Arvil R. Ducusin Serv - 100 Case # 3: I. Definition of Customer Service

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Arvil R.

Serv – 100 Case # 3

I. Definition of Customer Service

1. Based on the case presented, what problems are the managers faced with?
- Report problem with insufficient power and resulting low resolution.
2. What caused them? Can you describe how these problems developed?
- First, you can attribute this issue to the administrator. If you find that your
account has already failed, you will need to change the training course for each
agent and start over. For me, it's not the agent's fault, it's the company that created
the account, maybe it's the one that trained it, or the process of resolving it is
lacking in the end call center Agents only work on the backend.
3. Do you think the situation should be treated as a crisis situation for customer service?
- Yes, you bring the name of the BPO company and it reflects their business, so
the reputation is always reflected in the company.
4. Do you think that employee morale has any bearing on customer service? Why or why
- At a few instances it can be the reason, because of the reality which can be a few
BPO organizations has poisonous human beings in it and don`t understand a way
to deal with their employee`s nicely.
5. What characterizes good customer service?
- For me, good customer service is the willingness to tackle a problem, provide the
right solution, and know how to handle a call.

II. The Importance of the Customer

1. Identify and differentiate the different types of customers.

- For me, there are only two types of customers: happy customers and angry
customers. Happy customers are those who rate agents and get a perfect score of
10 in the survey, while angry customers are the type of customers that are very
difficult to find because they are already dissatisfied with what is happening. is.
There is a problem
- package / order.

2. What makes a customer important?

- All customers are important. Because without customers, there is no reason to do

business with a BPO company. You are the one who brings your business to life.

3. What is the relative value of each customer based on the interactions BPOs establish
- Customers play an important role in acting as an asset in a BPO company. BPO
companies usually want to build a relationship with BPO so that their account can

4. Based on actions the company has taken to so far, would you say that their methods are
effective or not? Why?

- It's not effective, but it's not a game to have an account crisis. It can affect the
name of the BPO company as well as the company that no longer provides work
to your account.

5. Who are the main stakeholders in a customer-service oriented organization?

- The main stakeholders are customers, suppliers, and employees..

III. Different Types of Customer Service Interactions

1. Identify and describe the different types of customer service interactions?

- Two types of customer service Voice and Nonvoice, in Voice accounts they are
the one who answers calls to a customer or they will also do outbound call who
calls the customer and asks if they`re satisfied with the resolution, while
NonVoice accounts are the one who email or chat support they provide service
through emailing them or chatting the customer.

2. Which of these would you say provides customer-service oriented companies more
opportunity to build customer trust? Why?

- I prefer a voice account by answering calls in real time, and knowing how to
handle calls and providing accurate resolution will make customers happy or
grateful that they can build trust.

3. Which has the least impact on customers?

- The least impact on customers is the long wait for a response from your
NonVoice account. Because it will take some time to get back in touch..

4. What type of customer interaction is practiced by CTQ&A Ltd.?

- Poor customer service, because it is clear that the account is already in crisis
because you provided the wrong solution to that customer..

5. In management’s shoes, how would you be able to balance the need to meet (internal and
external) customer demands?
- If I were the management I would innovate another resolution that could meet the
needs of the customer maybe redesign the script and create the perfect flow of the
call and also not just the customer`s needs but also provide the needs of each

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