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Part 1

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C.

Restaurant for Take Over

Looking for a renovated restaurant space to kickstart or expand your F&B

business? A well- established 2,400 square feet renovated restaurant in the
heart of Penang is now available. It is strategically located in the heritage
enclave, frequently visited by tourists. The single-storey unit faces the famous
historical landmark, Fort Cornwallis.It is equipped with kitchen equipment .
whatsApp Ting at 011-16901200

1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The restaurant is located near tourist attractions.
B. The unit needs to be fitted with kitchen equipment.
C. The double –storey renovated restaurant will be available soon.

Covid -19 vaccination will help protect you from getting Covid 19. You may
have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building
protection. These side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but
they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects .

Common side effects:

a. On the arm you got the shot

 pain
 redness
 swelling
b. Throughout the rest of your body

 tirednesss  chills
 headache  fever
 muscle pain  nausea

2. The main purpose of the article is

A. to inform the public that the virus is no longer considered danger
B. to inform the public of the normal side effects one may have after the
C. to advise people with the virus to seek treatment .
3. From the pie chart , we can conclude that
A. the students take their studies seriously
B. they spend most of their time online
C. the students do not like resting

4. The notice
A. is written by the two teachers
B. states that the talent show is taking place on 21st April
C. is to invite students to come for the audition
5. Which of the following statements is true ?
A. This is a sugar free beverage
B. To make this coffee , the ratio for the is 1:1 :1
C. Low –fat milk must be used to make Dalgona Coffee

6. The text informs us that

A. we should keep our computers running even if we are not using them
B. one reusable bag can save more than 600 plastic bags
C. there will be enough energy to power a TV for 3 hours just by recycling a can
of soda 
7. Which of the following statements is true ?
A. Dora went for the camping trip
B. Cath was confident she could win the Explorace
C. Dora was interested to know who Cath saw

8. What does the text say?

A. We should always be grateful for the things we have in life.
B. We must not be thankful for the blessings in life
C. We deserve the abundant blessings as we work hard 
Part 2
Question 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space . For each question, click the
correct letter A,B C or D .


Today Malaysia produces about seventy percent of the amount of rice it needs to support (0)itself. The
rest of Malaysia’s rice is (9) ________.This is a matter of policy as the government believes that
national resources can be used more profitably instead of attempting to achieve (10)________ with
rice production. The revenue that is (11) ________from Malaysia’s other industries enables the
country to import up to half the rice it needs. The state of Kedah is considered the “rice bowl” of the
country, accounting (12)________about half of Malaysia’s total production of rice.
Plain steamed white rice, served with side dishes of meat or vegetables, is (13)________
prepared with an electric rice cooker . Some households and food establishments prefer to cook rice on
a stove top with the absorption method or the rapid- boil method. Compressed rice called nasi
“himpit”, is another method of preparing and cooking rice :the rice is wrapped with leaves and
compressed into the form of a cylinder, which is then cooked by boiling . The rice would compress
and merge (14) ________the cooking process forming a block. Compressed rice is usually eaten at
room temperature, (15)________ it may be served warm in broth or soup.
There are also different types of locally grown and imported rice available in the market, and
each type has a specific cooking method to bring out(16)________ results. One example is glutinous
rice which has a sticky (17)________after cooking . Glutinous rice is typically (18) ________ making
snacks and desserts, but it is also prepared as a savoury dish like “lemang “.

Source: Malaysian_cuisine

9 A. transmitted
B. imported
C. imparted
D. transported

1 A. self- image
B. self- depreciation
C. self –sufficiency
D. self-confidence

1 A. contemplated
B. violated
C. segregated
D. generated

1 A. for
B. to
C. from
D. against

1 A. never
B. typically
C. seldom
D. rarely

1 A. before
B. for
C. during
D. while

1 A. since
B. although
C. whereas
D. despite

1 A. unfavourable
B. critical
C. optimal
D. contrary

1 A. texture
B. quality
C. element
D. aroma

1 A. used by
B. used in
C. used up
D. used for 
Part 3
Questions 19-26
You are going to read an extract from an article . for question 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) and click the correct letter A, B C or D .

How Brands Affect Teens

Research Shows Brands Influence Teens

The results of a recent study show that teens love brands- 46 percent say they are
loyal to the brands they like a lot – but more than 50 percent say brands are simply
a way for companies to make money.

When it comes to brand s, some teens agreed that the world would be a better
place without them, but around a third of the teens who were questioned said that
having cool brands makes them feel cool and many of them admitted to being
obsessed with brand names. Surprisingly, however , the most loyal say they would
give up one brand for another : 19 percent say they would do so because of
boredom, and one in four say they would switch if a brand became too popular.

B Teens are trendsetters and they’ve got buying power. They’re also far more clever
than many people think and are not impressed by traditional advertising .
Marketing for teens is a challenge , but with the right product, the right intentions
and the right advertising , it can produce rewards.

1. Make it cool
It will appear on every teen’s wish list
2. Create a craze
Teens are mostly found in group. This makes word- of – mouth advertising
powerful. In other words, if one teen buys a particular brand and likes it,
you can easily sell the same brand to all their friends too.
3. Don,t be obvious
The generation gap needs to be bridged, but teens know when they’re
being talked down to and they’re not attracted to fast –moving flashy
advertising or silly catch phrases. Cutting edge music and quirky images
work better.
4. Think beyond traditional mass media
Teens seldom read print media and they watch TV on their computers . But
simply going onto Facebook or Twitter and asking them to buy something
just doesn’t work.
Experts says “ Branding “ Threaten Teens” Identities .

Psychologists are worried by ‘ cradle to grave’ brand loyalty which

companies are creating by aiming at the teen market. The message that the
solution to life’s problems lies in buying the right products has a serious
and dangerous effect.

Once children reach their teens, a stage when they’re naturally insecure and
looking for personal identity, they learn that material possessions are
what’s important , according to research. Advertisers understand teens’
desire to be “cool” and take advantage of it to sell products. The fact that
teens need to identify with their peer group makes them easy targets for
advertisers. The attraction to certain brands develops during adolescence
because it is a time when teens are worried about fitting in with their peer
group. This trend encourages teens to think in materialistic terms,
developing an identity around what they have, rather than who they are and
how they think.

Hi Jake ,

YouJake , believe what happened today ! I was on my way home from my
music lesson when suddenly a gang of older boys- I think they were several
You wont’ believe what happened today ! I was on my way home from my
years older than me, around sixteen – surrounded me . “Uh, oh “ I thought ,
music lesson when suddenly a gang of older boys- I think they were several
“ they’re after my mobile phone’. I was ready to hand it over ,but they
years older than me, around sixteen – surrounded me . “Uh, oh “ I thought ,
weren’t interested in that . Turned out that they thought my new trainers
“ they’re after my mobile phone’. I was ready to hand it over ,but they
were so cool that they wanted to know where I’d got them! I’m talking
weren’t interested in that . Turned out that they thought my new trainers
about the ones my aunt in the USA sent me for my birthday! Apparently,
were so cool that they wanted to know where I’d got them! I’m talking
they”re the latest thing …really expensive … and all the rappers are
about the ones my aunt in the USA sent me for my birthday! Apparently,
wearing them. Who knew ? Anyway , these guys were actually quite
they”re the latest thing …really expensive … and all the rappers are
friendly and I was sooooo relieved that they weren’t muggers. Just wish
wearing them. Who knew ? Anyway , these guys were actually quite
Auntie had sent a hand –knitted jumper like she used to …
friendly and I was sooooo relieved that they weren’t muggers. Just wish
Auntie had sent a hand –knitted jumper like she used to …

19. What does the study show ?
A. Teenagers would feel better without brands
B. Brand loyalty never changes among teenagers
C. Over half the teens questioned think brands are expensive
D. Among teens , there are different views about brands

20. What is the purpose of Section B?

A. to describe an advertising campaign
B. to suggest ways to make teens buy a product
C. to encourage teens to buy a product
D. to inform parents about advertising

21. What aspect of teens’ brand loyalty are psychologists worried about ?
A. their habit of building an identity on what they own. 
B. their need to look cool
C. their inability to resist peer pressure.
D. their natural insecurity

22. The purpose of the article is to

A. offer solutions to teens who feel left out
B. their need to look cool
C. their inability to resist peer pressure
D. their natural insecurity

23. What happened to Betty

A. Muggers tried to take her phone
B. A gang tried to steal her shoes
C. Her shoes attracted attention
D. She was attacked in the street

24. How did Betty feel about her trainers ?

A. She was proud that they were so cool
B. She was pleased that they were so expensive
C. She was unaware that they were special
D. She was angry that people were jealous of them.

25. Which sections mention the power of brand loyalty among teens?
A.She is obsessed with popular brands
B.Peer pressures has a strong influence on her
C.Her appearance makes her popular
D.She is less influenced by brands 
Part 4

You are going to read an article about a popular online game.

Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one
which fits each gap (27 to 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use .
Mark your answers at the number of questions

Player Unknown’s Battleground (PUBG)

Player Unknown’s Battleground (PUBG) is an online multiplayer battle royale game

developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of South Korea video game
Bluehole. 27 In the game, up to one hundred players parachute onto an island and
scavenge for weapons and equipment to kill others while avoiding getting killed themselves.
Players can choose to enter the match solo, as a duo , or with a small team up to four people.

The plane’s flight path across the map varies with each round, requiring players to
quickly determine the best time to eject and parachute to the ground. 28 These items
are procedurally distributed throughout the map at the start at the start of a match , with
certain high-risk zones typically having better equipment .

27 This means that surviving players are directed to tighter areas to force
encounters. During the course of the match ,random regions of the map are highlighted in red
and bombed, posing a threat to players who remain in that area. At the completion of each
round , players gain in- game currency based on their perfomance. 30 The last
player or team standing wins the round.

31 The game has sold over 70 million copies on personal computers and game
consoles as of 2020. PUBG has received positive reviews from critics , who found that while
the game had some technical flaws, it presented new types of gameplay that could be easily
approached by players of any skill level.

The game has been attributed to popularising the battle royale genre, with a number of
unofficial Chinese clones also being produced following its success. 32 PUBG
Corporation has run several small tournaments and introduced in –game tools to broadcast
the game to spectators, as they wish for it to become a popular e –sport. On a side note, the
game has also been banned in some countries for allegedly being harmful and addictive to
younger player
A. PUBG is one of the best selling , highest –grossing and most played video games
of all time .
B. Once they land, players can search for weapons, vehicles , armour and other
C. We cannot say that PUBG is unique because there have been a lot of games
based in this style.
D. The designer of PUBG, Brendan Greene says that he got his inspiration from the
Japanese film ‘ Battle Royale ‘.
E. The currency is used to purchase crates which contain cosmetic items for
character or weapon customization.
F. You can come within top ten without encountering enemies if you have enough
stealth skills.
G. The available safe area of the game’s map decrease in size over time.
H. The game also received several Game of the Year nominations, among other
Part 5

Questions 33 to 40

We interviewed six teenagers about their choices of part-time jobs. Read the texts below and
answer the questions that follow

Teens on their Choices of Part –time Jobs

A- KayeRha ,17 years old

I’m a bookworm . So, what better place to work part-time than a book shop ?While
sorting and rearranging books. I’m sure I’ll get a sneak peek of the latest releases. I hope
there are book discounts for employees

B- Nabila ,17 years old

I plan to become a part-time tuition teacher while waiting for my SPM results . I have
been scoring well for my Physics and Additional Mathematics consistently. I am
comfortable teaching these subjects. I don’t mind teaching at a tuition centre. I am also
open to other options such as home tuition or online tuition.

C- Adrian Chew,17 years old .

I have been taking cello lessons since I was six. I completed my Grade 8 with a
distinction last year. I believe that working part-time at a music academy is a stepping
stone to a better future in my musical pursuit as I intend to play the cello professionally.

D- Alfa, 17 years old

I am a fashion enthusiast. I have an eye for fashion and I keep up with the latest clothing
trends. I’m thinking of working part-time as a stylist in an apparel retail outlet. Maybe I
can learn a thing or two about fashion design. I hope to become a designer and have my
own label someday, god willing !

E- Rj,18 years old

I have friends who work as attendants at the adventure park near my house. Attendants
help players engage in adventurous activities in a safe manner. I heard that the employer
pays really attractive part –time rates. the only downside is that I have to work on
weekends and public holidays.

F- Ashley, 16 years old

I love to be around animals. Cats, dogs , hamsters, hedgehogs, exotic pets, you name it . I
would love to help customers find the perfect pet. I hope to be given some training in pet
grooming .Such hands-on experiences are hard to come by. Well, I know I will be
assigned to clean the cages and litter boxes but I honestly don’t mind getting my hands
Questions 33 to 36

Which paragraph (A-F) describes the thoughts of the teens?

Mark your answers

Statements Paragraph
33. To me , the location doesn’t matter since the nature of the job is the same. _____
34. It takes years to master an instrument. _____
35. Getting dirty is part of the job. _____
36. I’m working for the money. _____

Questions 37 to 40

Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word
from the passage for each answer. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Did You Know ?

 Teenagers are quick to imitate fashion (37) _____________ that are set by their favourite
 Regular (38) _____________ is essential to the well –being of your Persian cat .
 Learning something new is usually difficult at first , but doing it (39) _____________
will help you become adept at it .
 The (40) _____________of employment in the world of retail is its inconvenient working
schedule which often involves weekends , nights and public holidays.

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