3.independent Reading Response Form2 Nguyen Xuan Thai (P1-R&W) 1

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Pre-intermediate: Reading & Writing

Independent Reading response

Section 1:

Name: Nguyễn Xuân Thái Author Samuel Petrequin

Student S3934837 Article Title Would you buy meat from a

Number machine?

Date: 2/1/2022 Publication date March 11, 2021

Stars (delete ✰✰✰✰✰ Link to text https://www.tweentribune.co

the extra stars m/article/junior/would-you-

Complete each section about the reading text.

Section 2: The text is about some meat vending machines
Write a summary of the text. put in the French capital. The fact that there is no
Think about what, who, where, lack of meat sources, but those machines still are
when and why when you write. installed. This text also pointed out some benefits

Write 50-100 words. of meat vending machines, for example, helping

the people who cannot go to butcher shop at
opening time, especially those machines can
serve customers over the weekend. Despite many
expediencies, there are also have some
disadvantages of the meat dispensers. For
instance, because of its conveniences, the price
you have to pay for meat will be higher than meat
bought in stores or butcher's shops, and those
machines might not be suited to the older people.

Section 3: I think the text was pretty interesting when it

● What do you think about this wrote about the conveniences of meat dispenser
news story? Did you like this
machines, and this text also clearly pointed out
text? Why?
● How is this story connected to some disadvantages of those machines. I am a
you and everyday life in your big fan of technology, so I was captivated by this
home country?
text. The text also helps me disperse some
Write 100-150 words. misunderstood about those type of machines. For
instance, I am usually curious why these things
are sold in machines always more expensive than
Pre-intermediate: Reading & Writing

the same things but are sold in a

store. Firstly, the meat vending machine is an
excellent method to solve the problems radically
of night shift workers because they cannot go to
the butcher's shop at opening time. Secondly,
those machines also help those who live in distant
areas do not need to drive too far to buy meat,
and they can buy it from a meat dispenser
machine instead. It saves their time to do other
things. In brief, meat vending machines have
more advatages than disadvantages, so it seems
a good method to increase the quality of civil life.

Section 4: To help me understand this ❏ Used the headline and pictures to

reading, I … predict what the topic was about.
❏ Checked my predictions.
❏ Re-read sections to check I
❏ Paid attention to keywords.

When I found a new word, I … ❏ guessed the meaning.

❏ looked in a dictionary.
❏ translated.
❏ asked a friend.
❏ wrote it in my notebook.
❏ wrote a sentence to help me
remember it.
❏ _____________________________

Section 5: New words and phrases from the text (minimum of three): Write an example
sentence in your own words.

Word or phrase Example sentence in your own words

1.Cater (v) The service qualities in this restaurant are the best in this
city, which are shown through the way they cater for their

2.Boulevard (n) The Champs-Élysées is the most beautiful boulevard in


3. Traditional delicatessen Every country has their own unique traditional delicatessen,
Pre-intermediate: Reading & Writing

You must complete all sections of this form in order to receive a good grade.

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