 32 x 3)/2
= 62 mm > 32 mm* …OK

* EC2 Cl 8.2 (2) Spacing of bars for bond:

Clear distance between bars > Ф bar > 20 mm > Agg + 5 mm

Poll Q1:
Design reinforcement strength, fyd
For H type bar reinforcement what is fyd?

a. 435 MPa

b. 460 MPa

c. 476 MPa

d. 500 MPa

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/15

Poll Q2:
Neutral axis depth, x
A beam section has an effective depth of 500mm and the
ultimate elastic bending moment has been reduced by 30%.

What is the maximum depth of the neutral axis, xu?

a. 150 mm

b. 250 mm

c. 300 mm

d. 450 mm

Shear in Beams

Variable strut method

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/16

EC2: Cl 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.4 Concise: 7.2, 7.3, 8.0

There are three approaches to designing for shear:

• When shear reinforcement is not required e.g. slabs, week 5
Shear check uses VRd,c

• When shear reinforcement is required e.g. Beams

Variable strut method is used to check shear in beams
Strut strength check using VRd,max Links strength using VRd,s

• Punching shear requirements e.g. flat slabs, week 5

The maximum shear strength in the UK should not exceed that of

class C50/60 concrete. Cl 3.1.2 (2) P and NA.

Shear in Beams
EC2: Cl 6.2.3 Concise: 7.3

Shear design is different from BS8110. EC2 uses the variable strut
method to check a member with shear reinforcement.

VEd - Applied shear force. For predominately UDL, shear may be checked
at d from face of support

VRd,c – Resistance of member without shear reinforcement

VRd,s - Resistance of member governed by the yielding of shear
VRd,max - Resistance of member governed by the crushing of compression
Whilst Eurocode 2 deals in Resistances (capacities), VRd,c ,VRd,s ,VRd,max and
Effect of actions, VEd in kN, in practice, it is often easier to consider shear
strengths vRd, vRd,max and shear stresses, vEd, in MPa.

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/17

Members Requiring Shear
Reinforcement Concise: Fig 7.3
EC2: 6.2.3(1)
compression chord compression
compression strut
Fcd V(cot θ - cotα )

α ½z N M
d θ z = 0.9d
V ½z V
s tension chord
shear reinforcement

α angle between shear reinforcement and the beam axis

Normally links are vertical. α = 90o and cot α is zero
θ angle between the concrete compression strut and the beam axis
z inner lever arm. In the shear analysis of reinforced concrete
without axial force, the approximate value z = 0,9d may
normally be used.

Members Requiring Shear

Reinforcement Concise: Fig 7.3
EC2: 6.2.3(1)

bw is the minimum width

Asw Area of the shear reinforcement

fywd design yield strength = fyk/1.15

fcd design compressive strength = αccfck/1.5

= fck/1.5 (αcc = 1.0 for shear)

αcw = 1.0 Coefficient for stress in compression chord

ν1 strength reduction factor concrete cracked in shear

ν1 = ν = 0.6(1-fck/250) Exp (6.6N)

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/18

Strut Inclination Method
EC2: Equ. 6.8 & 6.9 for Vertical links
Strut angle limits
Equ 6.9
α cw bw z ν 1 fcd 21.8°° < θ < 45°°
VRd,max = VEd
cot θ + tan θ
Cot θ = 2.5 Cot θ = 1

Equ 6.8
VRd, s = sw z f ywd cot θ

Eurocode 2 vs BS8110:

reinforcement Eurocode 2:
BS8110: VR = VC + VS VRmax

Fewer links Test results VR

(but more critical)

Minimum links

Shear Strength, VR

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/19

Shear Design: Links
Variable strut method allows a shallower strut angle –
hence activating more links.
As strut angle reduces concrete stress increases

Min curtailment
for 45o strut Vhigh s Vlow

z d z d

x x

Angle = 45 ° V carried on 3 links Angle = 21.8 ° V carried on 6 links

Max angle - max shear resistance Min strut angle - Minimum links

Shear Resistance of Sections with

Vertical Shear Reinforcement Concise: 7.3.3
V s V

z d z d

x x
1 ≤ cot θ ≤ 2,5
Basic equations
shear reinforcement control – Exp (6.8) where:
VRd,s = Asw z fywd cot θ /s fywd = fyk/1.15
ν1 = ν = 0.6(1-fck/250)
αcw = 1.0
concrete strut control – Exp (6.9)
VRd,max = αcwz bw ν1 fcd /(cotθ + tanθ) = 0.5 z bw ν1 fcd sin 2θ

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/20

Shear links
EC2: Cl 6.2.3
Equation 6.9 is first used to determine the strut
angle θ and then equation 6.8 is used to find the
shear link area, Asw, and spacing s. vRd, cot θ vRd, cot θ
fck = 2.5 = 1.0
Equation 6.9 gives VRd,max values for a given strut 20 2.54 3.68
angle θ
25 3.10 4.50
e.g. when cot θ = 2.5 (θ = 21.8 ) Equ 6.9 becomes 28 3.43 4.97
VRd,max = 0.138 bw z fck (1 - fck/250)
30 3.64 5.28
or in terms of stress:
32 3.84 5.58
vRd ,max= 0.138 fck (1 - fck/250)
Values are in the middle column of the table. 35 4.15 6.02
40 4.63 6.72
Re-arranging equation 6.9 to find θ:
45 5.08 7.38
θ = 0.5 sin-1[vRd /(0.20 fck(1 - fck/250))] 50 5.51 8.00

Suitable shear links are found from equation 6.8: vRd ,max values, MPa, for
Asw /s = vEdbw/( fywd cot θ) cot θ = 1.0 and 2.5

EC2 – Shear Flow Chart

for vertical links
Determine vEd where:
vEd = design shear stress [vEd = VEd/(bwz) = VEd/(bw 0.9d)]

Determine the concrete strut capacity vRd when cot θ = 2.5

vRdcot θ = 2.5 = 0.138fck(1-fck/250) (or look up from table)

Is vRd,cot θ = 2.5 > vEd? No No

Is vRd,cot θ = 1.0 > vEd? Re-size

Yes (cot θ = 2.5) Yes (cot θ > 1.0)

Calculate area of shear Determine θ from:
reinforcement: θ = 0.5 sin-1[(vEd/(0.20fck(1-fck/250))]
Asw/s = vEd bw/(fywd cot θ)

Check minimum area, cl 9.2.2:

Check maximum spacing of shear
Asw/s ≥ bw ρw,min
reinforcement, cl 9.2.2:
ρw,min = (0.08 √fck)/fyk ≈ 0.001 sl,max = st,max = 0.75 d

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/21

Design aids for shear
Concise Fig 15.1 a)

Short Shear Spans with Direct

Strut Action
EC2: 6.2.3

d d

av av

• Where av ≤ 2d the applied shear force, VEd, for a point load

(eg, corbel, pile cap etc) may be reduced by a factor av/2d
where 0.5 ≤ av ≤ 2d provided:
− The longitudinal reinforcement is fully anchored at the support.
− Only that shear reinforcement provided within the central 0.75av is
included in the resistance.

Note: see PD6687-1:2010 Cl 2.14 for more information

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/22

Beam examples

Bending, Shear and High Shear

Beam Example 1

Gk = 75 kN/m, Qk = 50 kN/m, assume no redistribution and use EC0

equation 6.10 to calculate ULS loads.


Cover = 40mm to each face

fck = 30
Determine the flexural and shear
reinforcement required

450 (try 10mm links and 32mm main steel)

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/23

Beam Example 1 – Bending
ULS load per m = (75 x 1.35 + 50 x 1.5) = 176.25
Mult = 176.25 x 82/8
= 1410 kNm
d = 1000 - 40 - 10 – 32/2
= 934
M 1410 × 106
K= = = 0.120
bd 2fck 450 × 934 2 × 30
K’ = 0.208
K < K’ ⇒ No compression reinforcement required
d 934
1 + 1 − 3.53K =
] [ ]
1 + 1 − 3.53 x 0.120 = 822 ≤ 0.95d
M 1410 x 10
As = = = 3943 mm2
fyd z 435 x 822

Provide 5 H32 (4021 mm2)

Beam Example 1 – Shear

Shear force, VEd = 176.25 x 8/2 = 705 kN (We could take 505 kN @ d from face)

Shear stress:
vEd = VEd/(bw 0.9d) = 705 x 103/(450 x 0.9 x 934)
= 1.68 MPa vRd, cot θ vRd, cot θ
= =
vRdcot θ = 2.5 = 3.64 MPa fck 2.5 1.0

vRdcot θ = 2.5 > vEd 20 2.54 3.68

∴ cot θ = 2.5 25 3.10 4.50
Asw/s = vEd bw/(fywd cot θ) 28 3.43 4.97
Asw/s = 1.68 x 450 /(435 x 2.5) 30 3.64 5.28
Asw/s = 0.70 mm 32 3.84 5.58
Try H10 links with 4 legs. 35 4.15 6.02
Asw = 314 mm2 40 4.63 6.72
s < 314 /0.70 = 448 mm 45 5.08 7.38
⇒ provide H10 links at 450 mm spacing 50 5.51 8.00

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/24

Beam Example 1

Provide 5 H32 (4021) mm2)

H10 links at 450 mm spacing

Max spacing is 0.75d = 934 x 0.75

= 700 mm

Beam Example 2 – High shear

Find the minimum area of

shear reinforcement
required to resist the
design shear force using
UDL not dominant

Assume that:
fck = 30 MPa and
fyd = 500/1.15 = 435 MPa

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/25

Beam Example 2 – High shear
Find the minimum area of shear reinforcement required to resist
the design shear force using EC2.

fck = 30 MPa and vRd, cot θ = vRd, cot θ =

fck 2.5 1.0
fyd = 435 MPa
20 2.54 3.68
Shear stress: 25 3.10 4.50
vEd = VEd/(bw 0.9d) 28 3.43 4.97
= 312.5 x 103/(140 x 0.9 x 500) 30 3.64 5.28
= 4.96 MPa 32 3.84 5.58
vRdcot θ = 2.5 = 3.64 MPa 35 4.15 6.02
vRdcot θ = 1.0 = 5.28 MPa 40 4.63 6.72
vRdcot θ = 2.5 < vEd < vRdcot θ = 1.0 45 5.08 7.38
50 5.51 8.00
∴ 2.5 > cot θ > 1.0 ⇒ Calculate θ

Beam Example 2 – High shear

Calculate θ
 v Ed 
θ = 0.5 sin − 1  
 0 . 20 fck (1 − f ck / 250 ) 
 4.96 
θ = 0.5 sin − 1  
( )
 0.20 x 30 1- 30 / 250 
= 35.0°
∴ cot θ = 1.43
Asw/s = vEd bw/(fywd cot θ )
Asw/s = 4.96 x 140 /(435 x 1.43)
Asw/s = 1.12 mm
Try H10 links with 2 legs.
Asw = 157 mm2
s < 157 /1.12 = 140 mm
⇒ provide H10 links at 125 mm spacing

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/26

Lecture 3

Design a beam for flexure and shear

Beam Exercise – Flexure & Shear

Gk = 10 kN/m, Qk = 6.5 kN/m (Use EC0 eq. 6.10)


Cover = 35 mm to each face

fck = 30MPa
Design the beam in flexure and shear


EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/27

Aide memoire

Exp (6.10)
this from the
first week?

Table 15.5

Workings:- Load, Mult, d, K, K’, (z/d,) z, As, VEd, Asw/s

Φ Area,
mm mm2
8 50
10 78.5
12 113
16 201
20 314
25 491
32 804

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/28

Working space

Working space

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/29

Working space

End of Lecture 3

EC2 Webinar – Autumn 2016 Lecture 3/30

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