Group Assignment 1 - Nuclear Chemistry Edited

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Introduction to nuclear chemistry

Nuclear chemistry is the study of the physical and chemical properties of elements that are
affected by changes in the structure of the nucleus. It also describes the energy released during
a nuclear reaction and how to use it. Also known as radiochemistry, it involves the development
of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and many other uses, as well as the study of
nucleosynthesis in space.

Types of Radiations

Unlike the usual chemical reactions that form molecules, nuclear reactions convert one element
into another. This property of nuclear reactions is used in nuclear power plants to produce
nuclear energy. The three common types of radiation are described below.

Alpha Radiation

It is the emission part of an alpha particle from an atom’s nucleus. The α particle includes two
protons and two neutrons and is much similar to Helium (He) atom 4He2 which carries away
energy. When an atom emits an α particle, the nucleon number of an atom decreases by 4.

Beta Radiation

When an atom emits a β particle, the mass of the atom will not change. The proton stays in the
nucleus but the electron is emitted from the nucleus at high speed. A beta particle is an electron
with a charge of -1e. The proton number becomes (Z+1) and the nucleon number remains

Gamma Radiation

Gamma is not a particle but an electromagnetic radiation, there is no change in the proton
number and nucleon number. The only difference is that after the gamma emission, the nucleus
is less energetic.
Stimulated nuclear reactions

While most elements undergo radioactive decay naturally, nuclear reactions can be stimulated
artificially. Such types of reactions are mentioned below.

● Nuclear fission: Is a process involving the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two or more
nuclei of roughly equal mass with the release of several neutrons.

● Nuclear fusion: It is a type of reaction where two or more small and light nuclei come
together to form a heavier nucleus. This process is accompanied by the release of a
huge amount of energy.

Nuclear energy should be used

Low-cost energy

Nuclear power plants are expensive to build, but they can generate electricity relatively cheaply
and have low operating costs. After initial construction costs, nuclear power is one of the most
cost-effective energy solutions available. In addition, nuclear energy is not affected by the same
price fluctuations as traditional fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. This allows us to
predict the cost of nuclear energy in the foreseeable future. As technology advances, this price
may remain low, if not continue to fall.


One of the main advantages of nuclear power is its reliability as an energy source. In contrast to
solar and wind energy, where the sun shines and the wind blows, nuclear power can generate
electricity at any time of the day. This means that nuclear power plants can produce an
unlimited amount of energy and there is no delay in energy production.

Zero carbon emissions

Nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases. This is a great advantage over traditional
energy sources such as fossil fuels, which release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere. Excess carbon dioxide is a major cause of climate change. The lower the CO2 and
greenhouse gas emissions of the energy source, the better. According to the Nuclear Research
Institute (NEI), producing nuclear energy prevents the release of 528 million tons of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere each year. production prevents the release of 528 million metric
tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.

Promising future energy supply

If we can learn to control the fusion, we have virtually unlimited energy. This method currently
faces some important challenges that must be addressed before it can be deployed on a large
scale. But when looking at future energy production, we need to consider its potential. On the
other hand, our uranium reserves are estimated to be another 80 years, but fossil fuels have a
much shorter lifespan. Since the Industrial Revolution, we have steadily run out of fossil fuel
reserves. As the world's population continues to grow, fossil fuels continue to be used and
consumption is expected to run out of oil by 2052, gas by 2060, and coal by 2088. Uranium
changes give us the extra time needed to find cleaner resources and more efficient renewable
energy sources.

High energy density

The amount of energy released in a fusion reaction is about 10 million times the energy
released when burning fossil fuels. As a result, the amount of nuclear fuel required for nuclear
power plants is much lower than for other types of power plants. This contributes significantly to
the lower operating costs of nuclear energy. A single nuclear power plant can generate
thousands of megawatt-hours of electricity.

We all agree to justify the use of nuclear power as described above.

Advantages of nuclear energy

Low carbon emission

One of the most famous advantages of nuclear energy over other energy sources is its
low carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon refers to the amount of carbon dioxide
produced. Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas that contributes to global
climate change, such as rising sea levels and rising global temperatures. Nuclear energy
emits fewer greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane than other sources.
Most of the carbon dioxide emissions associated with nuclear power plants come from
construction and fuel processing, not power generation. In other words, nuclear power is
an environmentally friendly energy source. Nuclear power protects the environment by
producing large amounts of carbon dioxide-free electricity. No harmful gas is generated.
For example, nuclear power will generate 52% of the United states' carbon-free
electricity in 2020, making it the most important clean energy source in the United States
compared to other energy sources like coal. As the graph shows, nuclear energy emits
very few greenhouse gases.

Produce a high amount of energy

Nuclear energy can be generated in two ways which are fission and fusion. Fission is an
energy release process in which heavy nuclei break down into light nuclei just like a
nuclear bomb. Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which light nuclei combine to form heavy
nuclei and release energy in the process for example the hydrogen bomb. Nuclear
reactors are powered by the fission of atoms. This fission occurs when a particle “neutron”
collides with an atom such as uranium and splits into two small atoms and some extra
neutrons. Some of the emitted neutrons collide with other atoms, splitting them and
emitting more neutrons (chain reaction). In a chain reaction, when an atom splits, it
releases a lot of energy in the form of heat. Circulating fluid (usually water) removes the
heat generated by the reactor. This heat can be used to generate steam, which is used
to drive the turbine to generate electricity. Dividing energy produces electricity for a long
time, often over 60 years. For example, Units 3 and 4 of the Turkey Point Nuclear
Generating Station in Florida were the first reactors in the world to be licensed for 80
years in 2019. The United States, for example, is one of the world's leading nuclear
powers. In 2020, it generated 790 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, surpassing coal for
the first time in annual electricity production.


Nuclear power facilities are 1.5 to 2 times more reliable than natural gas (57%) and coal
(40%) plants, and 2.5 to 3.5 times more reliable than wind (35%) and solar (25%) plants
when operating at full capacity. Nuclear power plants are designed to operate 24 hours a
day, seven days a week because they require less maintenance and can run for longer
periods before requiring refueling (typically every 1.5 or 2 years), unlike other sources
such as petroleum, which must be refilled in a short period of time depending on how
often we use it. If we use wind energy, for example, we will need to construct a massive
and tall wind turbine to transform the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical power.
Furthermore, it must be constructed in coastal locations, on the summits of rounded hills,
broad plains, and mountain gaps - sites where the wind is strong - but not for nuclear
power plants, which can generate electricity in any circumstance and at any time.

Disadvantages Of nuclear energy

Waste is radioactive and safe disposal is very difficult and expensive.

Although nuclear energy does not emit any pollutants, it does produce radioactive waste,
which must be safely kept to avoid polluting the environment. While radioactivity from cosmic
rays or radon in the air we breathe may seem frightening, we are constantly exposed to
modest amounts of it. Radiation isn't hazardous in small doses, but radioactive waste from
nuclear power plants is extremely toxic.
Nuclear power companies face a severe issue in storing radioactive waste. Storage facilities
are usually on-site at the power plant, although they can also be separate from the
production facility. Sort nuclear waste into categories based on its level and half-life.
Because there is no method to destroy nuclear waste, the current option is to secure it in
containers. Some of this waste will be solidified in a glass form, bundled in stainless steel

canisters or clay, and stored far underground where it will not contaminate the environment.

Expensive to build

Nuclear power plants are very economical to operate but very expensive to develop. The
expected cost of building a nuclear plant increased from $6 billion to $9 billion for each 1,100
MW unit between 2002 and 2008, and power facilities frequently exceed their cost
projections during construction. This is due to the technical complexity of nuclear power
reactors, which must meet stringent licensing and design standards. It must adhere to the
specifications supplied, such as the material used for the wall, the number of layers, and
others, to ensure that it is safe for the employees and the general public, as it can produce
radiation that cannot be prevented. The design and construction of a new nuclear power
plant necessitates a large number of highly qualified specialists and takes a long time,
compounding funding costs. Aside from the cost of constructing a power plant, nuclear
power plants must also budget for the protection of the waste they generate and the storage
of that material in cooled structures with security protocols in place. All of these expenses
add up to a high price tag for nuclear electricity.

Based on the evidence above, I think that the risk does not outweigh the benefits of nuclear
power. Other towns do not want to employ nuclear energy since they are not ready as they
do not have the proper safeguards in place. Furthermore, several countries are unable to
afford the high expense of constructing nuclear power facilities making nuclear energy not
commonly used.

The economic, environmental or social media impact of nuclear energy

The economic cost of nuclear power has been a key barrier to the construction of new reactors
around the world. Today, nuclear power is not an economically competitive choice. The lack of
competitiveness arises mainly from its capital intensity. The ongoing electricity sector
restructuring process around the world, leading to a greater emphasis on economic competition,
has accentuated this problem. Financial risks that were previously borne by consumers are
increasingly seen as the responsibility of investors. Therefore, as the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development's. Nuclear Energy Agency points out, because of the risks faced
in competitive electricity markets, “investors tend to favor less capital intensive and more flexible
technologies”. In comparing the economics of different technologies for generating electricity,
the methodology that has become widely adopted is the use of levelized costs. This involves
discounting all cash flows, both expenditures, and revenues (from the expected sale of
electricity), to some arbitrary but fixed reference date. The levelized cost of electricity is then
determined by setting the sum of discounted costs equal to the sum of discounted revenues.
For a review of the different ways of assessing the cost of electricity.


The greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear fission power are much smaller than those
associated with coal, oil and gas, and the routine health risks are much smaller than those
associated with coal. However, there is a "catastrophic risk" potential if containment fails, which
in nuclear reactors can be brought about by overheated fuels melting and releasing large
quantities of fission products into the environment. This potential risk could wipe out the
benefits. The most long-lived radioactive wastes, including spent nuclear fuel, must be
contained and isolated from the environment for a long period of time. On the other side, spent
nuclear fuel could be reused, yielding even more energy, and reducing the amount of waste to
be contained. The public has been made sensitive to these risks and there has been
considerable public opposition to nuclear power.

Social media

The social impacts of nuclear power are significant but difficult to quantify, as there is no
consensus on a method. The first part of this chapter presents a review of the advantages and
drawbacks of nuclear power compared to other power generation sources, as they have been
assessed in recent publications. The second part presents public perceptions of nuclear power
and tries to identify levers for better acceptance. Beyond specific national issues, two main
points can be identified. First, there is a link between education level, knowledge of energy
matters, and acceptance of nuclear power; in particular, knowledge of its potential contribution
to a low-carbon energy mix, and an awareness of the physical limits of renewable energies
(such as solar and wind) contribute to an acceptance of nuclear power. Second, the more
concrete a knowledge of nuclear power people have.

Scientific facts or real-life examples

Agriculture and food
Nuclear and related biotechnologies are being used to help increase food sustainability.

1. Plant mutation breeding

The process of causing mutations in a plant's seeds or cuttings by exposing them to
radiation, such as gamma rays. Radiation accelerates the normal process of
spontaneous genetic mutation, cutting the time it takes in half.
2. Insect control
The Sterile Insect Technique uses radiation to reduce insect populations (SIT). SIT
entails sterilizing vast populations of insects using irradiation (gamma or X-rays) and
then releasing them into wild populations.
3. Food irradiation
The process of exposing foods to gamma rays in order to destroy microorganisms that
can cause food poisoning and extend shelf life.

To increase productivity and in some situations, to collect information that is unavailable
1. Industrial traces
Manufacturers use radioisotopes as tracers to track fluid flow and filtration,
to look for leaks, evaluate engine wear and corrosion in process equipment.
2. Carbon dating
The age of rocks and other materials of interest to geologists, anthropologists,
hydrologists, and archaeologists can be determined by analysing the relative quantity of
naturally occurring radioisotopes.

Radiation and radioisotopes are widely used in medicine, especially for the diagnosis
(identification) and treatment (treatment) of a variety of medical disorders.

1. Diagnosis
Radiopharmaceuticals (also known as radiotracers) that release gamma rays
from within the body are used in diagnostic techniques in nuclear medicine. Nuclear has
the benefit over X-ray imaging as it can image both bone and soft tissue successfully.
2. Therapy
Radioactive iodine (I-131) is most typically used in tiny doses to treat cancer and other
thyroid-related diseases.

Safety measure for nuclear power station

Before building your own nuclear power station, the most important place is the construction
site of the nuclear power station. To continue, make sure that the construction site of the
nuclear power station is far from the city center such as residential areas, shopping malls, and
academic institutions. Then place the nuclear power station near the water source for cooling
purposes. Also, install the nuclear power plant in a location that is less exposed to natural
disasters such as floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides. Finally, build a
nuclear power plant on solid and stable ground.

Citizens have safety precautions regarding the nuclear power station. First of all, they need to
minimize their time in the nuclear power station area unless there is a good reason for them to
be there. It should also be as far away from the nuclear power station as possible to avoid
exposure to large amounts of radioactive radiation. Finally, if they need to be near a radiation
source, make sure they are shielded with a sturdy shield. Barriers or walls made of thick
concrete, or made of aluminum sheets and barium gypsum, are examples of sturdy shields.

Workers at the nuclear power station also need to be protected. Employees and workplace
areas (the nuclear power station itself) should be monitored regularly to check compliance with
health and safety standards. In addition, workers are required to comply with restrictions on the
risk of external exposure. It falls into three categories:
- Time: The reduced time required to process the radiation source
- Distance: Workers should be kept at a safe distance from the radiation source.
- Shield: When handling radiation sources, use appropriate shield thickness and personal
protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, face masks, and safety goggles.
Therefore, if staff change the location of radiation sources or mobilize them, they should notify
the responsible agency. The final requirement is for staff to wear a dosimeter or film badge.

The safe handling of radioactive materials can be added to the list of precautions to be taken.
First, the radioactive material is stored in a heavy lead container surrounded by thick concrete.
In addition, a radioactive warning sign must be installed in the storage room where radioactive
materials are stored. Finally, store radioactive waste in a well-sealed lead container.


After a long discussion of the use of nuclear power and its benefits over other forms of energy
production, it has been found that nuclear power is of great value to our community in
Kiraraville. In addition, nuclear energy has many advantages and benefits for the population
from an economic, ecological, and social perspective. Nuclear power can also be deployed and
deployed in a variety of real-world scenarios, facilitating the work of citizens. It also details the
precautions when using nuclear energy to avoid accidents. Ultimately, we all agreed to use
nuclear power as the primary source of energy for the city.

Discussion through WhatsApp group and Google Meet


-Brown, LeMay, Busten, Murphy, and Woodward. (Mar 20, 2021). 21.S: Nuclear Chemistry
(Summary). Retrieved from:

-Catherine Lane. (09/24/2021). Nuclear energy pros and cons. Retrieved from:

International Panel on Fissile Materials (September


Verdict Media Limited. (2021). Nuclear Power : The Pros and Cons of the energy sources.
Power Technology. Retrieved from December 9, 2021, from https://www.power-

International Panel on Fissile Materials (September


May 2021, The Many Uses of Nuclear Technology, retrieved from
@@titre@@ | EDF. (n.d.). eDF. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

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