Dragon Age Possible Starter

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Dragon Age:

Between the walls of Kirkwall

History: The city of Kirkwall has suffered more than its fair share of Crisis's. The first of this
age being the Qunari invasion of 9:34 Dragon. The next was the death of Grand Cleric Elthina
during a terrorist attack of a known apostate. This led to the Templar Order of Kirkwall
declaring the Right of Annulment. With the Right of Annulment delcared, Templars moved to
execute every mage within The Circle. The two groups would battle in streets. The Templar’s
were led by Meredith and the Circle by Orcino. Both of which would become monsters in their
own way. The battle would end in Kirkwall but the event led to the war between Mages and

Your story:

Dear Debtor,

We have determined that you do not have the coin to pay off your debt. Unfortunately this will
not do. We offered are help to you and now you must repay. Your debt is approximately
500gold. You are to report to the hanged man in low town. Tell the barkeep “I am a fool
looking for my masters”. He shall send you to a contractor. You will follow his directive to
increase your loan’s time limit. I shouldn’t have to remind you what happens when the loan

Character reqs and limitations.

• For whatever reason your character owes the Coterie. The Coterie is a thieves guild,
while it is currently in a rough place it still has considerable strength. It is worth noting
the Coterie handles almost all smuggling and even handles assassinations.
• Level 2 character
• Soft ban on clerics due to world lore
• Not a ban but worth noting. Druids, sorcerers, wizards and warlocks are considered by
most to just be mages(basically wild mage or dalish mage, strong bloodline mage,
studied mage, and likely dealing with spirits/demons mage)
• Dwarves also cant do magic. Due to lacking dreams/connection to the fade(magicky
dream place spirits are from)
• Elves are generally second class citizens in Kirkwall and most of Thedas(the continent)
• I would recommend your character being from or living in Kirkwall for the foreseeable
future since most people actively avoid the place.
• Also there is only four races. I know stone me. Read below
Races That no one shall read
• Human- Humans are varied and dominate in Thedas. You have the schemers and
plotters of Orlais. The hardy and rural people of Ferelden. The many varied people of
the free marches. There are also the tribal Chasind and Avars. One human nation is
despised by all however. The Tevinter Imperium once ruled the majority of Thedas and
is ruled by mages known as Magisters.
• Elves-The elves once ruled all of the surface of Thedas and were said to be immortal.
Their empire of Arlathan however fell. Around this time they lost their immortality. After
this the elves only held one kingdom for a time. The Kingdom of the Dales. This
kingdom however fell during an Exalted March. This event split the elves into two
groups. City elves who would live in alienages in every major city and the Dalish who
roamed nomadicly clinging to their culture.
• Dwarves- The Dwarves had underground keeps all over thedas connected by the deep
roads. However during the dawn of the Darkspawn they would be forced back to two
cities who lost contact. The Capital Orzammar and Kal-Sharok. The Dwarves live in a
caste based society with no social mobility outside their system of selecting a paragon.
Dwarves who leave their city are outside the caste system and are known as surface
• Qunari- The Qunari are seperated by two groups. The Qunari who follow the qun and
the Tal’vashoth who don’t. The Qunari are horned humanoids with gray skin. They
tower over most. Notably people of the Qun do not have names and instead take the
name of their role in the Qunari society.(prolly just gonna use the half-orc statblock)

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