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What is Argumentative Essay?

• An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that contains a debated issue. In essence, we are asked to
write an essay that contains our responses, opinions, and positions on these issues.

· Argumentative is a paragraph that explains and convinces the reader about the pros (agree) and con

What is the function of Argumentative Essay?

Argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires us to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and
evaluate evidence and build a position on the topic in a succinct manner.

Tips on How to write an Argumentative Essay

To be effective, an argumentative essay must contain elements to help persuade the audience to see
things from your perspective. These components include a compelling topic, a balanced assessment,
strong evidence, and persuasive language.

1.Find a Good Topic and Point of View

2.Gather Evidence

3.Write the Essay

+. Conclusion

Final Tips

When writing your essay, consider these tips to help craft the most rational and poignant argument for
your readers. Avoid emotional language that can sound irrational Know the difference between a logical
conclusion and an emotional point of view.
Characteristics of Argumentative Paragraphs

1. Contains the author's opinion, views, or beliefs on a problem.

2. Have factual data that is used to convince the reader.

3. Describe a problem by analyzing and making an analogy.

+. Ends with a conclusion in the form of a broader opinion.

In general, Argumentative has a generic structure:

1. It has a topic sentence

2. It has supporting sentences for pros and supporting sentences for cons.

3. It has conclusion.

How To Outline an Argumentative Essay in 4 Steps

1. Introductory paragraph. The first paragraph of your essay should outline the topic, provide
background information necessary to understand your argument, outline the evidence you will present
and states your thesis.

2. The thesis statement. This is part of your first paragraph. Itvis a concise, one-sentence summary of
your main point and claim.

3. Body paragraphs. A typical argumentative essay comprises three or more paragraphs that explain the
reasons why you support your thesis.

4. Conclusion. One paragraph that restates your thesis and summarizes all of the arguments made in
your body paragraphs.
5 Types of Argument Claims

Once you decide what you're arguing and know your thesis statement, consider how you'll present your
argument. There are five types of argument claims that can drive your essay:

1. Fact: whether the statement is true or false.

2. Definition: the dictionary definition of what you're arguing, plus your own personal interpretation of

3.Value: the importance of what you're arguing.

4. Cause and effect: what causes the problem in your essay and what effects it has.

5.Policy: why the reader should care and what they should do about it

after reading.

Why West Papua should be part of the Homeland? The Republic of Indonesia Republic of Indonesia) is
one of the main foundation of four pillars of nation and state formation that underlies this beloved
country is the Republic of Indonesia. Republic of Indonesia is a country that is formed over various
ethnicity, language, religion, race, and ethnic groups spread from Sabang to Merauke. So it is the duty
together as citizens to come together and unite in defense of the Homeland. However, the diversity
affect the potential for some conflict, so that the State of West Papua want to separate themselves from
the Homeland. Because, it can be seen from several reasons suc as history, education, economy, and

the Free Papua Movement OPM . The organization continues to make efforts to separate Papua from
the Homeland by armed terrorist acts against government, military police and civil society and
indigenous. This is what actually led to the settlement of separatism in Papua and West Papua
simultaneously and intensively with the government's continued focus on improving the security and
order conditions involving the military police who then used by OPM to provoke a military police in
Papua perform actions violate human rights, which in fact is conditioned by the OPM itself to form an
opinion on the Papuan people and the world in order to get sympathy and financial support as well as
enhancing its existence.
For the umpteenth time the Papuan people to reject the Homeland volatile c Republic of Indonesia.
Most of the indigenous people of Papua was not getting much benefit by joining the Homeland half a
century after joining, their lives remain behind. Central Statistics Agency C BPS of Papua in 2010, found
that about so percent of indigenous people live in backwardness, poor, and very behind in education.
Poor houseolds rached 83.04 percent.

Citizens of Papua in the economy was left behind, because all resources utilized by foreigners, but
citizens of Papua yourself getting slightly. So the economic problems that led to loss of revenue from
natural resources in West Papua. Examples such, the exploitation of natural resources in Papua ongoing
but the condition of the people of Papua remains neglected even forgotten that they are in a position to
make very poor.

culture population or community culture in new guinea can be said to be diverse, some tribal cultures
have a fairly high and admirable that the tribes on the south coast of irian is now better known as the
tribe" asmat " ethnic group is famous for having greatness in terms of sculpture and dance. culture irian
diverse ppulation that can be marked by a number of local languages, especiall in west irian.

the republic of indonesia has a diversity of ethnicity, language, religion, race, and ethnicity. so it is only
fitting the state of west papua in order not to separate themselves from the homeland. however unite
to defend the homeland.

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