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I am a person who has begun to see the bright side of life in all aspects.

There are several things I enjoy

doing, seeing, and experiencing. I prefer to listen more than speak. I enjoy being alone from time to
time, I enjoy good meals, and I enjoy trying new foods. I adore nature and its peaceful beauty. I prefer
solitude and despise loud environments and individuals.

I am a self-motivated and self-driven lady. I consider myself to be sensitive while being self-contained.
Yes, I find it difficult to hide my emotions at times; however, I do not consider sensitivity to be a sign of a
weak personality; rather, being sensitive is a sign of a strong personality because we can sense the
emotions and pain of others.

I'm content with the little things in life. I'm grateful for the blessings that God has bestowed upon me.
Some days are simply horrible days, and that's all there is to it. You have to feel grief before you can
know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day will be a wonderful day; that's simply life.
People have told me countless times that I can't accomplish this or that. My disposition is such that I
don't pay attention to the negative thing others say to or about me. I'm a hard worker who believes in
myself. That's how my folks raised me. That is a blessing from God. I don't allow anything get in the way
of my goals. I like and respect a lot of individuals, but I don't necessarily want to be like them. I'm far too
content to be myself. Life has thrown me a few curveballs, but I've managed to overcome them so far.
I've learned who I should trust, if others are willing to aid me, and how to live alone in difficult
situations; most importantly, I've learned how to distinguish between friends and opponents. I've grown
stronger and wiser as a result of this experience. I dislike passing judgment on other people's lives. I
have no enmity, envy, or animosity towards others, and I am not envious of their success. I'm not aiming
to follow in the footsteps of others or drag them down. I'm going to push myself to the limit. I am a very
forgiving person, which is a trait I like in myself since the weak cannot forgive, but the strong have the
ability to forgive.

It was Life has thrown me a few

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