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1. Choose an electrochemistry-related problem that affects the quality of your life the most?

● The electrochemistry-related problem that affects the quality of our life is rusting.
Rusting has a number of effects on metal objects. It makes them look orange and
rough. It makes them weaker, by replacing the strong iron or steel with flaky
powder. Some oxides on some metals such as aluminum form just a thin layer on
top which slows down further corrosion, but rust can slowly eat away at even the
biggest piece of iron. If a piece of iron's strength is important for safety, such as a
bridge support or a car's brake caliper, it is a good idea to inspect it for rust
damage every now and then.

● Rust also can cause metal parts that are supposed to slide over one another to
become stuck. Just ask someone who has tried to get a rusty nut unstuck from a
rusty bolt.

● Rust can make holes in sheet metal. Rusty car mufflers sometimes develop
holes in them, and the sheet steel making the outer bodies of cars will often rust
through, making can make losses to car users.

● Rust is a lot less magnetic than iron. An iron magnet will probably still work
almost as well when it has a thin coating of rust on it, but if it has rusted so badly
that most of the metal is gone, then it will not work very well as a magnet.

● Rust is an insulator, meaning that it doesn't conduct electricity easily, unlike iron,
which is a metallic conductor. So if some electrical connection is made with iron,
it's likely to go bad when the iron surface rusts.

Publish Date: October 24, 2019


2. How do you think the problem occurs?

Rust is a term that refers to a group of iron oxides and hydroxides that form when iron or iron
alloys are exposed to oxygen and moisture for an extended length of time. The oxygen reacts
with the metal over time, generating new chemicals that are collectively known as rust. Although
rust is commonly referred to as "oxidation," the term encompasses a wide range of processes
involving the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state as part of a reaction. The most
well-known of these reactions involves the presence of oxygen, hence the term "oxidation." The
phrases "rust" and "rusting" refer to the oxidation of iron and the compounds that arise. There
are numerous oxidation reactions that do not contain iron or result in rust. However, only iron
and iron alloys can rust. Other metals, on the other hand, can corrode in the same way.
Associated reaction

The electrochemical process of iron rusting begins with the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen.
The reducing agent is iron, which donates electrons, whereas the oxidising agent is oxygen which
gains electrons. The reduction of oxygen is the most important reaction:
− −
O2 + 4  e + 2 H2O → 4  OH
It does so because it produces hydroxide ions. The presence of acid has a significant impact on this
process. At low pH, oxygen corrosion of most metals is also accelerated. The oxidation of iron,
which can be stated as follows, provides the electrons for the aforementioned reaction:
2+ −
Fe → Fe + 2  e
In the presence of water, the following redox reaction happens, which is critical for the formation of
2+ 3+ 2−
4 Fe + O2 → 4 Fe +2O
The following multistep acid–base interactions also have an impact on rust formation:
2+ +
Fe + 2  H2O ⇌ Fe(OH)2 + 2  H
3+ +
Fe + 3  H2O ⇌ Fe(OH)3 + 3  H
The following dehydration equilibria also apply:
Fe(OH)2 ⇌ FeO + H2O

Fe(OH)3 ⇌ FeO(OH) + H2O

2 FeO(OH) ⇌ Fe2O3 + H2O

From the above equations, it is also seen that the corrosion products are dictated by the availability
of water and oxygen.


❖ Richards, J. (2019, March 2). How Does Rust Form? Sciencing. Retrieved

December 8, 2021, from

3. Are there any ways to solve the problem?

● Use alloy that contain aluminium

It's a standard method for delaying or preventing corrosion. A metal is combined with at
least one other metal or nonmetal to form an alloy. Apart from in some alloys, the
combination must be part of a solid solution, a compound, or a mixture. Aluminium does not
rust because it contains no iron. Although aluminium reacts with oxygen in water or
moisture, or in other ways, oxidation occurs, the aluminium-oxide forms a thin corrosion-
resistant protective coating that protects the metal from further harm. To be considered an
alloy, it must contain another metal or nonmetal. For example, in our daily life, we should use
a stainless steel spoon since stainless steel spoons do not rust. Stainless steel is a category
of ferrous alloys with a minimum of around 11% chromium content, a composition that
makes it corrosion resistant.

This is one of the famous ways to delay or prevent rusting. An items must contain
metallic and non -metallic materials to be counted as an alloy. With the exception
of some alloys, the combination must be part of a solid solution, compound, or
mixture. Aluminum reacts with or oxidized with oxygen in water and moisture, but
aluminum oxide forms a thin corrosion-resistant protective layer that protects the
metal from further damage. For example, in our daily life, stainless steel spoons
and other utensils do not rust, so we need to start using it. Stainless steel is a
type of iron alloy with a chromium content of at least about 11% and has a
corrosion resistant composition.

● Painting

Painting is the second option. Painting or plating (such as chrome plating) inhibits
H2O molecules from reaching the metal's surface, preventing it from receiving
oxygen. As a result, the iron won't rust because it won't be able to reach the
water molecules when it's painted. Paint acts as a barrier, preventing moisture
from reaching the metal's surface. So, before painting the metal, the free rust
must be removed. We don't have to strip the metal down to its bare, gleaming
surface—just remove the flakes and powdery surface rust that prevent paint from
sticking. Wire brush, sandpaper, or chemical rust removal are all options. The
idea is to make your surface as smooth as possible so that the new paint finish
sticks to it well. The paint can then be applied. Rust Protective Enamel Paint, for
example, is the most popular rust-prevention paint.

● Oiling

Finally, we have the option of using the oiling procedure. The oxidation process is
triggered by the presence of water as a catalyst. The oxidation process cannot
begin without the presence of water. This means that keeping H2O out is all that
is required to prevent corrosion. We can avoid oxidation since oil and water do
not mix. Furthermore, water molecules attract each other more strongly than oil
molecules, preventing the two substances from combining. Oil works in the same
way; when a layer of oil is added to the surface of a metal, it prevents it from
contacting the air. The metal will be unable to react with oxygen in this manner.
When oil is applied on metal, it creates a protective layer that prevents outside
elements from penetrating. Because the protective layer has been destroyed,
minor scratches can sometimes lead to rust. As a result, oil can be used to
lubricate metal parts and allow some of them to move with less abrasion.
Scratches can be avoided, the protective layer can be protected, and rust can be
avoided as a result. Oiling is commonly used in the mechanical, can, and food

● Galvanisation

Galvanizing is a rust-prevention technique. Galvanisation was discovered

by Luigi Galvani, an Italian. A thin layer of zinc is applied to iron or steel
objects. This prevents oxygen and water from accessing the metal
beneath the surface. It acts as a barrier, preventing corrosive chemicals
from reaching the steel or iron beneath. As a sacrificial anode, zinc is
used. Because zinc is more reactive than iron, it oxidises faster than iron,
therefore even if the coating is scratched, the exposed steel is protected
by the remaining zinc. The zinc shields the base. There are two types of
galvanization: hot-dip and cold galvanization.

We must ensure that no oxygen or moisture comes into contact with the metal in
order to prevent rusting, as rusting requires oxygen to form. There will be no rust
if there is no oxygen.


1. Krylon Product Group. (2021). Can I Spray Paint Over Rust ?. Krylon. Retrieved
December 9, 2021, from
2. LS Ganapati. (2021, October 11).How Does Oil Prevent Rusting ?. Retrieved December
9,2021, from

4.Another suggestion to innovate the rusting issues by using cheap material and
What is EonCoat?

The technology that is suitable to permanently remove rust.EonCoat is an industrial

protective coating which is radically different from any other technologies in the market
to protect carbon steel from rusting permanently. With just one coat, you can protect
your assets for their entire lifetime.
What materials can I protect with EonCoat?

EonCoat is specifically for protecting carbon steel.

What makes it so different from other performance coatings?

EonCoat works by chemically altering the top layer of the carbon steel, making it non-
reactive. So, instead of forming a sacrificial layer around the asset, it phosphates the
steel, creating a two-micron thick amorphous magnesium iron phosphate layer. Then, to
create a reservoir of phosphate corrosion protection, a ceramic layer forms over the
alloyed surface.This two-layer approach to protection outperforms all other market
leading steel protection technologies.

EonCoat is a self-healing alloy. First, the coating forms a magnesium iron phosphate
alloy layer with the steel. Then a ceramic topcoat forms over the alloy layer. The
ceramic functions as a phosphate reservoir to continuously protect the alloy. If the
ceramic is scratched or chipped it has no effect on the corrosion protection of the alloy.
The steel remains protected. And even if someone cuts a scribe line through the
ceramic and through the magnesium iron phosphate alloy, the ceramic layer will leech
phosphate to re-alloy the steel.No barrier coating can provide this self-healing ability to
alloy steel.
What does EonCoat protect against?

First and foremost EonCoat protects against chemical and environmental corrosion and
because it is chemically bonded to the surface of the asset, it isn’t susceptible to
scratching or abrasion either.

EonCoat bonding

Is it safe to be used ?
Eoncoat is inorganic and contains zero volatile organic compounds (benzene, ethylene
glycol, formaldehyde) or toxins. Make it environmentally friendly and far safer to apply
upon application.

What sort of environments would it work well in?

EonCoat is proven in some of the most hazardous marine, industrial, and infrastructure
environments worldwide. The energy, municipal and heavy machinery sectors are also
heading towards the use of this one-application, fast-return-to-service solution.

Advantages of EonCoat:
1. Life-time cost - While EonCoat does cost a bit more per gallon than other
performance coatings, the lifetime costs are well below the industry average.
2. 0% Flame Spread – The coating has a flame spread rate of 0. What this means
is that the coating itself will not catch on fire.
3. Waterproof – The EonCoat ceramic coating provides a waterproof layer of
protection with a permeability of less than .1 millidarcy.
4. More Abrasion Resistant Than Epoxies – EonCoat provides resistance to
abrasion in some of the toughest environments (dumpsters, industrial plants,
5. Less Prep-Time – EonCoat does not require a primer coat and does not require
a perfectly smooth substrate for coating.

(It's unlike the traditional polymer coating only to form a temporary barrier between steel
and element but those coatings require constant reapplication and soon when it's
scratched, they are easily exposed to moisture and get rusty again.)

(EonCoat’s market focus is the energy industry, and the company actively services
customers in North America, Europe and Asia.) Therefore, we highly recommend the usage
of the EonCoat application in our country to permanently get rid of rusting issues.


-EonCoat.(Jun 9, 2016).How Does EonCoat Permanently Prevent Corrosion On Carbon

Steel? Retrieved from:


Retrieved from:

What is laser technology?

Laser rust removal, a type of technology works by laser ablation, is an eco-friendly
process for cleaning up metal parts. Using a fiber laser cleaning system, rust and other
contaminants can be quickly and completely removed without damaging the metal
underneath. Laser rust removal is a great alternative to manual and chemical cleaning
methods since rust is removed with greater precision and lower recurring costs. It’s also
a great way to reduce environmental impact.

How does it work?

This technology works by laser ablation. Basically, the laser is bright enough and
focused enough that anything that absorbs the light strongly will get heated to a plasma.
A CO 2 laser can put out ~1000 watts of power in the infrared (10 —m) that can be
focused to a strip or spot smaller than a millimeter. A material that absorbs at that
wavelength will be heated very quickly. Once the rust reaches a certain temperature, it
appears to simply vanish off of the metal surface.

Why doesn't the laser continue to burn away the iron underneath the rust?

Because metals reflect light very well, especially in the infrared. So once the rust burns
off, the laser reflects off the iron rather than heating it up.

Laser cleaning application

1. Pre-welding treatment

As a highly selective process, laser rust removal is a quick way to improve the
quality of welded parts. With rust and dirt layers completely removed, the number
of porosities in the welding joints are greatly reduced, and their size is two to
three times smaller. As a result, the welds have a greater yield strength, tensile
strength, ductility and fatigue life.

2. Pre-coating treatment with laser cleaning

If you are welding your parts before painting them, oxides must be removed to
prevent the coating from failing over time. The same applies if the surface is rusty
before the coating process. The laser cleaning process completely removes rust,
ensuring high-quality coated parts.

Advantages of laser technology:

1. Get rid of consumables and go green - As a green technology, laser cleaning
replaces methods that remove rust with consumables or chemicals.
2. Eliminate manual labor - Spending a mass amount of manual labor to clean
every single part is inefficient. Eliminate manual labor through laser cleaning, a
technology that can easily be fully or semi-automated.
3. Minimize maintenance - Everyone who uses abrasive blasting faces the same
problem: their machine is constantly interrupted. Laser rust removal is a non-
contact method that continuously removes rust while drastically lowering
maintenance costs.
4. Create a safe workplace - Operators who are near the laser system don’t need
personal protective equipment for respiratory, hearing or body protection. In
addition, they no longer handle dangerous materials.

(The use of oiling and painting underneath your metal and anywhere that seems prone
to rust won't do the job as well as laser technology and needs to be reapplied
frequently, it does a great job of sealing out moisture.)


1. LASERAX. (2021). Laser Cleaning and Rust Removal. Retrieved from

2. Petroleum Service Company. (Aug 31, 2016). This Incredible Laser Technology
Removes Rust Instantly But You Definitely Can’t Afford It. Retrieved from

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