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5 hindrances to self mastery (state of mind)

-Sensual desire : positive emotion originating from the 5 senses.

Example restaurant. Resist that temptation.

-Ill Will / Aversion : aversion, rejection, dislike of someone or something.

Something or someone that you dislike.

-Dullness of the mind / Heaviness of the body : sleepiness, non motivation,

lack of energy, depression, emprisonment. Difficult to make any type of
mental or physical effort.

-Restlessness : State of an unsettled mind that can’t settle in the present

moment. Either worrying about the future or the past. Monkey mind.
Constantly jumping from one branch to another. Unable to stay for a too long
time at the present moment.

-Sceptical Doubt : Indecisiveness. Is this the right decision? What will other
people say? What if this, what if that. Your mind cannot synchronize with your
actions anymore. You are getting disconnected with the goals and aspirations
that you have set for yourself.

4 solutions

*Recognize the hindrance.

*Accept the hindrance the way it is.

*Investigate your emotional and mental state and ask questions : why did the
hindrance come up? What is going to be the consequence if I remain in that
state of mind ?

*Non identification : I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not my

emotions. It’s just that I can see all these three aspects about me.

2 mistakes along the way to mastery

-Not starting it.

-Not going all the way.

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